Raise Your Hand不再做课堂上的胆小鬼

2015-05-30 10:48
新东方英语·中学版 2015年7期

In schools across the world, you'll find an incredible genus1) of student who possess the enviable ability to participate in classroom discussion, seemingly without any hesitation. It's bold—sitting there in class just gabbing2) about valence electrons3) or delivering some pithy4) analysis of Antigone5) while 30 or so pairs of eyeballs stare, totally prepared to judge. But I'm almost positive that people who are capable of speaking up don't see it as boldness at all. It's whatever for them, you know? They're simply talking, ostensibly6) with the same freeness, ease and assuredness7) that most of us have when chatting with friends or discussing extracurricular passions.

Slouched8) in whatever inconspicuous9) corner of the classroom that I'd strategically chosen, I watched with a mix of reverence10) and resentment11) as these folks performed their magic, thinking: How the hell do they do that? Why can't I do it? All through each lecture, I was fine, enthusiastically taking notes, loving life and learning and school. But as soon as my professor started trying to facilitate12) a discussion, and especially if she started calling on people who weren't raising their hands, all my happy, fantastic "I love school" vibes13) would instantly evaporate14).

What was the problem? Why was I so nervous? The simplest answer is that I was scared of sounding15) or being perceived as stupid. Or, actually, not even stupid. I was afraid that people wouldn't think that I was super smart. I wanted to not only give the correct answer, but also say something totally insightful every time I spoke. I was told that I was a smart kid by teachers and family from the time I was in preschool, which of course felt good, but eventually started to stress me out. I felt expected to be that smart kid ALL THE TIME, and that thought was a burden that tied my stomach in knots and kept me silent during class.

My apprehensions16) grew when I got to college. Everyone who contributed to discussions in that overwhelming new setting seemed so articulate17), so adult, while I still very much felt like the insecure teenager that I was. We were graded, in part, on participation, and sometimes the teaching assistant would very overtly18) mark down in a little notebook whether or not students said anything during class, so there was added pressure and weight to the discussion. My sophomore year, I took an introductory American literature course where we had to read The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon. In class, there was a very lively discussion about symbolism and postmodernism that I wouldn't have been able to participate in even if I'd wanted to, because I just didn't understand what the hell was going on in the book … or what postmodern even meant. So what I did—and this is something that, as an academic overachiever19), I did for most of my classes—was re-read the assignment, take notes on what I'd read, study those notes and read some unassigned scholarly analysis of the subject. Even with that much preparation and even with the knowledge that, Hey, I was accepted into this school, so obviously someone believed that I could thrive in this environment, I was still uneasy about speaking up in class.

Mine wasn't a complete transformation—I didn't go from this timid student to some freewheeling20) self-assured chatterbox21). But there was a change and I accomplished that in very small, gradual ways. For example, my nerves cause me to speak in really disjointed22), clumsy23) sentences or forget what I want to say altogether. So, in class, I jotted down24) my comments on a piece of paper first and then raised my hand. I usually didn't end up looking down at what I'd written, but it was like a safety net. I also made little goals for myself: OK, today I'm going to say one thing in class, no matter what. Then the next week, I'd say I'm going to make two comments, and so on and so forth.

At first, even when I was only giving one-word answers, the simple act of talking was packed with so much enormity25) for me that I couldn't speak in class without getting anxious fluttering26) in my stomach and constriction in my throat. Any time I spoke, I had to push the sentences out of mouth. I was sure that everyone could detect my nervousness but the thing that I clung to27) was that no one really showed any outward sign of judgment. Sometimes people would even nod as I spoke! Eventually, the experience was just mildly uncomfortable. I couldn't be as relaxed as I was while talking to my friends, but I didn't have such a palpable28) physical reaction.

Like so many other things in life, you just have to go through all the nerves and discomfort. You have to experience the trembling voice as you read a book passage aloud; you have to trip up on29) your words a little as you try to speak; you have to ask a question even if you're afraid of being judged, and see what happens. I was able to make the transition from quiet, nervous student to teaching assistant, who was, yes, pretty awkward but still standing in front of a class LEADING a discussion because I forced myself to do it. Becoming a TA was one of the best decisions I could've made because I'd essentially put myself in a situation where not talking in class would actually be more embarrassing than talking.

During my semester as a TA, I was able to calm some of my nerves by doing the same kind of extreme preparation that I'd done with The Crying of Lot 49. I studied the class material (Native American Literature) until I was not only deeply familiar with it on an objective level—I knew all of the facts—but also until I'd developed opinions on it, analyzed it, and had questions about it, which I would usually end up sharing with the class as a way to jump-start30) conversation. I'm not someone who can just "wing it31)" entirely when it comes to public speaking or performing, so developing some kind of fluency with the material I'm supposed to be discussing, helps me feel more confident speaking up.

During discussions, I had always desperately wanted to say something. I wanted to participate! Maybe I couldn't answer every question or offer an opinion on every topic, but there were always moments when I could have said something. After you make yourself participate, you eventually understand that whatever you end up saying in class—whether it's met with a positive response by an instructor or not—doesn't have monumental consequences. That's when you can start to have a much mellower32) time at school (and maybe even learn something). Speaking up may never feel comfortable or natural for you. You may always be a little nervous, but the way you see the world is unique, and your thoughts deserve to be heard just as much as anyone else's.










1. genus [?d?i?n?s] n. 类,种类

2. gab [ɡ?b] vi. 喋喋不休,唠叨,闲聊(尤指说鸡毛蒜皮的事)

3. valence electron: 价电子,指原子核外面能与其他原子相互作用形成化学键的电子。

4. pithy [?p?θi] adj. 简洁扼要的;言简意赅的

5. Antigone: 《安提戈涅》,古希腊剧作家索福克勒斯的一部戏剧。故事中,俄狄浦斯的女儿安提戈涅不顾国王克瑞翁的禁令,将自己的兄长(即反叛城邦的波吕尼刻斯)安葬,结果被处死,而一意孤行的国王最终也落得妻离子散。

6. ostensibly [??stens?bli] adv. 表面上地

7. assuredness [?????r?dn?s] n. 自信;放松

8. slouch [sla?t?] vi. 无精打采地坐着

9. inconspicuous [??nk?n?sp?kju?s] adj. 不引人注目的;不惹人注意的

10. reverence [?rev?r?ns] n. 尊敬;崇敬;敬意

11. resentment [r??zentm?nt] n. 怨恨;愤慨;憎恨

12. facilitate [f??s?l?te?t] vt. 促进;使便利

13. vibes [va?bz] n. [复]情绪;气氛;环境

14. evaporate [??v?p?re?t] vi. (情绪)逐渐消失

15. sound [sa?nd] vi. 发声;出声响;响起

16. apprehension [??pr??hen?n] n. 担心;忧虑;恐惧

17. articulate [ɑ??t?kjule?t] adj. 善于表达的;口齿伶俐的

18. overtly [???v??tli] adv. 公开地;明显地;不隐藏地

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