
2020-12-29 22:56浙江
教学考试(高考英语) 2020年2期










At the same time,growing awareness that overuse accelerates development of bacterial resistance to the drugs has led to“antibiotics stewardship”,the practice of using the newest antibiotics only for infections untreatable with older ones.


accelerate:v.To happen or to make sth.happen faster or earlier than expected.

eg.Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.





(1)The decline of her health seemed to suddenly accelerate.

(2)The strategy was designed to wear down the enemy’s resistance.


句子主干:Growing awareness (S) has led to (V) “antibiotics stewardship” (O).

同位语从句:that overuse accelerates development of bacterial resistance to the drugs

同位语成分:the practice of using the newest antibiotics only for infections untreatable with older ones

时间状语:at the same time


Getting hold of penicillin in 1943 was a lottery in America.The “miracle drug” ___1___ (discover) 15 years earlier but production capacity was limited,and most went to the war effort.What remained was restricted,and ___2___ single injection cost at least $40.By 1949 ___3___ (good) manufacturing methods allowed the price ___4___ (fall) to 20 cents.The use of penicillin exploded.Antibiotics subsequently became a main part of modern medicine.Massive volumes offset low profit.Finding new molecules (微粒) is getting harder,___5___ means higher development costs.At the same time,growing ___6__(aware) that overuse accelerates development of bacterial resistance to the drugs has led to “antibiotics stewardship (管理)”,the practice of using the newest antibiotics only for infections untreatable with older ones.Volumes,in other words,are often ___7___ (disappoint).___8___ returns from antibiotics down,big pharmaceutical companies have abandoned ___9___ for more rewarding drugs.In the past ten years,___10___ the world began to panic about the rise of resistant superbugs (超级细菌),governments and charities provided early-stage financing.


1.had been discovered 2.a 3.better

4.to fall 5.which 6.awareness

7.disappointing 8.With 9.them












例如,2019年3月VOA中有一篇关于美国紧急停飞波音737 Max的文章:


American President Donald Trump on Wednesday said the United States would ground all Boeing 737 Max 8 and Max 9 planes “effective immediately.”

The U.S.Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement that it “made the decision as a result of the data gathering process and new evidence collected at the site and analyzed today.”

The agency added,“This evidence,together with newly refined satellite data available to FAA this morning,led to this decision.”

The emergency order came after two crashes involving Boeing 737 Max 8 jets in recent months.The latest happened on Sunday,when Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashed in clear weather ①six minutes after takeoff ② from Ethiopia’s capital,Addis Ababa.All 157 people on board died.

Last October,Indonesia’s Lion Air Flight 610 crashed into the ocean 13 minutes after taking off ③from the Indonesian capital,Jakarta.All 189 people on board died.④

By Wednesday,nearly 40 countries had already barred Boeing 737 Max planes from flying in their airspace.The FAA had faced criticism for permitting the jets to continue flying in the United States.

Trump said that“new information”had been found during the ongoing investigation into Sunday’s accident.He said the decision to ground the aircraft“didn’t have to be made,but we thought it was the right decision.”

Trump added that the decision was made with the help of U.S.air carriers,aircraft manufacturer Boeing and Canadian aviation officials.Canada announced it was grounding the Boeing 737 Max planes earlier in the day.

In a statement,the U.S.-based Boeing Company said it“continues to have full confidence in the safety of the 737 Max.” The company said it decided to recommend to the FAA the temporary suspension of operations of all Boeing 737 Max planes “out of an abundance of caution.”

The FAA says there are 74 such planes registered in the U.S.and 387 around the world.

The U.S.-based Southwest Airlines operates 34 Boeing 737 Max planes.The airline said as a result of the order,it has removed those planes from service.


1.What does the underlined word“ground”in Paragraph 1 mean?


这类问题需要学生基于语篇所承载的知识进行有效的分析、推断。本题中划线词“ground”用作动词,意为“使停飞”,而非学生熟悉的名词“地面”,属于“熟词生义”,需要学生通过阅读上下文来推断生词含义。与总述作用的第一段相呼应的最后一段总结道“The airline said as a result of the order,it has removed those planes from service.”,根据这一信息中的关键词“removed those planes from service.”,学生可以推断“ground”在文中类似于“disable(使停用,使无效)”。


2.What happened to Boeing Company?

A.The government increased flights to meet the need.

B.It canceled several flights because of the safety problem.

C.People appealed to the government to change its schedule.

D.American president passed law to close Boeing.

