
2022-02-06 00:57张宇雷张瑜霏单建军高倩倩
农业工程学报 2022年19期

张宇雷,张瑜霏,单建军,黄 达,高倩倩


张宇雷1,2,张瑜霏1,2,单建军1,2,黄 达1,高倩倩1

(1. 中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092;2. 农业农村部水产养殖设施工程重点实验室,上海 200092)

水产种业的高质量发展是推动养殖业发展的基础,现阶段中国鱼类人工繁育生产方式设施装备化程度低,产业大而不强,转型升级的需求迫在眉睫。该研究在文献调研整理的基础上,首先就循环水人工繁育设施装备在亲鱼产卵、鱼卵孵化、鱼苗培育等方面的研究和应用情况展开论述。相对于常规培育方式,循环水系统能够最大程度上构建出符合亲鱼交配和产卵的环境条件,养殖密度0.01~4.5 kg/m3,系统循环率9~76%/h,换水率0.7~3%/d;针对不同性质的鱼卵,介绍了国内外目前常用的孵化器主要有瓶式孵化罐、平列式孵化槽、漏斗式孵化器等,阐明了其适用对象、工作原理和主要性能表现;针对育苗和养殖系统构建需求的差异,综述了目前在循环水育苗设施装备应用研究中关注的重点和难点。其次,概述了中国鱼类人工繁育发展现状和问题,分析了循环水人工繁育技术的优势和面临的挑战。最后提出,鱼类工厂化循环水人工繁育具有较高的可行性和引领性,但是要实现产业化应用仍需要进一步开展基于品种对象的人工繁育环境构建及循环水处理、繁育过程鱼类对环境应激源的生物学响应、智能繁育装备等方面技术攻关和装备研发。


0 引 言




1 循环水繁殖设施装备

1.1 亲鱼产卵

亲鱼的健康状况和培育环境很大程度上决定了鱼卵的产量和质量,相对于常规培育方式,循环水人工繁殖能够通过人工干预最大程度上构建出符合亲鱼性腺发育、交配和产卵的环境条件。Boccanfus等[6]通过使用循环水人工繁殖系统模拟光、温、盐季节变化,研究了其对牙鲆()亲鱼产卵和孵化率的影响,结果表明,2015-2018年间牙鲆亲鱼产卵总数增加92.8%,受精卵孵化率从38.1%提高至61.0%。Okumura等[7]发现赤点石斑()在40 m3容积亲鱼池中产出受精卵数量仅是在350 m3亲鱼池中的一半,主要原因是亲鱼交配时没有足够的游动空间,出现不正常的跳跃现象。从系统配置情况来看,现有研究采用的循环水人工繁殖系统水处理工艺与成鱼养殖系统相似,主要通过介质过滤和蛋白分离技术去除固体颗粒,通过生物反应器分解去除氨氮,通过紫外杀菌对水体进行消毒处理,通过热泵实时控制系统水温。由于养殖密度较常规养殖系统要低,系统循环率(即单位时间内从鱼池流入循环水处理系统的水体体积占鱼池总水体的比例)一般设定在30 %/h以下(表1)。

表1 循环水繁殖设施研究对象和配置情况


1.2 鱼卵孵化


1)瓶式孵化罐(mcdonald-type hatching jar)。罐体由透明、易清洁的塑料制成,工作原理简单可靠。干净水流从罐体中心导流管注入,从底部流出,通过上升水流的带动使沉底鱼卵形成漂浮和流动状态,保证与水流的充分接触。罐体顶部安装过滤网,可防止鱼卵随水流溢出,上升水流经过滤网后从溢流口排出孵化器。鱼卵孵化后取下滤网,即可使仔鱼随水流流出。该孵化罐主要用于鲑鳟类、鲟鱼、鲈鱼、鲤鱼等沉性鱼卵的孵化,1个6 L的瓶式孵化罐可容纳约10万粒鲑鱼卵(图1)。

2)平列式孵化槽(california-type incubation troughs)。通常由玻璃钢或强化塑料制成,槽内放置4~8个底部和侧面穿孔透水的孵化托盘,托盘隔板延伸至槽底以阻挡水流(图2)。通过这种方式,可使水流逐一从托盘底部流入,流经鱼卵层后再从上部溢出。新孵化的仔鱼亦可通过网孔流出托盘,待所有鱼卵孵化后,可将托盘连同剩余的死卵一起取出。该孵化器主要适用于质量比大,需要静置或者是彼此大量粘附的鱼卵,如鲑鳟类、斑点叉尾鮰、鲶鱼等,每80~100 L水体可容纳100~150 g鱼卵。抽屉式孵化柜(Vertical Incubators)工作原理和平列式孵化槽比较类似,但是孵化托盘采用垂直布置,水流从上而下流经每个托盘,结构更紧凑,占地面积更小,但是水体空间不大,鱼苗孵化后必须立即转移。

