
2024-05-21 06:07张岚
疯狂英语·爱英语 2024年5期















(三) 时间管理的策略






Should social media be banned for teenagers?


In recent years, social media has seen increasing users amongteenagers, allowing them to easily share their life with friends andfamily. However, some people suggest that social media has a negativeimpact on teenagers' mental health, and argue for its ban. In myopinion, social media should not be banned for teenagers.

Firstly, social media provides a means of communication that is essential for modernteens. Nowadays, most teenagers use social media to communicate with their friends, familymembers and even teachers. The ban on social media would be a major inconvenience forteenagers, who rely on social media to communicate and socialize.

Secondly, social media can also be educational. Many teenagers use social media tolearn new things and expand their knowledge. For example, a renowned psychologist, DrSarah Roberts, writes in her book The Positive Effects of Social Media on Teenagers that socialmedia provides opportunities for teenagers to connect with like?minded individuals andexplore educational resources. Banning social media would deprive teenagers of this educationalresource.

However, opponents argue that social media has a negative impact on teenagers' mentalhealth. Some studies suggest that social media can increase anxiety and depression, andlead to the development of an inferiority complex. However, it's important to note that socialmedia is not the sole cause of mental health problems in teenagers. As is noted by DrJohn Davis, a prominent child psychiatrist, in an interview with Psychology Today, factorssuch as genetics, family environment and peer relationships also play significant roles inthe development of mental health issues.

Furthermore, a ban on social media would not solve the problem of mental healthissues in teenagers. Instead, teenagers need guidance on how to use social media in ahealthy and responsible manner. Parents and schools should provide education for teenagerson how to use social media safely and constructively, rather than banning it altogether.

In conclusion, banning social media for teenagers is not the solution to mental healthproblems. Social media provides essential communication and educational resources forteenagers, and a ban would only be an inconvenience. Instead, we should educate teenagerson how to use social media safely to promote their mental well?being.



1. What is the authors opinion about banning social media?

A. Supportive.B. Unclear.

C. Opposed. D. Neutral.


2. What could banning social media do to teenagers according to

paragraph 2?

A. Harm their mental health.

B. Impact their communication.

C. Ruin their academic performance.

D. Reduce their social media addiction.


3. Why does the author mention Dr John Davis statement in paragraph 4?

A. To emphasize the role of various factors.

B. To prove social medias negative impact.

C. To dismiss the importance of peer relationships.

D. To highlight the sole cause of mental health issues.


4. What does the author suggest as a solution to mental health problems?

A. Banning social media.

B. Promoting safe social media usage.

C. Ignoring the negative impact of social media.

D. Providing alternative communication resources.



1. 社交媒体的积极面

provide a means of communication 提供一种交流的途径

be essential for modern teens 对当代青少年至关重要

allow them to easily share their life with friends and family 让他们可以轻松地与朋友和家人分享他们的生活

use social media to communicate with their friends, family members and even teachers使用社交媒体与他们的朋友、家人甚至老师进行交流

rely on social media to communicate and socialize 依靠社交媒体进行交流和交际

provide opportunities for teenagers to connect with like?minded individuals and exploreeducational resources 为青少年提供与志同道合的人联系和探索教育资源的机会

provide essential communication and educational resources for teenagers 为青少年提供必要的沟通和教育资源

Social media can also be educational. 社交媒体也可以具有教育意义。

2. 社交媒体的消极面

have a negative impact on teenagers mental health 对青少年的心理健康有负面影响

increase anxiety and depression 增加焦虑和抑郁

lead to the development of an inferiority complex 导致自卑感的产生

3. 反对禁止社交媒体的原因

The ban on social media would be a major inconvenience for teenagers. 禁止使用社交媒体对青少年来说是一个很大的不便。

Many teenagers use social media to learn new things and expand their knowledge. 许多青少年使用社交媒体学习新东西并拓展他们的知识。

deprive teenagers of this educational resource 剥夺青少年的这一教育资源

Social media is not the sole cause of mental health problems in teenagers. 社交媒体不是导致青少年心理健康问题的唯一原因。

A ban on social media would not solve the problem of mental health issues in teenagers.禁止使用社交媒体并不能解决青少年的心理健康问题。

Banning social media for teenagers is not the solution to mental health problems. 禁止青少年使用社交媒体并不是解决心理健康问题的方法。

4. 解决问题的措施

Social media should not be banned for teenagers. 不应该禁止青少年使用社交媒体。

Teenagers need guidance on how to use social media in a healthy and responsiblemanner. 青少年需要在如何以健康、负责的方式使用社交媒体方面得到指导。

Parents and schools should provide education for teenagers on how to use social media safely and constructively, rather than banning it altogether. 家长和学校应该在如何安全和建设性地使用社交媒体方面为青少年提供教育,而不是完全禁止它。

Instead, we should educate teenagers on how to use social media safely to promote theirmental well?being.相反,我们应该教育青少年如何安全地使用社交媒体,促进他们的心理健康。


1. In recent years, social media has seen increasing users among teenagers, allowingthem to easily share their life with friends and family. 近年來,社交媒体在青少年中有越来越多的用户,使他们能够轻松地与朋友和家人分享自己的生活。

本句中,social media has seen increasing users among teenagers为拟人的用法,当句中的动词为see、notice、witness等时,常可用无生命的名词作主语,以使表达更加生动。句中的allowing them to easily share their life with friends and family 为现在分词短语作结果状语。

2. The ban on social media would be a major inconvenience for teenagers, who rely onsocial media to communicate and socialize. 禁止使用社交媒体对依赖社交媒体进行交流和社交的青少年来说将是一个很大的不便。


3. As is noted by Dr John Davis, a prominent child psychiatrist, in an interview withPsychology Today, factors such as genetics, family environment and peer relationships alsoplay significant roles in the development of mental health issues. 正如著名儿童精神科医生约翰·戴维斯博士在接受《今日心理学》采访时所指出的,遗传、家庭环境以及同伴关系等因素在心理健康问题的发展中也起着重要作用。

本句中,As引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,用来指代factors such as genetics,family environment and peer relationships also play significant roles in the development ofmental health issues。


1. 社交媒体对青少年的行为和心理健康产生影响,成为许多家长和老师关注的问题。

Social media has influenced the behavior and mental health of teenagers, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

2. 现在,社交媒体见证着青少年的日常生活,记录着每一个瞬间和每一种情感。

Nowadays,____________________________________________________________________________________________________________recording every moment and every emotion.

3. 社交媒体已经成为青少年生活的重要方面,他们利用它来拓宽他们的视野。

Social media has become an important aspect of teenagers' life,____________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

4. 正如许多人认为的那样,社交媒体极大地改变了青少年交流和分享思想的方式。

_________________________________________________________________________________, social media has significantly transformed the way teenagers communicate and share ideas.



1. 反对的理由;

2. 你的希望。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 至少需要使用两个前文中解析过的句式。