这类问题需要学生关注首尾两段以及每一段的topic sentence(关键句),根据所获得的信息提取共同特征,以此形成新的简单概念。本题需要学生根据第一段“the United States would ground all Boeing 737 Max 8 and Max 9 planes”以及第四段“The emergency order came after two crashes involving Boeing 737 Max 8 jets in recent months.”等主题句内容概括出得出“be canceled”“safety problem”等关键词,从而选出正确选项B。


3.We can learn from Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 that_______.

A.Flight 302 crashed because of the bad weather

B.both Flight 302 and Flight 610 are Boeing 737 Max planes

C.all 157 people on Flight 610 died

D.two planes crashed after a long-time flight

这类问题需要学生根据选项回归原文寻找对应的细节信息,再将原文和选项进行匹配、比较,切忌无中生有、张冠李戴。第四段、第五段主要介绍了紧急出台波音737 Max停飞政策的原因,而这与之前两起坠机事件有关。由此可知这两段中出现Flight 302与Flight 610都是坠机的实例,都属于波音737 Max,故B选项正确。而根据画线信息①可知,A选项中的“bad weather”偏离原文。根据画线信息④可知,Flight 610的死亡人数为189,C选项属于信息杂糅。根据画线信息②③可知,两架坠机距离起飞时间均不长,故D选项也不正确。此类问题能帮助学生综合分析各种信息之间的内在关联和存在的各种矛盾,让学生从错综复杂的信息中识别关键问题。


4.What is the author’s attitude?



这类问题需要学生针对所获取的信息提出自己的看法,并通过简单的求证手段,判断信息的真实性。本题涉及的关键信息不是明确表达出的,而是隐含于文字线索中,需要学生在理解文章总体内容的基础上,领会作者的言外之意。学生通过阅读可知,作者在这篇时文中只是介绍美国紧急停飞波音737 Max的事件及其原因,并未发表个人看法,所以作者的态度是“objective(客观的)”。




In South Korea smart-phone cases come with rings mounted on the back,to prevent clumsy owners from dropping them.This makes people look like they are literally married to their phones.In many of Seoul’s most popular coffee shops,couples on dates spend vastly more time looking at their screens than at each other.The ramifications go beyond the potentially dire consequences for romance.

Walk around the streets of Seoul or any other South Korean city,and there is a real risk of bumping into people whose eyes are glued to their smart-phone screens.Insurers estimate that around 370 traffic accidents annually are caused by pedestrians using smart-phones.That figure does not include those who bump into lamp posts and the like while perusing the latest cat videos.

The government initially tried to fight the“smombie” (a portmanteau of“smart-phone”and“zombie”) epidemic by distributing hundreds of stickers around cities imploring people to “be safe” and look up.This seems to have had little effect even though,in Seoul at least,it recently replaced the stickers with sturdier plastic boards.

Instead of appealing to people’s good sense,the authorities have therefore resorted to trying to save them from being run over.Early last year,they began to trial floor-level traffic lights in smombie hot spots in central Seoul.Since then,the experiment has been extended around and beyond the capital.For the moment,the government is retaining old-fashioned eye-level pedestrian lights as well.But in future,the way to look at a South Korean crossroads may be down.


People are deeply addicted to smart-phones in South Korea,which causes negative consequences in many aspects (要点1).Traffic accidents caused by passengers who use smart-phones in the streets are one of the problems (要点2).To solve it,the government gives out stickers to raise people’s awareness of looking up and being safe,but the effect is limited (要点3).However,measures like trialing floor-level traffic lights will be popularized to save smombie’s lives (要点4).(69 words)




在阅读这篇外刊文章时,教师首先应指导学生在明确的情境中根据提示找到文化信息,实现文化获取。学生根据首段内容“For expat parents,passing on their native languages can be a struggle.”可知,该篇外刊文章围绕着“外籍父母(expat parents)”与“母语(native languages)”展开,阐述“外籍家庭传承母语是一件难事”。同时,学生应超越课堂,在真实生活情境中获取相关的文化信息,思考自己身边是否存在外国人或者外省人,他们的子女在“异语言”环境中是否说过母语;教师更可以鼓励学生利用课余时间询问这些子女是否会说母语、是否想说母语,借此加深对这一文化主题的认知。在成功获取文化信息的基础上,学生应开展文化比较活动,比较本土家庭与外籍家庭对待“母语学习”以及“外语学习”的态度差异,并根据所积累的文化知识为这一差异提供可能解释。在尊重和理解“外籍家庭”身份差异的前提下,教师可以组织学生思考“外籍家庭的子女是否有必要学习母语”这一话题,加深学生的文化理解。经过分析、讨论后,教师应引导学生进一步就“母语学习的重要性、如何平衡母语与外语学习”等话题展开讨论,增强学生的中国文化自信,帮助学生树立正确的文化价值观。