图1 瓶式孵化罐[15]


3)漏斗式孵化器(funnel type incubators)。罐体由玻璃纤维、钢板或工程塑料制成,容量40~200 L不等。干净水从罐底部流入,从培养箱的上边缘流出,水体流动使鱼卵悬浮并保持不停的翻滚。为防止鱼卵或鱼苗随流水溢出,罐体顶部安装过滤网。该类型孵化器可用于鳙鱼、鲤鱼、锦鲤、鲶鱼等鱼卵的孵化(图3)。

图3 漏斗式孵化器[17]


图5显示的是Mordenti等[23]设计研制的欧洲鳗鲡产卵、孵化一体化装置,配备1套循环水处理系统(包括蛋白分离器、生物滤器、紫外杀菌、臭氧混合等设备)。该设计的最大优势在于能够通过水流的作用使得产出的受精卵从产卵腔自动流入孵化腔,避免了人工转移鱼卵的操作。试验结果显示,胚胎24 h存活率达到62.8%±17.5%。

图4 MCRA育苗场循环水孵化系统工艺流程图[18]

图5 欧洲鳗鲡封闭循环水育苗系统原理图[23]

2 循环水育苗设施装备


藻类、轮虫、卤虫等是仔鱼前期生长发育最常用的生物饵料,而这些饵料的使用往往导致水体中细菌的增加[24-26]。Attramadal等[27-31]通过一系列的研究认为,虽然循环水育苗系统中的水质相对于流水系统要略差,但是,借助成熟的生物滤器和科学的消毒杀菌策略,能够在水体中构建形成稳定的细菌群落,抑制条件致病菌的比例,提高幼鱼生长和存活率。此外,鱼类早期生活和饲养条件决定了肠道中的微生物群落组成,进一步影响幼鱼的免疫和组织学发育,对鱼类健康和生长起着至关重要的作用[32-36]。Deng等[37]研究发现,在循环水育苗系统中添加枯草芽孢杆菌()可增加罗非鱼肠道中细菌微生物丰度,幼鱼存活率显著高于流水方式和未添加枯草杆菌的循环水系统。另外,仔稚鱼前期几乎没有什么游泳能力,过高或过低的水流都有可能导致鱼类无法正常游泳和摄食。针对该问题, Shiotania等[38-42]深入研究了鱼池形状以及曝气方式对真鲷、石斑和金枪鱼仔鱼生长的影响。总体认为,水体内的流场分布对于幼鱼的存活率影响较大,圆形育苗池在曝气的作用下形成的流场分布相对更均匀稳定,相对于矩形育苗池成活率更高,但是特定生长率没有显著差异。此外,为了保证仔稚鱼更好的觅食,鱼池的颜色和环境光线的调控也是研究的重点[43-45]。

