Chinese Physics B
SPECIAL TOPIC — Interdisciplinary physics: Complex network dynamics and emerging technologies
- The dynamics of a memristor-based Rulkov neuron with fractional-order difference
- The transition from conservative to dissipative flows in class-B laser model with fold-Hopf bifurcation and coexisting attractors
- Influence fast or later: Two types of influencers in social networks
- A novel similarity measure for mining missing links in long-path networks
- Advantage of populous countries in the trends of innovation efficiency
- Data-driven parity-time-symmetric vector rogue wave solutions of multi-component nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation
- Ergodic stationary distribution of a stochastic rumor propagation model with general incidence function
- Most probable transition paths in eutrophicated lake ecosystem under Gaussian white noise and periodic force
- Local sum uncertainty relations for angular momentum operators of bipartite permutation symmetric systems
- Constructing the three-qudit unextendible product bases with strong nonlocality
- Digraph states and their neural network representations
- Quantum algorithm for neighborhood preserving embedding
- Vortex chains induced by anisotropic spin–orbit coupling and magnetic field in spin-2 Bose–Einstein condensates
- Short-wave infrared continuous-variable quantum key distribution over satellite-to-submarine channels
- Efficient quantum private comparison protocol utilizing single photons and rotational encryption
- Coherence migration in high-dimensional bipartite systems
- Nonlinear dynamical wave structures of Zoomeron equation for population models
- Simulation of crowd dynamics in pedestrian evacuation concerning panic contagion: A cellular automaton approach
- Thermodynamic properties of two-dimensional charged spin-1/2 Fermi gases
- Dynamical quantum phase transition in XY chains with the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya and XZY–Y ZX three-site interactions
- Numerical study of a highly sensitive surface plasmon resonance sensor based on circular-lattice holey fiber
- In-situ ultrasonic calibrations of pressure and temperature in a hinge-type double-stage cubic large volume press
- Synchronous detection of multiple optical characteristics of atmospheric aerosol by coupled photoacoustic cavity
- Sequential generation of self-starting diverse operations in all-fiber laser based on thulium-doped fiber saturable absorber
- Parity–time symmetric acoustic system constructed by piezoelectric composite plates with active external circuits
- Isotropic negative thermal expansion and its mechanism in tetracyanidoborate salt CuB(CN)4
- Uniaxial stress effect on quasi-one-dimensional Kondo lattice CeCo2Ga8
- Spin freezing in the van der Waals material Mn2Ga2S5
- Experimental observation of pseudogap in a modulation-doped Mott insulator: Sn/Si(111)-(×)R30°
- Non-volatile multi-state magnetic domain transformation in a Hall balance
- Mg-doped layered oxide cathode for Na-ion batteries
- Wet etching and passivation of GaSb-based very long wavelength infrared detectors
- Simulating the resonance-mediated(1+2)-three-photon absorption enhancement in Pr3+ions by a rectangle phase modulation
- Photoelectron momentum distributions of Ne and Xe dimers in counter-rotating circularly polarized laser fields
- Numerical studies of atomic three-step photoionization processes with non-monochromatic laser fields
- Nd L-shell x-ray emission induced by light ions
- Collision site effect on the radiation dynamics of cytosine induced by proton
- The influence of collision energy on magnetically tuned 6Li–6Li Feshbach resonance
- Ion-focused propagation of a relativistic electron beam in the self-generated plasma in atmosphere
- Influence of optical nonlinearity on combining efficiency in ultrashort pulse fiber laser coherent combining system
- Efficient implementation of x-ray ghost imaging based on a modified compressive sensing algorithm
- Heralded path-entangled NOON states generation from a reconfigurable photonic chip
- Influence of water environment on paint removal and the selection criteria of laser parameters
- Generation of stable and tunable optical frequency linked to a radio frequency by use of a high finesse cavity and its application in absorption spectroscopy
- Tunable enhanced spatial shifts of reflective beam on the surface of a twisted bilayer of hBN
- Ultrafast plasmon dynamics in asymmetric gold nanodimers
- Molecular dynamics simulations of mechanical properties of epoxy-amine: Cross-linker type and degree of conversion effects
- Switchable terahertz polarization converter based on VO2 metamaterial
- Loss prediction of three-level amplified spontaneous emission sources in radiation environment
- Quantum key distribution transmitter chip based on hybrid-integration of silica and lithium niobates
- Single-polarization single-mode hollow-core negative curvature fiber with nested U-type cladding elements
- Tunable spectral shift of high-order harmonic generation in atoms using a sinusoidally phase-modulated pulse
