中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2009)12-0053-02
学习内容分析:本课是冀教版小学英语六年级第八册第一单元第五课。之前,学生已经了解了一些关于运动的词汇和短语,本节课继续学习关于A basketball Game 的有关内容。内容接近学生的生活,学生感到非常有趣,联系学生自己喜爱的运动员和比赛项目来练习句型,既能提高他们的学习兴趣,又可活跃课堂气氛,从而降低难度,使学生觉得简单易懂。
语言知识方面:通过本课学习使学生能认读、掌握、灵活运用player、 team、 game、 win、 lose等词汇。
语言技能方面:能用所学词汇和句子简单描述一场比赛。如:Whats the score? Its ___ to ____. We win. We lose.
教学重点:要求学生认读、掌握、运用本课词汇player、 team、 game、 win、 lose 。
教学难点:综合运用所学句子描述一项运动比赛。如:Whats the score? Which team wins? Which team loses?
Lesson 5: A Basketball Game
Blue Team player team game
Whats the score?
Orange TeamIts 80to78!
一、Class opening and review
1. Greeting.
T: Hello, everyone!How are you today?Are you happy now?I am very happy. Because I bought a beautiful coat
yeaterday. I like it very much. What did you do yesterday?
2. Sing a song. “ Oh,what did you do?”
设计意图:Free talk 及之后的歌曲,使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中开始本节课的学习。同时谈论的内容和所唱歌曲正好复习了上一节课的重点内容。学生不知不觉地进入学习状态。
3. Play a game.
(To review the opputations with pictures.)
T:You are blue team and you are orange team. What is he or she? Say it quickly. (第一次比赛两组抢答)
T: Whats the score? Its ____ to ____.You win. You lose( 板书win和 lose 领读)
设计意图:通过两组抢答比赛,既复习了关于职业的词汇,又能引出本次课所要学习的player、 lose 和win等词汇。过渡自然,且在上课开始就充分调动起学生学英语的积极性。
二、New Concepts.
Part 1 player team and game
1. Demonstrate.
(1)a. Introduce “player” with Yao Mings picture.
Use other playerspictures,lead students say “ He She is a ping-pong soccer badminton basketball player.”
T: Who is your favourite player?
C: My favourite player is _____. He is a _____ player.
设计意图:用学生熟悉且喜欢的运动员来练习刚刚学习的单词和句子。 学生对于自已喜欢的话题乐于张口说。
b.引导学生总结出 “某些动词后加er 表示…的人”(第二次比赛两组轮流答)。For example: play-player teach- teacher.
T: Whats the score? Its ___ to ___.You win. You lose.
T: Read it together.(多媒体出示总结出的所有此类词)
设计意图:通过比赛的形式总结归纳某些动词加上er后表示…的人。使学生对此构词法有了一定的了解。这有利于学生记忆单词。同时对于学生上课开始时刚学习的win 、lose 又是一次强化记忆和使用。
(2)Introduce “team” with a picture of Yao Mings team.
T: What does the letter “ea” sound?
T:Whats the score?
C: Its ____ to ____.
T:You win. You lose.
T: Read it together.(多媒体出示总结出的所有这类词)
设计意图:在教授单词时渗透一些读音规则,以比赛的形式让学生自己总结以前学过的词,可以充分集中精神,且培养归纳复习旧知识的良好学习习惯。比赛结束后,教师用已经出现过的句子“Whats the score?”提问,引导学生说出“Its ____ to _____. We win. We lose.”
(3)Introduce “ game” with a picture of Yao Mings team playing a basketball.
T: Here is a basketball game. Do you want to watch?
T: How many teams in a basketball game?
C:Two teams.
2. Practice.
T: Talk about these pictures. Eg: This is Yao Ming. He is a basketball player. He plays on a basketball team.This is Yao Mings team. Yao Mings team is playing a basketball game.
Choose 3~5 volunteers to introduce these pictures.
part 2 At the game
T: Look! Yao Mings team is playing basketball game. How many teams in a basketball game? What are they? One team is White team and the other team is orange team.The game is very fun. And the people say,“Go,Yao Ming,Go,Rockets .”Do You know the meaning?
T:Who gets the ball and puts the ball in the net?So
Whats the score?
Its 98 to 87.
3. Student Book N1.
T: Theres a basketball game in our lesson. Please open your books.
T: Listhen to part1,and then answer my questions.(第四次比赛轮流回答)
(Picture1) Who is Bob?How old is Bob? Is he a
bus-driver?What is he?When does Bob play basketball?
(Picture2) Whats a team?What is Bob wearing?
(Picture3) Which team is Bobs team,Blue team or
orange team?What does Bobs team do?
T: Whats the score? Its ____ to ____ Which team wins?
C: We win.
T: Follow the tape again. Read part1 together.
Student Book N2.
(1) Listen to part 2 first,and then discuss these questions in group of four.( 第五次比赛两组轮流比赛)
Q1: Where does Bobs basketball game play?
Q2: What does Bobs team wear?
Q3: At 8∶15,Whats the score?
Q4: Which team wins?
Q5: Which team loses?
Q6: Who puts the ball in the net last?
T: Whats the score?
C: Its ____ to ____. we win!
(2) Introduce these sentences. “Whats the score?” “They jump up and down.” “ Go,Bob” “Go,Blue team.”
(3) Follow the tape.
三、Class closing.
T: Today we have learned something about a basketball game. Now for your homework:
1. Read the text fluently,and introduce the game to your partner.
2. Activity Book N3.
2.教学过程设计巧妙。环节环环相扣,且环节间的过渡非常自然。通过两组之间的多个比赛来贯穿整节课,充分调动了每位学生的积极性,充分操练了重点句型:Whats the scores?Its_____ to _____.We win. We lose.等。学生在游戏中、比赛中学习、掌握了英语知识。
【责任编辑 闫会学】