
2018-07-20 09:11乔继华
小学教学设计(英语) 2018年7期







例如,在教译林新版《英语》(以下简称《英语》)三年级下册Unit 5 How old are you?Cartoon time过程中,教师让学生采用Pair work的方式朗读Cartoon time。三轮Pair work过后,教师发现学生把“Iwanta robot.”读成“I want a robat.”对此,教师采用升调重复了“a robot or a robat?”。听完教师的重复后,学生立刻看课本,意识到读错了。

又如在教《英语》三年级下册Unit 7 On the farm Story time时,教师发现学生把“What are these?”读成“What are this?”针对这一错误,教师一边指着图中的三头猪一边竖起三个指头问学生“What are these?”or“What are this?”看看教师竖起的三个指头,学生即刻选择了“Whatare these”。



例如,在操练《英语》四年级下册 Unit 7 What’s the matter?Story time时,一位学生把“Good night,Dad and Mum.”说成

“Goodbye,Dad and Mum”。为此,教师呈现了刘涛晚八点要去睡觉和早晨七点半去上学的两幅图给学生,并要求他们找相同点和不同点。通过比较,学生们得出结论:Good night和 Good bye都有道别之意,但是时间点不一样。

又如,在学完《英语》五年级下册Unit 8 Birthdays Grammar time后,教师给学生布置了当堂巩固的练习。练习过后,教师进行了抽样检查。在抽查中,教师发现将近一半的学生把eighth,ninth,twelfth,twentieth写成 eightth,nineth,twelveth,twentyth。针对学生的书写错误,教师引导学生把本课所学的序数词重新排序、找规律(见下表)。

不规则形式缩写形式规则形式缩写形式规则形式的个别变化及缩写形式first 1st fourth 4th eighth 8th Second 2nd fifth 5th ninth 9th third 3rd sixth 6th tewlfth 12th seventh 7th twentieth 20th tenth 10th twenty-first 21st fifteenth 15th twenty-second 22nd eighteenth 18th twenty-third 23rd




例如,在学完《英语》五年级下册Unit7Chinesefestivals Story time后,教师组织了“Tell Chinese festivals to Mike”活动。在展示过程中,一位学生把“The Dragon Boat Festival is in May orJune.” 说 成 了“The Dragon Boat Festival is in April.”待该学生介绍结束后,教师向全班学生提供以下表格,并要求学生采用小组合作的方式完成。

Time The name of Chinese festivals

经过小组讨论,学生们完成了表格,并指出“The Dragon Boat Festival is in April”是不正确的。但是,三四月、七八月以及十二月的节日未能完成。对此,教师给予了补充,见下表:

T i m e T h e n a m e o f C h i n e s e f e s t i v a l s J a n u a r y o r F e b r u a r y S p r i n g F e s t i v a l M a r c h A r b o r D a y A p r i l Q i n g m i n g F e s t i v a l M a y o r J u n e D r a g o n B o a t F e s t i v a l J u l y o r A u g u s t C h i n e s e V a l e n t i n e’s D a y S e p t e m b e r o r O c t o-b e r M i d-A u t u m n F e s t i-v a l O c t o b e r o r N o v e m b e r D o u b l e N i n t h D a y D e c e m b e r W i n t e r S o l s t i c e

整个“Tell Chinese festivals to Mike”活动结束后,教师让犯错的学生看了师生一起完成的表格,并问他“Can you tell Chinese festivals to Mike now?”该生自豪地回答“Sure.”





例如,在教完《英语》四年级下册Unit 8 How are you?Story time后,教师设计了刘涛打电话告诉妈妈,放学后要参加校足球队比赛,可能晚点回家的情境,并要求学生根据提供的情境完成对话。经过一番合作研讨,学生向教师呈现了以下情景对话。

A telephone call to Mother

Liu Tao:Hello,this is Liu Taospeaking.MayIspeak to Mum?

Mother:Hello,Tao Tao.This is Mum.

Liu Tao:Mum,I can’t get home early.

Mother:What’s the matter?

Liu Tao:We have a football match.

Mother:I’m sorrytohear that.Take care,Liu Tao.

Liu Tao:Thank you,Mum.


看了教师整合的情境,学生发现他们对原有情境的理解有偏差 (用 What’s the matter? I’m sorry to hear that表达刘涛妈妈的疑惑表情和关切之情),需要予以修正。以下是学生修正后的情景对话:

A telephone call to Mother

Liu Tao:Hello,this is Liu Taospeaking.MayIspeak to Mum?

Mother:Hello,Tao Tao.This is Mum.

Liu Tao:Mum,I can’t get home early.

Mother:Tell me what it is.

Liu Tao:We have a football match.

Mother:Take care,Liu Tao.

Liu Tao:Thank you,Mum.



例如,在学完《英语》五年级下册Unit 8 Birthdays Story time后,教师设计了Helen,Tim各自买礼物去参加Mike生日聚会的情境,要求学生在小组讨论后完成,并当场做汇报。以下是学生的一份汇报:

Mike’sbirthdayison the eighth ofApril.Mike stay at home.In the morning,Helen go to the supermarketto buy a birthday cake,Tim go to the shop to buy a football.In the afternoon,Helen and Tim go to Mike’s home to have a party.



