
2018-03-04 21:51耿文
新一代 2018年19期


摘 要:as a consequence;as concerns;as a general rule/thing;as a matter of course;as a matter of fact/in fact;as a result;as a rule;as a whole/on the whole;as mentioned above;as an example;as before;as clear as day;as far as I/we know//as I/we know as is(well) known;as/so far as it goes;as follows;as I see it;as is often/usually the case;as is the case;as it happens,etc.


1.as a consequence因此;从而

例句:He grew up influenced by eastern and western cultures,where there are high cultural tastes, profound thinking and unique insights,as a consequence, he wanted to become a writer.他从小受到中西文化的熏陶,有很高的文化品味,思想深邃,见解独到,因此,他想成为一名作家。

2.as concerns就此而论;至于;关于

例句:As concerns the melting glaciers caused by global warming, he called for human beings to take collesponding measures. 造成冰川消融的主要原因是全球气候变暖,就此而论,他呼吁人类采取相应措施。

3.as a general rule/thing一般而言;通常

例句:The atmosphere of the examination was very tense,but as a general thing,the students would still have a good mentality.考试的气氛很紧张, 但一般而言,同学们还是会有良好的心态。

4.as a matter of course理所当然的;当然

例句:Toms disease is very serious. As a matter of course, he should go to the hospital.汤姆的病很严重。理所当然地,他应该去医院。

5.as a matter of fact / in fact事实上

例句:He is overconfident.As a matter of fact, he is not half as capable as he thinks.他过分自信了。事实上,他还没有他所自认为的一半那样能干。

6. as a result结果;所以;因此

例句:Factories closed down.As a result, many workers lost their jobs.工厂倒闭了。因此,许多人失去了工作。

7.as a rule照例;通常;一般

例句:Today I do not know why he got up very late.As a rule,he would get up very early. 今天我不知道他为什么起床很迟。通常,他都很早起来。

8.as a whole/on the whole就整体而论;整个看来;概括地

例句:The economic crisis led to fluctuations in the world economy.As a whole,the Chinese economy is the same.经济危机导致世界经济波动。整个看来,中国经济亦是如此。

9.as mentioned above如上;如上所述

例句:He has a keen observation,a broad mind, excellent management skills. As above,he is a good leader.他有敏锐的洞察力,博大的胸怀,过硬的管理技能。如上所述,他是个好领导。

10.as an example举例来说

例句:The Chinese people have many advantages. As an example, they are very diligent.中国人有很多优点。举例来说,他们是非常勤劳的。

11.as before如前所述;依旧

例句:She mastered six foreign languages,and through her efforts in the English translation achieved remarkable success,but as before,she was an excellent English language worker.她掌握六国外语,通过努力她在英语翻译方面取得骄人成就,如前所述,她是一个优秀的英语工作者。

12.as clear as day一清二楚;极明白

例句:He looked very frustrated. As clear as day, he did not pass the exam.他看起来很沮丧。很明白,他沒能通过那次考试。

13.as far as I / we know // as I / we know据我(们)所知

例句:I think you should be there as soon as possible.As far as I know,this cafeteria is hard to book.我认为你应该去那尽快预定。据我所知,这家自助餐厅的座位很难订到。

14.as is (well) known众所周知

例句:Chimpanzees have a strong ability to imitate. As is well known, their IQ is high among primates. 黑猩猩具有极强的模仿能力。众所周知,它们的智商是灵长类动物中高的。

15.as/so far as it goes就此而论;关于这一点

例句:Now environmental pollution is very serious. As far as it goes, we should maintain the balance between man and nature. 现在环境污染非常严重。就此而论,我们应该保持人与自然的和谐。

16.as follows如下

例句:Today I have a lot of guests,and my daughter has to cook,so I intend to buy some ingredients as follows:bread,butter,meat,eggs and sugar.今天来了很多客人,女儿也不得不下厨,因此我得去买一些食品。如下:面包,奶油,肉,蛋,糖。

17.as I see it据我看;就我看来;我认为

例句:Environment, as I see it, has a far-reaching influence on ones personality. 在我看来,环境对人的性格有深远影响。

18.as is often/usually the case通常就是这样

例句:Every time I have gone to see him, as is often the case, he has been at home. 每次我去看望他的时候,通常就是这样,他都在家。

19.as is the case事实如此

例句:This problem is very diffcult.As is the case, we can not solve it at present.这个问题很棘手,事实如此,我们目前还无法解决。

20.as it happens凑巧;偶然

例句:I wanted to invite them.As it happens, they were out.我本想邀请他们,凑巧,他们外出了。

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