
2024-05-21 03:17高强
疯狂英语·爱英语 2024年5期




(一) 读后续写的基本命题特点


1. 文体均为故事性很强的记叙文,结构清晰,文字简洁,句子结构简单。从理解给定材料的层面上,对考生来说难度不大。

2. 除2023年浙江卷外,主题语境大多为人与社会。

3. 材料话题大多为学生熟悉的日常生活。

4. 选题都是学生“有话可写”的话题。如2020年的“母亲鼓励和指导自己的孩子帮助家庭有困难的孩子”、2021年的“双胞胎在母亲节给母亲做早餐”、2022年的“特教老师鼓励残疾学生参加越野赛跑”、2023年的“老师鼓励学生参加作文比赛”都是学生比较熟悉的情境,考生有非常丰富的内容可以写。

5. 故事的结尾都有健康向上方向的反思和升华空间。如2020年续写最后的反思可以聚焦于关爱他人,帮助邻里。2021年续写结尾可以写理解妈妈的辛苦,爱妈妈,从而升华为珍惜亲情,培养理解家庭、尊敬长辈、感恩父母的情感。2023年续写结尾可以写相信自己,努力进取,就一定能成功。

6. 最新的高考评卷规定表明对“超字数”不扣分。试题对续写短文的字数要求没有上限,但是基于试题的结构和答题卷的设计,以及目前高考阅读的要求,目前得高分的答卷一般字数都在200词左右。理想的续写答卷是写满所提供的位置(一般是9行+9行),每行11到12个单词为宜。因此,考生要对材料故事有准确的理解,对续写结尾进行合理规划,以清晰整洁的卷面和间距合理的字距基本写满所提供的答题空间。


读后续写不仅考查考生的语言表述能力,还考查考生对文章的理解能力、对文章结构的把握能力和對情节发展的判断与构思能力。考生只有准确、深刻理解了前文,才能对情节的发展做出判断,运用合适的构思能力构思情节,写出优秀的续写内容。因此, 读后续写具有较大的难度。


1. 考查考生对故事类文章的理解能力以及根据前文的内容创作逻辑合理、语义通顺的结尾的写作能力。

2. 考查续写内容的丰富性以及和前文的相符性。

3. 考查续写的文章中应用的语法结构的准确性和词汇的丰富性。



1. 选材大多会涉及和学生贴近的学校日常生活和家庭与邻里。而校园生活、同学交往、相互帮助将会是热点话题。

2. 高考命题大多会选择内容积极向上的材料,话题大多与健康成长有关。考生的续写将主要聚焦于自我成长。每个故事的选材,最后都将会有充足的空间去表达热爱生活、不懈追求、积极向上、互助友爱等情感。

3. 文体大多会是故事性较强的记叙文。故事情节不复杂,文本难度不大,文章通俗易懂。但是,续写还会考查考生对文章内涵的理解,对文章主题思想的把握。因此,考生要仔细阅读文章,不要遗漏前文的任何信息。










1. 集中词汇复习法。将高中阶段的词汇用词汇表的方法,集中复习,及时回顾,彻底掌握。

2. 建立自己的词汇本。将自己在平时的作业、练习中遇到的生词分类收集,及时复习,让生词变熟词。

3. 加大阅读量。通过阅读英语报刊,如China Daily、Crazy English 以及各种英语书籍、网站中的内容来扩充自己的词汇量。







It was the day of the big cross?country run. Students from seven different primaryschools in and around the small town were warming up and walking the route (路线)through thick evergreen forest.

I looked around and finally spotted David, who was standing by himself off to the sideby a fence. He was small for ten years old. His usual big toothy smile was absent today. Iwalked over and asked him why he wasnt with the other children. He hesitated and thensaid he had decided not to run.

What was wrong? He had worked so hard for this event!

I quickly searched the crowd for the schools coach and asked him what had happened.“I was afraid that kids from other schools would laugh at him,” he explained uncomfortably“.I gave him the choice to run or not, and let him decide.”

I bit back my frustration (懊恼). I knew the coach meant well—he thought he wasdoing the right thing. After making sure that David could run if he wanted, I turned tofind him coming towards me, his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feetforward.

