- 第十二届全国量子化学会议(太原,2014)
- 中国化学会第29届学术年会
- 镍催化芳烃卤化物还原性交叉偶联的反应机理
- 水合Pb(OH)+在高岭石(001)晶面的吸附机理
- 分子转动和激光脉冲对多光子激发控制的影响
- 基于苯并噻二唑和硅芴的一系列红光材料的载流子传输性质及荧光性质
- 浸渍法制备的Pd-MnO x/γ-Al2O3催化剂及不同载体对地表O3降解的影响
- Effect of Alkylimidazolium Ionic Liquids on the Corrosion Inhibition of Copper in Sulfuric Acid Solution
- Asymmetric Capacitance Behavior Based on the Relationship between Ion Dimension and Pore Size
- Effect of the Ionic Liquid Additive-[BMIM]HSO4on the Kinetics of Oxygen Evolution during Zinc Electrowinning
- Self-Assembly of 3-Aminopropyltrimethoxysilane to Improve the Efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
- Controlled Synthesis of Mesoporous MnO2Nanospindles
- Pt-Ni Catalyst Supported on CMK-5 for the Electrochemical Oxidation of Methanol
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations ofα-Tocopherol in Model Biomembranes
- Synthesis,Structure and Characterization of Pb1-xTbxTi1-xMnxO3(0≤x≤0.10)Solid Solutions
- Characterization and Anion Emission Characteristics of the Microporous Crystal Cs-C12A7
- Catalytic Decomposition of Cellulose in Cooperative Ionic Liquids
- Effects of Substrate-Target Distance and Si Co-Doping on the Properties of Al-Doped ZnO Films Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering
- Effects of Mixed Solvents on the High-Rate Performance of Li3V2(PO4)3/C Prepared by Sol-Gel Method
- Electronic Structures and Optical Properties of Ilmenite-Type Hexagonal ZnTiO3
- Anionic Production Pathways Involved in the Reaction between OH-and CH2ClF
- Acid Dye Adsorption Properties of Ethylenediamine-Modified Magnetic Chitosan Nanoparticles
- Cathodic and Thermal Stabilities of the P(VdF-HFP)-Based Ionic Liquid Composite Polymer Electrolyte
- Effect of Substituents on the Optical Properties of 3(5)-(9-Anthryl)Pyrazole
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations on the Role of Structural Mg2+Ions in Phosphoryl Transfer Catalyzed by GSK-3β