
2024-05-21 06:07
疯狂英语·爱英语 2024年5期



Reading Check

Ⅰ.1~4 CCAD

Ⅱ. No, it is not proper to do so. There areseveral reasons for this. Firstly, animalslike swans can be unpredictable and maypose a risk to other passengers or themselvesin a confined and crowded space.Secondly, public transportation is designedfor human passengers and may not providesuitable conditions for animals. Thirdly,many jurisdictions have regulations andlaws regarding the transportation of animalsin public spaces. Finally, it is importantto prioritize the well?being and safetyof all passengers and animals alike, andtransporting a swan or any other wild animalon public transportation is not a suitableor responsible choice.


Reading Check

1~4 DBAA


Reading Check

1~4 BCAC


Reading Check

1~4 BDAB


Reading Check

1~4 DCDB




1~4 CBAB


1. becoming a matter of concern for many parents and teachers

2. social media witnesses the daily life of teenagers

3. who use it to broaden their horizons

4. As is thought by many people


While our school may think that socialmedia is the murderer of students mental health, social media should not bebanned for us students, who rely on it formore knowledge. Actually, social mediacan also have many positive benefits forus. Banning it outright would be overly restrictive,preventing us from accessing itsbenefits like connecting with friends andfamily, sharing information and ideas, andaccessing educational resources. Instead ofbanning social media, our school shouldfocus on educating us about responsibleuse and how to navigate its potentialdangers. Only by doing so, can socialmedia witness the day when students canlearn to use it in a safe, healthy, andproductive way.



Paragraph 1:

Days later, Jane heard the old post?man knocking on her door. Smiling, sheopened the door and took the mail fromMark. Then, she handed him a box, saying,“This is a gift for you.” Mark opened thebox, seeing a pair of new shoes. Hecouldn't believe Jane was so concernedabout him. He thanked her and left.“ Shesaw me barefoot and gave me shoes. But how will I be able to give her legs?” hecried, lost in thought.

Paragraph 2:

“I can't give her legs, but I can giveher prostheses,” Mark suddenly thought,and decided to buy. He quickly went backhome and took all the money he had savedfor years. Then he returned to Jane'shouse. Mark offered to bring Jane to townto buy prostheses. Jane was amazed anddeclined. But Mark was determined.Finally, Jane wore prostheses and excitedlywalked around. Both she and Markwere glad about each other's gift, whichbrought both warmth.



1. cannot thank you enough

2. My heart swells with gratitude and love

3. am filled with gratitude and admiration

4. A smile of gratitude spreads across my face

5. will be forever grateful for those experiences

6. am immensely obliged for their guidance

7. express my deepest gratitude from the bottom of my heart

8. moved everyone to tears

9. was overwhelmed with gratitude

10. Tears streaming down her face, hands shaking uncontrollably


As Tim walked up to receive first prizeat the essay competition, he was over?whelmed with excitement and gratitude.His eyes brimmed with tears and his heartcould hardly contain the joy explodingwithin. He knew his success would nothave been possible without the help of hisamazing teacher, Mrs Johnson. Over thepast few months, she had tirelessly guidedand supported him in perfecting his essay.Tim was filled with gratitude towards herand thanked her profusely in his acceptancespeech. After the ceremony ended,Tim rushed to find Mrs Johnson and gaveher the biggest hug. He could feel his heartswell with gratitude and could hardly containhis excitement. He knew that withouther help, his essay would not have been asimpactful as it turned out to be. As the twoembraced, Tim whispered to her, “Thankyou for everything. I could not have done itwithout you.”