David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other children, but at school his classmates thought of him as a regular kid. He always participatedto the best of his ability in whatever they were doing. That was why none of the childrenthought it unusual that David had decided to join the cross?country team. It just tookhim longer—thats all. David had not missed a single practice, and although he alwaysfinished his run long after the other children, he did always finish. As a special educationteacher at the school, I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was proud of hisstrong determination.

Paragraph 1:

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


I found David was standing by himself off to the side by a fence before the race.(前文)

I got clear of the reason: He was afraid of being laughed at by others(. 前文)

I encouraged him to take part in the race bravely(. 续写第一段)

He agreed to take part in the race(. 续写第一段)

He finally made it(. 续写第二段)

David became more confident from then on(. 续写第二段的意义提升)

All the people present cheered for his determination and persistence.(续写第二段的意义提升)





Paragraph 1:

We sat down next to each other, but David wouldnt look at me. Seeing his face filledwith sadness and disappointment, I felt worried. I decided to have a talk with him. Turningto David, I smiled,“ David, look, what a wonderful event!” David said nothing, just smiledweakly, and then, lowered his head. Patting on his shoulder, I said in a soft voice,“ I knowyou had worked so hard for this event. How I admire your strong determination! Why notgive it a try?” “ I am afraid kids from other schools will laugh at me,” murmured David,with a glum look on his face.“ But David, what counts most is to participate to the best ofyour ability in whatever youre doing. There is no need to think about others opinion.Whats more, I believe they will be impressed by what you do rather than laughing at you.”After a short hesitation, David nodded in agreement, and then stood up with firmdetermination.

Paragraph 2:

I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners. With the blastof the gun, David shot from the starting line with the other boys, but soon after, he was leftfar behind. Painful and a bit embarrassed as he was, he still dragged his feet to keepmoving forward. The sun was beating down, the hot weather suffocating. But all these madeno difference to David, he just running forward. Although he spent much more time thanothers, David eventually finished his run. When passing the finishing line, he burst into abig toothy smile and waved to me with excitement, crying“ I made it! I made it!” All the people present including those from other schools erupted into a big applause, cheering forhis determination and persistence. From that day, David became more confident, not onlyin the running, but also in all his life aspects.



2. 在语言方面,续写范文也很好地体现了词汇和句子的丰富性。在词汇方面,续写范文使用了blast、drag、suffocate、eventually、burst into、make it、erupt into、determination、persistence 等词。在句子结构方面,续写范文使用了with the blast of the gun、painful and a bit embarrassed as he was、the sun was beating down、the hot weather suffocating、cheering for his determination and persistence等结构。



1. 第一段内容一定要和第一段段首句逻辑一致。续写的内容不可脱离该句,要照顾到全文的故事发展。

2. 后续两段间的逻辑一定要合理。第一段的内容,尤其是该段最后的内容要和第二段的段首句逻辑一致。第一段的内容一定要照顾到第二段段首句的信息。保持两段间的逻辑合理,故事顺畅。

3. 第二段的段首句和后续内容要逻辑一致,确保故事发展顺畅。如:

A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day. As hewalked along Park Avenue near the First National Bank, he heard the sound of someonetrying to start a car. He tried again and again but couldnt get the car moving. Arthur turnedand looked inside at the face of a young man who looked worried. Arthur stopped andasked“, It looks like youve got a problem.”

“Im afraid so. Im in a big hurry and I cant start my car.”

“Is there something I can do to help?” Arthur asked. The young man looked at the twosuitcases in the back seat and then said,“ Thanks. If youre sure it wouldnt be too muchtrouble, you could help me get these suitcases into a taxi.”

“No trouble at all. Id be glad to help.”

The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the back seat. After placingit on the ground, he turned to get the other one. Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcaseand started walking, he heard the long loud noise of an alarm.

It was from the bank. There had been a robbery (抢劫)!

Park Avenue had been quiet a moment before. Now the air was filled with the sound ofthe alarm and the shouts of people running from all directions. Cars stopped and the passengersjoined the crowd in front of the bank. People asked each other,“ What happened?”But everyone had a different answer.

Arthur, still carrying the suitcase, turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woman in front of him.

She looked at the suitcase and then at him. Arthur was surprised.

“Why is she looking at me like that?” he thought.“ The suitcase! She thinks I'm the bank thief!”

