Unit 12 Review教学设计及反思

2015-03-28 07:22哈尔滨市荣智学校
黑龙江教育(教育与教学) 2015年12期

◎哈尔滨市荣智学校 马 蕊

Unit 12 Review教学设计及反思

◎哈尔滨市荣智学校 马 蕊






1.Review the words and phrases.

2.Review the Grammar.

3.Review the sentence pattern.


1.Master the knowledge well.

2.Use the knowledge freely.


















Lead in:T:We have learned unit 9,unit 10 and unit 11.Today we’ll learn unit 12.As we know unit 12 is a unit of revision.I hope all of you can learn the knowledge well.

Step 1.Words and Expressions

T:Read the words with me and translate the words into Chinese.

S:Read the words after the teacher.

scary:The tigers are scary.

We are scared of them.

extreme:Tom likes doing extreme sports.

punish:Tom was punished for telling a lie.

rub:Don’t rub your eyes with your hands.

skip:He skipped home happily.

typical:We have typical festivals.

T:Fill in blanks with these words.

S:Fill in blanks.

T:Read the dialogue with partners.

S:Read the dialogue.

T:Please tell me the Chinese meaning of the phrases.

be similar tostop byupside downgo through

T:Fill in blanks with these phrases.

T:Read the sentences together.


Step 2.Sounds

T:Listen to the tape and choose the words that you hear.

S:Tell the words that they hear.

T:Repeat after the tape.Pay attention to the proper intonation.


Step 3.Listening and Speaking

T:Read the sentences after me.“Can you do me a favor?Don’t you know laziness is a bad habit?I look forwardto trying it once.You’d better be careful.What’s the matter?Do you have any advice?”

S:Read the sentences after the teacher.

T:Listen to the tape and complete the dialogue.Check the answers.


B:Sure.What is it?

A:Can I borrow your cookbook?I am going to try to cook some new dishes.

B:Is today a special day?


B:Oh,I didn’t know that.Okay,I’ll lend you my book.

2.A:Look at this picture.She’s my penpal.

B:Oh,really?Is she American?

A:Yes,she is.She’s going to visit China next year.

meeting her.

B:That sounds great.I want a penpal,too.But I cannot write letters in English.

A:try to find a penpal in our country. 3.A:

B:I have a stomachache.

A:Have you eaten anything bad?


A:Oh,I see.You’re worried about the test,aren’t you?

B:Yeah,you’re right.

A:I think you should try to take it easy.

T:Read the dialogue in pairs.

S:Read the dialogue in pairs one by one.

T:My dear students,can you make your own dialogue with these sentences?I believe in you.I will give you five minutes to prepare.

S:Be busy preparing their dialogue.


Step 3.Grammar

T:Grammar is very important in our English study.No matter when we speak,listen,read and write,it will follow us. We have learnt the verbs that take only infinitives as verbal direct objects.Now let’s think about the use of the verbs.

to do:want,expect,seem,promise,tell,ask,agree,allow, fail,hurry,need,refuse,decide

doing:enjoy,finish,feel like,mind,practice,spend,suggest

to do/doing:begin,start,forget to do/forget doing,

remember to do/remember doing,stop to do/stop doing

T:Please finish the exercises on your books.

1.I don’t want to stay at school.

2.It may snow this weekend.

3.I expect to pass the exam.

4.Sara seems to be tired today.

T:Read the dialogue with your partners.

M:Don’t forget to come straight home after school.


M:Before going to bed,you should finish doing your homework.

S:I see.

M:I want to know when you get home,so please call me。

S:Mom,I promise to call,so you don’t need to tell me again.

Correct the answers.

1.He enjoys to play video games.to play—playing

2.He loves watching movies.

3.He can’t stand being cold.

4.My cousin wants to swim every day.

5.He finished to do his homework.to do—doing


Step 4.Writing

T:Look at the pictures and put the words into the correct order.

S:Susan went there to get some fresh air.

Mike went to the library to borrow some books.

Liu Chang went to the park to draw a picture.

T:Complete the dialogue with your partners.

A:Why did Susan go to the mountain?

B:She went there to get some fresh air.

A:Why did Mike go to the library?

B:He went there to borrow a book.

A:Why did Liu Chang go to the park?

B:He went there to draw a picture.

T:OurfriendWangDandanlikesmusicverymuch.Let’s learn about her favorite about music.Wang Dandan enjoys playing the piano.She likes Mozart very much.She wants to be apianistlikeMozart.

T:Can you write something about this?Do it quickly.

S:I enjoy playing the flute.I like Mozart very much.I want to be a musician like him.

T:Well done.All of you did a good job.Dandan’s friend Zhang Tao loves science very much.Please write something about him.

S:Zhang Tao enjoys reading science books.His favorite scientist is Einstein.He wants to be a scientist like him in the future.

T:All of you have written something about your dream and future.Now I want you to write a short passage about your dream.


Step 5.Project Work

T:Work in pairs.Play the game with your partner.

Prepareacoin,everyonepreparesamark.Getstudentsto toss the coin.Move the mark one or two spaces.Heads=1, Tails=2.

Read the question out loud and give an answer.

If your answer is not correct or you cannot answer the question,move back to the space you were on.If your answer is correct,stay on the space.Write down the money you won. Who gets the most money who is winner.

T:Do it in groups.Let’s compete which group is the best.


Step 6.


★★★Write some sentences

★★★★Make a new dialogue

★★★★★Write a short passage


Step 7.板书设计


like doingenjoy doingwant to do...

Pay attention to the structure of your composition.

Use correct words.

Pay attention to the forms of verbs.

Use correct grammar.

Read the sentences that you write.