1. her breath coming in short bursts

2. He widened his eyes in disbelief

3. nearly losing her balance in the process

4. his body unable to support himself

5. her body growing very weak

6. His heart skipped a beat

7. her body temperature dropping

8. His eyebrows shot up so high

9. He stumbled backwards

10. He froze in his tracks, his eyes widening in shock


1. was left utterly speechless

2. Smart's jaw dropped

3. Her eyes widened in astonishment

4. couldnt help but express her amazement repeatedly

5. felt a rush of pride, astonishment and admiration overwhelming her

6. her heart filled with joy and astonishment

7. in the most astonishing way



1. expressing her fury

2. crossed her arms and glared at him

3. trying to contain her anger

4. shouting in anger

5. was boiling over with anger

6. couldn't control his rage

7. glared at his opponent

8. stormed out of the office

9. His face turned red with anger

10. He clenched his fists tightly


The opposing player seemeddetermined to test Matthew's limits as hestepped onto the basketball court. Witheach foul, Matthew's anger grew, fuelingan uncontrollable rage deep within him.His face reddened and his body trembledwith fury. He clenched his fists and grittedhis teeth. “Enough is enough!” he bellowed,his voice echoing through the gymnasium.With every aggressive shove andtangled collision, Matthew's fury ignitedlike wildfire. His eyes blazed with intensity,his breathing became heavy, and hismovements became more forceful, seekingvengeance against the relentless antagonist.The accumulation of anger propelledhim to unleash a competitive fire thatburned brighter than ever. He vented hisfrustrations and dominated the game,leaving his opponents stunned and intimidated.Eventually,as the final buzzersounded, Matthew's fury subsided,replaced by a triumphant satisfaction. Herealized that his anger had fueled his determinationand made him a force to bereckoned with on the court.


2024 年高考读后续写模拟强训

Task 1

I couldnt ride my bike, and on thatday, it was no different. I was practicingriding in a park. I struggled, but in vain.“I'm so stupid!” I murmured to myself.Overwhelmed by a sense of failure, I burstinto tears. Suddenly, a familiar voice came,“You're a noisy girl! What happened?” Istared at my sister with tears in my eyes.To my surprise, she lifted the bike up,saying,“ Let me teach you!” Then she patientlytold me how to keep a balancewhile riding. She encouraged me to haveanother try and promised to give me necessaryhelp.

My sister never once let me fall. Shehelped me with my bike like a protectiveumbrella and inspired me. Little by little Icould keep my balance and my fear disappeared.Eventually, I could ride the bikewithout my sister's aid.“ Congratulations!”my sister called to me. Not until that momentdid I realize my sister's hidden love for me. I got off the bike and ran to hug hertightly, conveying my gratitude. Since then,we've always kept a close relationship.

Task 2

So deeply touched was Bopsy that heresolved to live with perseverance. Hisdream realized. Blessed with all the loveand attention, Bopsy felt that he was themost fortunate person in the world. Neverhad the boy anticipated such a great dreamcould be realized on him. Though in theprocess of terminal leukemia, Bopsy stillled a life full of hope and beauty. It wasthe personal experience of being a firemanthat inspired his desire to live a good liferegardless of the severe illness. Brimmingwith confidence in life, along with the encouragementof the great mother, Bopsywas positively engaged in his treatment.However, a severe infectious virus hit him,which worsened his condition.

All the doctors thought the boy was onthe edge of life and death. However, themother insisted on the fact that faith couldcreate the miracle of life. Hugging the boyin her arms, the mother called the firechief and asked if it would be possible tosend a fireman in uniform to the hospital tobe with Bopsy to pull through the dangerous period. No sooner had the firemancame into the ward than Bopsy smiled as ifthe fireman were his future and all thepain had gone. Amazingly, the next fewdays saw the boy picking up gradually. Hewas firmly convinced that his life wouldn'tend before he could be a real firefighter.With scientific and effective treatment, hiscondition was improving all the time. So abeautiful dream in the heart can make agreat difference.

Task 3

We visited my grandfather again inNovember. Weak and tired, he was alwaysnapping in the bed, with Scruffy lying besideon the floor. Bathing in the soft andwarm sunlight pouring through the window,Scruffy kept grandfather company insilence, occasionally raising its head whenGrandfather wanted to roll over. Evenwhen we helped him have medicine,Scruffy just straightened its back andwatched us until he lay back. Sadly, thisharsh winter took my grandfather away,leaving us and Scruffy behind.

After Grandfather's death this winter,we had to rehome Scruffy. The whole familyhad a discussion together about itsnew home. Scruffy seemed to be lost in great grief, still remained seated beside mygrandfather's bed and quit eating thewhole day. With no one to talk to, I tried tostroke and chat with Scruffy. Gradually,the dogs eyes lit up. Finding the excitementin its eyes, I broke into the meetingroom, shouting,“ I will take Scruffy home.”Yes, it is the comfort between humans andanimals that heals the pain in the heartand unites us together.

