
2021-12-24 03:21策展人张利
世界建筑 2021年12期



第17届威尼斯国际建筑双年展总策展人哈希姆·萨基斯提出的总主题“我们如何共同生活?”(How will we live together?)旨在探讨建筑如何促进人与人的平等、沟通与融合。它自然地让我们联想起一个最熟悉的原型:“院儿”——多个家庭同时居住的院落。在中文的语境里,“院儿”有着特殊的意义:它既指这种院落的空间形态,又指在这种院落中居住的人的共同体——院落社区。




第一部分 共同理解I ——灵感与干预


第二部分 共同理解II——经典与诠释


第三部分 共同设计——我的院儿

由 AI 艺术家何宛余通过算法训练计算机对 6 个中国先锋建筑师的语汇进行深度学习,制作智能设计引擎,帮助观众设计自己的院儿。

第四部分 共同感受——听院儿


第五部分 共同治愈——每个人的故事廊


1 展馆内景/Interior view of pavilion

Biennale Architettura 2021 themeHow will we live together?asks how architecture may contribute to equality, connectivity and unity. It brings us to a familiar typology: Yuan-er. In Chinese, the word Yuan-er means a multi-family courtyard, referring to both its physicality and the people inhabiting it. It has been the basic molecule of all traditional urban and social fabrics in China, with cases ranging from the mega, like the Forbidden City, to the micro, like hutongs. Not only has it been the bearer of ideas of the past, it is also continuing to inspire architects and artists looking for hints of the future.

China Pavilion makes an inquiry on Yuan-er. Why was it able, and is still able to bring people of such diversity closer to each other? What are the space-body relations that generate cohesive urban communities extending from one yuan-er to another? How would wisdoms of past yuan-ers benefit architecture of our time for people to live together, online as well as offline?

China Pavilion has 5 sections. In Section 1,Together we learn(Part I), various architects practicing in China are invited to give individual stories of inspirations and interventions related to yuan-er, through videos played on tablets and phones. In Section 2,Together we learn(Part II), 6 Chinese architects plus 6 historians dissect classic cases and give radical contemporary interpretations through hologram projections. In Section 3,Together we design, visitors are invited to design their own yuaners, using the engine designed by an AI artist featuring vocabularies of 6 young Chinese architects. In Section 4,Together we feel, an artist's sound installation takes the visitors to a journey of senses in yuan-er. In Section 5,Together we heal, the parlour in the real yuan-er (the garden) outside China Pavilion shares stories of people's creative use of spaces for healing.

"ffle theme reflects the turning page of contemporary architecture, both Chinese and global. Compared to the obsession with forms at the end of last century, architects today are reaching a world-wide consensus that architecture has to address the life of normal people, if it is to remain a positive force in our civilisation." stated by ZHANG Li, curator of Pavilion of PR China.

Yuan-er has been around for more than 2,000 years in China. The Forbidden City, which has stood for 600 years, is considered as the most sophisticated and distinguished example of yuan-er. China Pavilion's curation team have invited experts from the Palace Museum to advise on the research, to help identify the underlying cultural genes.□

2 展馆轴测/Exploded axonometric of pavilion

3-5 展览装置/Exhibition installations

6-8 展馆内景/Interior views of pavilion

9.10 户外展亭/Outdoor pavilion

项目信息/Credits and Data

主办方/Organiser: 中华人民共和国文化和旅游部/Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China

学术指导/Academic Mentorship: 故宫博物院/The Palace Museum

组织实施/Commissioner: 中国对外文化集团有限公司/ China Arts and Entertainment Group Ltd. (CAEG)

策展人/Curator: 张利/ZHANG Li

研究团队/Research Team: 清华大学建筑学院,故宫博物院古建部,中央美术学院院丝绸之路艺术研究协同创新中心,世界建筑杂志社/School of Architecture, Tsinghua University/Department of Architectural Heritage, The Palace Museum/Silk Road Artistic Research and Collaboration and Innovation Center, Central Academy of Fine Arts/World Architecture Magazine Publications

