译林新版《英语》四(下)Project 2 A Party

2018-06-27 08:33孙卓君
小学教学设计(英语) 2018年6期



Step 1.Lead-in


T:Today we’ll learn Project 2 A Party.(生齐读课题)What is a party?Let’s enjoy some pictures.(呈现三幅关于party的图片:Birthday Party,New Year Party,Fancy Dress Party)This is a Birthday Party.Children eat a birthday cake at the party.This is the New Year Party.Peop le get together and celebrate New Year.They sing and dance at the party.This is the Fancy Dress Party.Peop le usually dress up in costumes at the party.


T:(呈现Lucy图片)Lucy is a famous clothes designer.She wants to have a Designers’Party.At the party,people can show the clothes they make to each other.She sends an invitation card to us.(相机在黑板上贴好邀请卡)

Q1:When is the party?(Ss:It’s on this Sunday.)

Q2:Where is the party?(Ss:At Lucy’s home.)

Q3:What can we do for the party?(Ss:We can make clothes.)


Step 2.Prepare for the party

T:Let’s make clothes for the party.OK?(板书:Prepare for the party)

1.Clothes I know.

(1)T:What clothes do you know?


(2)T:In different seasons,peop le wear different clothes.What do peop le wear in different seasons?Let’s match and say.

Model:In summer,it’s hot.I can wear a dress.(教学新单词wear,教师相机板书:In____,it is_____.I can wear_____.)

S1:In spring,it is warm.I can wear a sweater.


2.Clothes I want to make.

(1)T:You know the clothes well.What clothes do you want to make?Do you know what I want to make?Here’s a word puzzle.It can help you.

T:What clothes do I want to make?


T:Yes.I want to make gloves.They are for winter.I can wear gloves in winter.(PPT呈现句型I want to make______.It’s/They’re for______.I can wear______ in______.)


3.Clothes I make.

T:You have good ideas.But how to make?First,choose one of the clothes.Then,colour the clothes.Finally,cut out the clothes.(PPT呈现制作步骤,边讲解边示范)You have 3 minutes to make your clothes.(完成后,要求学生在小组内仿照例子介绍自己的衣服:They are my gloves.They’re red and warm.They’re for winter...)

T:We are ready for the party.

设计意图:在为Party做准备的环节中,教师设置了三个子任务。在Clothes I know环节中,教师采用头脑风暴的形式帮助学生复习巩固有关服装类单词,在此基础上要求学生联系季节和天气,说说在什么季节我们能穿什么衣服,将服装与季节、天气融合在一起,使学生的语言更具生活气息,更接地气。在Clothes I want to make的环节中,教师先从自己想制作的衣服入手,通过Word Puzzle的形式,既复习了Unit 7和Unit 8的内容,又引出了教师想要设计的衣服。教师的示范拓展了学生的思维,引导学生畅谈自己的设计思想,进一步丰富学生的语言表达,使其语言再一次得到内化和重组。最后Clothes I make的环节,则是一个制作环节,学生准备了半成品,在课堂上只需完成涂色工作,这样能节省时间,学生能有更多的时间用于语言交流。

Step 3.Invite friends

1.Lucy:(呈现Lucy,并播放lucy的说话声)I have some other friends.They’re Mary,Simon,Ann and Tom.I want to invite them to my party.I want to call them.Would you like to help me?(板书:Call friends)

T:Let’s help Lucy call her friends.How to make a telephone call?What can we say?

S:Hello,may I speak to...?(生回答,教师相机在PPT上呈现相应句子)This is...Can you come to my party this Sunday?


T:(呈现英语书P56的对话)If you can go to the party,what can we say?Please read and find.(请学生在对话中寻找)

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Ss:(生齐读)I’d love to.

T:If your friend can’t go to the party,how do you say?

Ss:(生齐读)What’s the matter with her/him?

2.Make a telephone call.

(1)T:Here is some information about Mary,Simon,Ann and Tom.


T:Hello,may I speak to Mary?

S1:Hello.This is Mary.

T:Can you come to Lucy’s party this Sunday?

S1:I’d love to.

T:Can Simon come to the party too?

S1:No,he can’t.

T:What’s the matter with him?

S1:He’sill.He has a cold and a fever.


学生展示、评价:How many stars can they get?Why can’t Simon go to the party?Who can go to the party?...


Step 4.At the Party

1.Ask and answer.

T:It is Sunday.Lucy’s party is going on.Mary and Ann are at the party.They are showing their clothes they designed.Simon and Tom can’t come to the party.But they sent their clothes to the party.Look!Oh,what a mess!Which is Mary’s?(呈现迷宫图)Let’s ask and answer.How to ask?(生回答,教师相机板书:Whose...is this/are these?)

同桌问答:S1:Whose...is this/are these?


2.Listen and fill.

T:Mary and Ann are introducing their clothes.What are they saying?Let’s listen and fill.(听两遍)

Check the answer and read together.

T:How do they introduce their clothes?What sentences do they use?(生回答,教师板书)

3.Let’s talk.

(1)T:(指着黑板上贴的衣服)Whose sweater is it?


S1:(衣服设计者介绍)This is my...It’s for...In...,it’s...I can wear...to...

T:(对全班学生)Do you like his sweater?Why?

S2:It’s so beautiful.

T:Let’s give him a favor.(教师在相应的衣服上画一颗心)



Step 5.Summary and homework

1.T:Are you happy at the party?A party can bring us joy.Please look at the blackboard.How to have a party?First,we can send an invitation card or make a telephone call to your friends.Then,we should prepare for the party.We should wear nice clothes and get some snacks.At last,we can play happily at the party.





