Chinese Physics B
- Lifetime measurement of the 3d92D3/2 metastable level in Mo15+at an electron beam ion trap
- Electric field intensity measurement by using doublet electromagnetically induced transparency of cold Rb Rydberg atoms
- Effect of aggregation on thermally activated delayed fluorescence and ultralong organic phosphorescence: QM/MM study
- Optimization of the grain boundary diffusion process by doping gallium and zirconium in Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets
- Nonmonotonic anomalous Hall effect and anisotropic magnetoresistance in SrRuO3/PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 heterostructures
- First-principles study of moderate phonon-mediated pairing in high-pressure monoclinic phase of BiS2-based superconductors
- Optimization of thermoelectric properties in elemental tellurium via high pressure
- Anomalous Hall effect in ferromagnetic LaCo2As2 and ferrimagnetic NdCo2As2
- Design and investigation of doping-less gate-all-around TFET with Mg2Si source material for low power and enhanced performance applications
- Thermal Hall effect and the Wiedemann-Franz law in Chern insulator
- Strong anharmonicity-assisted low lattice thermal conductivities and high thermoelectric performance in double-anion Mo2AB2(A=S,Se,Te;B=Cl,Br,I)semiconductors
- Enhanced ferromagnetism and conductivity of ultrathin freestanding La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 membranes
- Spin torque oscillator based on magnetic tunnel junction with MgO cap layer for radio-frequency-oriented neuromorphic computing
- Eigenstates and temporal dynamics in cavity optomagnonics
- Effects of strain on the flat band in twisted bilayer graphene
- Photonic Dirac cone and topological transition in a moving dielectric slab
- Asymmetric scattering behaviors of spin wave dependent on magnetic vortex chirality
- Improving efficiency of n-i-p perovskite solar cells enabled by 3-carboxyphenylboronic acid additive
- Single-mode GaSb-based laterally coupled distributed-feedback laser for CO2 gas detection
- Atomic-scale electromagnetic theory bridging optics in microscopic world and macroscopic world
- Ab initio study of chemical effect on structural properties of Ti-Al melts
- Defogging computational ghost imaging via eliminating photon number fluctuation and a cycle generative adversarial network
- Active control of surface plasmon polaritons with phase change materials
- Efficient transfer of metallophosphor excitons via confined polaritons in organic nanocrystals
- Subtle lattice distortion-driven phase transitions in layered ACu4As2(A=Eu,Sr)
- Milli-Joule pulses post-compressed from 14 ps to 475 fs in bulk-material multi-pass cell based on cylindrical vector beam
- Thermal stress damage mechanism in single-crystal germanium caused by 1080 nm laser irradiation
- Novel transmission property of zero-index metamaterial waveguide doped with gain and lossy defects
- Simultaneous detection of CH4 and CO2 through dual modulation off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy
- Transmission effects of high energy nanosecond lasers in laser-induced air plasma under different pressures
- Effects of plasma radiation on the nonlinear evolution of neo-classical tearing modes in tokamak plasmas with reversed magnetic shear
- Classic analogue of Autler-Townes-splitting transparency using a single magneto-optical ring resonator
- Quantum-enhanced optical precision measurement assisted by low-frequency squeezed vacuum states
- Theoretical analysis of the optical rotational Doppler effect under atmospheric turbulence by mode decomposition
- Prediction of superionic state in LiH2 at conditions enroute to nuclear fusion
- Design of a photonic crystal fiber polarization beam splitter with simple structure and ultra-wide bandwidth
- Efficient ion acceleration driven by a Laguerre-Gaussian laser in near-critical-density plasma
- State transfer and entanglement between two-and four-level atoms in a cavity
- Adiabatic evolution of optical beams of arbitrary shapes in nonlocal nonlinear media
- Ground-state phase diagram,symmetries,excitation spectra and finite-frequency scaling of the two-mode quantum Rabi model
- Disturbance observer-based fuzzy fault-tolerant control for high-speed trains with multiple disturbances
- Visibility graph approach to extreme event series
- Single-qubit quantum classifier based on gradient-free optimization algorithm
- Realization of high-fidelity and robust geometric gates with time-optimal control technique in superconducting quantum circuit
- Approximate error correction scheme for three-dimensional surface codes based reinforcement learning
- Trajectory equation of a lump before and after collision with other waves for generalized Hirota-Satsuma-Ito equation
- Explosive synchronization of multi-layer complex networks based on star connection between layers with delay
