
2020-11-17 07:20河南
教学考试(高考英语) 2020年4期









What quality can we find from a good friend? (honest,friendly,helpful,kind,brave,careful,open-minded,generous,patient,good-tempered,easy-going,trustworthy,reliable,caring,confident,responsible,easygoing,warm-hearted,selfless,loyal,intelligent,thoughtful,considerate,dedicated,share...)

Which words can we use to describe a bad friend? (selfish,tricky,lying,dishonest,mean,impatient,narrow-minded,bad-tempered,self-centered,lazy,greedy,turn against,complain...)




True friendship lasts forever.

A man is known by his friends.

The best mirror is a friend’s eye.

A friend is easier lost than found.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

A trouble shared is a trouble halved.

A good friend is my nearest relation.

No road is long with good company.

Friends are like wine:the older,the better.

Without a friend,the world is a wilderness.

Books and friends should be few but good.

Friendship cannot stand always on one side.

A friend without fault will never be found.

A life without a friend is a life without a sun.


学生在高一、高二阶段已经学过一遍高中英语教材,对语篇的内容比较熟悉。如果再让学生反复读背,学生会感到如同嚼蜡,索然寡味。即使学生把课文背会,其词汇量和阅读量也没有增加,这种机械性的学习很难提升学生的语言能力和思维品质。教师应设计语言输出活动,使学生对课文内容烂熟于心。例如:高中英语人教版教材第一册第一单元的课文是Anne’s Best Friend,教师可以让学生以荷兰阿姆斯特丹的安妮•法兰克博物馆解说员的口吻讲述Anne • Frank 一家躲避纳粹抓捕的故事。或组织两人对话,一人扮演安妮•法兰克博物馆的解说员,另一人扮演游客。通过两人的对话,谈论Anne • Frank 一家的故事,梳理课文内容。通过这些语言输出活动,学生用自己的语言整理和复述了课文内容,达到了复习巩固的目的。针对课文,教师还可以对其进行缩写、改写,让学生填入关键词,从而复习文中的一些重要知识点。这些基于语言应用的练习有助于培养学生的语言技能。


学习的最高境界就是学以致用,教师应鼓励学生把本单元所学的词汇和短语应用到写作中。例如:以My Best Friend 为题写一篇短文,介绍自己的好朋友;或给外国笔友写一封邮件,告诉他如何结交新朋友;或为荷兰阿姆斯特丹的安妮•法兰克博物馆设计一款海报,介绍博物馆的相关情况。



《考试大纲》规定考生应掌握3500 个词汇。在高考英语试题中出现的派生词、转化词和合成词都没有汉语注释,考生需要依据构词法和具体语境来猜测词义。一般来说,考生掌握的词汇量越大,其阅读能力就越强。因此,有些教师要求学生背诵教材中的生词表,但笔者认为,这种做法是事倍功半。孤零零地记忆单词和短语,耗时费力,由于缺乏语境,即使学生记住了,也会很快忘记。


Ⅰ.Write a word according to its definition.

1.talk in a friendly way

2.be all around sb.or sth.on every side

3.be a particular size,length,or amount

4.less than a certain distance from a certain place

5.the official line that separates two countries

6.cause different substances to combine

7.prove that a belief or an opinion is true

8.the amount of space between two things

9.make someone feel admiration and respect

10.a belief,custom,or way of doing sth.that has existed for a long time

(Keys:1.chat; 2.surround; 3.measure; 4.within; 5.border;6.mix; 7.confirm; 8.distance; 9.impress; 10.tradition)

Ⅱ.Choose a suitable word for each blank,using its correct form.

1.Mary was sitting there,______ to her mother happily.

2.The City park ______ by tall trees and plants.

3.Our classroom ______ 8 by 20 meters.

4.The train crosses the ______ between France and Germany.

5.To make a cake,you should ______ the eggs into the flour.

6.New evidence ______ the virus came from nature.

7.You should keep a safe ______ from the car in front.

8.It is our responsibility to keep Chinese ______ alive.

9.Our school is ______ easy reach of the shops.

