
2024-05-21 06:07梁姗姗
疯狂英语·爱英语 2024年5期



angry adj.生气的

mad adj.气愤的

furious adj.暴怒的

rage n.愤怒

indignant adj.愤慨的

enraged adj.暴怒的

livid adj.非常生气的

outraged adj.震怒的

fuming adj.恼火的

irritated adj.恼怒的

provoked adj.被激怒的

seething adj.愤怒的

vexed adj.恼火的

annoyed adj.恼怒的

lose one's temper 发脾气

blow a fuse 勃然大怒

seethe with anger 怒不可遏

fly into a rage 勃然大怒

get mad 生气

fume with anger 怒火中烧

burn with rage 愤怒如焚

have a major fit of anger 大发脾气

be boiling with anger 怒气冲冲

show one's wrath 显露愤怒

storm off 愤然离去

in a rage 勃然大怒

have a tantrum 发脾气

be infuriated 被激怒

have steam coming out of ones ears 火冒三丈

burn up 发怒

get steamed up 发飙

in a fury 勃然大怒

shake with anger 气得发抖

in a towering rage 极度愤怒

boil over 发怒

go into a rage 狂怒

throw a tantrum 发飙

get worked up 被激怒

blow one's top 发怒

have a meltdown 暴跳如雷


He was absolutely furious that his boss didn't give him the promotion he deserved. 他对老板没有给他应得的晋升感到非常愤怒。

Sarah lost her temper when her computer crashed for the third time. 当莎拉的电脑第三次死机时,她发脾气了。

John blew a fuse when he found out his car had been towed away. 约翰发现他的车被拖走后大发雷霆。

She was enraged by the rude comments made by her co?worker. 她对同事给出的粗鲁评论感到愤怒。

The customer seethed with anger after receiving terrible service at the restaurant. 这位顾客在餐厅受到糟糕的服务后怒不可遏。

When he heard the news, he flew into a rage and started throwing things around. 听到这个消息后,他勃然大怒,开始乱扔东西。

John's boss got mad when he realized that he had missed an important deadline. 约翰的老板意识到他错过了一个重要的截止日期时非常生气。

She fumed with anger as she watched her competitor accept the award. 当她看到競争对手领奖时,她怒火中烧。

The child had a major fit of anger when his toy was taken away. 当这个孩子的玩具被拿走时,他发脾气了。

His fists clenched tightly, showing his anger. 他紧紧握住拳头,展现出他的愤怒。


The furious encounter on the highway


Ted gripped the steering wheel tightly as he navigated the bustling highway. Suddenly,a reckless driver swerved in front of him without any warning, nearly causing a collision.Ted's heart raced, and a surge of anger consumed him. His face turned crimson, and heclenched his fists, feeling an overwhelming surge of frustration.“ Are you kidding me?” hefumed, his voice trembling with indignation. Thoughts of retaliation flooded his mind as he cursed under his breath.

The adrenaline coursing through his veins made hisbody tense, his knuckles turning white. Every muscle in hisbody screamed for action. But with great effort, Ted managedto control himself, reminding himself to stay calm andmaintain his composure. As the reckless driver sped away, Ted took a deep breath, his enrageddemeanor slowly fading. He realized that retaliating wouldn't solve anything. With asense of relief, he released the tension from his body and drove away, determined to let goof the anger that had consumed him.




1. 她重重地踩着地面,表达她的愤怒。

She stomped her foot on the ground,___________________________.

2. 她叉着手臂瞪着他,展示她的愤怒。

She ___________________________, displaying her anger.

3. 她咬紧嘴唇,努力控制自己的愤怒。

She clenched her lips, ___________________________.

4. 她用手指着他,愤怒地喊着。

She pointed her finger at him, ___________________________.

5. 当教师发现学生在考试作弊时,她勃然大怒。

The teacher ___________________________ when she caught the students cheating on the exam.

6. 他无法控制自己的愤怒,并开始在房间内乱砸东西。

He ___________________________ and started smashing things in the room.

7. 在比赛输掉后,他咬紧牙关瞪着对手。

He gritted his teeth and ___________________________ after losing the game.

8. 这位员工愤然离开办公室,砰的一声关上门。

The employee ___________________________, slamming the door behind him.


___________________________ as he listened to the disrespectful comments.


___________________________, ready to fight back if necessary.




The opposing player seemed determined to test Matthews limits as he stepped onto the basketball court._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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