
2024-05-21 06:07本刊试题研究中心
疯狂英语·爱英语 2024年5期


阅读下列材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。注意续写词数应为150左右。

Task 1

One of my teachers once asked my class what our favorite memory was. My answer,however, invited giggles and hesitant smiles. Why? Because I felt the best when I firstlearned how to ride my bike at thirteen. I didnt mind my classmates' stares and laughter,because I knew there was more to the story.

My sister and I shared a typical sisterly relationship: We couldnt stand each other.Or, to be honest, she couldn't stand me. I admired her. Her personality was the definition ofcool. My clothes were mysteriously inclined to look like hers, and even my words tended tomimic (模仿) those I heard from home. Many times, I even wanted to literally follow my sister,crying every time I was banned from watching movies with her. Needless to say, I was abrat (淘气鬼) and an annoyance to her. Any sort of conversation we had was usually reducedto fighting, and my sister had an extra six years worth of insulting (侮辱的) vocabulary(which meant she usually won). After a while, I stopped trying to impress her andlearned to be totally indifferent; perhaps the silent treatment would get more approval. Iwas wrong. We soon fell into a sad pattern—I avoided her, she ignored me, and deep inside,our relationship was hurt. So that's how it was between us. Indifferent or hostile (敌对的), she was only a sister in name. I truly believed that we would forever be apart.

I still remember the day I learned to ride a bike. I had received the bike that day,which was great, until I realized I had no idea how to ride it. My mom had long abandonedany attempt to teach me; I had proved to be a panicky, frustrating student.

Paragraph 1:

I couldn't ride my bike, and on that day, it was no different._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

My sister never once let me fall._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 2

The 26?year?old mother stared down at her son who suffered leukemia (白血病). Althoughher heart was filled with sadness, she also had a strong feeling of determination.Like any parent she wanted her son to grow up and fulfil all his dreams. Now that was nolonger possible. The leukemia would see to that. But she still wanted her son's dreams tocome true.

She took her son's hand and asked,“ Bopsy, did you ever think about what you wantedto be when you grew up? Did you ever dream and wish about what you would do with yourlife?”“ Mommy, I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up.” Mom smiled back andsaid,“ Let's see if we can make your wish come true.” Later that day she went to her localfire department in Phoenix, Arizona, where she met Fireman Bob, who had a heart as big asPhoenix. She explained her son's final wish and asked if it might be possible to give hersix?year?old son a ride around the block on a fire engine.

Fireman Bob said,“ Look, we can do better than that. If you have your son ready atseven o'clock Wednesday morning, we'll make him an honorary fireman for the whole day.He can come down to the fire station, eat with us and go out on all the fire calls, the wholenine yards! And, if you give us his sizes, we'll get a real fire uniform made for him, with areal fire hat—not a toy one—with the emblem of the Phoenix Fire Department on it, a yellowslicker like we wear and rubber boots. They're all manufactured right here in Phoenix,so we can get them fast.”

Three days later, Fireman Bob picked up Bopsy, dressed him in his fire uniform andaccompanied him from his hospital bed to the waiting hook and ladder truck. Bopsy got tosit up on the back of the truck and helped steer it back to the fire station. He was thrilled.There were three fire calls in Phoenix that day and Bopsy got to go out on all the three calls.He rode in the different fire engines, the paramedics' van and even the fire chief 's car. Hewas also videotaped by the local news program.

Paragraph 1:

So deeply touched was Bopsy that he resolved to live with perseverance._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

All the doctors thought the boy was on the edge of life and death._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 3

In July, my dad, mom and I flew to Whitehorse to care for my sick old grandfather. We planned to spend two months in the town of my youth.

A few days before we arrived, my grandfather called to say he was being flown to Vancouverfor another operation. My dad and mom had already booked the air tickets and theirleave from work, so even though my grandfather wouldn't be there, we made the trip northanyway.

Grandfather kept a puppy. It was the only companion of my grandfather while we werenot in Whitehorse. He had adopted it from a local shelter two years earlier and renamed itScruffy because it looked untidy. Its fur was messy. Its ears were like two wings when it ran.While we were alone in my grandfather's house with nothing to do, Scruffy saved us. Thedog needed to be walked. Those walks were chances to revisit where I'd grown up. I had leftthat small town behind as soon as I finished high school and had rarely visited home.Scruffy and I took my family to the school, where my picture still hung. We walked throughthe forest where I once rode my bike. With no one to talk to when my parents were occupiedwith their own business. I found myself chatting with Scruffy. It was too excited to seeme. I gave it many nicknames like Scruffmaster and Scruffman. It would happily respond tothem all.

