
2020-11-15 03:23广东
教学考试(高考英语) 2020年3期







1.This smart keyboard precisely measures the cadence(节奏)with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key.(卷Ⅰ阅读C篇)

2....the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be paying off.(卷Ⅰ完形填空)

3.A lunchtime escape allows her to keep a boss from tapping her on the shoulder.(卷Ⅱ阅读C篇)

4.“I reflect on how my day’s gone and think about the rest of the week,” he said.(卷Ⅱ阅读C篇)

5....how China has fueled the fashionable imagination for centuries.(卷Ⅲ阅读B篇)

6.The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to mid-March...(卷Ⅲ完形填空)


为此,在冲刺阶段,教师可以指导学生妙用教材来复习一词多义。在冲刺阶段,教师一般会要求学生根据自己对高考词汇的实际掌握情况,对教材单元词汇再次进行复习,以达到查缺补漏、温故而知新的目的。实际上,这是学生利用教材复习一词多义的绝佳机会。教师可以指导学生将其记忆模糊以及一词多义的词摘抄到自己的“词汇宝”上,考前有针对性地记忆这些词汇和其用法。在摘抄单词和搭配的过程中,学生应标明此词的出处(课本、页码和行数),在记忆模糊时快速查找相应的句子、用法和发音来巩固记忆。例如:上面第1题的“apply”,如果学生对此词产生困惑,可以快速地根据标注,在人教版必修五Unit 5First aid的第38页中间一栏最后一行中找到此词:He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.







例如:教师可以根据上表中高考短文改错的考点分布情况,将人教版必修四Unit 2Working the land的阅读文章改编为短文改错。在进一步夯实学生语法知识的同时,渗透中国元素,激励学生学习科学家袁隆平崇高的科研精神、耐心平和的性格与脚踏实地的做事方式。改编的题目如下:

Dr.Yuan is quite satisfying with his life.However,he doesn’t real care about being famous.He feels it gave him less freedom to do his research.He would much rather keep time for her hobbies.He enjoys listen to violin music,playing mah-jong,swimming but reading.Spending money on himself or leading comfortable life also means very little to him.Indeed,he believes that what a person with too many money has more rather than fewer troubles.He therefore gives million of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture.

答案:1.satisfying→satisfied; 2.real→really; 3.gave→gives;4.her →his; 5.listen →listening; 6.but →and; 7.comfortable前加a; 8.去掉that后面的what; 9.many →much; 10.million →millions。

结合热点 科学预测

教师指导学生在冲刺阶段妙用教材进行复习的同时,也要指导学生关注热点,以达到科学预测高考的目的。高考英语真题会适当地与热点结合,例如:近年来人工智能和个人隐私一直是热门话题,而2019年全国卷Ⅰ阅读C篇就涉及了这方面的内容,其语篇类型为说明文,介绍了智能键盘在防止数据和身份盗窃方面的作用。如果教师在复习人教版必修二Unit 3Computers和人教版选修七Unit 2Robots时有意渗透了有关人工智能的话题,学生就能较轻松地应对2019年全国卷Ⅰ阅读C篇。


近年来,热点话题——环境保护在高考英语全国卷中频频出现,例如:2018年全国卷Ⅰ阅读D篇是一篇介绍了一个新设备比旧设备更环保、更节能,建议人们使用新设备来代替旧设备的说明文;2019年全国卷Ⅰ阅读“七选五”是一篇有关呼吸新鲜空气与人体健康之间关系的说明文;2019年全国卷Ⅰ完形填空介绍了非洲乞力马扎罗山的环境污染以及经当地机构努力治理之后的环境改观。教材中也不乏“环境保护”的身影,如人教版选修六Unit 4Global warming涉及全球变暖及其影响、环境污染及其对策等。在复习环境保护话题相关的内容时,教师可以引导学生重温此单元的内容,并将教材阅读改编为“七选五”阅读,训练学生解答有关环境保护的“七选五”试题、巩固环境保护话题词汇。下面的“七选五”阅读改编自本单元的第二篇阅读WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING?:

The growth of the greenhouse gas,carbon dioxide in the air actually comes as a result of many things we do every day._36___ .They should get you started with your project.

We use a lot of energy in our houses.It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it — if not,turn it off! Do not be casual about this.So if you are not using the lights,the TV,the computer,and so on,turn them off.___37___ .

Motor vehicles use a lot of energy — so walk or ride a bike if you can.

Recycle cans,bottles,plastic bags and newspapers if circumstances allow you to.___38___ .So if you can,buy things made from recycled materials.

Get your parents to buy things that are economical with energy.___39___ .

Plant trees in your garden or your school yard.As they absorb carbon dioxide from the air and refresh your spirit when you look at them.

