
2020-11-15 06:49
教学考试(高考英语) 2020年2期

【主题语境】 人与社会/文学、艺术与体育/体育活动、大型体育赛事、体育与健康、体育精神

The 90-minute long game involves two goals,black and white checkered (格子) balls,goalkeepers,and no hand use.This sport,of course,is soccer — or football,as the majority of the rest of the world says.It’s confusing that some countries call this sport“football”while Americans and Canadians say“soccer”,but apparently the British are mostly to blame.

The name confusion is actually thanks to British universities in the early 1800s who tried standardizing various sports games that had different rules and regulations to differentiate between them,according to a paper by Stefan Szymanski,a professor of sports economics at the University of Michigan.

Rugby,formerly known as“rugby football” or“rugger”,is a translation of“football”where you can use your hands.Soccer,originally“association football”or“asoccer”,is the traditional translation of“football”where people don’t use their hands.People in England started shortening the names by dropping the“association”part of the phrase as well as the“a”in“asoccer”,per Szymanski’s paper.If your head hurts from thinking about this,prepare to have your mind blown by these things you probably never thought about—until just now.

Now comes the complexity:in 1869,Rutgers and Princeton colleges held the first traditional,recorded,football game using a unique combination of rules from both rugby and soccer,creating what we know as“American football”and what other countries refer to as“gridiron”.Thanks to the popularity of American football,soccer players in America keep to“soccer”to help differentiate themselves,according to theEncyclopedia Britannica.

If the name“soccer”stuck in Britain,and if Americans came up with a better one for American football,there would be much less confusion.So why did the“football”short kind of“association football”become more popular than“soccer”in England anyway? Originally,American influence on Britain during World War Ⅱ made“soccer”the popular term in England before the 1980s,The Atlanticreports.Once the sport became more popular in the United States around that time,the British stopped using“soccer”.Szymanski’s paper claims it could be thanks to American and British news organizations pushing either term in each country.

1.What caused the name confusion in the early 1800s?

A.Game time.B.Sports rules.

C.Ball popularity.D.News organizations.

2.What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 3?

A.The name confusion is becoming stronger.

B.You cannot use your hands while playing games.

C.The names make people more difficult to understand.

D.Making the best of the head in the sports is extremely vital.

3.In which of the following do the two belong to the same one?


B.“Rugger”and“American football”.

C.“Soccer” and “Gridiron”.

D.“Gridiron” and “Association football”.

4.What does the author imply in the last paragraph?

A.The name confusion would become less.

B.The British disliked soccer during World War Ⅱ.

C.American soccer was more popular than English football.

D.History and culture had a great effect on the name confusion.






句子解析:这是一个“主+系+表”结构的复合句。句中含有who和that引导的定语从句,分别修饰先行词“British universities in the early 1800 s”和“various sports games”。

译文:密歇根大学的一位体育经济学教授 Stefan Szymanski的一篇论文称,命名的混乱实际上是19世纪的英国大学造成的。它们试图让多种多样的运动名词规范化,用不同的规则来区别它们。

句子解析:本句是一个复合句。if引导条件状语从句。主句中的you probably never thought about—until just now是一个定语从句,修饰先行词“these things”,省略了引导词which或that。




1.We’ll need to get _________ (involve) in fighting crime whether it’s at work,at home,or at school.

2.According to the driver’s explanation,it was not his carelessness but the bad road conditions that were _________ (blame)for the accident.

3.The solution to a complex communications problem may rest with the use of a _________ (combine) of several modes of operation.

4.He was so curious that there were _________ (vary) questions he wanted to ask.

5.Rather than attending classes,students complete what are _________ (know) as“competency sets”.

6.Globalization has increased the _________ (complex)of political issues.

7.Dragons are not real animals,but look like a _________(combine)of many animals such as snakes,fish and deer.


8.In the general population,right-handed people are____(占大多数).

9.Don’t always ________ your own failure _______ (归咎于)others.

10.Sometimes you yourself are to blame.Jenny hopes that Mr.Smith will suggest a good way to ________________ (让她的书面表达提高)in a short period.

