摘 要 筆者在阅读中发现,中学圆锥曲线中常常愿意以面积为导向,考查圆锥曲线中弧长公式与点的距离公式的应用。在答案的解答过程中,常常出现大量的运算。为此笔者对此问题进行了思考,并对解法进行了优化。同时还讨论了一些有关面积的问题,以得到命题的新思路。
关键词 圆锥曲线 弧长公式 高中数学
中图分类号:G633.63 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdkz.2016.03.021
Study about Area of Triangle in Conic
CHEN Qiaoyi
(Liaoning Province Shiyan High School, Shenyang, Liaoning 110034)
Abstract The author found in reading, conic secondary schools are often willing to area-oriented, examine the application from the formula in the formula of length and conic points. In the course of answers in the answer, there are often a large number of operations. Therefore, the author carried out thinking on this issue, and the solution is optimized. It also discussed a number of issues related to the area, to give new ideas propositions.
Key words conic; Arc length formula; high school mathematics