Agricultural Science & Technology (原名Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter)创刊于1999年,是我国第一家农业科技综合类英文期刊,袁隆平主编,湖南省农业科学院主办,安徽吴楚科技文化传播有限责任公司提供编辑出版支持,2008年为双月刊,国际公开发行。国内统一刊号CN43-1422/S,国际标准刊号ISSN1009-4229。该刊立足国内、面向世界,重点宣传国内农业科研实践、农业技术革新的成果;报道国内农业科研及相关领域的最新进展;介绍国内特色资源、农业生产与经济发展状况,以及我国与国际的农业学术交流和贸易情况。旨在提高我国农业科研的国际影响力,展示我国的技术实力和人才优势,更有效地促进我国农业科技成果在全世界范围内的交流。该刊在国际上,尤其在亚太地区获得了良好的声誉,与世界100多个国家和地区的农业科研教育和推广机构,实力雄厚的涉农机构及著名的国际农业组织建立了长期、稳定、友好的信息交流关系。现已被国际权威检索工具CABI Full Text数据库、AGRIS文摘数据库以及国内中国期刊网、万方和维普三大数据库全文收录,并被中国科学技术信息所评为“中国科技核心期刊”。刊登的文章也多次被国际植物遗传资源研究所的(IPGRI)APO Newsletter、亚太种协的Asian Seed & Planting Material等摘录或全文转载。 本刊设农业基础科学与方法、植物生理生化、农业生物技术、农艺、动物科学、植物保护、园艺·园林、资源与环境、土壤肥料、农业信息等栏目,内容新颖、图文并茂。本刊为双月刊,双月末出版,国际大16开本,铜版纸印刷,四封为彩色印刷。国内定价每册10元,全年6期共60元(含邮资),自办发行。
Agricultural Science & Technology
- Analysis on Carotenoids Content and Other Quality Traits of 185 Wheat Varieties
- Effects of Induced Concentration and Time of EMS on Seed Germination of Common Buckwheat
- Reasons and Countermeasures of Flue-cured Tobacco B2F mixed in C3F
- Effects of Different Cultivation Methods on Growth,Yield and Quality of Cassava
- Breeding and Application of a Japonic Rice Cytoplasmic Male Sterility Line,E-Jing A
- Effects of NaCl Stress on Seed Germination of Four Canavium album Raeuseh Cultivars
- Effects of Specific Gravity-based Seed Grading on Seed Germination,Seedling Emergence and Grain Yield of Hybrid Rice
- Application Effects of Ultra-fine Powder Shaped Maize Seed Coating Agent in Spring Sowing areas in northeast China
- Effects of Different Light Emitting Diodes on Growth and Quality of Lettuce
- lnfluences of Different Habitats on Asexual Propagation of Wild Gastrodia elata f.glauca being Domesticated in Ganzi
- Overview of Pharmaceutical Research on the Poria with Hostwood of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Breeding and Evaluation of New lron Yam(Dioscorea opposita Thunb)Varieties
- Evaluation on ldeal Test Sites and Regional Characteristics of Cotton Fiber Quality in Jiangsu Province
- Effect of Low Temperature and Sparse Light Conditions on Cold Tolerance of Different Rice Lines at Seedling Stage
- Correlations between Quality Index and Content of Cellulose and Lignin in Upper Leaves of Fluecured Tobacco in Wulin Mountain Area
- Analysis on Breeding Strategies of New Wheat Variety Jingdong 23,and its Characteristics and Application
- Extraction and Structure Elucidation of Phenols from Dendrobium thyrsiflorum
- Prediction and Analysis of O3 based on the ARIMA Model
- Allelopathic Effect of Adzuki Bean Root Aqueous Extracts on Four Crops
- Screening of SSR Core Primers for Purity Identification of Pepper(Capsicum)Hybrids
- In Vitro Propagation of Ardisia mamillata Hance
- Inhibitory Effects of Bacillus subtilis on Staphylococcus aureus
- Establishment of Rapid Propagation Technique for Cotyledon of Solanum torvum
- Molecular Marker Assisted Selection for Fusarium Wilt Resistance Breeding in Watermelon(Citrullus lanatus)
- Effect of Different Hormone Combinations on Somatic Embryogenesis in Cotton Cultivar Xinluzao 33(Gossypium hirsutum L.)
