
2017-07-31 15:59汪亚丽
质谱学报 2017年4期

汪亚丽,王 鹭,曾 苏,康 玉

(浙江大学药学院药物代谢和药物分析研究所,浙江 杭州 310058)


汪亚丽,王 鹭,曾 苏,康 玉

(浙江大学药学院药物代谢和药物分析研究所,浙江 杭州 310058)





1 手性分子分离方法研究进展

为满足手性化合物研究的需要,各种高灵敏度、高精确度和高可靠性的方法得到迅速发展,如核磁共振法(NMR)、色谱法、电泳法等。这些广谱分析检测技术具有高分辨率和高准确度的特点,但也存在操作复杂、适用范围有限等缺点[5],其优缺点比较情况列于表1。近年来,质谱作为一种快速、准确、操作简单的高通量分析方法,也开始被应用于同分异构体的分离[6],特别是针对手性异构体的分析和定量测定,目前已有多种有效的质谱法,如对映体标记法(enantiomer-labeled method)、离子-分子反应法(ion-molecule reaction)、动力学方法(kinetic method)[2,7-8]等。

表1 常用的手性分析方法优缺点比较Table 1 Comparation of the advantages and disadvantages of commonly used chiral analysis methods

2 质谱法用于手性异构体分离研究的发展历程


质谱法进行手性区分的发展历程主要表现为:1) 离子化方式改变,提高了质谱分析的灵敏度和特异性。进行手性识别的质谱离子化方式由化学电离(CI)等传统的电离方式逐渐发展为软电离方式,使得利用碰撞诱导解吸(CID)、气相的分子/离子交换反应以及动力学方法进行手性区分成为可能,同时也使产生手性差别的条件更为宽松、方式更为多样、应用更为广泛[13-14];2) 直接利用质谱技术进行手性识别,已由单纯的手性区分、绝对构型的测定逐渐发展为手性药物对映体的定量测定和手性药物光学纯度的测定。质谱法直接进行手性区分具有快速、灵敏度高、专属性强等优点,并且不需要复杂的样品前处理或样品衍生化,待测物的性质也不会受到溶剂的干扰,因此有望在快速高通量的手性药物质量控制方面发挥作用。



主-客体法(host-guest method)的原理是基于非对映异构体的形成,但是它并不检测非对映异构体之间的性质,而仅仅是使用单极杆质谱记录通过主-客体相互作用产生的非对映异构体的相对丰度。


离子/分子反应法(ion/molecule (equilib-rium) reactions)是在主-客体法的基础上根据手性异构体存在反应速率的差异这一特性实现手性区分。


非对映异构体配合物解离法(collision-induced dissociation of diastereomeric complex)是针对手性分子(AR或AS)和手性配体(ref)形成的非对映异构体配合物,无法在单级质谱上实现区分的问题,以串联质谱的碰撞诱导裂解(CID)为基础而建立的,是目前比较新且应用最为广泛的质谱手性分析方法。非对映异构体配合物解离法又分为3种类型:动力学方法(kinetic method, KM)、固定配体动力学方法(fixed ligand kinetic method)、手性比值区分法(chiral recognition ratio method, CR)。



注:M.过渡态二价金属阳离子;ref*.手性配体;A.手性分析物图1 质谱动力学方法原理Fig.1 Principle of the MS kinetic method









离子淌度质谱法(ion mobility mass spectrometry, IMS)[21-27]是在气相中根据离子的大小和形状实现区分,类似于毛细管电泳,是一种气相分析方法。该方法可在大气压下实现广谱快速现场检测,也称为离子迁移质谱或者大气压下质谱,其原理示于图2。离子淌度质谱由离子源、离子淌度池和质量分析器组成,利用不同物质离子在电场作用下运动行为的差别对其进行分离检测,手性分子与特定的配体及金属离子形成配合物,由于立体构型的差异,不同异构体形成的配合物在相同电场下与碰撞气的碰撞截面(collision cross section, CCS,Ω)和运动行为产生差异,据此区分同分异构体。根据离子淌度池的结构与原理,又可分为漂移时间离子淌度质谱、行波离子淌度质谱、吸入离子淌度质谱、场不对称离子淌度质谱四类。

