读后续写是浙江省高考英语新题型,综合了读与写,考查学生的语言运用、思维创新、文化理解和语言习得能力,集中体现了英语学科核心素养。读后续写材料一般为记叙文,因为记叙文语言难度符合高中生水平, 话题贴近生活,想象空间大,连贯性强,适合学生续写。记叙文中动人的细节描写,能增加文章的形象性、生动性和真实性,增强情感的感染力,提升思想的高度和深度。然而,学生普遍缺乏细节描写能力,从学生作品看,多为粗线条式记叙,内容空洞,情感流俗,思想苍白。而英语原著提供了生动、地道的语言和真实、直接的语境,且不乏丰富的细节描写,值得学生阅读、学习。
Robinson Crusoe(《鲁滨逊漂流记》)是18世纪英国作家达尼尔·笛福的代表作品,主要讲述了喜爱冒险的年轻人鲁滨逊在一次出海冒险时船只遇难,独自一人流落至荒岛上生活的故事。文中有很多精彩的心理描写,如:
In particular, in this unfortunate situation, the guidance of God, I know him, begging for his blessing, it gave me great comfort.This happy enough to compensate I have suffered and may be subject to all there is more than unfortunate.
上述《鲁滨逊漂流记》引文中,以鲁滨逊“自说自话”的手法进行了心理描写,增强了故事的真实感。反之,如果由作者三言两语直接、简单地评述鲁滨逊的想法,就显得苍白,没有说服力和感染力。2016年10月浙江省高考英语读后续写文章讲述了女主人公Jane与丈夫Tom在野营中吵架,之后独自走开、迷路的故事。续文第一段开头语为“But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again...”。由此句可知,女主人公Jane陷入困境。我们可以借鉴这种“自说自话”的手法,对Jane的心理进行描写,细腻地刻画她陷入困境后的心情:
Jane felt disappointed and sad, but she tried to comfort herself constantly,“Tom must have called for help.Maybe the helicopter will come tomorrow morning and he will pardon me.”
The Kite Runner (《追风筝的人》)是美籍阿富汗裔作家卡勒德·胡赛尼的第一部小说,以追风筝展开故事情节,将友谊、赎罪、亲情表现得淋漓尽致。笔者节选其中一段动作描写:
Hassan’s face brightened.“Good,”he said.He lifted our kite, red with yellow borders, and, just beneath where the central and cross spars met, marked with Saifo’s unmistakable signature.He licked his finger and held it up, tested the wind,then ran in its direction—on those rare occasions we flew kites in the summer, he’d kick up dust to see which way the wind blew it.The spool rolled in my hands until Hassan stopped,about fifty feet away.He held the kite high over his head, like an Olympic athlete showing his gold medal.I jerked the string twice, our usual signal, and Hassan tossed the kite.
此段有丰富而细致的动作描写,如:lifted our kite,licked his finger and held it up, tested the wind, ran in its direction, kick up dust, held the kite high over his head等。这一系列的动作描写,生动形象地表现了放风筝的细节和过程,体现他们放风筝的熟稔和愉悦。
上述《追风筝的人》引文中,使用丰富的动作描写,表现放风筝的场景。文中一系列动词的使用,使得放风筝有了画面感和代入感。即使读者没有放风筝的经历,读到此处也能展开丰富的想象,身临其境地体验他们放风筝的愉悦心情。2017年6月浙江省高考英语读后续写文章讲述了Mac在骑行途中遭遇狼追,智勇斗狼的故事。续文第一段开头语为“The car abruptly stopped in front of him.”。续写内容可构思为“上车获救,脱离狼口”。我们同样可以在此续写段落中,引入系列动作描写,以表现“人狼大战”的惊险,让读者感同身受,在紧张的气氛中,一气呵成地读完:
Mac jumped off his bicycle and dashed for the passenger door.But it was locked.He slapped the door violently, looking back at the wolf nervously.Spotting this, Paul pushed open the door and pulled Mac in.Slamming the door behind, Mac lied in the seat, out of breath.
jump off, dash for, slap, look back, push open, slam, lie等一系列动词,生动地描绘了Mac逃离狼口和Paul险中救人的紧张情形。
A Thousand Splendid Suns(《灿烂千阳》)是美籍阿富汗裔作家卡勒德·胡赛尼的第二本小说,被很多评论家赞誉为“超越《追风筝的人》的伟大作品”。小说情节设计巧妙,以细腻感人的笔触描绘阿富汗战乱下妇女的挣扎,描写她们的爱情和梦想、希望和失落,表达了对战争的控诉和对妇女权利的呐喊。作品里不乏入木三分的神态描写,如:
Mariam sat on his bed, embarrassed and confused.She cupped her face with her hands and closed her eyes.She breathed and breathed until she felt calmer.
此段主要描写了Mariam的尴尬与困惑(embarrassed and confused)。捂脸、闭眼、一直呼吸直到平静,这些神态描写“以外显内”,形象地表达了她的尴尬与困惑。
生活有悲欢离合,人就有喜怒哀乐。“心由行表”,人的心情常写在脸上,化在神态里。有什么样的心情,就会表现出什么样的神态。因此,神态描写重在以“神”画“心”,看“脸”懂“情”。上述《灿烂千阳》引文中,“捂脸、闭眼、呼吸”简单几笔神态描写,就让尴尬与困惑的人物形象跃然纸上。 我们可以在2016年10月浙江省高考英语读后续写续文的第一段中,模仿上述神态描写,形象地描绘Jane的困惑与恐慌的心情:
Confused and frightened, Jane walked and walked,looking around aimlessly, with her eyes big open.Finally,she stopped and sat down, cupped her face with her hands and closed her eyes.She breathed and breathed until she felt calmer.