艺术指导/Artistic Advisors: 吴洪亮,岳洁琼,赵鹏/WU Hongliang, YUE Jieqiong, ZHAO Peng

展览设计/Display Design & Graphic Design: 简盟工作室/Atelier TeamMinus

策展助理/Curator Assistants: 叶扬,白雪,邓慧姝,Marta Mancini,王子恒/YE Yang, BAI Xue, DENG Huishu, MANCINI, Marta; WANG Ziheng

现场管理/Site Management Team: Michele Bonino,Marta Mancini,Edoardo Bruno,Ahmed Mansouri,Ottavia Valz Gris,张显,余紫悦/BONINO, Michele, MANCINI Marta, BRUNO, Edoardo, MANSOURI Ahmed, VALZ GRIS, Ottavia, ZHANG Xian, YU Ziyue

支持与赞助/Supported by

顶级支持方/Top Sponsor: 故宫博物院/The Palace Museum重要支持方/Major Sponsor: 龙湖集团,北京故宫文物保护基金会/Longfor Group,The Beijing Palace Museum Cultural Relics Protection Foundation

特别鸣谢/Special Support: 北京欧力普公共艺术有限公司,红日照明/Beijing OLP Public Design Company, HONGRI LIGHTING


艺术家/Artists: 朱哲琴,何宛余/ZHU Zheqin (Dadawa), HE Wanyu

建筑师/Architects: 崔愷,常青,庄惟敏,周恺,刘家琨,肖伟与中信建筑设计研究总院,晋宏逵,李燮平,王子林,赵鹏,吕舟,刘畅;Michele Bonino 与都灵理工大学,陈雄,崔彤,董功,冯正功,桂学文,郭明卓,胡越,李存东,李虎/黄文菁,李兴钢,刘珩,柳亦春/陈屹峰,Gisela Loehlein与西交利物浦大学,吕品晶,梅洪元,孟岩,倪阳,齐欣,邵韦平,沈迪,申作伟,时匡,宋照青,孙一民,王辉,汪孝安,杨瑛,张杰,章明/张姿,张鹏举,张彤,张悦,赵扬,赵元超,朱小地;曹晓昕,常志刚,车飞,陈剑飞,陈薇,崔光海,崔海东,丁沃沃,董丹申,冯江,傅筱,高崧,葛明,韩冬青,韩文强,何崴,景泉,孔宇航,李立,李麟学,李少锋,李亦农,李振宇,刘克成,刘玉龙,龙灏,陆轶辰,祁斌,屈培青,任飞,任力之,单军,宋晔皓,汤朔宁,童明,王方戟/董晓/肖潇,王戈,汪恒,王昀,魏春雨,吴晨,肖毅强,徐维平,薛峰,严龙华,杨明/张天钧/顾鹏,杨旭,袁烽,曾群,查金荣,张海翱,张昕,周凌,朱育帆;鲍威,薄宏涛,卜冰,卜骁骏/张继元,陈浩如,Martijn de Geus,朵宁,范蓓蕾/孔锐/薛喆,房木生,冯果川,冯路,何健翔/蒋滢,何哲/沈海恩/臧峰,胡铮,贾莲娜, Binke Lenhardt(蓝冰可)/董灏,李丹锋/周渐佳,李道德,李冀,刘宇扬,陆皓,孟凡浩,穆钧,彭乐乐,青山周平,曲雷/何勍,阮昊与零壹城市建筑事务所,水雁飞,宋刚/钟冠球/朱志远,汤桦,唐康硕/张淼,陶磊,王硕,王彦,汪莹,王振飞/王鹿鸣,魏浩波/谢劲松,魏娜,吴钢,徐千禾,徐甜甜,俞挺/闵而尼,张斌/周蔚,张佳晶,张应鹏,朱培栋,祝晓峰,朱雄毅,庄慎/任皓/唐煜/朱捷,庄子玉等/CUI Kai; CHANG Qing; ZHUANG Weimin; ZHOU Kai; LIU Jiakun; XIAO Wei & CADI; JIN Hongkui; LI Xieping; WANG Zilin; ZHAO Peng; LYU Zhou; LIU Chang; BONINO, Michele & PoliTo; CHEN Xiong; CUI Tong; DONG Gong; FENG Zhenggong; GUI Xuewen; GUO Mingzhuo; HU Yue; LI Cundong; LI Hu & HUANG Wenjing; LI Xinggang; LIU, Doreen Heng; LIU Yichun & CHEN Yifeng; LOEHLEIN, Gisela & XJTLU; LYU Pinjing; MEI Hongyuan; MENG Yan; NI Yang; QI