___40___ .Talk with your family and friends about global warming and tell them what you have learned.

Remember — your contribution counts!

A.Be an educator

B.Recycle as many things as possible

C.Here are a few suggestions on how to reduce it

D.It takes a lot of energy to make things from new materials

E.If you are cold,put on more clothes instead of turning up the heat

F.If you save much energy,it will be good to the Earth which we live in

G.This includes cars as well as smaller things like fridges and microwaves



今年高三学子的备考之路备尝艰辛,新型冠状病毒肺炎在中华大地爆发,特别是在武汉,学生的学习受到了严重的影响。在这危难之际,中国工程院院士钟南山挺身而出。因此,在复习人物介绍的话题时,可以与钟南山院士的事迹相结合。有关人物介绍的话题常出现在高考试题中,例如2018年全国卷Ⅲ阅读C篇介绍了中国著名建筑师王澍;2019年全国卷Ⅰ阅读B篇讲述了Canaan小学二年级老师Thomas Whaley通过发起一项总统竞选演讲活动,帮助孩子们建立自信的故事;2019年全国卷Ⅱ语法填空介绍了90岁高龄的Irene因一直坚持工作而被评为“Woman Of The Year”。教师在介绍伟大的医生和传染疾病方面的热门话题和词汇时,可以巧妙运用人教版必修五Unit 5First aid的内容。人教版必修五Unit 1Great scientists介绍了英国著名医生John Snow如何终止“霍乱”这种传染病。教师可以将本单元的相关内容改编为语法填空试题,一方面训练学生语法填空的解题技能,巩固其语法知识,另一方面引导学生感悟医学家周密观察、勇于探索、认真分析的科学精神。下面是改编的语法填空练习:

John Snow,a well-known doctor in London,became ____1__(inspire) when he thought about helping ordinary people who__2___ (expose) to cholera,a ___3___ (dead) disease of its day.Many thousands of people died every time there was an outbreak___4___ no one knew the cause of it.John wanted to help solve ____5____ problem.

He got interested in two theories ___6___ (explain) how cholera killed people.He believed in the second theory that suggested that people absorbed the disease with their _____7__(meal).In 1854,___8___ another outbreak hit London,he was ready to test the two theories.___9___ the help of the map he made,he got a valuable clue about the cause of the disease and was able to announce that the water was ___10___ (blame).

答案:1.inspired;2.were exposed;3.deadly;4.because;5.the;6.explaining;7.meals;8.when;9.With; 10.to blame


1.Academician Zhong Nanshan warned people not to go to Wuhan when interviewed by the reporters,but he boarded the high-speed rail without ________ (hesitate).

2.The photos of his taking a rest on the high-speed rail seat have made people all over the country ________(tear).

3.After arriving in Wuhan,Academician Zhong Nanshan has ________(repeat) called on everyone to pay attention to safety and isolation,but he has put himself into the battle regardless of his ________(person) safety.

4.Academician Zhong Nanshan worked day and night to lead the angels in white to overcome difficulties and devote himself to human health ________(complete).

5.Academician Zhong Nanshan,with tens of thousands of ________(wonder) angels in white who have participated in the epidemic war are the most beautiful Chinese.

答案:1.hesitation; 2.tearful; 3.repeatedly,personal;4.completely; 5.wonderful。


近年来,人们一直提倡要保护野生动物,保护野生动物就是保护人类、保护地球。这一热门话题在2019年全国卷Ⅰ语法填空中也有所体现,这篇语法填空是有关保护北极熊的说明文。此外,据说新型冠状病毒可能与人类宰杀和食用野生动物有关系。为此,笔者认为保护野生动物的话题仍将是一个热点,2020年高考英语试题也极可能有所涉及,所以教师有必要带领学生再次重温人教版必修二Unit 4Wildlife protection的相关内容,复习与保护野生动物这一话题相关的词汇,呼吁学生热爱和保护野生动物,并结合新型冠状病毒肺炎的爆发设置书面表达。教师根据这一热点设计有关的书面表达,一方面做到高考英语书面表达复习话题360度无死角,另一方面呼吁学生在疫情期间注意防范,爱护野生动物,爱护大自然。笔者设置的书面表达如下:







Dear Tom,

After knowing that you stay in Beijing with COVID-2019 widely spread in China,I am worried about you and hope you can keep my following tips in mind.

In order to keep yourself from being infected,you’d better stay at home.If you have to go outsides,please wear a face mask.And remembar to wash hands as often as possible to keep clean.Besides,it is said that COVID-2019 has something to do with the wildlife.It is wildlife animals that we should not eat and it is urgent for us take action to protect them.

I am convinced that Chinese government can unite people to tackle this disease.That day will come soon.


Li Hua

