Chinese Physics B
- Two-dimensional finite element mesh generation algorithm for electromagnetic field calculation*
- A meshless algorithm with the improved moving least square approximation for nonlinear improved Boussinesq equation*
- High-order rational solutions and resonance solutions for a(3+1)-dimensional Kudryashov–Sinelshchikov equation*
- Double-dot interferometer for quantum measurement of Majorana qubits and stabilizers*
- Metal–insulator phase transition and topology in a three-component system*
- Entropy squeezing for a V-type three-level atom interacting with a single-mode field and passing through the amplitude damping channel with weak measurement*
- Steady and optimal entropy squeezing for three types of moving three-level atoms coupled with a single-mode coherent field*
- Enhancement of multiatom non-classical correlations and quantum state transfer in atom–cavity–fiber system*
- Ultradilute self-bound quantum droplets in Bose–Bose mixtures at finite temperature*
- Painlev´e property,local and nonlocal symmetries,and symmetry reductions for a(2+1)-dimensional integrable KdV equation*
- Interaction properties of solitons for a couple of nonlinear evolution equations
- Stable water droplets on composite structures formed by embedded water into fully hydroxylated β-cristobalite silica*
- Surface active agents stabilize nanodroplets and enhance haze formation*
- Synchronization mechanism of clapping rhythms in mutual interacting individuals*
- Theoretical study of the hyperfine interaction constants,Land´e g-factors,and electric quadrupole moments for the low-lying states of the 61Niq+(q=11,12,14,and 15)ions*
- Ultrafast photoionization of ions and molecules by orthogonally polarized intense laser pulses: Effects of the time delay*
- Probing time delay of strong-field resonant above-threshold ionization*
- R-branch high-lying transition emission spectra of SbNa molecule*
- 57Fe M¨ossbauer spectrometry: A powerful technique to analyze the magnetic and phase characteristics in RE–Fe–B permanent magnets*
- Cold atom clocks and their applications in precision measurements*
- Broadband asymmetric transmission for linearly and circularly polarization based on sand-clock structured metamaterial*
- Tunable dual-band terahertz graphene absorber with guided mode resonances*
- Random-injection-based two-channel chaos with enhanced bandwidth and suppressed time-delay signature by mutually coupled lasers: Proposal and numerical analysis*
- Nonparaxial propagation of radially polarized chirped Airy beams in uniaxial crystal orthogonal to the optical axis*
- Broadband and efficient second harmonic generation in LiNbO3-LiTaO3 composite ridge waveguides at telecom-band
- Suppression of multi-pulse formation in all-polarization-maintaining figure-9 erbium-doped fiber mode-locked laser*
- Plasmonic characteristics of suspended graphene-coated wedge porous silicon nanowires with Ag partition*
- Compressive imaging based on multi-scale modulation and reconstruction in spatial frequency domain*
- Controlling the light wavefront through a scattering medium based on direct digital frequency synthesis technology*
- Improve the performance of interferometer with ultra-cold atoms*
- Shear-horizontal transverse-electric seismoelectric waves in cylindrical double layer porous media*
- High-resolution bone microstructure imaging based on ultrasonic frequency-domain full-waveform inversion*
- Numerical simulation on ionic wind in circular channels*
- Effect of high-or low-speed fluctuations on the small-scale bursting events in an active control experiment*
- Effect of pressure on the electrical properties of flexible NiPc thin films fabricated by rubbing-in technology
- Propagation dynamics of relativistic electromagnetic solitary wave as well as modulational instability in plasmas*
- A fitting formula for electron–ion energy partition fraction of 3.54-MeV fusion alpha particles in hot dense deuterium–tritium plasmas*
- Ab initio study on crystal structure and phase stability of ZrC2 under high pressure*
- Thermal stress reduction of GaAs epitaxial growth on V-groove patterned Si substrates*