- Quantum Stirling heat engine with squeezed thermal reservoir
- Dynamic decision and its complex dynamics analysis of low-carbon supply chain considering risk-aversion under carbon tax policy
- Detection of healthy and pathological heartbeat dynamics in ECG signals using multivariate recurrence networks with multiple scale factors
- Mode dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in a single-well potential
- Effects of quantum quench on entanglement dynamics in antiferromagnetic Ising model
- Visualizing and witnessing first-order coherence,Bell nonlocality and purity by using a quantum steering ellipsoid in the non-inertial frame
- A quantum algorithm for Toeplitz matrix-vector multiplication
- Non-Gaussian approach: Withstanding loss and noise of multi-scattering underwater channel for continuous-variable quantum teleportation
- Simulation research on surface growth process of positive and negative frequency detuning chromium atom lithographic gratings
- Bipolar-growth multi-wing attractors and diverse coexisting attractors in a new memristive chaotic system
- High-order effect on the transmission of two optical solitons
- A backdoor attack against quantum neural networks with limited information
- Geometric discord of tripartite quantum systems
- Rucklidge-based memristive chaotic system:Dynamic analysis and image encryption
- Distributed dynamic event-based finite-time dissipative synchronization control for semi-Markov switched fuzzy cyber-physical systems against random packet losses
- Broadband multi-channel quantum noise suppression and phase-sensitive modulation based on entangled beam
- Inatorial forecasting method considering macro and micro characteristics of chaotic traffic flow
- Effect of conformity on evolution of cooperation in a coordination game
- Quantum estimation of rotational speed in optomechanics
- Melting of electronic/excitonic crystals in 2D semiconductor moir´e patterns: A perspective from the Lindemann criterion
- Nonlinear three-magnon scattering in low-damping La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin films
- Intruder trajectory tracking in a three-dimensional vibration-driven granular system: Unveiling the mechanism of the Brazil nut effect
- Fully relativistic many-body perturbation energies,transition properties,and lifetimes of lithium-like iron Fe XXIV
- Lower bound on the spread of valley splitting in Si/SiGe quantum wells induced by atomic rearrangement at the interface
- High efficient Raman sideband cooling and strong three-body recombination of atoms
- Rubidium-induced phase transitions among metallic,band-insulating,Mott-insulating phases in 1T-TaS2
- Activated dissociation of H2 on the Cu(001)surface:The role of quantum tunneling
- Phonon dichroism in proximitized graphene
- Spin-orbit torque in perpendicularly magnetized[Pt/Ni]multilayers
- Combination of density-clustering and supervised classification for event identification in single-molecule force spectroscopy data
- Ferroelectricity of pristine Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 films fabricated by atomic layer deposition
- Influence of carbon sources on the performance of carbon-coated nano-silicon
- Proton induced radiation effect of SiC MOSFET under different bias
- An accurate analytical surface potential model of heterojunction tunnel FET
- Kinesin-microtubule interaction reveals the mechanism of kinesin-1 for discriminating the binding site on microtubule
- Corrigendum to“Reactive oxygen species in plasma against E.coli cells survival rate”
- Multilevel optoelectronic hybrid memory based on N-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 film with low resistance drift and ultrafast speed
- Improvement of energy resolution of x-ray transition-edge sensor using K-means algorithm and Wiener filter
- Novel GaN-based double-channel p-heterostructure field-effect transistors with a p-GaN insertion layer
- Ambipolar performance improvement of the C-shaped pocket TFET with dual metal gate and gate-drain underlap
- Impact of individual behavior adoption heterogeneity on epidemic transmission in multiplex networks
- Investigation of Ga2O3/diamond heterostructure solar-blind avalanche photodiode via TCAD simulation
- Influence of viscous force on the dynamic process of micro-sphere in optical tweezers
SPECIAL TOPIC — Valleytronics
- Large valley Nernst effect in twisted multilayer graphene systems
- Band engineering of valleytronics WSe2-MoS2 heterostructures via stacking form,magnetic moment and thickness
- Long-range interacting Stark many-body probes with super-Heisenberg precision
- Moir´e Dirac fermions in transition metal dichalcogenides heterobilayers
- Photoinduced valley-dependent equal-spin Andreev reflection in Ising superconductor junction
- Digital holographic imaging via direct quantum wavefunction reconstruction