
2012-04-29 02:44王书卷
科教导刊 2012年2期


摘 要 通过对课例的研究,认为在初中英语课堂教学的导入环节中要做到以下五个方面:从学生生活经验导入,引发学生的“兴奋点”; 以一条贯穿始终的主线导入,找准切入口;从学生兴趣爱好来导入,力求贴近学生生活;以贴近学生生活的内容导入,紧密联系课堂教学;以协商教学内容的形式来导入;重视学生自主权。

关键词 初中英语教学 导入环节 实践


Practice and Thinking of Import Links of

Middle School English Teaching

——Take Hangzhou West Lake District High Class Competitions as an example

WANG Shujuan

(Hangzhou No.15 Middle School Education Group, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310013)

Abstract By studying the case, thinks that teaching English in junior high school into session should do the following five areas: from the student life experience, causing the students 'excitement'; to a main line that runs through the import, identify the cut entrance; to import from student interests and hobbies, staying close to student life; to import the contents of student life close, close contact with classroom teaching; to negotiate the form of teaching content to import; emphasis on student autonomy.

Key words middle school English teaching; import links; practice


1 从学生生活经验导入,引发学生的“兴奋点”


一位教师在Go for it!教材八年级Unit 9 When was he born? 第一课时的导入课这节课导入时采用以下的导入方式:

片段一,教师为了导入句型:When was he /she born?和学生有以下的对话:

T:How old are you ?S 1:Im 14 years old . T:When were you born? S 1:(With the teachers help) I was born in 1995.T:How old is he?Ss:He is 14 years old.T:When was he born?(point to S1)S2: (With the teachers help)He was born in 1995.

片段二,为了巩固新句型,接下来老师又用同样的方法快速地问了两个同学的情况。接下来老师用PPT 给学生看了所在学校的照片。

Teacher :I graduated from Gongyi Middle School, too. I love her. Do you love her?Ss: Yes.We love her.T:How old is she?Ss:She is 14 years old.T:When was she born?Ss:She was born in 1995.

在这个环节,这位教师恰到好处的用到了以下三点。在片段一中,铺垫先从学生自身的情况入手,符合学生的认知规律,让学生谈谈自己的年龄和出生日期,再让学生相互谈论一下年龄和出生日期,这样学生就有话好说并且也会说。可见她在设计导入时,充分顾及了教材的类型和特点,同时也顾及到了学生的年龄和心理。兼顾了教材与学生两个方面,找准了切入点,导出了重点、导出了情趣;在片段二中,这位教师用I graduated from Gongyi Middle School, too. I love her. Do you love her? 再次,有针对性地激发起了学生的学习热情,可使他们以强烈的好奇心和旺盛的求知欲,进入到教师为之精心营造的特定的学习情景中来;二个片段中这位教师都合理地开发利用了身边的教育资源。

2 以一条贯穿始终的主线导入,找准切入口


以Go for it !教材八年级Unit 8 How was your school?第一课时为例,其导入方式:First lets chant.Clap clap clap our hands. I say go ,you say go.Go go go ,went went went.Do do do,did did did.Have have have,had had had.And so on. Second ,Lets play a game. I told the students we would play a guessing game. They could ask with :“Did you go to the park?/… ? in order to lead in more activities.Later I showed them some key phrases. see an old friend, go to the clothes store ,buy a new coat, eat some ice cream,take photoes,buy a souvenir. Third,Lets guess.I sak:Where was it? Was it a /an… ?在这个过程中始终紧扣这条主线,带领学生一步步地进入到老师精心设置的教学情景中,有简到难,符合学生的认知规律。

3 从学生兴趣爱好导入,力求贴近学生生活

还是以Go for it !教材八年级Unit 8 How was your school?第一课时为例,另一种导入方式。

在新课的一开始,首先在屏幕上呈现给学生一个《开心农场》的画面。I said this was my happy farm.Do you have a happy farm? Yes,I have. Now please guess what there were on my farm. Then students guessed:Were there any dogs on the farm? Were there any pandas on the farm ? Were there any vegetables on the farm?After it ,I said what there were on your happy farm.And I asked some students one by one .Were there any sharks/seals/octopuses/sea stars,etc on your farm?In this way, presented the new words and taught them.

学生不知不觉在这个过程中学习了新句型和新单词,同时也在愉悦的气氛中使用了新知识,真正体现了让学生在 “用中学”“乐中学”。

4 以贴近学生生活的内容导入,紧密联系课堂教学


以 Go for it !教材八年级Unit 9 When was he born?为例,其导入方式:

At the beginning of the class,I showeded my picture on the scream.Then I introduced myself : I am 38 years old.I was born in 1971.And tought the new word -- born. Next I asked students to introduce themselves and their best friends just like me. My name is … Im 14 years old. I was born in 1995.And my best friend is John. He is 15 years old.He was born in 1994. etc.


5 以协商教学内容的形式导入,重视学生自主权

课堂导入时,如果学生真正投入到活动之中,学习效果最好。对于那些精力旺盛的中学生来说,取得这种效果的最佳途径就是给他们一些表达自己个性和观点的机会。这就要求教师在课堂上敢于放手,因此要做好准备和学生协商教学内容,允许学生选择一些学习内容是很有促进作用的。在学习 Go for it !教材九年级Unit 10 Section B 3a其导入方式:

上课了,欣赏一首优美的歌曲《We wish your Christmas》,学生陶醉在了期中。After it ,I asked:We all like this song. It is a song about Christmas. When is Christmas Day?December 25th. What other festivals do you know except Christmas Day? Then there were most students took an active part in this activity and they could say many festivals around the world.Later we chose April Fools Day to talk about .When is April Fools Day? April 1st.What do you often do on that day?Fool others or may be fooled by others……




[1] 全日制义务教育普通初级中学《英语课程标准》(实验稿)[S], 2003.

[2] 傅道春.新课程中课堂行为的变化[M].北京:首都师范大学出版社,2002.