- Analysis of Quantitative Trait Loci for Pathogenic Strain Pi-1 of Resistance to Rice False Smut in Rice(Oryza sativa)
- Optimization of the Callus Induction System of Chenopodium quinoa Willd
- Mapping of QTLs for Dehiscence Length at Basal Part of Thecae in Rice Based on TD70/Kasalath RIL Population
- Cluster Analysis of Polyphenols and Organic Acids in 11 Different Brand Cigarette Samples at Home and Abroad
- Cloning and Expression Analysis of FaSRP Gene in Festuca arundinacea under Abiotic Stresses
- Preliminary Study on Tissue Culture Technique of Brassica campestris L.ssp.chinensis(L.)Makino var.utilis
- Expression Analysis of 14-3-3 Gene in Tall Fescue under Several Abiotic Stresses
- Cloning and Differential Expression Analysis of FaGF14-B and FaGF14-C Genes in Tall Fescue
- lsolation and ldentification of the Pathogen Causing Skin Ulcer Disease in Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther and lts Sensitivity to Chinese Herbal Medicine
- Establishment and Application of a Multiplex PCR System for the Detection of Blast Resistance Genes Pi-ta and Pi-b in Rice
- Comparions of Required Nitrogen Fertilizers by Hybrid Cultivar and Conventional Cultivar of Rapeseed(Brassica napus L.)
- Effects of Long-term Located Fertilization on the Contents and Composition of Organic Matter in Paddy Soil
- Ultrafiltration of Shiitake Polyphenol with Ultrasound Enhancement
- Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA)
- Screening of Preprocessing Method of Biolog for Soil Microbial Community Functional Diversity
- Effects of Dongshengbao Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Soil Improvement of Continuous Cropping Cucumber
- Changes of Nutrient in Tobacco Soils in Zhaotong City,Yunnan Province during 2011-2013
- Instrucions for Authors
- Study on the Remediation of Cd-contaminated Soil
- Effects of Different Vegetable Planting Modes on Soil Microbial Flora and Enzyme Activity
- Effects of Different Nitrogen Application Rates on 15N Absorption of Rice
- Inhibitory Effect of Buddlejasaponin IV on Hepatocarcinoma 22(H22)in Mice
- Research Advances in Gene Regulation and Genetic Improvement of Fish Feeding
- Effects of Three Kinds of Chinese Medicine Polysaccharides on the Immune Effect of Newcastle Disease Vaccine
- Isolation and Drug Resistance Analysis of Swine Salmonella
- Comparative Study on Autumn Propagation Performances of Paramisgurnus dabryanus and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in Poyang Lake
- Research on Development of Leisure Agriculture in Beijing Suburb
- Biological Activity of Several Fungicides against Ustilaginoidea virens
- Study on Pathogen and Bio-control of Dampingoff Disease in Pseudostellaria heterophylla in Qiandongnan Prefecture of Guizhou Province
- Changes of Physiological Characteristics and Yield in Peanut Varieties with Different Resistance Effected by Peanut Scab
- Efficacy Assessment of 50 g/L Pinoxaden EC for the Control of Phalaris arundinacea in Barley Field
- Technology Research on Lightning Strike Risk Evaluation of a Cable Car
- The First Birth and Survival of Cub in Captivity of Critically Endangered Malayan Pangolin(Manis javanica)
- Applicability of Biodegradable Mulch in Maize Production in Northeastern Yunnan
- An Orthogonal Experiment of Papain-Assisted Extraction of Polysaccharides from Agrocybe aegirit
- A Preliminary Study on lntensive Curing with Alcohol-based Fuels
- On the Biomass of Four Major Tree Species in Vegetation Restoration Pattern Area of Beichuan Nature Reserve
- Effects of Changes in Meteorological Factors on the Growth and Development of Wheat and Countermeasures
- Effects of Different Thicknesses of Gravel Covering on Daily Soil Evaporation
- Influence of Gradient on Stability of Soil Slope Containing Roots
- Study on Relative Soil and Water Conservation Benefits of Ridge Tillage in Different Terrain Conditions in the Black Soil Area of Northeast China