Task 4

The family headed towards the dockand the sunlight was keeping the deerwarm. Life seemed to come back to themonce again. At last, one of the four deerwas finally able to get up. All of themlooked like they were grateful for the rescue.Upon arriving, one of the deer jumpedright onto the dock. It went straight intothe water, swam to the shore, and disappearedinto the woods. Two other deer followedit once the family gave them someencouragement to go on.

However, the final deer was shakingand was unable to follow the others thathad disappeared into the woods. The familydecided to help it by carrying it off boat.They took it to the shore and found a placethat was full of sunshine. Then they gave it enough time to warm up and it eventuallyregained strength. The family helped itstand and it was able to make its way tothe woods to find the rest of its family.

Task 5

As she sat and decorated a chocolatecupcake with small animal shapes for achilds birthday party, Nicole had an in?credible idea. “That's it!” she said outloud. The next day after school, she askedher mother to teach her how to make thecupcakes and frosting. If the rules statedthat the entire project had to be made withouthelp, she would have to do it all herself.Nicole spent hours meticulously measuringthe ingredients and her first batchof cupcakes turned out perfect. To createthe edible canvas she was imagining, Nicolewould have to do some math. Shedoubled the batter and made one giant cupcakein a large round pan. She frosted hergiant confection and then went to work,transferring her artwork from a simplesketch to the frosting.

On the night of the art contest,Nicole's oversized cupcake brought surprisedlooks from her friends, teachers and thecontest judges. Nicole beamed with prideas she explained her creative process, em?phasizing the harmony of art and baking inher project. The judges were impressed notonly by the technical skill but also by theinnovative fusion of two seemingly distinctforms of creativity. The aroma of the bakedcupcake wafted through the room, addinganother sensory layer to the experience.After Nicole's giant cupcake earned herthe first prize, her mother cut and servedher art project. Everyone agreed that ittasted as good as it looked.

Task 6

The next day, Alan went out to get themail as usual and found a box. He openedthe box gingerly and looked inside. To hissurprise, there was a new kite—a cuterobin with beautiful feathers along with anote written on the National Grid's notepaper.“I felt bad for your daughter, so Ihope this new kite will make her smile,” itread. “Stay safe and healthy!” The notewas unsigned, but Alan was convinced thatthe lovable gift was from the worker whocame to help yesterday. He took the kite insideand gave it to Abbey. When she sawthe kite, her eyes gleamed with excitement.

Deeply moved by this act of kindness,Alan posted the whole story on the Internet.Soon, word got back to National Grid, and the company quickly identified Mike asthe worker. When interviewed about it, heexplained that as he saw Abbey burying akite, he knew exactly how the girl felt,which pushed him to do something for her.After leaving the Greens' house, hestopped by a shop to buy the new kite andthen laid the box quietly at their door. Hedidn't expect to be recognized, but Alanspost led to his identity being revealed,which resulted in the story being sharedand liked by millions of people across theInternet.

Task 7

After the game, I received an unex?pected invitation from another coach. Themoment he approached me I recognizedhim, the very prestigious coach inAmerica. He had been searching the otherteams for potential players to play for histeam. He'd seen the catch I'd made andthe way I“ moved like an athlete” on thefield and thought I might make a goodpitcher. What a surprise! No one couldimagine how thrilled I was at such excitingmoment. Too astonished to say the word“yes”, I just nodded my head vigorouslywithout a second thought. To celebrate mynew baseball life, the next day, I went to the sporting goods store to buy a mittwhich I had been longing for. Excited as akid, I took my new mitt to join the newteam, where the teammates loved the gamethe way I did.

It turned out that I didn't let my coachdown. My participation injected tremendousvigor into those young girls, who werealways touched by my endurance, persistenceand enthusiasm for baseball and life.And we went undefeated six of those years,and I was named MVP five times. Playingthe game with these women enriched mylife and the lives of my family in countlessways. To this day, memories of those yearsgladden all our hearts. And none of itwould have happened if I hadn't cut outthat little article, nervously signed up toplay baseball, and dared to take a chanceon fulfilling my childhood dream.

Task 8

I had never performed the song live,and hadn't been on stage for years. Seizedby a strong sense of tension, I stood on thestage, seeing the huge cheers and a sea oflights below the stage. I was lost at the moment,holding the microphone tightly. Itried my best to collect myself and beganto sing my own song which I had practiced hundreds of times. Looking back the yearsI had experienced as I sang on the stage, Irealized that it is the opportunity that I hadbeen waiting for the whole life. I kept myselffull of enthusiasm as I was singing onthe stage, showing the best to the audience.

