摘 要:文章根据高职学生的具体学情,以提升高职学生英语交际能力为目标,以交际教学法和情境教学法为基本教学方法,以情景剧为载体,以用英文表达感谢为教学内容主题,实现了一次完整的课堂教学设计。
关键词:高职英语 课堂教学设计 情境教学法
1.交际教学法 交际教学法认为,语言首先是一种社会交际工具,主张以具体的交际功能项目为主要线索来安排教学内容,并根据实际需要来确定其培养目标的侧重面,加强针对性。本课就是根据交际教学法的理念,确定了以交际中常见的感谢为主题,通过听说训练使學生获得这一方面的英语交际能力。
2.情境教学法 即“教师有目的地引入或创设具有一定情绪色彩的、以形象为主体的生动具体的场景,以引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解内容,并使学生的心理机能得到发展的教学方法。” 本课中,通过视频引入表达感谢的情境,让学生学习如何表达对他人的感谢以及回应他人的感谢。
本次课是让学生学会用英文表达感谢,包括两个方面:会说感谢的话(口头表达)和会写感谢信(书面表达)。整个教学过程包括6个教学步骤,其中步骤1—3 是为了学会说感谢的话而设置,步骤4—6是为了学会写感谢信而设置。同时学会说特意放在了学会写的前面,学会说以后对学会写有很大的帮助,是一种顺承的关系。
1. Review 复习
lead-in (导入): What day is it today? What holiday is it today?(今天是星期几?今天是什么节日?)
引出感恩节Thanksgiving Day(每年11月的第四个星期四是感恩节)
What can you say to your parents, teachers or friends on this day?(在感恩节你可以对父母,老师或者朋友说什么呢?)
Review the expressions learnt last class (复习上次课学习的四个表达感谢感恩的关键词组和句子)
①I am grateful to you for your help.②I am thankful to you for your kindness.
③ I am obliged to you for lending my the book. ④I really appreciate your understanding.
exercise: Say thanks according to the pictures (练习:根据图片选择以上四个表达感谢的结构造句。)
2. New expressions learning 学习新的表达式
(1)lead-in(导入): Video clip—Hu Ges speech of thanks after receiving an award(视频:著名演员胡歌获奖后的英文感谢词)
(2)analysis(分析):What are sentences are employed by him to express thanks? (胡歌用了什么典型的表达感谢的句子?)
First of all, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to atdc for the recognition and encouragement to me. I might have done well, but this achievement couldnt be received without a wonderful script and a strong production team. Here please allow me to show my gratitude to Madam Wang Liping, and director Mr. Xia Xiaolin. They are my great mentors who have raise me up to a new level of my acting skills and also my life. So, at this lovely night, I get the award them on the honor. Thank you!endprint
(3)New expressions and key words summary(新的表达式和关键词总结):
结构:would like/want to express/show
⑤I would like to express my thanks to sb for sth ⑥I want to show my gratitude to sb for sth ⑦I want to express my appreciation to sb for sth
3 Practice (game): making sentences with draw lots 练习(游戏)—抽签造句
“Which one have you got?” and“What is your sentence?
7.单词分别为:thanks, appreciate, grateful, obliged, thankful, appreciation, gratitude. (所有单词都是感谢、感恩的意思,但是词性不同,用法不同,造的句子就不同,但所有句子都是表达感谢的句子;同时屏幕上提供了学生造句用的体现感谢的理由的单词:help帮助,hospitality热情好客,advice建议,invitation 邀请,understanding理解,kindness 善良,encouragement鼓励,present 礼物,这些词只能被选择一次,也就是这个词被其中一位同学选了,其他6位同学就不可以选它了。当然学生也可以用自己想到的其他理由造句。)
4. Samples learning 感谢信模板学习
(1)Sample 1(模板1)
Dear Mr. Black,
Thank you very much for your congratulation card. I am highly honored by the kind words you said about me. Please accept my deep gratitude for your help and support throughout the year.
I am looking forward to our further cooperation in the future. Sincerely, Bill Alright
(2)Sample 2 (模板2)
Dear Dr.Smith,
Thank you very much for agreeing to write a letter of recommendation for me. I have appreciated your help all the more since I learned how busy you would be at the end of the term. I am enclosing a stamped envelope addressed to the graduate school of the university so that you can just drop your letter in mail. I will let you know at once if I get the scholarship.
Thanks again for all your kind support and understanding.
Sincerely, Bill Miller
(3)Summary: What should be included in a thank-you note? (总结:一般感谢信要包括什么内容?
5. Practice (watch a video and fill in the blank) 练习:根据短片写感谢信(填空)
(1) Question(提问):What do you want to say after watching the video? (看完这个感人的视频后你有什么感想?)endprint
(2)Exercise(练习): fill in the blank with suitable words(用适当的单词填空)
Suppose you were the doctor, write a thank-you note to the man who helped you 30 years ago.(假设你是这个医生,向30年前帮助你的老板写一封感谢信。以下是一个参考的信件,请在空格处填上单词。)
Dear Sir,
________you very much for helping me out 30 years ago when I was a little boy. I really _________ the three packs of painkillers and a bag of veggie soup you had offered to me. Words cant _______ how ________ I felt at that moment. Your kindness and care have a great impact on my life. I have been following your example to help others in need. I hope you will recover soon.
Once again, I would like to show my sincere ________ to you for your understanding and love.
Best regards to you!
Dr.Prajak Arunthong
6. Task (watch a video and write a thank-you note)作業:根据短片写感谢信
A Suppose you were the doctor, write a thank-you note to the man who helped him 30 years ago.(假设你是这个医生,向30年前帮助你的老板写一封感谢信。)
B. Suppose you were the daughter, write a thank-you note to the doctor for his help.
七 课堂小结