
2023-11-04 11:51康玉娇张太雷马怡婷

康玉娇 张太雷 马怡婷




A time-delayed HCV model with DAAs treatment and multi-scale age structure

KANG  Yujiao,ZHANG  Tailei*,MA  Yiting

(School of Sciences, Chang′an University, Xi′an,Shaanxi 710064, China)

Abstract:  In order to study the effect of DAAs treatment on the transmission mechanism of hepatitis C, a class of HCV model with time-delays and multi-scale age structure is established, and the basic reproductive number of the model is given. By constructing Lyapunov functional and LaSalle invariant set principle, it is proved that the disease-free equilibrium point is globally asymptotically stable when R*0<1; the equilibrium point of cellular immunity is globally asymptotically stable when R*1<11, the equilibrium point of cellular immune excitation is globally asymptotically stable under certain conditions. Finally, numerical simulations are carried out. The results show that strengthening the therapeutic effect of DAAs to a certain extent will inhibit the cellular immune response, and the immune delay will affect the stability of the equilibrium point of cellular immune excitation. In the actual treatment, the objective of eliminating hepatitis C will be achieved by optimizing the combination of drugs and dosage.

Key words: time delay;hepatitis C;DAAs treatment;stability;numerical simulation

丙型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis C Virus, HCV)是1種血源性病毒,该病毒一旦侵入人体内,就会通过血液流动进入肝脏,开始自我繁殖,引起肝脏的炎症反应,严重地可导致肝硬化和肝癌。据中国肝炎防治基金会估算,我国丙肝病毒感染者约1 000万,每年新报告病例多达20万。但目前还没有丙型肝炎防治疫苗,数十年以来,以干扰素(IFN)为基础的治疗方案是慢性HCV感染的标准疗法,约50%~60%的患者可以经此获得持续病毒学应答(SVR)。近几年来,丙型肝炎治疗取得了重大突破,采用泛基因型直接抗病毒药物治疗(DAAs)可以在很短的时间内有效清除HCV,在没有到肝硬化的前提下,有效率高达95%~99%[1-2]。直接抗病毒药物的出现推动了治疗的进展,它通过靶向细胞内病毒复制来治疗丙型病毒性肝炎,具有良好的有效性和耐受性。目前,世界卫生组织的丙型肝炎治疗指南中推荐DAAs联合使用。国内外学者针对丙肝问题展开了一系列研究[3-8]。从宏观角度,文献[9]考虑了初次感染和复感的情况,分析了抗病毒治疗的重要性。文献[10]建立了具有急慢性阶段的年龄结构模型,并分析了全局稳定性。从微观角度,




5 细胞免疫未激发平衡点的稳定性

定理4 当R*1<1

6 细胞免疫激发平衡点的稳定性

7 数值模拟


7.1 部分参数对细胞免疫的影响


其中τ1=4,参数的取值参照[18-19]取s=10,d=0.01,β1=0.000 1,β2=0.000 1,δ=0.5,p=1,α=40,ρ=8.18,μ=1,q=3,γ=0.01,b=0.1。结果见图1。


7.2 免疫时滞对细胞免疫的影响



8 结论




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作者简介:康玉娇(1998—),女,硕士研究生,专业方向为生物数学,e-mail: kyj980410@163.com。

*通信作者:张太雷(1980—),男,教授,从事常微分方程及其应用方向的研究,e-mail: tlzhang@chd.edu.cn。

丙型肝炎治疗新药 Simeprevir