
2018-06-20 09:32田志保



中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1009-010X(2018)14-0038-06


本杰明·布卢姆(Benjamin Bloom)是美国杰出的心理学家和教育学家。布卢姆认知目标过程维度指依据认知复杂程度从低级到高级的六个认知过程,即:记忆、理解、应用、分析、评价和创造。















下面以在教育部组织的全国“一师一优课,一课一名师”晒课活动中笔者自己获得的省级优课——词汇课教学设计来展示基于布卢姆认知目标过程维度的英语词汇教学设计。该模块是人教版高中英语必修1 Unit 3 New words。






然后,创造、“生成”。 通过语篇填空和单句翻译并连句成文,让学生学会在句子层面和语篇层面创造性地使用所学生词。找准学生的最近发展区,设置有难度的问题,利用小组活动解决,培养学生自主、合作、探究的学习精神。


三、教学过程(Teaching procedures)

Step 1: Lead-in and present the Learning Goals. ( 1 min)

1.Lead in by asking the students to look at the pictures and guess what they are doing in the pictures.

Purpose(設计意图):to arouse the Ss interest in learning words.

2.Present the Learning Goals and let Ss read them aloud.

Learn the new words in five ways. At the end of the class we can:

(1)pronounce the new words correctly.

(2)know exactly what the key words mean.

(3)grasp them and know how to use them in sentences.

Purpose:To make Ss clear and definite the Learning Goals.

Step 2:Reading, listening and correcting (6 mins)

Task 1:Read the new words by yourself and underline the difficult ones.(2 mins)

Task 2:Listen to the recorder and correct your pronunciation.(4 mins)

Purpose:Teaching after learning. Listen to the recorder with questions. Thus it can help Ss learn the pronunciations of the new words effectively and read the new words correctly.


Step 3:Learn the key new words and expressions in five ways.

Task 1: Group One : Learn by the word formation. (2 mins)

1.disadvantage = dis + advantage

eg:dislike, dishonest, disappear, disagree

dis-:_____ Key: negative prefix(否定前缀)

2.forecast = fore +cast(计算)

eg:foretell, foresee


Purpose:To make Ss remember new words quickly by the word formation.


Task 2 Group Two : Learn by observing sentences. (5 mins)

1.prefer: to like sb. or sth. better

① I prefer Tuoliang (to Tiangui Mountain.)

I prefer climbing Tuoliang(to climbing Tiangui Mountain.)

I prefer to climb Tuoliang (rather than (to) climb / instead of climbing Tiangui Mountain.)

I prefer my friend to climb Tuoliang.

② I prefer the Yellow River (to the Mekong River.)

I prefer traveling along the Yellow River (to traveling along the Mekong River.)

I prefer to take a bike trip along the Yellow River(rather than (to) take / instead of taking a train trip.)

I prefer my friend to take a bike trip.

Summary 【归纳】:

prefer A (to B)

prefer doing A (to doing B)

prefer to do A(rather than (to) do B / instead of doing B)

prefer sb to do sth

2.persuade: cause sb. to do sth. by arguing or reasoning with him

Wang Wei persuaded her sister to buy a mountain bike.

Wang Wei persuaded her sister into buying a mountain bike.

Persuade: cause sb. to believe sth. or feel sure about sth.

Wang Wei persuaded her sister (of the fact that riding was great fun.)

Her sister was persuaded (of the fact that riding was great fun.)

Wang Wei persuaded her sister that riding a bicycle was great fun.

Summary :

persuade sb. to do / into doing sth.

persuade sb. not to do / out of doing sth.

persuade sb. (of sth.)

sb. be persuaded (of sth.)

persuade sb. that clause

3.determine:decide, make sb. decide to do sth., decide firmly that sth. will be done

I determined to buy a mountain bike at once.

Her advice determined me to buy a mountain bike at once.

I determined on / upon buying an expensive mountain bike.

determined:with ones mind firmly made up

I am determined to buy an expensive mountain bike.

Summary :

determine to do sth.

determine sb. to do sth.

determine on / upon doing sth.

be determined to do sth.


Purpose:To ask Ss to read the sentences and observe the meaning and use of the words. To cultivate the Ss ability to inquiry and generalize. Meanwhile to improve the Ss ability to explain English in English and to enable Ss to know exactly what key words mean and know how to use them in sentences.


Task 3 Group Three:

Learn by pictures. (5 mins)

1. ever since

Ever since I joined a Group multi-worlds(驴友团), I have dreamed about my first trip.

(I joined a Group multi-worlds(驴友团) and have dreamed about my first trip ever since.)

Summary :

Ever since sb. did sth. sb.have/has done sth.

Sb. did sth. and have / has done sth. ever since.


The Chinese___________________ (live) a happy life ever since the founding of New China.

Keys: have lived / have been living

Ever since I______(join) a Group multi-worlds(驴友团),I ___________(visit) Huhu Water, Tiangui Mountain, etc.

(I _________ (join) a Group multi-worlds(驢友团) and______________(visit)Huhu Water, Tiangui Mountain, etc.__________.)