Xin; SHAO Weiping; SHEN Di; SHEN Zuowei; SHI Kuang; SONG Zhaoqing; SUN Yimin; WANG Hui; WANG Xiao'an; YANG Ying; ZHANG Jie; ZHANG Ming & ZHANG Zi; ZHANG Pengju; ZHANG Tong; ZHANG Yue; ZHAO Yang; ZHAO Yuanchao; ZHU Xiaodi; CAO Xiaoxin; CHANG Zhigang; CHE Fei; CHEN Jianfei; CHEN Wei; CUI Guanghai; CUI Haidong; DING Wowo; DONG Danshen; FENG Jiang; FU Xiao; GAO Song; GE Ming; HAN Dongqing; HAN Wenqiang; HE Wei; JING Quan; KONG Yuhang; LI Li; LI Linxue; LI Shaofeng; LI Yinong; LI Zhenyu; LIU Kecheng; LIU Yulong; LONG Hao; LU Yichen; QI Bin; QU Peiqing; REN Fei; REN Lizhi; SHAN Jun; SONG Yehao; TANG Shuoning; TONG Ming; WANG Fangji & DONG Xiao & XIAO Xiao; WANG Ge; WANG Heng; WANG Yun; WEI Chunyu; WU Chen; XIAO Yiqiang; XU Weiping; XUE Feng; YAN Longhua; YANG Ming & ZHANG Tianjun & GU Peng; YANG Xu; YUAN, Philip F.; ZENG Qun; ZHA Jinrong; ZHANG Hai'ao; ZHANG Xin; ZHOU Ling; ZHU Yufan; AOYAMA Shuhei; BAO Wei; BO Hongtao; BU Bing; BU Xiaojun & ZHANG Yingfan; CHEN Haoru; DE GEUS, Martijn; DUO Ning; FAN Beilei & KONG Rui & XUE Zhe; FANG Musheng; FENG Guochuan; FENG Lu; HE Jianxiang & JIANG Ying; HE Zhe & SHEN, James & ZANG Feng; HU Zheng; JIA Lianna; LENHARDT, Binke & DONG Hao; LI Danfeng & ZHOU Jianjia; LI Daode; LI Ji; LIU Yuyang; LU Hao; MENG Fanhao; MU Jun; PENG Lele; QU Lei & HE Qing; RUAN Hao & LYCS Architecture; SHUI Yanfei; SONG Gang & ZHONG Guanqiu & ZHU Zhiyuan; TANG Hua; TANG Kangshuo & ZHANG Miao; TAO Lei; WANG Shuo; WANG Yan; WANG Ying; WANG Zhenfei & WANG Luming; WEI Haobo & XIE Jingsong; WEI Na; WU Gang; XU Qianhe; XU Tiantian; YU Ting & MIN Erni; ZHANG Bin & ZHOU Wei; ZHANG Jiajing; ZHANG Yingpeng; ZHU Peidong; ZHU Xiaofeng; ZHU Xiongyi; ZHUANG Shen & REN Hao & TANG Yu & ZHU Jie; ZHUANG Ziyu, etc.

摄影/Photos: Samuele Pellecchia/Prospekt

附录:中国馆参展作品/Appendix: Participants' Works on Exhibition

附录:中国馆参展作品/Appendix: Participants' Works on Exhibition

附录:中国馆参展作品/Appendix: Participants' Works on Exhibition