离子淌度质谱能增强对具有多个手性中心物质的分析能力,在手性分析方面具有很大的发展潜能。近年来,离子淌度质谱作为一项新兴的质谱分析技术,在手性分子分离中受到重视。如Mie等[28]利用场不对称离子淌度质谱分离和分析特布他林对映体,以二价金属离子为中心,小分子氨基酸为手性配体,与特布他林样品形成三元复合物[MⅡ(ARor AS)(ref)2-H]+,离子化后形成非对映体复合物。当金属离子和小分子配合物选择恰当时,对映体复合物在质谱上得以区分。已有研究表明[29],运用场不对称离子淌度质谱能够实现对邻、间、对-苯二甲酸异构体的基线分离。该方法同样可以用于定量检测,在该研究中特布他林对映体的检测限可达0.1%,与HPLC和CE相比,场不对称离子淌度质谱检测限更低、样品分析时间更短[30]。为了提高分离效率,离子淌度质谱技术不断地被改善。2012年,Holness等[22]提出在离子淌度池的碰撞气体中加入一定量的手性气体,可以明显地改善手性异构体的分离度。根据他们的研究,加入一定量的正辛醇可使麻黄碱和伪麻黄碱在漂移管中的分离度达到1.34。

图2 离子淌度质谱法原理Fig.2 Principle of ion mobility mass spectrometry

3 质谱法在手性药物分离中的应用及发展前景






表2 质谱法在手性分子立体异构体区分中的应用Table 2 Applications of mass spectrometry in chiral molecules stereoisomer distinguish

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Mass spectrometry (MS) is a kind of analytical method widely used in chemistry, life science, medicine and other fields. This method can provide information on molecular weight and is very helpful to structure analysis of unknown substance. It has advantages of high resolution, informative, less dosage of samples, sensitive, rapid, etc. MS plays an important role in the determination of accurate molecular weight of organic compounds, its structural analysis and the reaction mechanism research. As chiral drugs separation is a hot research topic in the field of medicine, MS has also been gradually applied to the distinction between the chiral impurities in recent years. With the continuous development of MS technology, it has obtained more and more attention in the analysis of chiral drug. This paper mainly reviewed the application and development history of MS in drug stereoisomer analysis of late years. The primary chiral MS methods in the current state come down to four categories, such as host-guest (H-G) method, ion/molecule (equilibrium) reactions, collision-induced dissociation (CID) and ion mobility mass spectrometry (IMS). The collision-induced dissociation (CID) of diastereomeric complex can be subdivided into three types for kinetic method (KM), fixed ligand kinetic method and chiral recognition ratio method (CR). All these MS methods were introduced considering their stereoisomer analysis principle and characteristics in this review. Examples were taken to make detailed instructions of the applications and advantages of the KM and IMS, which are two most popular MS methods said above. It has been widely accepted that mass spectrometry techniques have obvious advantages in separation and quantitative determination of stereoisomers owing to their high speed, accuracy and sensitivity. In conclusion, MS does not need complicated sample preparation and expensive chiral column when used to the optical impurities separation of chiral drugs, which greatly enhances the efficiency and accuracy in analysis of drug stereoisomers. The development of the mass spectrometry techniques would greatly promote the cutting-edge investigation and analysis of chiral impurities separation of drugs with multichiral centers and complicated conformation (such as polysaccharide, peptide) in the future.

chiral molecules; mass spectrometry; separation of stereoisomers





汪亚丽(1991—),女(汉族),湖北咸宁人,硕士研究生,药物分析专业。E-mail: 21519009@zju.edu.cn

康 玉(1984—),女(汉族),甘肃兰州人,副教授,从事计算机辅助药物分析研究。E-mail: yukang@zju.edu.cn