By the fall, we were back in Toronto and my grandfather was back in Whitehorse. My mom and her brothers took turns flying to Whitehorse to take care of him.

Paragraph 1:

We visited my grandfather again in November._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

After Grandfathers death this winter, we had to rehome Scruffy._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 4

Tom Satre owned a boat. One day, he was enjoying the weekend with his family.Tom's daughter Anna was looking around as the family was traveling across the water. Thenshe saw something strange from afar. They eventually got close enough to figure out what itwas. At first, they thought that it was a group of birds or maybe even some sea lions. Theirtheories were all wrong! They were able to see ears. As they approached, they realized thatit was actually a group of deer struggling to stay afloat!

Everyone on the boat was surprised to find four sika deer approaching their way. Theystilled the boat and the four deer swam nearer and nearer. They swam right towards theboat, and then they started to circle the boat. They were looking up and looked like theyneeded help.

They were in Alaska. It should go without saying that the deer had to be taken out ofthe freezing waters. Tom said that these were the most upset deer he had ever seen in hislife. The deer were exhausted and they were clearly struggling to stay afloat. However, Tomand the others were unsure how they could get the deer on board.

As an outdoorsman, Tom was able to tell that the animals were young because theirantlers (鹿角) were not fully developed yet. He came up with a plan and attached rope totheir necks and everyone on the boat had to pull up the deer so that they can come onboard. Those poor deer! Wild deer are normally easily frightened and cautious in the presenceof humans. Not these deer, however, as they climbed the boat immediately. Onceaboard, the creatures simply passed out from exhaustion. They couldn't stand up on theirown and they couldn't shake the water off their coats. The family didn't want to touch them,but it was clear that the deer were happy to be there. They probably would have crawled(爬) on board if they could have.

Paragraph 1:

The family headed towards the dock (船塢) and the sunlight was keeping the deer warm._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

However, the final deer was shaking and was unable to follow the others that had disap?peared into the woods._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 5

The air was getting cooler. The leaves were starting to fall from the trees that lined thestreets. As Nicole walked from school to the small bakery shop her mother had just started,she buttoned her sweater and looked up into the blue sky. Her mother expected her to walkthe three blocks from school, but she was always standing on the steps of her bakery shop,waving and waiting for Nicole.

Nicole always told about her day as her mother poured a small glass of milk. After hersnack, Nicole completed her homework and then was allowed to help in the bakery. Recently,her mother taught her how to frost (给糕饼覆上糖霜) and decorate cupcakes. Nicoleloved to pipe, or squeeze the colorful frosting through the pastry tube onto the tops ofminiature cakes. She loved hearing the customers' reactions to her designs.

For as long as Nicole could remember, she loved art. She impressed her teachers everyyear with watercolor paintings and clay sculptures. She had won the school's art contest twoyears in a row and was working on this year's project when she began decorating cupcakes.Nicole had never considered baking to be an art form until now. She could see how her intricateand imaginative creations were inspiring to her mother's customers.

Nicole was struggling and having a difficult time thinking of something original forthis year's art contest. The rules stated that the project simply had to be created entirely bythe student, without any adult's help. There were no restrictions on size or materials.

Paragraph 1:

As she sat and decorated a chocolate cupcake with small animal shapes for a child's birthday party, Nicole had an incredible idea._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

On the night of the art contest, Nicole's oversized cupcake brought surprised looks from her friends, teachers and the contest judges._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 6

On a beautiful Thursday this April, Amy and Alan Green took their daughter Abbeyout for a walk in the neighborhood. On their way back, Amy picked up a kite for Abbeyfrom the Dollar Tree, blue with rainbows—there are a lot of rainbows decorating homesaround the region these days, which helps make life less dull during the tough time.

In the afternoon, Abbey took the kite out for its first flight. At first, the wind was perfect.It took the kite high in the sky. However, suddenly, the wind became much strongerand pulled the kite out of Abbey's hands in a moment. It flew farther and farther and finallygot stuck on the power lines next to a big tree, wrapping itself over and over again aroundthe wires. Since the kite was too high for them to reach, the Greens could do nothing aboutit. Worried less about the kite than the danger it might present to the power lines, Amycalled National Grid (國家电网) to report the incident.

About one hour later, Mike, a worker from the power company arrived. He carefully removedthe kite line from the wires. After about 10 minutes' effort, he successfully freed it.But unfortunately, as the kite was wrapped so tightly, there was some unpreventable damage.Still, he gave it back to Alan Green. As he was leaving, he noticed Abbey taking thekite to the backyard. Out of curiosity, he stood there for a while to see how the girl woulddeal with it. Surprisingly, she dug a hole and buried the kite in a shoebox. Even though hecould not see the girl's face clearly, he knew exactly how sad Abbey was. He really felt badfor her. And it was at that moment that he decided to do something.

