
2021-12-24 03:21策展人苏达山小卡德卡亚历山大埃里克森富鲁内斯
世界建筑 2021年12期

策展人:苏达山·V· 小卡德卡,亚历山大·埃里克森·富鲁内斯

1 展亭外景/Exterior view of pavilion


第17届国际建筑展的国际评审团授予菲律宾国家馆特别提名奖,表彰该项目为“一个示范性社区项目,创建了丰富的存档资料和协作建造的实践经验”。□(王欣欣 译)

The Philippine Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021 exhibits a library and conflict resolution space designed and built through mutual support with a community in Bulacan, Philippines. It was built on site and then dismantled and shipped to Venice for the Biennale and it will be rebuilt back in the community permanently after the exhibition. Mutual support is a tradition where people come together for collective work in order to achieve a common goal. It exists in multiple forms around the world and has been a way to cope in the face of disasters and in everyday life. In the Philippines the mutual support tradition is called Bayanihan and in Norway it is called Dugnad. The question of how we live together is also a question of how we build together. As such, mutual support traditions can inform the way we practice architecture because they are alternative ways for us to build and live together.

The international Jury of the 17th International Architecture Exhibition has awarded special mention as National Participation to Philippines for "an exemplary community project that creates a rich archive and experience of collaborative construction practices".□

2 展亭内景/Interior view of pavilion

3 展亭外景/Exterior view of pavilion

4.5 展亭内景/Interior views of pavilion

6 展亭内景/Interior view of pavilion

7展示墙/Exhibition walls

8 展示墙/Exhibition walls

9 项目历程/Project process

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: Arsenale, Venice, Italy (2021) GK Enchanted Farm, Angat, Bulacan, Philippines (2020, 2022)

委托方/Commissioner: Arsenio "Nick" J. Lizaso, Chairman, National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)

策展人及参展人/Curators and Exhibitors: Framework Collaborative (GK Enchanted Farm Community and Architects Sudarshan V. Khadka Jr. and Alexander Eriksson Furunes)

设计团队/Design Team: Sudarshan V. Khadka Jr. and Alexander Eriksson Furunes & GK EF community

合作者/Collaborators: Jessica Pineda, Paula Francisco, Yen Alforque & Kristin Helgadottir

顾问/Consultants: Eng. Jason Toralde

材料及结构/Materials & Structure: 可持续来源木材,镀锌钢板,胶合木/Sustainably Sourced Timber, Galvanized Iron Sheets, Plywood

项目面积/Project Area: 70m2(Philippines), 320m2(Venice)

设计周期/Design Time: 1个月/1 Month

建造周期/Construction Period: 3个月/3 Months

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2020.01 (Philippines), 2021.05 (Venice), 2022.05 (Philippines)

绘图/Drawings: Sudarshan V. Khadka Jr., Alexander Eriksson Furunes

摄影/Photos: Alexander Eriksson Furunes (fig.1,2,9b, 9e,15-17,19,20), Andrea D. Altoe (fig.3,4,6-8,9i,18), Federico Vespignani (fig.5), Ron Stephen Reyes (fig.9a, 9c), Chris Yuhico (fig.9d,9h), Don Patrick Claudio (fig.9f,9g)

10 基地立面(菲律宾安加特)/Site elevation, Angat, Philippines

11 平面(意大利威尼斯)/Plan, Venice, Italy

12 剖面A-A(意大利威尼斯)/Section A-A, Venice, Italy

13 剖面B-B(意大利威尼斯)/Section B-B, Venice, Italy

14 剖面C-C(意大利威尼斯)/Section C-C, Venice, Italy

15 展亭外景/Exterior view of pavilion

16 展亭外景/Exterior view of pavilion

17-20 展亭细节/Details of pavilion

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