
2022-02-06 00:58黄思彪肖庭熠卿梦霞
农业工程学报 2022年19期

刘 亮,郑 扬,黄思彪,肖庭熠,田 红,卿梦霞


刘 亮,郑 扬,黄思彪,肖庭熠,田 红,卿梦霞※

(长沙理工大学能源与动力工程学院,长沙 410114)



0 引 言




1 生物质中氮的赋存形态




表1 常见生物质中各氨基酸的分类[13]

2 生物质热解过程氮转化机理

2.1 NOx前驱物的生成机理


2.1.1 气相氮转化为NO前驱物



图1 NOx前驱物的生成路径[18-19]

2.1.2 液相氮转化为NO前驱物

液相氮中含量较高的物质有五元环氮、六元环氮、甲基吡啶、喹啉和多环含氮化合物,这些物质主要来源于氨基酸热解[29]。液相氮含量与组分特性受生物质成分影响,如纤维素会促进氮元素向液相氮中的迁移。此外,热解条件也会改变液相氮的迁移转化,如反应温度的升高则会导致液相氮向气相氮的转化,但不同温度条件下其转化产物差异明显[30]。在400~800 ℃温度范围内,温度升高会促进生物油进一步裂解生成HCN和NH3,但当温度超过600 ℃时,HCN的产率高于NH3[31]。当反应温度超过1 000 ℃时,热稳定性强的含氮物质易生成NH3,热稳定性弱的则生成HCN[32]。多环含氮化合物比单环含氮化合物具有更好的热稳定性,更易转变为NH3[33]。此外,热解气氛也会影响液相氮向气相氮的转化特性,如在较低气体温度及高水蒸汽条件下易生成NH3,而高气体温度和低水蒸汽条件下则易生成HCN[34]。

2.1.3 焦炭氮转化为NOx前驱物

焦炭氮中的N元素主要以N-C、N-H键的形式存在[35]。当热解温度达到900 ℃时,生物质中仍有30%的N存在于焦炭中[18]。焦炭氮主要来源于氨基酸的分子内脱水成环反应、分子间脱水成环反应[36-37]和蛋白质侧链间的相互反应[38]。随着热解反应的进行,焦炭氮在高温下会继续裂解,转化为气相氮,此时,若反应气氛中有足够的H自由基,焦炭氮会与H自由基反应生成NH3[39](路径5),反之则更倾向于生成HCN[40](路径4)。在热解过程中加入适量的H2O可生成H自由基,从而有助于降低HCN的生成[41]。

2.2 热解油中含氮物质的生成机理





图2 生物质热解油中含氮组分的生成路径[18-19]

3 影响氮迁移路径的因素


3.1 生物质种类


表2 不同因素对N转化的影响




3.2 升温速率


3.3 热解温度


当温度低于500 ℃时,温度升高促进了液相氮的生成;当温度高于500 ℃时,温度升高反而抑制了其生成[33]。低温下,温度升高促进热解反应过程,一次热解生成的液相氮含量不断增加;当温度超过500 ℃时,生物油及其中的液相氮自身开始分解,且随着温度的升高其分解速率不断加快[64-65]。由上述可知,高温会促进气相氮的生成并减少生物油的产量,而低温则会导致热解不完全。因此,选择合适的热解温度对提高热解油产量以及减少气相氮的产生具有重要意义。


3.4 热解气氛


3.5 停留时间与压力



3.6 粒 径


3.7 催化剂




4 结 论







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Review of nitrogen migration and transformation during biomass pyrolysis

Liu Liang, Zheng Yang, Huang Sibiao, Xiao Tingyi, Tian Hong, Qing Mengxia※


Biomass pyrolysis can generate tar and gas products with high industrial value. But the nitrogen (N) element in the biomass can inevitably migrate to the products along with the pyrolysis process, thus possibly polluting the environment. Focusing on the overall goal of preparing clean energy from biomass resources, this study systematically analyzes nitrogen migration and conversion mechanism during biomass pyrolysis, focusing on the research progress of the generation and conversion mechanism of gas nitrogen, tar nitrogen and char nitrogen. The NOprecursors can be the HCN and NH3in the biomass pyrolysis gas. Specifically, the NH3comes from the amino acids that are released from the amino acid pyrolysis and hydrolysis of HCN on the surface of char, while the HCN is from the secondary cracking of primary pyrolysis products, such as nitrile and N-containing heterocycle. The N-containing substances in the pyrolysis oil include the N-containing heterocycles, nitrile, and amide. Furthermore, the N-containing heterocycles can be produced by the fragmentation of some amino acids and by dehydration condensation between the amino acids. The nitrile is derived from the de-H2reaction of amino acid molecules and the de-H2O reaction of amides. The substitution reactions can also be used to form amides from NH3and carboxyl groups. More importantly, the biomass varies greatly in the different pyrolysis characteristics and products, due to the composition during the reaction. The higher heating rates can promote tar cracking for higher NOprecursor production during biomass pyrolysis, while the lower heating rates can contribute to tar production for better quality. The pyrolysis temperature and atmospheres of biomass can pose a large effect on the yield and composition of the pyrolysis products. The pyrolysis in the O2and H2O atmosphere can enhance the conversion of HCN to NH3, while the pyrolysis in the CO2atmosphere can reduce the production of NOprecursors. In terms of the pyrolysis pressure, the gas-N residence time can facilitate the reaction path of the secondary pyrolysis for the migration path of nitrogen. The larger particle sizes of the biomass can increase the NOprecursors but less the tar production, whereas, the smaller particle sizes can promote the N fixation in the char. The catalysts can reduce the pyrolysis time and the temperature for the N migration and conversion during biomass pyrolysis. The mineral elements (such as K, Ca, and Fe) in the biomass can promote the conversion of nitrogenous substances in the coke into the HCN. By contrast, the metal oxides (such as Fe2O3, Co3O4, and NiO) can be used to enhance the production of Tar-N, where Co3O4has the best performance. The KOH can reduce the types of hydrocarbon compounds in the pyrolysis oil, but for less NH3and HCN production. The current NOtreatments are the catalytic, plasma, microbial, absorption, and adsorption methods. All tail-end treatments cannot reduce the emission of pollutants with low efficiency and high energy consumption. Anyway, the N migration and transformation mechanism in the pyrolysis of biomass can reduce the emission of N-containing pollutants at the source during the pyrolysis process.

biomass; pyrolysis; gas phase nitrogen; tar nitrogen; char nitrogen; NO





刘亮,郑扬,黄思彪,等. 生物质热解过程中氮迁移转化机理研究进展[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(19):227-236.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.19.025 http://www.tcsae.org

Liu Liang, Zheng Yang, Huang Sibiao, et al. Review of nitrogen migration and transformation during biomass pyrolysis[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(19): 227-236. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.19.025 http://www.tcsae.org