- TiOx-based self-rectifying memory device for crossbar WORM memory array applications*
- Exciton emissions of CdS nanowire array fabricated on Cd foil by the solvothermal method*
- Dynamic crossover in[VIO2+][Tf2N-]2 ionic liquid*
- Experimental investigation of electrode cycle performance and electrochemical kinetic performance under stress loading*
- Utilizing of high-pressure high-temperature synthesis to enhance the thermoelectric properties of Zn0.98Al0.02O with excellent electrical properties*
- Insights into the physical properties and anisotropic nature of ErPdBi with an appearance of low minimum thermal conductivity
- Raman scattering from highly-stressed anvil diamond*
- Glass formation and physical properties of Sb2S3–CuI chalcogenide system*
- Improving robustness of complex networks by a new capacity allocation strategy
- Temperature-induced phase transition of two-dimensional semiconductor GaTe*
- Novel structures and mechanical properties of Zr2N:Ab initio description under high pressures*
- Tolman length of simple droplet: Theoretical study and molecular dynamics simulation*
- Effects of WC-Co reinforced Ni-based alloy by laser melting deposition: Wear resistance and corrosion resistance*
- Interfacial properties of g-C3N4/TiO2 heterostructures studied by DFT calculations*
- Role of Ag microalloying on glass forming ability and crystallization kinetics of ZrCoAgAlNi amorphous alloy
- Electric gating of the multichannel conduction in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 superlattices*
- Self-powered solar-blind photodiodes based on EFG-grown(100)-dominant β-Ga2O3 substrate*
- Optical conductivity of twisted bilayer graphene near the magic angle*
- Tip-induced superconductivity commonly existing in the family of transition-metal dipnictides MPn2*
- Correlated insulating phases in the twisted bilayer graphene*
- Physical properties and phase diagram of NaFe1-xVxAs*
- Doping effects of transition metals on the superconductivity of(Li,Fe)OHFeSe films*
- Magnetic properties and promising cryogenic magneto-caloric performances of Gd20Ho20Tm20Cu20Ni20 amorphous ribbons*
- Effects of dipolar interactions on the magnetic hyperthermia of Zn0.3Fe2.7O4 nanoparticles with different sizes*
- Exact soliton solutions in anisotropic ferromagnetic wires with Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction*
- Monolithic epitaxy and optoelectronic properties of single-crystalline γ-In2Se3 thin films on mica*
- The effects of Er3+ion concentration on 2.0-μm emission performance in Ho3+/Tm3+co-doped Na5Y9F32 single crystal under 800-nm excitation*
- Effect of Sb composition on the band alignment of InAs/GaAsSb quantum dots*
- Optical properties of several ternary nanostructures*
- Quantum plasmons in the hybrid nanostructures of double vacancy defected graphene and metallic nanoarrays*
- Analysis of secondary electron emission using the fractal method*
- High temperature strain glass in Ti–Au and Ti–Pt based shape memory alloys*
- Enhanced mobility of MoS2 field-effect transistors by combining defect passivation with dielectric-screening effect*
- Numerical research on effect of overlap ratio on thermal-stress behaviors of the high-speed laser cladding coating*
- Edge-and strain-induced band bending in bilayer-monolayer Pb2Se3 heterostructures*
- Continuous-wave operation of InAs/InP quantum dot tunable external-cavity laser grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition*
- Multi-phase-field simulation of austenite peritectic solidification based on a ferrite grain*
- Stretchable electromagnetic interference shielding and antenna for wireless strain sensing by anisotropic micron-steel-wire based conductive elastomers*
- Novel CMOS image sensor pixel to improve charge transfer speed and efficiency by overlapping gate and temporary storage diffusing node*
- Retrieval of multiple scattering contrast from x-ray analyzer-based imaging*
- Effect of interaction between loop bases and ions on stability of G-quadruplex DNA*
- Protein–protein docking with interface residue restraints*
- Network analysis and spatial agglomeration of China’s high-speed rail: A dual network approach*