(临沂大学 外国语学院,山东 临沂 276005)
1.And【general】laziness is the cause.
日常的懒惰是理由。(TED.EN.txt,line 27015)
2.There are two【general】types.
这种假肢主要有两种。(TED.EN.txt,line 31996)
3.That’s just the【general】blood work.
这还只是一项常规的血液检测。(TED.EN.txt,line 27405)
4.Whatever it is,it’s a mindset that is reminiscent of【General】Motors.
无论如何,这就像通用汽车。(TED.EN.txt,line 19183)
5.It was Einstein’s great【general】theory of relativity.
这就是爱因斯坦伟大的广义相对论。(TED.EN.txt,line 6498)
6.Domestic violence and【general】apathy,…
家庭暴力和对子女的冷漠态度,……(TED.EN.txt,line 124810)
7.We need to be able to get information out to the【general】public.
我们需要获取更多的信息并且让每个人都知道。(TED.EN.txt,line 32694)
8.And make it accessible to the【general】public.
并将其变成能够供大众接受的信息。(TED.EN.txt,line 32701)
9.…to the【general】public.
……传播给普通大众。(TED.EN.txt,line 32708)
10.Which I think is why I’m so sensitive to contradiction in【general】.
这也是我认为我为何对矛盾如此敏感的原因。(TED.EN.txt,line 135304)
11.And so,really,so much of what we do in medicine and life in【general】.
所以,真的,我们在医学上,甚至一般而言在生活中所做的。(TED.EN.txt,line 107035)
12.…is you know what it’s going to do,in【general】.
……你通常知道它会去做什么。(TED.EN.txt,line 103484)
13.And in【general】,let them play.Let them have fun at the workplace.
总的说,就是让他们去玩。让他们在职场上玩乐。(TED.EN.txt,line 101412)
14.The human species,in【general】,is fallible—okay fine.
人类本来就会犯错——没问题。(TED.EN.txt,line 40709)
15.And so the net result is that we do better in【general】,objectively,…
最后的净效果就是,尽管客观上我们做得比以往好了,……(TED.EN.txt,line 44140)
16.Not Chris specifically,Ishould say,but humans in【general】.
不是单单模拟Chris这个人,而是,所有的真人身体的反应。(TED.EN.txt,line 47733)
17.They are pretty large in【general】.他们都比较胖。(TED.EN.txt,line 50172)
对general这个单词,网易有道词典提供的义项有:“总体的,普遍的;一般的,常规的;大致的,大概的;综合的,广泛的;首席的,总管的”,这些含义在例2、例3、例4和例5中得以体现。in general,提供了“总之,通常;一般而言”,其含义体现在例11、例12和例13中。除了这些含义以外,语料库提供的例子中,英译表达还有例1中“日常的”,例7中的“每一个”,例6中抽象表达的具体化。短语in general则提供了词典没有的用法,例14中“本来”,例10和例15中的省译,例16中的“所有的”;例17中的“都”等义项。有意思的是例7、例8和例9三个例子中的general public,却分别翻译为“大众”“每个人”和“普通大众”。
1.One【item】here was water,right?
这里有样东西是水,对吗?(TED.EN.txt,line 125502)
2.With one【item】in its thought,it snaps instantly to the next【item】.
当它在想一个主体的时候,它就立即会去连接下一个主体。(TED.EN.txt,line 158328)
3.The one that has one cart and 19【items】.
一个是有一个手推车和19个商品。(TED.ZH.txt,line 195299)
4.The first【item】on the framework is to look for human impacts.
第一点是人对环境的影响。(TED.EN.txt,line 279178)
5.The second【item】on the agenda,…
第二重要的事,……(TED.EN.txt,line 76006)
6.Because they dropped two or three decent【items】.
因为他们落下了两到三个合适的项目。(TED.EN.txt,line 49983)
7.And they actually take【items】of clothing and photographs,…
他们真的会把一些生前的衣物照片,……(TED.EN.txt,line 44727)
8.A quarter of the【items】were sold off for compote.
这些藏品的四分之一已经作为拼盘。(TED.EN.txt,line 38052)
9.In a little over two years,we’ve written up about 4,000【items】…
在最近的两年多时间里,我们已经写了大概4,000篇关于……(TED.EN.txt,line 85999)
10.What the action【items】would be,how we’d follow up.
