
2021-12-24 03:21策展人克里斯托弗胡廷
世界建筑 2021年12期







通过一种镜像的形式,类似的情况通过脱离世界的常规和标准化的方式,让我们看到了发生作用的种种现象。他们将如何共同生活,又暗示着哪些空间契约?从这些各不相同的案例研究中得出的经验有助于我们形成一种关于共同生活方式的批判性观点。□(尚晋 译)

1-3 展馆内景/Interior views of pavilion

4 展馆外景/Exterior view of pavilion

The "Communities at Work" project aims to reflect on the meeting between architectural know-how and the inhabitants' own experiences of their living spaces. This transversal approach to the profession is an attempt to shed light on the implications of architecture in a contemporary world subject to massive changes.

The exhibition presents a journey of the spirit through architecture, by means of five specific case studies on different continents: in Europe, Asia, America and Africa. The aim is to offer an optimistic vision of a world where communities act directly on their living spaces and daily lives.

The different approaches do not follow a formal, theoretical schema designed by an architect, choosing instead to bear witness to the slow and multiple transformations of living spaces by their inhabitants. Communities appear to be the most relevant resources to transform lived environments, thereby producing new ways of considering "spatial" contracts using a bottom-up approach.

The performative aspect of the residents, of uses, of life in all its forms, is taken into account in the process of the project by a precise and indeterminate architecture. Improvisation is used as a possibility to transform living environments, considered here as "Works in Progress". Through their actions, the communities at work appropriate their environments, thereby creating common spaces where the management of their living spaces is open to debate.


Faced with human and material waste, we propose a change of perspective on life that already exists everywhere, and the means for a discerning, precise and delicate strategy to enhance it. We present documentaries on communities at work in the transformation of their daily environments, in France, but also throughout the world: in Johannesburg, Bordeaux, Detroit, Mérignac, Hanoi... and other cases to be identified as so many nuggets that enlighten us about the world's capacity for reinvention.

Through a kind of mirror-image, analogous situations inform us about the phenomena at work, by means of their deviation from the norms and standardisations of the world. How do they live together, and which spatial contracts do they imply? The lessons drawn from these different case studies should help us to develop a critical point of view on the ways in which we live together. □

5 展馆内景/Interior view of pavilion

6 展览布置/Scenography

项目信息/Credits and Data

委托方/Commissioner: Jean Yves le Drian, The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs; Roselyn Bachelot, The Ministry of Culture; Erol Ok, Institut Français

策展人/Curator: Christophe Hutin

设计团队/Design Team: Antoine Mounier

顾问/Consultants: Grand Angle Production, Benjamin Ribeau (Kubik)

材料/Materials: 胶片/films

项目地区/Project Regions: 波尔多(法国),约翰内斯堡和索韦托(南非),梅里尼亚克(法国),河内(越南),底特律(美国)/Bordeaux (France), Johannesburg & Soweto (South-Africa), Mérignac (France), Hanoi (Vietnam), Detroit (United-States)

设计时间/Design Time: 2021

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2021.05

绘图/Drawings: Christophe Hutin Architecture

摄影/Photos: Philippe Ruault (fig.1,4,5,7-14), Francesco Galli (fig.2,3)

7.8 案例研究:法国波尔多:G栋、H栋、I栋的530套旧宅改造/Case study: Bordeaux, France: Transformation of the G, H and I Buildings in the Grand Parc in Bordeaux

9.10 案例研究:“从中学习”工作坊的干预,南非索韦托约翰内斯堡/Case study: Johannesburg, Soweto, South Africa: the interventions of the "Learning From" workshop

11.12 案例研究:贝特勒临时定居点,法国梅里格纳克/Case study: Mérignac, France: The temporary settlement of Beutre

13 案例研究:KTT公寓楼民居扩建,越南河内/Case study: Hanoi, Vietnam: Vernacular extensions of KTT apartment buildings

14 案例研究:复原的力量,美国底特律/Case study: Detroit, United States: Resilience at work

第六章 在医院的外面
Chapter 7 The last letter第七章 最后一封信
Chapter 6 Outside the hospital第六章 在医院的外面
智己AIRO 流动的艺术品