
2016-05-30 07:08:20庄达民完颜笑如
科技创新导报 2016年13期

庄达民 完颜笑如

摘 要:该研究以飞机驾驶舱人机界面设计为应用背景,通过结合具体飞行任务开展复杂人机界面环境下,飞行员视觉注意机制的数学建模研究,以期对飞行员的视觉注意力分配行为进行事前预测,先后提出了基于混合熵最大化的注意力分配模型和多因素条件下的注意力分配模型。并且根据工效学仿真实验对所提出的注意力分配模型進行可用性验证,从而为飞机驾驶舱的人机界面设计提供理论支持和技术手段。研究针对飞行员视觉注意力分配机制进行数学建模,并基于飞机仿真显示界面开展工效学验证实验,结合红外眼动装置对注视点分布的测量,应用回归分析的统计方法验证模型。基于混合熵最大化的注意力分配模型是以飞行员的仪表扫视行为为主要应用情境而建立,以一组视觉加工信息为研究对象,以认知工程、模糊数学和广义信息论为主要理论基础。为验证数学模型的可用性,根据注意力分配理论模型可计算出作业人员对各仪表信息的注意力分配比例理论值;通过开展注意力分配仿真实验,注意力分配比例的行为学实验值通过作业人员对不同仪表信息的正确操作率进行统计获得;注意力分配比例的生理学实验值通过作业人员对不同仪表信息的注视点数量进行统计获得。通过将注意力分配比例的理论值与各实验值进行对比,得出在脑力负荷适中情况下所建模型具有一定可用性的结论。虽然基于混合熵的注意力分配模型较好的量化了认知过程中的模糊性和随机性,但是由于模型本身对于影响因素的结算需要对信息检出效率进行事先测量,从而降低了模型的预测能力。为了进一步完善和优化注意力分配模型,在混合熵模型和SEEV模型的基础上提出了多因素条件下注意力分配数学模型。多因素模型从基于飞行员的仪表扫视行为所反映的认知特性分析出发,密切结合航空任务情境,对前人的模型进行了重新的解释、整合和详细地公式推导,并结合之前在视觉信息编码方面所开展的工作,将“信息检出效率”这一因素也引入到注意力分配模型中,从而提出了一个新的注意力分配模型,该模型在混合熵的理论基础上,综合考虑了信息价值、人为失误以及信息检出效率等因素对飞行员注意力分配策略的影响。为将所建模型应用于航空信息显示界面优化设计并验证其有效性,基于飞机平视显示器仿真模型,通过测量被试者对所监视视觉目标的识别绩效,同时结合眼动仪的实时观测数据,分析了被试者的实际注意力分配情况。实验结果初步验证了该注意力分配模型在复杂人机界面下的有效性。

关键词:视觉注意力分配 数学建模 工效实验 认知特性

Abstract:In this research, pilot attention allocation mechanism under complex human-machine interface environment was studied and analyzed in a mathematical fashion in the application background of aircraft cockpit interface design.To predict pilot attention allocation, a serial of mathematical models were established which contained one model based on hybrid entropy and the other under multiple factors condition. In validation of these models,ergonomics simulation experiments were designed and carried out to verify the effectiveness of the models,which provided both theoretical basis and technological method to optimal design of human-machine interface in aircraft cockpit.Quantitative research into a pilots attention allocation mechanism is required in the optimization design of an aircraft human-machine interface and system evaluation.After making a comprehensive consideration of several factors,including the importance of information, information detective efficiency and human errors,a pilot attention allocation model was built on the basis of hybrid entropy. To verify this model,a simulation model of a head-up display used to present flight indicators was developed. The experiments on the key-press response and eye-movement tracking were designed and carried out under the cruise and hold modes.As the experiment results are in good agreement with the theoretical model, the effectiveness of the pilot attention allocation model based on fuzzy theory is confirmed.However,the former model required to quantify the information detection efficiency which reduced its prediction ability.A new forecast model of attention allocation is established on the basis of information priority using fuzzy mathematics.The new model was built on four trade-off factors,including information priority,occurring probability, salient and effort, which involved both channels of information processing.To validate this model,sixteen participants were recruited to perform an instrument monitoring task under different conditions.The participants were required to concentrate on the flight indicators presented on the simulation interface of head-up display and respond to abnormal information by pressing the corresponding button on the keyboard. The regression analysis revealed good agreement between fixation distribution and model prediction results.

Key Words:Visual attention allocation;Mathematical modeling;Ergonomics experiment;Cognitive characteristics


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