摘 要:小学语文课程是所有学科中的重点,可以帮助学生掌握高效的学习方法,能够在较短的时间内提升学生的成绩,使学生获得更多的知识积累,而课前自主预习就是高效学习方法的一种。在讲新课文之前,教师可以提出几个有趣的问题,让学生课下思考,从新课文中寻找答案,加深学生对阅读文本的印象。本文将学生课前自主预习习惯培养的重要性作为出发点,提出了课前自主预习的主要方法以及核心素养下培养小学高年级语文课前自主预习习惯的主要策略。
【中图分类号】G623.2 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)34-0039-02
Cultivation of the Habits of Self-preparation Before Chinese Class in the Upper Grades of Primary Schools Based on Core Literacy
HE Xinming (Shiling Primary School,Chengguan School District,Wushan County,Tianshui City,Gansu Province,China)
【Abstract】Primary school Chinese courses are the focus of all subjects,which can help students master efficient learning methods,improve student performance in a short period of time,and enable students to gain more knowledge accumulation. And self-preparation before class is one of the efficient learning methods. Before teaching the new text,the teacher can ask a few interesting questions to allow students to think outside the class,find answers in the new text,and deepen the students impression of the reading text. This article takes the importance of cultivating students' self-preparation habit before class as a starting point,and proposes the main methods of self-preparation before class and the main strategies for cultivating the habit of self-preparation before class in upper grades of primary school under the core literacy.
【Keywords】Core literacy;Primary school Chinese;Self-preparation habits