李明 刘雅雄 周毅
Interval-valued picture fuzzy parameter aggregation operator and its application
LI Ming1,LIU Yaxiong1,ZHOU Yi2
(1 School of Business, North Minzu University,Yinchuan, Ningxia 750021,China;
2 Tongxin Yuhai Middle School English Teaching and
Research Group,Wuzhong, Ningxia 751300, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the multi-attribute group decision-making problem in which the decision information is interval-valued picture fuzzy numbers, with full consideration of the correlation between the attributes, the interval-valued picture fuzzy numbers are combined with the generalized Heronian mean function and the Heronian average operator, we define the interval-valued picture fuzzy parameter generalized weighted Heronian average operator, and its properties are studied. The information aggregation operator is able to reflect the completeness of the information, attribute relevance, and the risk preference of decision makers. Then, a multi-attribute group decision-making model based on the interval-valued picture fuzzy parameter generalized weighted Heronian average operator is proposed. Finally, the group decision-making model proposed in this paper is used to select the optimal information system, and compares with another model to illustrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed model.
Key words: the multi-attribute group decision making;fuzziness;interval-valued picture fuzzy number;aggregation operator;generalized Heronian mean function
然而,由于模糊集中只定义了隶属度,对于一些复杂的决策问题仍然无法描述。随后,Atanassov[7]将其推广得到了直觉模糊集,并赋予了每个元素1个隶属度和1个非隶属度,可以更详细地描述和表征模糊决策信息的本质。但在实际决策过程中,决策者通常不仅仅只持有“支持”和“反对”两种态度。除了表示“一致性”和“不一致性”之外,传统的直觉模糊集却没有考虑其它可能性,例如拒绝。为了克服这一不足,Cuong[8]于2014年将直觉模糊集推广,提出了Picture模糊集的概念,其优点是使用3个隶属函数来描述决策者的行为,包括正隶属度、中性隶属度和负隶属度。例如,在投票活动中,选民可以分为 “支持”、“弃权”、“反对”、“拒绝投票”,这符合实际生活中的情况。因此,Picture模糊集引起了该领域许多研究学者的关注。Xian等[9]考虑到Muirhead均值算子在捕捉输入参数之间交互关系方面存在的优势,将Muirhead均值算子扩展到Picture模糊语言环境中,提出了Picture模糊语言加权Muirhead平均算子及其对偶形式;文献[10]定义了基于Picture立方模糊信息的加权集结算子;Luo等[11]给出了Picture模糊加权几何集结算子、Picture模糊有序加权几何集结算子和Picture模糊混合几何集结算子,并研究了它们的相关性质;文献[12]将Picture模糊语言信息与广义加权Heronian平均算子结合,提出了多值Picture模糊语言广义加权Heronian平均算子和多值Picture模糊语言广义加权几何Heronian平均算子;Ates等[13]基于Picture模糊数和Bonferroni平均算子,定义了新的Picture模糊集结算子,并将其应用在多准则决策中;文献[14]基于Frank t-范数提出了几种Picture 模糊Frank信息集结算子;Li等[15]基于Hamacher运算法则、归一化Hamming距离和Picture模糊数的相似性测度,定义了2种新的Picture 模糊信息集结算子;文献[16]提出一系列Picture模糊交互Heronian平均集结算子。
1 资料与方法
2.3 对比分析
3 结论
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作者简介:李明(1981—),男,讲师,从事模糊决策理论与方法的研究,e-mail: liming200451@163.com。