针对什么样的行为应该怎么跟进。(TED.EN.txt,line 201577)
11.But here,we improvise these【items】,like the gunshots.
但是在这儿,我们得临场发挥,想办法,比如说枪击。(TED.EN.txt,line 275146)
1.So,imagine we look at a familiar【object】,just a candle in a holder,…
现在来想象一下我们观察一个熟悉的物体,一个烛托里的蜡烛,……(TED.EN.txt,line 35488)
2.That the world is divided into subjects and【objects】.
世界被分成主体与客体。(TED.EN.txt,line 27762)
3.I plan to integrate the Infinity Mushrooms into a number of【objects】.
我打算用无极蘑菇达到许多目的。(TED.EN.txt,line 42790)
4.And I don’t want to make a very smart【object】.
我也并不想制造出一个非常智能的设计。(TED.EN.txt,line 62233)
5.So the idea is to create an【object】.
其理念就是制造出一种产品。(TED.EN.txt,line 62428)
6.And this is the【object】of their scrutiny.
这便是他们的调查对象。(TED.EN.txt,line 68658)
7.…observing every kilometer a particular【object】of desire,…
……体察走过的每一小段路程的特定的期望目标,……(TED.EN.txt,line 96444)
8.That sit around naming planetary【objects】.
讨论怎么给行星起名字。(TED.EN.txt,line 10951)
9.…will show you subject,【object】,verb,…
……找到主语、宾语、动词……(TED.EN.txt,line 160951)
10.…placement of indirect,direct【objects】,gender and so forth.
……间接和直接宾语的位置、语法性别,等等。(TED.EN.txt,line 160952)
11.…fully modern language,syntactic language—subject,verb,【object】—
……完整的现代语言,句法语言——有主语,动词,宾语的——(TED.EN.txt,line 168418)
1.Other【activities】are allowed to occur upstairs,…
其他活动可以在楼上进行……(TED.EN.txt,line 227826)
2.…is that it’s some sort of rehearsal for adult【activity】.
……是成人活动的一种排练。(TED.EN.txt,line 13042)
3.There were several other【activities】.
还有一些其他形式的表演。(TED.EN.txt,line 5595)
4.…and start joining their【activities】.
……并开始加入他们的行动。(TED.EN.txt,line 314170)
5.We have an extraordinarily high【activity】.
我们有极高的活性。(TED.EN.txt,line 3837)
6.…where involvement in criminal or corrupt【activities】.
……那种环境中,犯罪、腐败行为。(TED.EN.txt,line 133396)
7.He had to forgo all the farm【activities】.他停止了任何劳作。(TED.EN.txt,line 271691)
8.Now,the【activities】from the lab…
现在,实验室里的工作……(TED.EN.txt,line 295268)
1.The content distinctions fall into two【general】classes:differences in the particular states involved and differences in the entity undergoing the change of state.[1]192
2.Moreover,in looking at【general】categories of distinctions,…[1]193
3.In all cases,pragmatic explanations such as these are based both on the child’s【general】knowledge of persons and their behavior and on an assessment of how this relates to the immediate situational context.[1]218
4.Which are obviously dependent on conceptual development in【general】—one cannot imitatively learn a word to designate something that one is unable to conceptualize.[1]219
5.And the child may also use pragmatic information to construct【general】principles of language use.[1]221
6.Thesemay beseen as【general】characteristicsof achild basic level of verb acquisition.[1]220
7.In this chapter my aim is to extract from these detailed analyses some more【general】patterns in the development of T’s verb lexicon.[1]187
8.In particular I focus on【general】patterns in the cognitive structures underlying T’s early verbs,and【general】patterns in the social—pragmatic contexts in which T learned her early verbs.[1]187
《首组动词》中的general多数可以翻译为“一般,普通”,如例6;in general译为“通常”,如例4。但是像例1、例2、例3和例5翻译成“一般,普通”就不够贴切。而例7和例8则正好可以从语料库提供的general public的翻译中得到启示。虽然都是general patterns,例7受more的限制,翻译成“常用”更合适。例8中译成“每一种”和“所有的”更符合语境需要。
1.They are a heuristic for researchers and,at most,may depict something of the conceptual relatedness of these linguistic【items】for T.[1]187
2.For example,the basic disappearance situation has different words depending on whether the disappearing【item】is food(all-gone),a person(bye bye),lights and other mechanical devices(off),or various activities(finished).[1]192
例如,表达消失情境的词语各不相同,词语的选择取决于消失的内容是什么,食物(allgone)、人(bye bye)、灯和其他机械装置(off),还是各种活动(finished)。
3.Early relational words such as more are serving different functions every time they are used to request a different food【item】.[1]213