Paragraph 1:

The next day, Alan went out to get the mail as usual and found a box._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

Deeply moved by this act of kindness, Alan posted the whole story on the Internet._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 7

When I was four, my seven?year?old brother received a baseball mitt (棒球手套) forhis birthday, which was also what I desperately wanted. But, back then, girls didn't playsports; they played with dolls.

26 years later, I happened to see a notice in my local paper: “Women's BaseballLeague opens soon. Anyone interested, sign up at the recreation center.” I cut it out and setit on the kitchen counter. Was it even possible for girls to play baseball, a game I'd neveractually played but had dreamed of playing in my entire life?

Looking at that notice on my counter, I thought of a thousand reasons why I couldn'tplay. But the idea of playing baseball stuck in my head and wouldn't go away. Finally, Iscrewed up my courage and signed up. Days later, word came that I could begin practice inJames Park on Monday night.

On Monday, my heart pounding, I walked through the park filled with women of allhigh?school girls practicing at different diamonds. I waited a couple of minutes before approachingthe coach, who seemed unhappy to see me. He had just put together top athletesfor his team, and didn't want some old lady messing things up. He looked me over, who hadno mitt but wore an old T?shirt and gym shoes. However, I didn't care.

That very first day was quite bitter. He had me run bases all night and never gave mea chance to bat or play the field, with the attempt to make me shrink from difficulty. But hehad no idea how determined I was. I still showed up to play in the following Mondays,which clearly surprised him.

Finally, he gave in. During the last inning of the last game of the season, the coachtold me to go to the center field. I borrowed a mitt from a member of our team and caught animpossibly high ball with it, winning the game for us. Again, the coach looked surprised. Itnever hit him that I might be able to play.

Paragraph 1:

After the game, I received an unexpected invitation from another coach._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

It turned out that I didn't let my coach down._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 8

I spent 15 years trying to make it in the music industry. When I was a teenager, I didany odd job to afford time in a recording studio. I knocked at managers' doors and sent outdemo (錄音样带) after demo, but I got nowhere. In 2010, aged 27, I was doing a job in arestaurant when I wrote a song called Dream Goes On. It was a song about never giving up. Ijust let out all of my frustrations at the keyboard.

Over the next five years, the music career never materialized but I persisted. Then, in2019, I uploaded Dream Goes On to a music?sharing website. I just wanted someone to noticemy music.

Over the next five years, the music career never materialized but I persisted. Then, in2019, I uploaded Dream Goes On to a music?sharing website. I just wanted someone to noticemy music.

This February, Music World organized a musical festival in Seoul and my song DreamGoes On was chosen as the theme tune for the festival. I watched on the Internet as my songwas being played to a huge crowd of people. It was amazing.

After three days of the festival, I was contacted by Music World and they asked if I'dlike to go to Seoul to sing Dream Goes On in a concert. They flew me out there the next day.I was welcomed like a celebrity—everyone I met thought I was a big name in England. Ihad to break the news to them that I wasn't a pop star.

Paragraph 1:

I had never performed the song live, and hadn't been on stage for years._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

After the concert, I had photographers and journalists battling to interview me._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 9

Kat was learning to adapt to the new home, but Aunt Lucy sensed that deep inside herniece was a place that no one could reach. She had set up a barrier to keep herself fromothers since her parents passed away. She made friends at school, but never had closefriends. Kat was a loner and too proud to tell anyone why she lived with her aunt. Backhome, in Kat's heart, not her own home, she often helped do housework but was unwillingto participate in any entertainment. It seemed that she was interested in nothing. Kat eventold Lucy that she didn't want to go to school. Aunt Lucy decided to do something to changeall that.

Aunt Lucy was a teacher and her home was filled with books. Lucy got an idea that itmight be helpful to lead Kat to a world of books, where Kat could heal (治愈) herself byreading. She told the young girl there was a wonderful world in the library.“ Read, and youwill learn where you came from and where you're going. You will understand more aboutlife and dreams, baby,” sitting on the doorway side by side with Kat, Lucy said. Kat lookedup at the moon in the sky with her hands supporting her head.“ Dreams?” Kat repeated thelast word of her aunt and seemed to ask herself.“ Yes, dreams. You can become anybodyyou want to be, a movie star, a scientist, or a sport legend.” Aunt Lucy put her arm on Kat'sshoulder and answered her niece. Kat turned to her aunt and said seriously,“ I want to be adoctor to help children who lose their parents.”“ But you have to get an education first,”Lucy told her.