- All-fiber erbium-doped dissipative soliton laser with multimode interference based on saturable-reserve saturable hybrid optical switch
- Observation of V-type electromagnetically induced transparency and optical switch in cold Cs atoms by using nanofiber optical lattice
- Broadband low-frequency acoustic absorber based on metaporous composite
- Improving sound diffusion in a reverberation tank using a randomly fluctuating surface
- Collision enhanced hyper-damping in nonlinear elastic metamaterial
- Fast prediction of aerodynamic noise induced by the flow around a cylinder based on deep neural network
- Accurate prediction of the critical heat flux for pool boiling on the heater substrate
- Coupled flow and heat transfer of power-law nanofluids on non-isothermal rough rotary disk subjected to magnetic field
- Influences of Marangoni convection and variable magnetic field on hybrid nanofluid thin-film flow past a stretching surface
- Hemodynamics of aneurysm intervention with different stents
- Experimental investigation on divertor tungsten sputtering with neon seeding in ELMy H-mode plasma in EAST tokamak
- Quantitative simulations of ratchet potential in a dusty plasma ratchet
- Effect of the magnetization parameter on electron acceleration during relativistic magnetic reconnection in ultra-intense laser-produced plasma
- Study on divertor plasma behavior through sweeping strike point in new lower divertor on EAST
- Influence of oxygen addition on the discharge characteristics of an argon plasma jet at atmospheric pressure
- A nonlinear wave coupling algorithm and its programing and application in plasma turbulences
- Role of the zonal flow in multi-scale multi-mode turbulence with small-scale shear flow in tokamak plasmas
- Structure,phase evolution and properties of Ta films deposited using hybrid high-power pulsed and DC magnetron co-sputtering
- Vacuum current-carrying tribological behavior of MoS2-Ti films with different conductivities
- Evolution of surfaces and mechanisms of contact electrification between metals and polymers
- Effect of void size and Mg contents on plastic deformation behaviors of Al–Mg alloy with pre-existing void: Molecular dynamics study
- Strengthening and softening in gradient nanotwinned FCC metallic multilayers
- Bandgap evolution of Mg3N2 under pressure:Experimental and theoretical studies
- Reaction mechanism of metal and pyrite under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions and improvement of the properties
- Gate tunable Rashba spin–orbit coupling at CaZrO3/SrTiO3 heterointerface
- Surface electron doping induced double gap opening in Td-WTe2
- Interfacial defect engineering and photocatalysis properties of hBN/MX2(M =Mo,W,and X =S,Se)heterostructures
- Polarization-dependent ultrafast carrier dynamics in GaAs with anisotropic response
- Effect of strain on charge density wave order in α-U
- Photothermal-chemical synthesis of P–S–H ternary hydride at high pressures
- Magnetic and magnetocaloric effect in a stuffed honeycomb polycrystalline antiferromagnet GdInO3
- Exploration of structural,optical,and photoluminescent properties of(1-x)NiCo2O4/xPbS nanocomposites for optoelectronic applications
- Dynamically controlled asymmetric transmission of linearly polarized waves in VO2-integrated Dirac semimetal metamaterials
- Effects of electrical stress on the characteristics and defect behaviors in GaN-based near-ultraviolet light emitting diodes
- Multi-phase field simulation of competitive grain growth for directional solidification
- Synergistic influences of titanium,boron,and oxygen on large-size single-crystal diamond growth at high pressure and high temperature
- A high rectification efficiency Si0.14Ge0.72Sn0.14–Ge0.82Sn0.18–Ge quantum structure n-MOSFET for 2.45 GHz weak energy microwave wireless energy transmission
- Simulation design of normally-off AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors with p-GaN Schottky hybrid gate
- An electromagnetic simulation assisted small signal modeling method for InP double-heterojunction bipolar transistors
- Modeling and numerical simulation of electrical and optical characteristics of a quantum dot light-emitting diode based on the hopping mobility model:Influence of quantum dot concentration
- Spin transport in epitaxial Fe3O4/GaAs lateral structured devices
- Simulation of the physical process of neural electromagnetic signal generation based on a simple but functional bionic Na+channel
- Plasmon-induced transparency effect in hybrid terahertz metamaterials with active control and multi-dark modes
- Force-constant-decayed anisotropic network model: An improved method for predicting RNA flexibility
- An extended improved global structure model for influential node identification in complex networks
- Analysis of identification methods of key nodes in transportation network
- Effects of heterogeneous adoption thresholds on contact-limited social contagions
- Scaled radar cross section measurement method for lossy targets via dynamically matching reflection coefficients in THz band