11._________ (除了) breaking his leg,he hurt his arm.

12.When we say“diggers”,we __________ (指的是) any outside underground animal.

13.Keep your eye on these jokers,you never know what they will ______________ (想出).



从8世纪到19世纪,现代足球运动的前身以各种方式在欧洲存在着,直到1863年10月26日,英国足球协会在英伦召开了现代足球史上十分重要的会议,会议上草拟了第一份正式的足球比赛规则,这套正规原始规则经英格兰足协主席公布刊登在(BELIS LIFE)杂志上。这也标志着现代足球运动的诞生。

“soccer”这个词可以追溯到19世纪,现代足球刚刚诞生的时候。密西根大学的教授Stefan Szymanski在最新发布的研究中指出,“soccer”的词义更为精准,而“football”的词义更宽泛。football一词最初是指在地上而非马背上进行的球类运动。在那时,“football”并不一定要靠踢的,一些“football”长期以来都用手玩。1871年,一些俱乐部在伦敦组建了橄榄球联盟,随后用两种不同版本的“football”——橄榄球(rugby football)和英式足球(association football)来进行区别。在北美,由于美式橄榄球的盛行,人们需要用另一个名字来称呼英式足球。于是人们选择了它的英国昵称“soccer”。“soccer”一词在第二次世界大战前并未在出版物中被广泛使用。在1960年到1980年之间,它在英国的使用率达到高峰,几乎可以和football一词互换使用。




试题答案 B A C D



1.involved 2.to blame 3.combination

4.various 5.known 6.complexity

7.combination 8.in the majority 9.blame;on

10.have her written English improved

11.As well as 12.refer to 13.come up with


How to Trick or Treat

The jack-o-lanterns are carved,your costume (服装) is all picked out,and the sun is just starting to set on Halloween night.___1___ With a few simple tips,you can have a safe and successful trick-or-treat experience.

Start trick-or-treat at around 6:00 or 6:30 pm.You’ll probably want to start trick-or-treat as soon as you get home from school,but be patient! Have a good dinner to fuel you up for the night,and wait until the sun starts to get a little lower before you head out.___2___

Wear or make a costume that you can move in easily.When you are deciding what to dress up as,choose a costume that doesn’t drag on the ground,which might make you trip in the dark.Make sure your shoes are comfortable,too—you’ll be walking around in them all night! ___3___ Go with face paint instead!

Knock on the door or ring the doorbell.If no one answers your knock after a minute or so,you can try one more time.__4___ It might feel a little disappointing,but you’ll save time and get more candy if you move on fast.

__5___ After you’ve gotten your candy,look up and say“Thank you! Happy Halloween!”This shows that you’re polite and appreciative,and is especially important if you decide to come back next year.They might remember you and give you an extra piece!

A.Go in a group with two or more friends.

B.Skip it and go on to the next one instead.

C.Now it’s time for the best part:trick or treat!

D.Aiming to leave by 6:00 or 6:30 pm is a good goal.

E.Thank them and wish them a happy Halloween.

F.If no one answers after that,just go on to the next house.

G.Avoid wearing masks,as well,which can make it hard to see.








1.He ___________ (trick) into taking drugs.

2.Many patients are not getting the medical __________(treat) they need.

3.This leaflet tells you how to avoid ________ (get) ill.


4.These measures __________ (目的在于) preventing violent crime.

5.___________ (我将感激不尽) if you paid in cash.



中世纪时期,万圣节有一个流行的活动——制作“灵魂之饼”。“灵魂之饼”实际上就是一种上面覆有葡萄干的面包甜点。按照所谓的“慰灵”风俗,孩子们要挨家挨户讨要这种饼,这与现代的“不给糖果就捣蛋”活动非常相似。不给糖就捣蛋(trick or treat)是万圣夜的主要活动,小孩装扮成各种恐怖样子,逐门逐户按响邻居的门铃,索要糖果。







(一)1.was tricked



(二)4.are aimed at

5.I would/ I’d appreciate it

Turkey Day在美国,人们如何过感恩节?
新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2