4.…and most of her early verbs involved only one【item】acting or undergoing a transformation(or in some cases one object being acted on by T).[1]219-220
5.Thus,when the child relates a cow to a barn or a broom to dust in an experimental setting,she is essentially identifying【items】that go together in the same way they go together in sentences.[1]258
6.As with lexical【items】,the child quickly generalizes her syntactic devices in such a way that we may legitimately talk of categories——in this case syntagmatic categories.[1]261
1.Second is the vexing question of word order.For many of her verbs,T’s positioning of actor or【object】in her two-word combinations was nonadultlike or inconsistent.Her three verbs expressing agents all did so in the preverbal position,but for at least one of these T also on occasion placed the【object】in the preverbal position.Although the majority of her【object】arguments were in the postverbal position,she also placed locations in exactly the same position with no differential marking of any kind,and on several occasions put【objects】in preverbal positions.[1]226
2.When the preschool child’s constructional activities with sets of complex【objects】are compared with their sentence construction operations at the same age,…[1]260
3.For example,the Whole【Object】constraint(Markman,1989),which states that in the absence of evidence to the contrary the child is to assume that the adult’s unknown word refers to a whole【object】.[1]215
4.Other aspects of T’s early language also show very narrow specificity.Agents and【objects】were used with a minority of appropriate verbs and were confined for the most part to animate and inanimate【objects】,respectively.Instruments,recipients,and locations were all in the postverbal position,often without appropriate prepositional marking,often making their differentiation from【objects】or patients,and one another,problematic.[1]256-257
1.As in the previous detailed analyses,the most productive approach to these data is to consider change of state and【activity】verbs separately.[1]187
2.Many of these are not adult verbs,of course,but T used them to request complex changes of state involving herself and other people—such things as another person joining T in an【activity】,or T joining them,or T performing an【activity】while the other person refrained.…In this case,some new conventions had to be added to the scheme(for two people simultaneously engaged in an【activity】,e.g.),but these did not represent major changes.[1]193
3.All of this is clearly in accord with Slobin’s(1985)hypothesis about the derivation of early transitive sentences from a“manipulative【activity】scene”in which an animate actor does something to an inanimate object affected.[1]247
4.…she also used quite early some other seemingly intentional【activity】verbs such as catch,cry,play,pee-pee,fall-down,bite,hurt,cut,and draw.[1]196
5.T’s【activity】verbs do not employ the dynamic-static and causal distinctions in this same way.Most of T’s【activity】words do not even have static counterparts,…For whatever it is worth,T has almost none of these stative participles or nominalizations for her【activity】verbs.[1]202
6.When the preschool child’s constructional【activities】with sets of complex objects are compared with their sentence construction operations at the same age,…[1]260
根据上下文以及activity自身的含义,在著作中,这个词多数情况下可以翻译为“活动”,如例2和例3,有个别的需要具体化,如例6,这与语料库提供的大量翻译例句是一致的。但是像例1、例4和例5就需要仔细考虑该怎么翻译,根据语言直觉和常识积累,很容易将它翻译为“行为”,语料库里也有不少译为“行为”的例子,而且我们经常使用“行为动词”这一说法,较“活动动词”用起来更流畅,更像专业术语。“直觉基础上的研究结果很难证伪”,“过分依赖直觉会让研究者忽视真实的语言”。[11]96仔细阅读上下文,发现这里activity verbs不能翻译成“行为动词”,因为这里作者对动词进行的区分,是将人的活动(activity)与物体状态的改变(change of state verbs)相对应,而我们通常意义上所说的行为动词是相对于系动词、助动词和情态动词而言,[12]也就是说行为动词是包括人的活动动词与物体状态的改变动词这样两类动词的,因此,简单的将activity verbs翻译成“行为动词”是不对的。“与较为传统的基于语言直觉的研究方法相比,基于语料库途径的研究结果更为可靠。”[11]97因此,还是像语料库提供的主要义项那样翻译为“活动”更合适。