The weather continued much the same all the following morning;and the same loneliness, and the same melancholy, seemed to reign at Hartfield—but in the afternoon it cleared;the wind changed into a softer quarter;the clouds were carried off;the sun appeared;it was summer again.With all the eagerness which such a transition gives, Emma resolved to be out of doors as soon as possible.
此段对天气环境进行描写,由阴转晴,暗示女主人公爱玛心情的转变。作者采用对比的环境描写,连续使用“the same” 和拟人手法(loneliness, melancholy, reign)描写阴郁的天气,衬托爱玛糟糕的心境;由“but”进行转折,描写晴天后的风和日丽,衬托爱玛的心情好转。
环境影响人的心情,反映到文学作品中就是不同的环境衬托出不同的心情。上述《爱玛》引文中,就是以晴天衬托美好心情,以阴天衬托槽糕心情,以景衬情。2017年11月浙江省高考英语续写文章记述了“我们”和爸爸,还有健忘的妈妈一起驾车出游的经历。续文第二段开头语为“We drove through several states and saw lots of great sights along the way.”。由开头语“saw lots of great sights”可知,这段文风突变,写美好的风景,气氛应转向愉悦、感动等。我们可以在续文中,模仿这种“以景衬情”的写法,描写环境,通过景色描写衬托氛围,体现家庭亲情和生活乐趣:
The sky became cleaner and the stars grew brighter.It was so quiet around us—only the sound of wind.The deep blue sky, the limitless green grass, groups of sheep and cows, the setting sun and the countless bright stars in the curtain of nights kept us spellbound.Each of us wore happy and warm smiles on faces.Not only did we see the picturesque scenery, we also managed to understand mother’s forgetfulness as a kind of fun.I really love my family.
Pride and Prejudice(《傲慢与偏见》)是英国女小说家简·奥斯汀创作的长篇小说,以日常生活为素材,生动地反映了18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国乡镇生活和世态人情。文中有很多精彩的语言描写,以“言”画“人”,生动地刻画人物性格和内心世界。如达西向伊丽莎白求婚片段中,伊丽莎白的这段话:
“You are mistaken, Mr.Darcy, if you suppose that the mode of your declaration affected me in any other way, than as it spared me the concern which I might have felt in refusing you, had you behaved in a more gentleman-like manner.”
达西在向伊丽莎白求婚时,还是表露出了他的傲慢和粗鲁,这让本来对达西就没有多少好感的伊丽莎白感到更加厌恶。伊丽莎白说 :“你弄错了,达西先生。当你向我求婚时,你的粗鲁帮了我的忙。如果你的举止更像一个绅士的话,在拒绝你时,我可能会感到不自在,而现在这省掉了我的一切不自在。”伊丽莎白的这段话充分表达了她对达西的厌恶,也表现出了她的机智、有主见、有思想。
“言由心生”,不同身份、性格的人,会有着不同的说话方式。听言识人,我们也能从一个人的语言看出他(她)的性格特征和心情等。上述《傲慢与偏见》引文中,伊丽莎白直接反驳达西“You are mistaken”,表现出她的心直口快,有自己的主见,在达西咄咄逼人的傲慢中却不卑不亢。“than as it spared me the concern which I might have felt in refusing you”,伊丽莎白说“你(达西)的傲慢和粗鲁冲掉了我拒绝求爱的不自在”,以睿智、反讽的语言拒绝了达西的求爱,同时也批评了达西的傲慢和粗鲁,委婉而不乏有力地表达出她对达西的厌恶之情。2018年6月浙江省高考英语读后续写文章,记述了“我”和爸爸去叔叔的农场游玩,追兔迷路的故事。续文第二段开头语为“We had no idea where we were and it got dark.”。由开头语可知,“我”和爸爸迷路了。我们可借鉴简·奥斯汀对伊丽莎白的语言描写,以“言”画“人”,在续文中使用恰当的语言描写,表现人物性格:
The thought that we might have got lost in such darkness weakened my excitement of play.Tears of fear and regret filled my eyes.Dad walked to me and hugged me,“It’s OK.There must be a way.It will work out as long as we move on.”Fortunately, Dad led the way and a river came into sight.We decided to follow the river, hoping it would lead us back to the farm house.After walking for about ten minutes, we heard Uncle Paul calling us.Yes, it was Uncle Paul! We ran to him with the sudden happiness and luck.Dad asked Uncle Paul:“Are we late for supper?” Uncle Paul laughed,“No, we are waiting for you to have supper.” Then, we headed for the warm and sweet supper.
此段续写中,在“我”因迷路而害怕、后悔时,爸爸安慰我:“没事的,我们肯定有办法,只要我们继续往前走”。爸爸的话,体现了对儿子的爱,也表现出爸爸遇到困难时的自信和乐观精神。在我们“获救”时,爸爸问:“我们还能赶上晚饭吗?”这体现了爸爸的幽默,也与前文Uncle Paul的交代(Don’t be late for supper)相呼应。而Uncle Paul的回答“我们等着你们吃晚饭呢”,则体现了他的关爱之情,为末尾一句中的“warm and sweet supper”埋下伏笔。