After the concert, I had photographersand journalists battling to interview me.With them around me, a long queue of fanswere waiting to have their photographstaken with me. I was like a superstar andthat night was like a real dream for me. Ihad knocked on doors for years, yet my momentcame when the opportunity calledme. Life can surprise you. It has reinspiredmy passion for music. This has made allthe odd jobs and weekends spent in recordingstudios all worthwhile.

Task 9

Kat became crazy about reading andfound a new world in books. She discoveredthat there were people on thisearth who suffered a lot, even worse thanher. However, those unfortunate peopledidn't acknowledge defeat and neverstopped trying. They were not only braveenough to face the challenges of life andendure the loss of loved ones, but also devotedthemselves to helping others, inspir?ing others and even saving their lives. Katwas thankful that Aunt Lucy helped her toheal herself and to make her stronger thanbefore.

Instead of pursuing her initial dreamto be a doctor she chose to be a teacher likeLucy. She realized that a doctor could savechildren's parents, but reading could saveparents' children. And the teacher wasmost likely the person who led children tothe path of reading and the discovery of anew world. Kat told Aunt Lucy her decision,“Sorry, I don't keep my dream, but Iwant to be a teacher like you.” HearingKat's words, Aunt Lucy was more thanhappy and deeply moved. With tearswelling up in her eyes, Aunt Lucy noddedto approve.

Task 10

As my turn arrived, I grasped thebaton and began to run. Our classmates explodedwith loud cheers. Hearing the encouragement,I made the best use of mylegs, running forward. In a short time, Imet the sixth teammate, and was ready topass the baton to him. However, before hegrabbed it, I had already released it“. Ohmy goodness!” A wave of shocked noisescame from my classmates. No time to beshocked, I stopped, bent down to pick thebaton up and handed it to him as quicklyas possible. Having no time to think whathad happened, my teammate picked up hisspeed desperately.

Although my accident had indeed costus precious time, our team's spirit remainedunshaken. Apparently, we had fallen behindfor some meters. However, he stillraced forward at a full speed like a wildhorse out of control, with a determinedlook on his face. With full preparation, ournext teammate held the baton tightly andmanaged to get closer to the top competitors.And to our surprise, our last teammategathered up all his energy to rush tothe finish line as a second one. We alljumped with joy and laughter. It was ourteam spirit that made us win the competition.

Task 11

After knowing Trucker's story, Jim wascurious to hear the boy's request.“ I wish Icould be a firefighter like you. Could I staywith you for just one day?” asked Trucker,his eyes full of anticipation. Without hesitation,Jim agreed and wanted to do whathe could for the poor boy. Having gatheredhis teammates, he had a ceremony for Trucker to join the team. Then he guidedthe boy through the daily work offirefighters. The day passed quickly, andwith his dream coming true, Trucker expressedhis sincere gratitude to Jim andhis team.

Everyone was happy to see Truckerfulfilling his dream, especially Jim. He wasdelighted that he could help Trucker realizehis dream. At the same time, Truckerwas a great inspiration to him. It was thelittle boy's desire and love for firefightersthat had a great influence on him. Jim wasno longer drowning in the sadness of losinghis teammate. It also helped him strengthenhis resolve as a firefighter to serve thecommunity. What a wonderful thing!

Task 12

Casting a curious glance at the boy'seyes, I was hugely shocked. In the pure andsunny face were just a pair of eyes, somewhathollow and focusless. “He wasblind!” I felt myself choked as if therewere a lump in my throat. With wateryeyes, I took the flower from his hand carefullyand praised it as the very best one.“Have a nice day!” the boy smiled broadlyand then ran off briskly before I had timeto convey the slightest appreciation. I satthere and wondered how a little blind boymanaged to see a self?pitying girl under asick willow tree and how he even knewclearly of my dreadful despair.

“I had to make a change,” I thoughtto myself. For all of those times I myselfhad been blind towards the world aroundme. Somehow, through the eyes of theblind boy, at last I could see my real problem.I promised to step out of the shadycorner and open my eyes to the beauty ofthe world. Holding the flower up to mynose, I took a deep sniff. A wave of faintfragrance lingering in my heart, I couldn't help smiling just as the boy had done.Never did he know that his weed?likeflower brought the first glimmer of sunshineto a girl's deserted world.
