
2024-05-21 06:07陈凤莲
疯狂英语·爱英语 2024年5期



appreciative adj. 感激的

grateful adj. 感激的

excited adj. 激动的

ecstatic adj. 狂喜的

thrilled adj. 极为激动的

overjoyed adj. 极度高兴的

thankful adj. 感谢的

gratefulness n. 感激之情

thankfulness n. 感恩之情

impassioned adj. 激昂的

delirious adj. 极度兴奋的

gratitude n. 感恩之情

excitement n. 兴奋

thrill n. 激动

touched adj. 受感动的

thrilling adj. 激動人心的

be grateful beyond words 无法言表的感激

be overwhelmed with gratitude 感激不已

burst with joy 欣喜若狂

be filled with appreciation 充满感激

tremendously grateful 非常感激

be thrilled to bits 欣喜若狂

be deeply moved 深受感动

be grateful from the bottom of ones heart某人由衷感激

be filled with immense gratitude 饱含无尽感激

excited beyond belief 无比兴奋

be inspired beyond words 受到难以言喻的鼓舞

gratitude from the depths of one‘s soul 发自某人心灵深处的感激

be moved to tears 感动得落泪

be grateful for the kindness 对好意心怀感激

be excited beyond measure 无可估量的兴奋

immensely thankful 极度感激

be truly touched 被真实地打动

be thrilled to pieces 兴奋得不得了

be excited to the core 发自内心地兴奋

be thankful from the depths of ones heart衷心感激


I cannot express how grateful and thrilled I am to receive this incredible opportunity.我无法表达我有多么感激和兴奋能够得到这个不可思议的机会。

My heart is filled with immense appreciation and excitement for all the support andkindness I have received. 我的心中充满了无尽的感激和兴奋,因为我收到了如此多的支持和善意。

Words fail to describe the overwhelming joy and gratitude I feel in this moment. 言语无法表达我此刻无比喜悦和感激的心情。

I am bursting with happiness and excitement, jumping for joy at this wonderful news.我满怀幸福和激动,听到这个极好的消息后高兴地跳跃着。

Overwhelmed with gratitude, I raise my hands in grateful prayer, thanking everyonewho has supported me. 我感激不已,举起双手,满怀感激地祈祷,感谢每一个支持过我的人。

With a wide smile and tears of gratitude in my eyes, I can hardly contain the excitementcoursing through my veins. 带着灿烂的笑容和眼中感激的泪水,我几乎无法抑制流淌在我血管里的兴奋。

The thrill and gratitude intertwine as I hold this prestigious award in my hands, a symbolof hard work and dedication. 当我拿着这个赫赫有名的奖项时,兴奋和感激交织在一起,这是辛勤工作和奉献的象征。

My heart is brimming with excitement and appreciation as I embark on this new chapterof my life. 当我开始我生活的新篇章时,我的心中充满了兴奋和感激。

The overwhelming gratitude I feel towards my mentors and supporters fuels my determinationand pushes me to excel. 我对导师和支持者的无比感激激发了我的决心,推动着我超越自己。

With tears of joy and gratitude streaming down my face, I realize how blessed I am tohave such amazing people in my life. 当喜悦和感激的泪水流过我的脸颊,我意识到我有多么幸运,能在我的生活中有这样美妙的人。


David sprinted out, filled with adrenaline and excitement, his heart pounding in hischest. As David neared the finish line, he felt an overwhelming surge of joy. The mixture ofemotions flooded his senses, making him feel more alive than ever. With tears of accomplishmentstreaming down his face, he crossed the finishing line, feeling victorious and triumphant.Grateful beyond words, David turned to his coach, who had been his guiding lightthroughout the race. With an embrace filled with overflowing emotions, David thanked hiscoach, knowing that without his support, this moment of triumph would not have been possible.

In that instant, David felt an indescribable surge of elation. The challenges he facedand conquered transformed him, revealing his inner strength and resilience. The magnitudeof his achievements humbled him, fueling his motivation to continue pushing hisboundaries.





1. 我怎么感谢你也不为过,在我艰难困苦的时候你陪在我身边,无论我何时需要援助,你总能提供帮助。

I ____________________________________for being there for me through thick and thin, always offering a helping hand whenever I needed it.

2. 当我想到我的父母为我做的一切牺牲和辛勤工作时,我的心充满了感激和爱。

____________________________________ when I think of all the sacrifices and hard work my parents have put in for me.

3. 我对我的榜样所展现出的勇气和决心充满了感激和钦佩。

I ____________________________________ for the courage and determination displayed by my role model.

4. 当我回顾那些降临在我身上的好事和机会时,我脸上会展露出感激的微笑。

____________________________________ as I reflect on the blessings and opportunities that have come my way.

5. 旅行和探索新文化的机会使我看到了世界的美丽和多样性,我将永远感激这些经历。

The opportunity to travel and explore new culture has opened my eyes to the beauty and diversity of the world, and I ____________________________________.

6. 我的老师和导师的支持和鼓励在我个人和职业发展中起到了至关重要的作用,我对他们的指导感激不尽。

The support and encouragement of my teachers and mentors have played a crucial role in my personal and professional development, and I ____________________________________.

7. 我想為您的善意表达我发自心底的真挚感激之情。

I want to ____________________________________for your kindness.

8. 她在毕业典礼上的真诚的发言令每个人都感动得流泪。

Her heartfelt speech at the graduation ceremony ____________________________________.

9. 当我站在舞台上,看向观众,我对他们的支持不胜感激。

As I stood on the stage and looked out at the audience, I ____________________________________ for their support.

10. 眼泪在她脸上流淌,手不受控制地颤抖着,嘴巴大张着喘气,看到她失散多年的妹


____________________________________, and mouth wide open gasping for air, Sarah was overwhelmed with emotion at the sight of her long?lost sister.




As Tim walked up to receive first prize at the essay competition, he was overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

遇民以诚 示民以信——满怀民情,满心民生