Arthur looked around at the crowd of people. He became frightened, and without another thought, he started to run.

Paragraph 1:

As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind“, Stop, stop!”_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Paragraph 1:

As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouted behind,“ Stop, stop!” But consideringthe situation, Arthur ran even faster. But with the heavy suitcase, he couldnt ranfast enough. And a strong sense of fear surged through him, his heart pounding and palmssweating. As he was totally exhausted, he saw a taxi. Arthur stopped it immediately andthrew himself into the back seat, leaving the suitcase behind. The moment he got into thecar, he asked the driver to go to the Police Station in a frightening tone. Realizing what washappening, the driver pulled out at full speed to the destination.

Paragraph 2:

The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station. Arthur ran into it as soon as it stopped,shouting,“ Theres a bank robbery and I know the bank thief.” Hardly had Arthur finishedhis story when the policemen started for the bank without delay. When they arrived at thespot, they were surprised to find that many people were crowding around the young man,who looked quite worried. Finally, Arthur realized that he had made a mistake. The loudnoise of the alarm was incorrectly made by the banks system and nothing happened to thebank, but the young man was worried that someone had robbed him of his suitcase.



续写第一段最后写道“The moment he got into the car, he asked the driver to go tothe Police Station in a frightening tone. Realizing what was happening, the driver pulled outat full speed to the destination.”。这些内容在逻辑上很好地衔接了第二段的段首句中出租车停在了警察局门口的信息。

续写第二段紧跟段首句的内容“Arthur ran into it as soon as it stopped, shouting,‘Theres a bank robbery and I know the bank thief.”和前面的内容在逻辑上保持了高度一致。



1. I caught a trace of unease on her face. 我在她臉上发现了一丝不安。

2. My heart began to thump with excitement. 我激动得心怦怦直跳。

3. The whole family was on pins and needles. 全家人都如坐针毡。

4. My throat tightened and my knees felt weak. 我喉咙发紧,双膝发软。

5. He felt a cold shiver of fear run through him. 他吓得打了一个寒战。

6. I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch. 我吓呆了,一动也不敢动。

7. He turned to me, with his eyes full of horror. 他转向我,眼里充满了恐惧。

8. An air of tenseness and excitement settled over the crowd. 人群中弥漫着紧张和兴奋的气氛。

9. A strong sense of nervousness surged through me. 一种强烈的紧张感涌上心头。



assert 断言道

boom 低沉而有力地说

burst out 突然爆发出

croak 哑着嗓子说道

cry 大声呼叫

declare 宣告

equivocate 支吾道

grunt/mutter/mumble 咕哝着说/嘀咕道/嘟哝道

murmur 喃喃细语道

roar 吼叫道

scream/shrill 尖叫道

shout 叫嚷道

snort 哼道

stutter/stammer 结结巴巴地说

trill 欢快地高声说

whisper/breathe 低声说

yell 叫喊道

beg 哀求道

bellow 吼叫

blurt 脱口而出

boast 自夸

chide 责备道

claim 声称;宣称

comment 议论道

complain 抱怨道

console 安慰道

exclaim 惊叫道

explode 大发雷霆道

gasp 喘着气说话

groan 呻吟;叹息

grumble 嘟哝道/发牢骚道

gush 过分称赞道

hiss 生气地低声说

howl 怒吼

implore 哀求道

moan/groan 呻吟道

plead 恳求道





1. 认真阅读前文。在阅读的过程中要特别注意前文故事的核心框架,结合所提供的段首句,构思合理的故事结构。同时要特别注意前文中重要的词汇,对人物性格、作者用词色彩、故事发展有重要作用的词汇要特别关注。

2. 写作前,要在脑海中形成一个故事的基本框架。建议在正式答卷之前,写出简单的草稿。

3. 仔细检查续写故事和前文故事情节是否一致。检查续写的三个逻辑点是否能够相互衔接,故事的发展、时间顺序、用词色彩等方面是否和前文一致。

4. 对文字描述进行“高級”润色。考虑使用生动的描述词汇和结构,避免重复使用词汇。

5. 对故事草稿进行再次检查,明确故事的设计思路和结构。

6. 认真誊写在答题卷上。考生要特别注意书写的规范。

范文引路 习得方法
Receptive and Productive Vocabulary in Language Teaching