
2024-07-06 12:07吴艳琳
课堂内外·初中教研 2024年5期









1. 要求学生掌握的英语核心素养





2. 本课时涉及的国家课程标准学习要求







Teaching material   Lesson 9 Prepositions “LGWFL English transition courses from primary school to middle school”

Lesson Type    Grammar:Prepositions

Teaching aid   Multimedia,PPT,blackboard,Exercise worksheet

Teaching objectives:By the end of this lesson,the students will be able to:1. Understand and master the use of different kinds of prepositions;2. Use the prepositions skillfully.

Emotion objective:Cultivate the students observation and inductive ability.

Teaching important points:1. Master the use of the prepositions of time and prepositions of place,etc. 2. Be able to use different kinds of prepositions correctly in real situation.

知    1AM1U2 My classmates A book,a pencil,for you and me.

1BM2U3 Drinks I like   Happy birthday to you!

2AM3U2 In my room    Put the book in the bag. Put the box on the desk.

2BM3U1 The four seasons     I like doing... in/on...;in+(seasons)spring/summer/autumn/winter;in the park,in the water,skate on the ice

3AM1U2 Whats your name? stand up,sit down,look at the blackboard,pick up your pencil,write sth. on the paper

3BM3U3 Seasons   in the park,go to the beach,in July,be afraid of,come in,go away

4AM3U2 Around my home   near/behind/next to/in front of sp.,on a busy street,in our city,on Park Street,a map of your neighbourhood,talk about it with your classmates,at the street corner,in the evening,on Nanjing Road,on the slide,in the lake,in the centre of...,in the restaurants,in the hotels

4AM4U3 Weather  in+(month)January/February/March/April/May/June/July/August/September/October/November/December

in+(seasons)spring/summer/autumn/winter;Hows the weather in...?make phone calls to each other,in a year,on the playground,at Christmas,receive an e-mail from sb.,tell sb. about sth.,the end of the year,on the path

4BM1U3 Look at the shadow!      on the lawn,at noon,in the sky,on the beach,on the path,run away,play with...,on the wall,on the floor,go/walk down,at seven oclock,goes with sb.,look back,like,run after,go off,have tea with sb.,fall into,cry in fear,in beer,burst into tears.

4BM3U3 Days of the week    on+(day)Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday;at weekends,go to Rainbow Park,the days of the week,in the middle of...,in the music club,in the music room,in the hall,from Monday to Friday,at home

知    5AM1U2 My way to school   ride a bike to school,walk to school,on foot,by bus,at traffic lights,at zebra crossings,wait for the green light,wait on the pavement,run on the road,get off the train,at... station,stay on the bus,for... minutes,get off at... stop,walk from A to B. This is his journey to work.

5AM4U1 Water      in the teapot,pour... into...,in the mountains,run down,run through,run into,be part of,fall from the sky,go up to the sky,rise up to the sky,in a cloud,fly over rivers and mountains,on the ground,fall down to the ground,inside the tree

知    5BM1U3 How noisy!     around,at City Square,play loud music for Ben,live on Mars,in the world,on ones birthday,say to sb.,hear about

5BM4U2 Western holidays    in the UK,give sth. to sb.,at Easter,at Halloween,knock on,on this holiday,cut out,take out,play a trick on sb.

5BM4U3 Story time      put up,hear sth. from...,break down,in the castle,at last

6AM2U5 Open Day       plan sth. for...,arrive at/in,at the entrance,listen to sth.,in the hall,on the Open Day,in different places,write sth. to sb.,invite sb. to sp.,take photos for...

6AM3U8 The food we eat     Id like... for breakfast/lunch/dinner.,what kind of...,steamed prawns with garlic,the price of sth.,at the fish stall,in the seafood section,in the market/supermarket

6BM1U1 Great Cities in Asia north/south/east/west of... north-east/north-west/south-east/south-west of... the capital of,travel from A to B,information about sth.,at beautiful beaches,in Asia

7AM2U5 Choosing a new flat       near/next to/on/opposite/between ... and .../in front of

7BM1U1 Writing a travel guide    in the centre/south/... of Shanghai,on Chongming Island

8AM3U7 Nobody wins  in,on,beside,under,above,next to,in front of,behind,between

8BM1U1 Trees       pass sth. to sb.,be known as,thank for,communicate with,against,belong to

9AM1U1 Ancient Greece      since,for,match... with...,sail away,take sth. with sb.,look down at...,by midnight,go into,go out of,return to,pull into,hang up,get rid of,speak to sb.


Teaching Plan

Procedures      Contents  Methods  Purposes

I. Pre-task

preparations    1. Review.      Activity 1 Revision

Ss:Think and answer the question:What prepositions do you know?   To warm up;To recall their memory.

II. While-task

procedures      2. Identify the common use of prepositions of time;    Activity 2 Presentation

Ss:Match the use of prepositions of time,and take notes.     To review the use of prepositions of time.

3. Practise distinguishing the use of prepositions of time;    Activity 3 Practice

Ss:Do the exercise on PPT and summarize the use of prepositions of time.       To help students to have a clear understanding about prepositions of time.

4. Understand and master the use of prepositions of place;  Activity 4 Presentation

Ss:Find where Jerry is and use formula “in包含,on接壤,隔海相望to来帮”to help distinguish in,on and to.   To recall their memory;To cultivate the students observation and inductive ability.

5. Practise using the use of prepositions of place. Activity 5 Practice

Ss:Fill in the blanks with the hints in pictures and do the multiple choice exercises.  To practice using prepositions of place.

6. Identity when to use prepositions of instrumentality:in,with and by.      Activity 6 Presentation

Ss:Answer the questions.       To learn how to use prepositions of instrumentality in real situations.

7. Be more familiar with using prepositions of movement.  Activity 7 Presentation

Ss:Understand the meaning of prepositions of movement in phrases and do translation exercises.    To be equipped with the ability of knowing the use of prepositions of movement.

8. Learn to use other prepositions:of,like and about.    Activity 8 Presentation

Ss:Answer the questions.       To know about the different meanings of other prepositions:of,like and about.

9. Be more familiar with the meanings of prepositional phrases. Activity 9 Practice

Ss:Matching games.       To recall their memory;To review the prepositional phrases.

III. Post-task

procedures      10. Homework worksheet.     Activity 10 Production

Ss:Complete the exercises after class.    To consolidate the knowledge of prepositions.




在这节课的教学设计中,教师始终遵循“确立正确主体,将学习主动权交给学生”的原则,以学生为课堂主体,力求活动能充分调动学生学习积极性。秉持在体验中学习,在实践中运用,在迁移中创新的学习理念,在教学过程中,教师注意创设各类动画和情境,让学生在轻松愉悦的氛围中掌握知识;注重学生的情感教育,通过小组PK的游戏活动等方式激发学生的学习兴趣和热情;努力营造民主和谐的课堂氛围,对学生大胆的、有创意的发言及时给予肯定并引导进一步思考;积极通过quick response的问答形式,让每一位学生都有机会在课堂上快速检验当堂课语法知识点的掌握情况;在教学过程中及时给予板书书写示范,为学生提供知识信息和记忆的显性留存,言传身教,以另一种方式陪伴学生记笔记。





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