
2024-05-21 09:14刘如玲
疯狂英语·爱英语 2024年5期



astonished adj. 感到十分惊讶的

surprised adj. 惊讶的

amazed adj. 惊愕的

startled adj. 受惊吓的

stunned adj. 目瞪口呆的

shocked adj. 震惊的

astounded adj. 感到震惊的

dumbfounded adj. 惊呆了的

speechless adj. 说不出话的

thunderstruck adj. 震惊的

floor v. 使惊奇;使困惑

be taken aback 大吃一惊

in shock 处于震惊状态

be surprised beyond belief 惊讶到无法置信

be caught off guard 猝不及防

be shocked to the core 深深震撼

be taken by surprise 惊讶不已

be startled out of ones wits 吓得魂飞魄散

be thrown for a loop 大吃一惊

knock/blow ones socks off 使某人大吃一惊

be stunned senseless 被吓得无言以对

be caught by surprise 出其不意

be left reeling 心神不定

be caught on the hop 措手不及

be shocked and amazed 感到震惊和惊奇


I can hardly believe my eyes! The sight in front of me leaves me dumbfounded! 我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛!眼前的景象让我目瞪口呆!

This news is so shocking that I can barely handle it. 这个消息太震撼了,几乎让我难以承受。

The incomprehensible nature of this situation makes me feel restless! 這种情况的难以理解的本质让我心神不宁!

Are you serious? The gravity of your words makes me doubt if this is all a cruel joke.你是认真的吗?你话语的严重性让我怀疑这是否全然是个残酷的玩笑。

It's impossible! These circumstances are utterly unbelievable; I can't fathom theirreality. 这不可能!这些情况完全不可思议,我无法理解它们的真实性。

What on earth is going on? The incredibly strange events I am witnessing render mespeechless. 这到底是怎么回事?我所目睹的极为奇怪的事情导致我完全说不出话。

You must be joking! The absurdity of the scenario youve described surely cannotexist in reality. 你一定在开玩笑!你所描述的荒谬场景在现实中肯定不存在。

I am astounded to the point of being dumbfounded! The immense shock and wonder Ifeel right now leave me completely numb. 我惊讶得目瞪口呆!此刻我所感到的巨大震惊和惊奇让我完全失去了知觉。

This is too unbelievable! I am completely incredulous about the incomprehensiblesituation I am currently witnessing. 这太难以置信了!我完全无法相信我正在目睹的令人费解的事态。


The astonishing magic show


As Susan entered the grand hall, little did she know that she was about to witness anextraordinary spectacle. The magician's enchanting presence captured her attentioninstantly. The magician's hands moved with precision as if possessed by magic itself. Susans eyes widened like saucers, and her jaw almost dropped in awe as the magician conjuredbirds out of thin air. Her heart skipped a beat when the magician made a rabbit appearin an empty hat. She gasped, struggling to catch her breath, as the magician effortlesslylevitated (使升空) objects before her eyes. His mind?boggling tricks left her utterlydumbfounded. Susan's hands instinctively covered her mouth, her mind grappling to comprehendthe magician's illusions. Time seemed to stand still as the astonishing finale unfolded.Susan couldn't believe her eyes when the magician vanished before her very eyes.Her pulse raced, and chills ran down her spine.

The performance had left an indelible mark on her, filling her with wonder and disbelief.





1. 她惊讶地倒抽了一口气,呼吸急促,试图理解这个事件里意想不到的转变。

She gasped in astonishment,___________________________ as she tried to comprehend the unexpected turn of events.

2. 当他听到这个消息时,他难以置信地瞪大了眼睛,身体不由自主地抽搐了一下。

___________________________ as he heard the news, his body giving an involuntary twitch.

3. 她震惊地往后退了一步,差点失去了平衡。

She took a step back in astonishment,___________________________.

4. 他非常惊讶,差点从椅子上摔下来,他的身体已经无法支撑他自己了。

He was so taken aback that he nearly fell off his chair, ___________________________.

5. 这个消息太让人震惊了,她不得不斜靠着墙壁来稳住自己,她的身体因此变得十分虚弱无力。

The news was so shocking that she had to lean against the wall for support, ___________________________.

6. 聽到这个消息时,他的心跳停了一下,他的身体不由自主地抽搐了一下。

___________________________ as he heard the news, his body involuntarily jerking in response.

7. 她感到一阵冲击向她袭来,她的体温降低,仿佛血液已被抽干。

She felt a wave of shock rushing over her,___________________________ as if the blood had been drained away.

8. 他的眉毛往上扬起,几乎消失在他的发际线下面,他的脸因极度惊讶而扭曲。

___________________________ that they disappeared beneath his hairline, his face contorted with sheer amazement.

9. 他向后跌倒,手紧紧抓住胸口,仿佛在被吓到后稳住自己。

___________________________, his hand clutching his chest, as if to steady himself after being taken aback.

10. 他愣在原地,他的眼睛因震惊而睁得大大的,仿佛刚被一道电击中。

___________________________, as if he had just been stricken by a bolt of electricity.


Lucy's astonishing transformation

Mrs Smart, a teacher who had once doubted Lucys academic abilities, 1.___________________________(变得完全无话可说)when she saw the incredible transformation that Lucyhad undergone. From being the second?to?last in her class, Lucy had worked tirelessly andemerged as the top?performing student among all the graduates. 2.___________________________(斯玛特的下巴掉了下来) as she compared Lucys past performance to her currentachievement. 3.___________________________(她吃惊地睁大了眼睛), disbelief evident onher face. She had never imagined that Lucy could surpass all expectations and become thebest in the entire school. Smart 4.___________________________(情不自禁地多次表达了她的惊讶之情), using phrases like“ unbelievable”,“ mind?blowing” and“ jaw?dropping” asshe shared the news with her fellow teachers. She 5.___________________________(感到一阵骄傲、惊讶和赞赏的情感向她袭来). As Lucy walked across the stage to receive her award,Smart stood in awe, 6.___________________________(她的心中充满了快乐和惊异). At thatmoment, she realized that she had underestimated her students potential, and Lucy hadproved herself 7.___________________________(用最令人惊讶的方式)

长 度
The Study on the Syntactic Ambiguity of“差点没(chadian mei) +VP”Construction From the Perspective of Transformational Generative Grammar