10.Li Daiyu and her cousin were deeply ______ by the beautiful scenery of Canada.

(Keys:1.chatting; 2.is surrounded; 3.measures; 4.border;5.mix; 6.has confirmed; 7.distance; 8.traditions; 9.within ;10.impressed)

Ⅲ.Choose a suitable phrase for each blank,using its correct form.

1.______ go to school,we stay at home,having online classes and doing our homework.

2.Mum told me to ______ and do some reading.

3.I ______ a bee landing on the flower just now.

4.Lang Lang ______ music.That is why he has become a famous pianist after receiving proper training.

5.We ______ the friendly people we met on the island.

6.With joint efforts,we finally ______ bring the virus under control.

7.Seeing my house ______,I gathered strength.

(Keys:1.Rather than; 2.settle down; 3.caught sight of ;4.has a gift for; 5.were impressed by; 6.managed to; 7.in the distance)



在复习过程中,一些教师过于关注对词、句和语法知识的讲解,重复讲解和练习学生已经掌握了的基础词汇和语法知识,但很少对文章进行语篇分析。教师应从语篇分析入手,引导学生了解英语文章谋篇布局的特点,从而使其掌握不同文体的写作方法,深入理解语篇。例如:高中英语人教版教材第一册第四单元第一篇阅读A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep,介绍了唐山大地震的情况。本文讲述过去发生的事情,采用了一般过去时。全文分为三部分:第一部分即第一段,介绍地震发生前的情况(地震前的各种征兆);第二部分包括第二段和第三段,介绍了地震造成的巨大危害;第三部分即第四段,介绍了地震发生后的救援工作。高中英语人教版教材第三册第一单元的话题是“festivals and celebrations”。学生阅读课文之后,教师应引导学生总结介绍节日类作文的写作方法:第一段陈述节日的意义或重要性;第二段介绍节日的由来和主要的庆祝活动;第三段分享个人过节的感受和体会。高中英语人教版教材第四册第三单元第一篇阅读的标题为A Pioneer For All People,介绍了袁隆平院士的生平事迹。这篇文章属于记叙文,文中包含这几个要素:who,what,when,where,why 和how。凡是记叙文都应从分析以上几个要素入手进行分析,这样文章的内容和层次就会非常清晰。教师还可以引导学生做思维导图,对文章的篇章结构进行梳理。以下是高中英语人教版教材第六册第一篇阅读Advice from Grandad 的思维导图。




1.“You can’t catch me!” Janet shouted,______ (run) away.

2.Not ______(know) how to work out the difficult physics problem,he asked the teacher for help .

3.______(go) down the street,you will see the bookstore on the right.

4.______(hear) the good news,we became too excited to speak.

5.______(work) hard,you will make your dream come true.

6.______(judge) from her accent,Mary must come from the UK.

7.______(gather) around the fire,the tourists danced with the local people.

8.The sun began to rise in the sky,______(bathe) the mountain in golden light.

9.______(admit) that he had made a mistake,Jack didn’t want to make an apology.

10.______(tell) many times,Tom still made the same mistake.

(Keys:1.running; 2.knowing; 3.Going; 4.Hearing;5.Working; 6.Judging; 7.Gathering; 8.bathing; 9.Having admitted; 10.Having been told)



Since the coronavirus broke in December 2019 in Wuhan,my family and I have stayed at home to avoid 1 (infect)with the deadly virus.

As a student,my task is 2 (work) on my lessons.So I spend most of my time 3 (attend) online classes and doing my homework in my room.When I have a problem,I turn to my father for help.My mother is always busy 4 (take) care of my brother and cooking meals for my family.Sometimes my mother watches TV with my brother 5 (run) in the living room.However,my father prefers 6 (do) sports to playing computer games when he is free.

Though I can’t go to school as usual,I enjoy 7 (stay)home with my family.Not only do we chat about what is happening,but also we have a great time 8 (keep) each other company.

(Key:1.being infected; 2.working; 3.attending; 4.taking;5.running; 6.doing; 7.staying; 8.keeping)

