Chinese Physics B
- The coupled deep neural networks for coupling of the Stokes and Darcy–Forchheimer problems
- Anomalous diffusion in branched elliptical structure
- Inhibitory effect induced by fractional Gaussian noise in neuronal system
- Enhancement of electron–positron pairs in combined potential wells with linear chirp frequency
- Enhancement of charging performance of quantum battery via quantum coherence of bath
- Improving the teleportation of quantum Fisher information under non-Markovian environment
- Transformation relation between coherence and entanglement for two-qubit states
- Temperature characterizations of silica asymmetric Mach–Zehnder interferometer chip for quantum key distribution
- Tolerance-enhanced SU(1,1)interferometers using asymmetric gain
- The shadow and observation appearance of black hole surrounded by the dust field in Rastall theory
- A novel algorithm to analyze the dynamics of digital chaotic maps in finite-precision domain
- Data encryption based on a 9D complex chaotic system with quaternion for smart grid
- Firing activities in a fractional-order Hindmarsh–Rose neuron with multistable memristor as autapse
- Influence of coupling asymmetry on signal amplification in a three-node motif
- Quantitative analysis of soliton interactions based on the exact solutions of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation
- Charge self-trapping in two strand biomolecules:Adiabatic polaron approach
- Memristor hyperchaos in a generalized Kolmogorov-type system with extreme multistability
- Laboratory demonstration of geopotential measurement using transportable optical clocks
- Theoretical calculations on Land´e g-factors and quadratic Zeeman shift coefficients of nsnp clock states in Mg and Cd optical lattice clocks
- High-order harmonic generation of the cyclo[18]carbon molecule irradiated by circularly polarized laser pulse
- Space continuous atom laser in one dimension
- High gain and circularly polarized substrate integrated waveguide cavity antenna array based on metasurface
- Evolution of polarization singularities accompanied by avoided crossing in plasmonic system
- Quantum properties of nonclassical states generated by an optomechanical system with catalytic quantum scissors
- Effect of laser focus in two-color synthesized waveform on generation of soft x-ray high harmonics
- Design of a coated thinly clad chalcogenide long-period fiber grating refractive index sensor based on dual-peak resonance near the phase matching turning point
- Optical pulling force on nanoparticle clusters with gain due to Fano-like resonance
- Effect of porous surface layer on wave propagation in elastic cylinder immersed in fluid
- Effects of adjacent bubble on spatiotemporal evolutions of mechanical stresses surrounding bubbles oscillating in tissues
- Quantitative ultrasound brain imaging with multiscale deconvolutional waveform inversion
- Heat transport properties within living biological tissues with temperature-dependent thermal properties
- Traffic flow of connected and automated vehicles at lane drop on two-lane highway: An optimization-based control algorithm versus a heuristic rules-based algorithm
- Variational quantum simulation of thermal statistical states on a superconducting quantum processer
- Fabrication of honeycomb AuTe monolayer with Dirac nodal line fermions
- Correlated states in alternating twisted bilayer–monolayer–monolayer graphene heterostructure
- Superconducting properties of the C15-type Laves phase ZrIr2 with an Ir-based kagome lattice
- MoS2/Si tunnel diodes based on comprehensive transfer technique
- Dynamic modeling of total ionizing dose-induced threshold voltage shifts in MOS devices
- Site selective 5f electronic correlations in β-uranium
- Formation of quaternary all-d-metal Heusler alloy by Co doping fcc type Ni2MnV and mechanical grinding induced B2–fcc transformation
- Interface-induced topological phase and doping-modulated bandgap of two-dimensioanl graphene-like networks
- Effects of preparation parameters on growth and properties of β-Ga2O3 film
- Polyhedral silver clusters as single molecule ammonia sensor based on charge transfer-induced plasmon enhancement
- Nonlinear optical rectification of GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs quantum dots with Hulth´en plus Hellmann confining potential
- High-performance artificial neurons based on Ag/MXene/GST/Pt threshold switching memristors
- High frequency doubling efficiency THz GaAs Schottky barrier diode based on inverted trapezoidal epitaxial cross-section structure
- Design optimization of high breakdown voltage vertical GaN junction barrier Schottky diode with high-K/low-K compound dielectric structure
- Majorana zero modes induced by skyrmion lattice
- Exact surface energy and elementary excitations of the XXX spin-1/2 chain with arbitrary non-diagonal boundary fields
- Weak localization in disordered spin-1 chiral fermions
- Thickness-dependent magnetic properties in Pt/[Co/Ni]n multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
- Magnetocaloric properties and Griffiths phase of ferrimagnetic cobaltite CaBaCo4O7
- Coercivity enhancement of sintered Nd–Fe–B magnets by grain boundary diffusion with Pr80-xAlxCu20 alloys
- Skyrmion-based logic gates controlled by electric currents in synthetic antiferromagnet
- Prediction of flexoelectricity in BaTiO3 using molecular dynamics simulations
- Method of measuring one-dimensional photonic crystal period-structure-film thickness based on Bloch surface wave enhanced Goos–H¨anchen shift
- Growth behaviors and emission properties of Co-deposited MAPbI3 ultrathin films on MoS2
- Electroluminescence explored internal behavior of carriers in InGaAsP single-junction solar cell
- Optical and electrical properties of BaSnO3 and In2O3 mixed transparent conductive films deposited by filtered cathodic vacuum arc technique at room temperature
- A new transition metal diphosphide α-MoP2 synthesized by a high-temperature and high-pressure technique
- High throughput N-modular redundancy for error correction design of memristive stateful logic
- High-performance amorphous In–Ga–Zn–O thin-film transistor nonvolatile memory with a novel p-SnO/n-SnO2 heterojunction charge trapping stack
- A self-driven photodetector based on a SnS2/WS2 van der Waals heterojunction with an Al2O3 capping layer
- A field-effect WSe2/Si heterojunction diode
- Adsorption dynamics of double-stranded DNA on a graphene oxide surface with both large unoxidized and oxidized regions
- Chiral lateral optical force near plasmonic ring induced by Laguerre–Gaussian beam
- Effect of a static pedestrian as an exit obstacle on evacuation
- A novel lattice model integrating the cooperative deviation of density and optimal flux under V2X environment
- Vertex centrality of complex networks based on joint nonnegative matrix factorization and graph embedding