3 分析与展望

中国现阶段规模化人工繁育主要采用池塘、网箱和工厂化流水三种方式。池塘繁育方式的应用最为普遍,以青鱼()、草鱼()、鲢鱼()、鳙鱼()等淡水鱼为典型代表。该方式一般会根据实际情况设置亲鱼培养池、产卵池、孵化池、苗种培育池等,配备水泵、增氧机、鼓风机等设备。亲鱼培养池主要用于亲鱼营养强化和催产;产卵池0.1~1 hm2,水深1.5~2.5 m不等,底泥厚度10~30 cm不等;塘内放置若干产卵巢用于收集卵块,通过增氧机维持溶解氧,通过增加水泵加大水流速度;鱼卵一般在室内采用微流水方式孵化后再放入苗种培育池(0.2~0.4 hm2)进行培育[46-49]。该方式投入少,成本低,而且池塘中天然饵料较为丰富,鱼苗营养可以得到充分保证,存活率较高。但是,缺点在于受气候和外源性干扰影响较大,产能不高、稳定性不足。工厂化流水繁育方式更多地应用在冷水性鱼类和海水鱼繁育,主要设施包括亲鱼培育池和产卵池(5 m×5 m左右)以及苗种培育池(3 m×3 m左右),通过连续不断的微流水结合相应的温、光调控设备保证养殖环境和水质符合繁育要求[50-51]。该方式优点在于环境可控性相对较高,水质更稳定、产能较高。但是,缺点在于对水源条件的要求较为苛刻,而且由于营养来源比较单一,鱼苗生长发育速度不如池塘方式。网箱培育方式相对较少,主要品种包括石斑鱼()、军曹鱼()等。在海水中一般使用5 m×5 m左右的网箱,在池塘中一般为2 m×2 m或者3 m×3 m的网箱进行亲鱼培育和产卵,需要和池塘或者流水池相结合,完成受精卵孵化和鱼苗培育[52-54]。现阶段国内鱼类人工繁育的成活率普遍不高,生物学、行为学、水环境等方面的问题相互交叉影响,难以进行科学严谨地分析判断。以具有典型代表性的大黄鱼()为例,其人工繁育生产主要采用工厂化流水或微流水方式,受精卵孵化率在90%左右,而出苗率不到30%。其中,死亡高峰主要出现在受精卵孵化后3日龄左右,仔鱼开口摄食阶段;另外,在10~20日龄左右也会出现一定比例的死亡,主要是由于水质条件变化以及自相残杀等方面的原因。







4 结 论






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Review of progress on fish breeding and seed production using Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)

Zhang Yulei1,2, Zhang Yufei1,2, Shan Jianjun1,2, Huang Da1, Gao Qianqian1


Fish seed is one of the primary input materials for the large-scale production in aquaculture industry. In this review, a systematic summary was firstly made on the artificial fish breeding, hatchery, and larval rearing using Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS). It is much easier to keep the environment much more convenient for the parent fish to mate and spawn in the RAS, compared with traditional. Specifically, the flounder, grouper, and butterfish can successfully lay spawn in the RAS. Among them, the previous studies reported the culture density of 0.01-4.5 kg/m3, system recirculation rate of 9-76%/h, and water discharged 0.7-3%/day. In terms of the fish eggs hatching, three kinds of incubator were mainly used for the different kind of eggs. Mcdonald-type hatching jar was used for the trout, sturgeon, and seabass, all of which eggs were suspended in water. California-type incubation troughs and vertical incubators were mainly used for the salmon and catfish, of which eggs were be stationary. Similar to the Mcdonald-type hatching jar, the funnel type incubators were used for the fresh water fish, such as the big head, grass, and koi carp. Furthermore, the different requirements of the system to grow out have been summarized to evaluate the influence of the live feed, microorganism, tank size, and light condition on the fish larval rearing. Secondly, the overview has been provided for the fish breeding and seed production in China. The current large-scale artificial fish breeding and seed production were practiced either in the outdoor ponds, net cages or the flow through various systems. Most of the seed production facilities were outdated, where the control of water quality was depended only on the climate and water resources. More importantly, the production efficiency and quality of fish seed were much lower and unstable at present, leading to the less development of aquaculture. Therefore, it is very necessary to upgrade the fish breeding and seed production technology. Recirculating aquaculture can be a promising kind of land-based industrialized aquaculture, due mainly to the high production, high efficiency, strong reproducibility, and environment friendly. Because of the high controllable water quality, recirculating aquaculture can fully meet the harsh requirements for the fish breeding and seed production. Hence, a plenty of practices on the fish breeding and seed production using RAS have been carried out with the different species all over the world. Thirdly, three research fields can be developed to promote the practice of RAS in the fish breeding and seed production in the future. 1) It is essential for the biological response of parent fish, eggs, and larval to the RAS environment stressors in the system design and seed production. 2) The control technology of environment and water quality can be developed in the scientific system configuration for different fish species. 3) The corresponding intelligent equipment can also developed during this time, such as, the screening for the parent fish using the computer vision, automatic counting for the eggs and larval, as well as the smart feeder for the live food.

aquaculture; recirculating hatchery; artificial propagation; egg incubation; seed production


S954.1; S961.2



张宇雷,张瑜霏,单建军,等. 鱼类工厂化循环水人工繁育设施装备应用研究进展[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(19):212-218.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.19.023 http://www.tcsae.org

Zhang Yulei, Zhang Yufei, Shan Jianjun, et al. Review of progress on fish breeding and seed production using Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS)[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(19): 212-218. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.19.023 http://www.tcsae.org