Paragraph 1:

Kat became crazy about reading and found a new world in books._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

Instead of pursuing her initial dream to be a doctor she chose to be a teacher like Lucy._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 10

During my time in primary school, I was an active participant in sports and games. Iwas good at athletics and particularly excelled in the long jump and sprinting (短跑). Myabilities led me to win the B Division long jump competition, and I was chosen to representmy school in the District Sports Meet for both the long jump and relay events.

The District Sports Meet spanned two days. On the first day, I didn't have any scheduledevents, so I eagerly watched other athletes competing. Tents were set up for the participants.My school team was assigned the last tent, which happened to be the furthest onefrom the track. Despite the less?than?ideal location, we made the most out of it.

The second day arrived, and it was finally time for my events. The long jump tookplace in the early afternoon, followed by the highly anticipated 8×50 m relay later in theday. As the long jump competition began, I realized the competition was fierce. Though Imanaged a respectable jump of 3.65 meters, I was amazed by another participant, aten?year?old, who effortlessly cleared over 4 meters. Adding to the challenge, this remarkableyoung athlete also wore spikes (钉鞋), which gave him an advantage over the rest ofus. Despite finishing in fourth place, narrowly missing out on a medal, I stayed positive.

However, I still had hope for the 8×50 m relay, where I was assigned to run the fifthleg and pass the baton (接力棒). Finally, the race day arrived. With anticipation building,we took our positions on the track. As the starter's gun rang, a wave of excitement sweptover me. I closely followed the progress of my teammates in the earlier legs, and to mythrill, we were among the top competitors, firmly securing at least second place.

Paragraph 1:

As my turn arrived, I grasped the baton and began to run._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

Although my accident had indeed cost us precious time, our team's spirit remained unshaken._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 11

Jim was born and raised in New York City for his entire life. He was the captain of theFire Department of New York, which was no surprise as he came from a family of firefighters.He loved serving his local community.

While on the job, Jim had suffered a sad event that left him confused about what hewas supposed to do with the rest of his life. Jim had lost a good man that was on his team.The grief had eaten the captain up for weeks. He couldn't seem to get himself out of thedeep hole he had found himself in. That's when a massive change came his way.

A young boy and his mother walked up to Jim with a special request. It was normal forJim to have young and excited children come up to him to see the fire engine. However, hecould immediately sense that this boy had something else in mind. This young boy wasnamed Trucker. He was dressed in regular jeans and a T?shirt, but he had a firefighterjacket above this. Jim found this to be absolutely adorable and it also showed him howmuch Trucker cared about firefighting.

Trucker explained to Jim that he loved firefighters more than anything on the planet.His mother nodded in agreement with her son's statement. Trucker was fascinated by thefire department. This was common but Jim was surprised to hear Trucker's mother said hewas only 5 years old and had neuroblastoma (神经母细胞瘤), a rare form of cancer thattypically affects young children. There's no cure for patients like Trucker who suffer fromthe disease. There was nothing more they could do but help him realize his dream.

Paragraph 1:

After knowing Trucker's story, Jim was curious to hear the boy's request._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

Everyone was happy to see Trucker fulfilling his dream, especially Jim._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 12

The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read beneath a willow tree. It must besick, for the branches were kind of yellow and dry. I was a deserted girl. Endless quarrelswith my parents had left me nowhere to go but this desolate (荒無人烟的) corner of thepark. As I sat on the bench, things that happened recently began to flash through. Daysseemed months to me recently. No cozy home to stay. No happy memories about my life. Noconsiderate family members to talk to. Even the book I was reading was no fun. Not contentwith life, I had a good reason to frown, for the world was intended to drag me down.

A young boy out of breath approached me, all tired from play. He stood right in frontof me with his head tilted (倾斜) down and said with great excitement, “Look what Ifound!” In his hand was a flower. What a pitiful sight! Its petals (花瓣) were all worn,maybe because of not enough rain, or too little light. He must have picked the flower fromsomewhere shady and sunless, just like where I was staying these days. I couldn't helpbeing self?pitying. Wanting him to take his dead flower away and go off to play, I faked asmile and then looked away.“ Why couldnt everyone just leave me be!” I thought to myself,upset and gloomy.

But instead of leaving, he sat next to me and placed the flower to his nose and declaredloudly with certainty,“ It sure smells pretty and it must be beautiful, too. That's whyI picked it; here, it is for you.” The“ weed” before me was dying or dead, not vibrant withcolors, orange, yellow or red—anyone having eyes can see that clearly! But I knew I musttake it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower, and replied,“ Just what Ineed.” Strangely, instead of placing the flower in my hand, he held it in mid?air without anyreason or plan.

Paragraph 1:

Casting a curious glance at the boy's eyes, I was hugely shocked._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

“I had to make a change,” I thought to myself._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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