Mike’sbirthday ison the eighth ofApril.Mike staysat home.In the morning,Helen goes to the supermarket to buy a birthday cake,Tim goes to the shop to buy a football.In the afternoon,Helen and Tim go to Mike’s home to have a party.


Mike’sbirthdayison the eighth of April.Helen and Tim gotoMike’shometohavea party.In the morning,They go to the supermarket and the shop to buy a birthday cake and a football.In the afternoon,they eat the birthday cake and play football with Mike.They have a lot of fun!

他们用错误的方式进行交流。这不但影响学生对英语的理解和运用,而且也不利于文化意识的形成。因此,在课堂教学中,教师应借助教材中Culture time板块拓展文化知识的内容和范围,对比文化情境,化解学生错误的表达方式。

例如,在教学《英语》五年级下册Unit8BirthdaysCulture time板块时,教师设计了Su Hai买礼物庆祝Helen生日的情境,并要求学生根据提供的情境完成对话。在明确了任务后,学生们根据本单元所学的内容形成了以下对话:

Su Hai:Happy birthday,Helen.Here’s the presentfor you.

Helen:Thank you,Su Hai.

Su Hai:You’re welcome.

Helen:Can I open the present,Su Hai?

Su Hai:You’d betternot open the present.


Su Hai:It’snotgood to open the present when you get it from your friend.


Tim:Happy birthday,Mike.Here’s the present for you.

Mike:Thank you,Tim.

Tim:That’s all right.Open the present,Mike.

Mike:Wow, a football.Thank you very much.

Tim:You’re welcome.Let’s play football together,OK?


待学生看完视频后,教师对Culture time板块中的内容做了拓展,并要求学生对比提供的情境。通过对比,学生去掉了Su Hai买礼物庆祝Helen生日情境中的You’d better not open the present和 It’s not good to open the presentwhen you getitfrom your friend的中式表达方式,形成了这样的意识:学习英语不仅要学习语言知识,而且要学习该语言的文化。





例如,在教学《英语》五年级下册Unit 8 Birthdays Fun time板块时,教师发现在Do a survey的活动中,有部分学生把My birthday is on the sixth of March说成My birthday is in the sixth of March.针对学生的错误表述,教师认为这是一个有价值的错误。借助这个错误,可以确立学生的发现意识,让学生搞清楚in与on的区别,并通过小组探究修正这个错误。于是,教师把My birthday is on the sixth of March和My birthday is in the sixth of March写在黑板上,并提出以下一个问题和一个要求:

Which sentence iswrong?Tell me the differences between“in”and“on”.


(1)My birthday isin the sixth of March是不正确的。

(2)My birthday ison the sixth of March与My birthday is in the sixth of March两句中用的介词不同;on用在表示日期的数词或时间名词前,in用在表示月份、年份的名词前;要使My birthday is in the sixth of March变成正确的句子,必须将句中的in改成on。



例如,在学完《英语》六年级下册Unit 8 Our dreams Story time 后,教师组织了“Our dreams”的小组竞赛活动,学生们踊跃参加。以下选取的是A、B两组的竞赛文稿:

(1)A组的Our dreams

There isthree studentsin our group.They are Mike,Wang Bing and Liu Tao.Mike want to be dentist,because many children don’t care about their teeth.Hewantstohelpthem.Wang Bing want to be a astronaut.He wants to fly a spaceship to the moon.Liu Tao wantto be a football player.He want to play in the World Cup some day.

(2)B组的Our dreams

There are three students in our group.They are Su Hai,Nancy and Yang Ling.Su Hai wants to be a dancer,because dancing make people healthy and beautiful.Nancy wants to be writer, because she wants to write stories for children.Yang Ling wants to be a pianist,because music make people happy.

在竞赛的过程中,A组学生指出B组的这些错误:Because dancing make people healthy and beautiful.Nancy wants to be writer和 Becausemusicmake people happy;B组学生指出A组犯的错误:There is three students in our group,Mike want to be dentist,Wang Bing want to be a astronaut和Liu Tao want to be a football player。


Do you find the same mistakes in your dreams?




例如,在教学《英语》六年级下册Project2Atravelbook Part C过程中,教师发现,在展示show-and-tell时有部分学生出错。以下选取的是 A、B两组show-and-tell的文稿:


I know many cities.London is my favrite city.It is in England.The weather is good.You’ll see Ben there.This summer,I’m going there with my sister.I hope we’ll be happy there.


I know many citys.London is my favourite city.Itis in England. The wether is fine.You’llsee the Big Ben here.This summer,I’m go there with my sister.I hope we’ll be happy there.



B组同学的文化知识比我们知道得多,单词拼写错误很少。但是,在名词复数的变化、副词的近指与远指、be going to的用法上有错误。这些错误可能是疏忽、混淆或没搞清楚所导致。


A组同学的语法知识比我们掌握得好,单词拼写错误很少。但是,没能选好恰当的形容词来描述天气,对英国Big Ben大钟了解不够。


I know many cities.London is my favourite city.Itis in England.The weather is fine.You’llseetheBigBen there.Thissummer,I’m going there with my sister.I hope we’ll be happy there.


Effects of total soy saponins on free radicals in the quadriceps femoris, serum testosterone,LDH,and BUN of exhausted rats