Key: joined, have visited; joined, have visited, ever since.


The graduates graduated from a famous university and after graduation / graduating, they went to build their hometown .


graduate n. 毕业生 vi. 毕业

graduate from毕业于


Purpose(设计意图):Most pictures are taken from tourist attractions in my county and Ss are familiar with them. So it can arouse the Ss interest and curiosity in learning new words, thus making them easy to grasp. Meanwhile to let students appreciate, protect natural scenery around us and love our hometown.

Task 4: Group Four

Learn by comprehending a passage with beautiful pictures. (6 mins)

A trip to Tuoliang Mountain

This summer vacation I made up my mind to stay home and review the subjects I was weak in. But one day when my friend came to see me and suggested that we join a Group multi-worlds and go to Tuoliang Mountain located in our county, I changed my mind and went together with him. We made a schedule and organized the trip. I wanted to pay the bus fare, but my friend insisted. Finally, I gave in and let him pay it.

The journey to Tuoliang was so exciting. The flowing stream in the valley, all kinds of waterfalls, thick forests, genting grassland, flowers, sea of clouds and the top of the mountain whose altitude is 2281metres are beautiful and fantastic. We put up our tents on the mountain top and made camp for the night. And we were fond of what we saw at midnight when everything looked like from a dream.

Purpose:The beautiful pictures are taken from Tuoliang in our county and Ss are familiar with them. So it can arouse the Ss interest and help them to learn the new words, thus making them easy to grasp. Meanwhile to let students appreciate, protect natural scenery around us, love our hometown and call on others to protect nature. Learning the new words in discourse understanding helps to improve the Ss ability of reading comprehension and using English practically.

Practice: (Group work)

Use the words and expressions just learned to take the place of the underlined words.

1.Li Ping likes traveling by bike.

2.He arrived home rather late at night.

3.The exhibition was successful because Li Ping planned and carried it out so well.

4.In order to improve my math, I made a timetable to remind myself of what to do at certain time.

5.He wanted to go on a bike trip himself but his parents didnt agree. He said that he wouldnt give up his decision.

Key: 1. is fond of / prefers;2.at midnight;3. organized it;4.schedule;5. give in/ change his mind

Purpose:By using synonyms,we can provide the students with various ways to express themselves in English and enlarge Ss vocabulary.

Task 5:Group Five: Learn by explanation. (1 min)

Match the new words and expressions with their meanings.

1.transport A way of thinking or behaving

2.care about B in the usual manner, as is common

3.attitude C being thought to be trusted or depended on

4.as usual D to take sth./sb. from one place to another in a vehicle(交通工具)

5.reliable E be worried, interested or concerned

Key:1.D 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.C

Purpose:To improve the students ability to explain English in English and enable them to know exactly what key words mean.

Step 4 A quiz (Group work)(12 mins)


Choose the correct forms of the words or phrases below to complete the sentences.

prefer, make up ones mind, finally, determine

1.Do you think shopping online will ______ take the place of shopping in stores? (2010 浙江卷改编)

2.When asked about their opinion about the schoolmaster, many teachers would _______ to see him step aside in favor of (支持)younger men. (2011湖北卷改编)

3.___________to do this on my own, I spent several weeks going door-to-door for a job, but found little response(反应;回答).(2011安徽卷改编)

Key:1. finally 2. prefer 3. Determined

Ⅱ. Change the sentence pattern.

1.We have decided to make camp on the mountain top.

We have __________ to make camp on the mountain top.

We have _________________to make camp on the mountain top.

2.He went abroad after he graduated.

He went abroad ______________________.

Key:1. determined, made up our mind 2. after graduating / graduation


Ⅲ. Discourse filling

____ middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. After____ from college, she p____ me to buy a mountain bike and we f____got the chance to do it. She insisted she____(organize) the trip. I know once she has _____ up her mind, nothing can change it. So I had to ____in. Several days later, our great bike trip began.

Key:(Ever) since, graduating, persuaded, finally, organize, made, give

Ⅳ. Translating and then making a passage

1.我姐王薇如此固执,以至于没有人能说服她改变主意。(stubborn, persuade, change ones mind)

2.现在她正在为我们这次旅途制定计划。(schedule, journey)

3.我对这次旅途计划很感兴趣,想关心了解更多细节。(be fond of, care about details)

Key: My older sister Wang Wei is so stubborn that no one can persuade her to change her mind. Now she is planning our schedule for the journey,which I am fond of. So I want to care more about details.


Step 5. Revision and Summary(回顾总结)(1.5 mins)

In this class we have learned:1.Word formation... 2. Idiomatic expressions...


Step 6. Homework(0.5 min)

Required homework

1.Write a travel journal modeled after A trip to Tuoliang Mountain using words learned in this class.

2.Finish the exercises for words on Page 20 in the textbook.

Optional homework

1.Preview the Reading to get its general idea. Pay attention to words learned in this class and make a mark where you have any questions.

2.Enjoy the song Tuoliang in My Dream after class.


Blackboard-writing design(板书设计略)

四、教学反思(Reflection after teaching)



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