学生在某个特定时间段阅读同一主题的文章,会在不同语境中接触同一或类似的词汇,从而加深对这些知识的印象。例如,学生在阅读有关电子竞技的文章时,会反复接触以下词汇:如Esports(电子竞技),digital generation(数字时代),expand its business(扩大商业规模),Call of Duty(使命召唤),Hearthstone(《炉石传说》),League of Legends (《 英 雄 联 盟 》),Counter-Strike:Global Offensive(《反恐精英:全球攻势》),Dota(《刀塔》),professionals(职业玩家),awesome team player(优秀团队玩家),gaming gear(游戏设备),take every win and loss as a challenge(将每一次胜负当作挑战),competitive(有竞争力的),the International Olympic Committee(国际奥委会),the millennial generation(千禧一代),dominance(主导地位),amateur(业余爱好者)等,这个话题可以与腾飞的电子商务完美契合起来(E-commerce takes off.E-commerce is transforming business and daily life,mostly for the better)。这些词汇在不同的篇章中反复出现,能加强阅读者的记忆,很好地成为理解文章的铺路石,使阅读者顺利地渡过词汇难关,从而顺利地挣脱阅读中的“拦路虎”。
同一作者的文章在风格上非常一致,行文稳定,遣词造句有相似或相关之处,擅长运用自己偏爱的词汇或表达方式。这样,读者在品读过某位作者的某篇文章后,能很好地适应他的其他作品。例如,学生在阅读漫威之父斯坦·李的作品《美国队长》(Captain America)后,能顺利地理解他的《神奇四侠》(Fantastic Four)、《钢铁侠》(Iron Man)、《绿巨人》(The Hulk)、《X 战警》(X-Man)、《起义博士》(Doctor Strange)、《超胆侠》(Marvel’s Daredevil)。同时,斯坦·李还在《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)等电影中客串角色。他笔下的英雄人物具有以下特征:gain superpower,have faith in humanity,have selfless act,be brave,have a sense of justice,be humorous,stand against awakened threat,possess superhuman attributes,suffer a grave injury,be equipped with powerful tools。这些特征可以帮助学生更好地把握篇章内容。
例如,在教学北师大版高中《英语》选修6 Unit 1时,笔者要求学生阅读有关庞贝和楼兰城的文章。文章介绍了维苏威火山爆发后庞贝被埋,后来再次被发现的过程。文章中的下画线词汇需要学生借助文本猜测词义,从而破除阅读障碍。
Starting from 20 August AD 79,there were some earthquakes near the volcano—Mount Vesuvius.However,no one paid them much attention.Then,on 24 August,the mountain exploded,pouring out a cloud of ash.The people were fleeing the city for their lives.However,they could not get away fast enough,so they were buried beneath the ash.The city was abandoned and forgotten for many years until the 18thcentury when a farmer discovered a stone with writing on it.People started to dig in the area for treasure,and many archaeologists,historians and even treasure hunters swarmed there,which caused much damage.Thus,the area was put under government protection,so it could be preserved and studied.
The town which was home to some of Rome’s most affluent citizens provided a detailed insight into ancient Roman life,culture and civilization,allowing us to glimpse into a time that was not ours to see,a time long long gone.
From Affluence to Ashes—The Story of Pompeii.
Pompeii was one of a number of towns located near the base of the volcanic mountain,Mount Vesuvius.In 79 AD Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried the entire ancient city under a thick carpet of volcanic ash.One witness wrote“the dust poured across the land like a flood,and shrouded the city in darkness...like the black of closed and unlighted rooms”.
Two thousand people died.The people and buildings of Pompeii were covered in up to twelve different layers of ash,which rained down for close to 6 hours.After the eruption,the city was abandoned and forgotten in its entirety.It was as if it had never existed at all.
For 1,500 years it remained untouched until 1599 when it was discovered by an architect who unearthed some frescoes(壁画)just to cover them again.The site was then rediscovered in 1748,by a team of archaeologists led by Spanish military engineer Rocque Joaquin de Alcubierre.Buildings were intact,bodies in the exact positions they had died,everyday objects and household goods and objects were found lying in the streets and even uncovered jars of preserved fruit and bread were discovered.The objects that lay beneath the debris were preserved for centuries because of the lack of air and moisture.
To this day,the destruction of Pompeii remains one of the world’s infamous and tragic events.
1.Do you think it is important to protect objects from the past?
2.Do you have any suggestions on how to protect them?
3.Can you plan an outline for a speech about helping more historical places around the world and educate people so that they can better enjoy the treasure from the past?
A simple outline of the speech includes the following:
a word of welcome
a word of thanks to the audience
an explanation of why the speaker is there,or what the speech is about
the main body of the speech
your hopes for the future
the conclusion of the speech