
2024-05-21 06:07邵晨
疯狂英语·爱英语 2024年5期







1. 文字云图(图1)。文字云图(Word Clouds)是一种颇具美感的文本可视化工具,它可以通过单词的大小直观地反映文本中的单词使用频率,进而展示出文章的关键词和关键词指向的文本主题。单词在文本中使用的频率越高,在云图中的字号就越大,即单词的重要性通过其字号大小来体现。在正式阅读文本之前,学生可以通过文字云图中的关键词,初步感知文章的主题与大意,并利用这些关键词对文章情节进行大胆猜测,为阅读文本时更好地获取主题和梳理情节奠定基础。

2. 括号图(图2)。括号图能够从多个角度对某一事物进行合理地拆分与呈现。在读后续写题型中,括号图能够帮助学生快速获取记叙文的六要素:人物、时间、地点、起因、经过和结果,即5W1H。掌握了文章的六要素,也就对文章的故事背景和情节组织有了整体感知,为接下来对情节线索和情感线索的梳理奠定了基础。

3. 故事山图(图3)。“故事山(Story Mountain)”是英美国家在中小学阶段广泛应用的视觉阅读辅助工具,它可以帮助学生快速厘清故事发展脉络,为确定续写内容提供方向。如图3 所示,“故事山”主要分为五大部分:开头(The Opening)、发展(TheBuild?up)、困境(The Dilemma)、解决(The Resolution)、结尾(The Ending)。开头部分需要交代故事发生的背景,即人物、时间、地点等情境信息。发展部分需要交代推动情节发展的关键事件。困境部分需要交代故事的主要矛盾和急需解决的问题。解决部分需要交代主要矛盾的解决办法。结尾部分要呈现相关人物的结局和主要矛盾的解决结果。

4. 气泡图(图4)。气泡图由中心圆圈和包围着中心圆圈的若干圆圈共同构成。中心圆圈内写被描述的事物的名称,外面圆圈内写描述性的形容词或短语,用以描述中心圆圈内的关键词。在读后续写题型中,人物、主题、情节是高度融合的统一体,情节的推进离不开人物刻画。因此,学生可以运用气泡图梳理人物形象,进而更好地理解故事情节。

5. 鱼骨图(图5)。鱼骨图是以鱼头、鱼骨、鱼尾组成的图形,以鱼头或鱼尾表示文章的主题句,以鱼骨表示文章的发展线索或紧密相关的关键词。借助鱼骨图,学生可以将文章结构以直观、简洁的形式呈现出来,因此,有利于对情节的梳理与解码。




Thomas watched the irrigation canal (灌溉渠) for a sign of water. It looked as dry ashe felt inside. Thomas's thoughts were interrupted as his younger sister, Maggie, came skippingacross the field.

“What are you giving to Mama for her birthday?” she asked.

Thomas felt his stomach turn. He had forgotten that Mamas birthday, the first sincethey left their hometown, was tomorrow.“ Its a surprise, Maggie,” he answered. It was thetruth. Even he would be surprised.

Thomas would wish to be back in the mountains of their hometown. Surely Mamawould want the same. At least it rained there. Each time it did, Mama, Thomas and Maggiewould sit on the front porch and watch for a rainbow. Then each of them picked out a favoritecolor in the rainbow. Mama always gave the same answer.“ Turquoise (青绿色),” shewould finally say with a dreamy smile, pointing at the sky.“ Squeezed in tight, between theblue and green. Close your eyes and you can see it. If you could touch it, it would feel cool,like a breeze blowing across the stream.”

Thomas was discouraged. The sun would be setting soon, and he still had nothing togive his mother. What he saw around were rocks and sand. He picked up a large, flat rock,scooped up the dirt and watched it fall to the ground. Suddenly, something caught his eye.A speck of color peeked through the dirt.

“Hey, what's this?” he asked.

“Let's find out,” Maggie yelled. Thomas and Maggie dug with their fingers and uncovereda small, round stone. In the center, there was a tiny hole.

“That's just a turquoise bead (珠子), ” Thomas exclaimed.“ My friend Jacks sisterhas a jar full of them.”“ Let's see if there are more.” Maggie got excited.


Paragraph 1:

“I have an idea,” Thomas said cheerfully._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

Early the next morning, Thomas and Maggie set a small package on the table._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________








Paragraph 1:

“I have an idea,” Thomas said cheerfully. They kept digging and found more beads.Thomas put them in his shirt, holding it tight so that he wouldn't drop them. Then he carriedthem to the river, and Maggie helped him wash them. Carefully, they dried and polishedthem with a handkerchief.“ Mama will have a birthday present after all!” Thomas exclaimed.He seemed to see a necklace sparkling around Mama's neck and Mama touching it fondly.

Paragraph 2:

Early the next morning, Thomas and Maggie set a small package on the table. Insidewas the necklace they had made with the beads they had dug.“ What's this?” Mama askedcuriously. As she unwrapped the small package, she gasped.“ What a beautiful necklace!”she cried, pulling Thomas and Maggie close. “I can almost feel a cool breeze blowingacross the stream.” Mama closed her eyes and smiled.“ It smells like rain and I can seethat turquoise in the most beautiful rainbow. Thank you. My dearest children.” Thomas feltgood inside. Mama had her favourite turquoise!



One noon, Mark knocked at the door, saying,“ Take the letter.” Then, a little girlanswered from inside, “Im coming.” But after 3 minutes, no one came. Mark, the oldpostman, said again“, Please hurry. I have to go to the next place.”

The girl, Jane, replied,“ Sir, put the letter under the door. Im coming. But itll takemore time.” The old postman replied,“ No, I'm waiting. It's a registered letter. So your signatureis needed.”

After a long time, the door opened. Mark was angry and was about to shout at the girl.But when the door opened, he was shocked to see a little girl who had no legs. He immediatelyhad great pity for her. He quietly gave her the letter, took her signature and left.

The little girl often lived alone in her house. Her mother had passed away. And her fatherworked far away. He wasn't rich and couldn't spare money to buy the girl prostheses(义肢). To take care of her, her aunt stayed with her every night. But she lived alone duringthe day.

In about two months, whenever mail came, Mark would knock and call Jane. Thenhe'd wait patiently at the door. Gradually, interaction and attachment grew between them.And they learned more about each other.

Jane noticed Mark used to come barefoot to deliver mail. The rainy season came. Oneday, when Mark left after delivering the letter to Jane, his footprints were left on the wet soil. Jane came out with a piece of paper, put it on the footprints and took down the pictureof his feet. Then she handed her aunt the pocket money she had saved and asked her to getshoes of that size and keep them in the house.


Paragraph 1:

Days later, Jane heard the old postman knocking on her door.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

“I cant give her legs, but I can give her prostheses,” Mark suddenly thought, and decided to buy.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1. 续写这篇文章之前,我采用了哪些可视化思维工具对原文进行情节解读?


2. 基于可视化思维工具,我是否快速梳理了文章的情节线索并发现了续写要点?


3. 基于情节解读,本文的主题是什么?我的续写段落是如何照应文章主题的?


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