2013年度学术论文Publications in 2013

2013-07-05 16:44
中国气象科学研究院年报 2013年0期

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes Bao Xinghua,et al. Impacts of the mountain–plains solenoid and cold pool dynamics on the diurnal variation of warm-season precipitation over northern China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2013,13 SCI Chen Bin(3rd) The application of decision tree to intensity change classifcation of tropical cyclones in western North Pacifc Geophysical Research Letters 2013,40(9) SCI Chen Bin,et al. Characteristics of ut/ls carbon monoxide intraseasonal oscillations and their impact factors over the Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent areas in summer Journal of Tropical Meteorology 2013,19(2) SCIE Chen Bin,et al. The impacts of urbanization on air quality over the Pearl River Delta in winter∶ Roles of urban land use and emission distribution Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2013,116(1-2) SCI Gao Wenhua,et al. A modeling analysis of rainfall and water cycle by the cloudresolving WRF model over the western North Pacifc Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(6) SCI Jiang Zhina,et al. A study of the North Atlantic Oscillation using conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 2013,70(3) SCI Li Ying(2nd) A modeling study of land surface process impacts on inland behavior of Typhoon Rananim (2004) Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(2) SCI Lin Yonghui(2nd) The Beijing extreme rainfall of 21 July 2012∶ “Right results”but for wrong reasons Geophysical Research Letters 2013,40(7) SCI Liu Liping(2nd) Relationship between cloud characteristics and radar refectivity based on aircraft and cloud radar co-observations Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(5) SCI Luo Yali,et al. Gridded hourly precipitation analysis from high-density rain gauge network over the Yangtze–Huai Rivers Basin during the 2007 Mei-Yu Season and comparison with CMORPH Journal of Hydrometeorology 2013,14(8) SCI Peng Xindong(3rd) An accurate multi-moment constrained fnite volume transport model on Yin-Yang grid Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(5) SCI Peng Xindong, et al. A novel approach to improve numerical weather prediction skills by using anomaly integration and historical data Journal Geophysical Research 2013,118(8) SCI Peng Xindong, et al. Kinematic feature of a bow echo in southern China observed with Doppler radars Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(6) SCI Wang Donghai A case study of the November 2012 mixed rain-snow storm over North China Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(5) SCIE Wang Donghai (2nd) Validation of IASI-retrieved atmospheric water vapor data over the Tibetan Plateau region Atmosphere-Ocean 2013,6(3) Wang Donghai, et al. Cloud microphysical budget associated with torrential rainfall during the landfall of severe tropical storm Bilis (2006) Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(2) SCIE Wang Donghai, et al. Effects of vertical wind shear, radiation, and ice clouds on precipitation distributions during a landfall of severe tropical storm, Bilis (2006) Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 2013,24 Wang Gaili,et al. Application of multi-scale tracking radar echoes scheme in quantitative precipitation nowcasting Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(2) SCI Wang Yafei A response in the ENSO cycle to an extratropical forcing mechanism during the El Niño to La Niña transition Tellus A 2013,65(22431)SCI Wang Yafei,et al. Construction of the OKJ teleconnection index Theoretical and Applied Climatology 2013,116(1-2) SCI Xu Hongxiong Impact of tropical storm Bopha on the intensity change of Super Typhoon Saomai in the 2006 typhoon season Advances in Meteorology 2013,(1) Xu Xiangde Does warmer China land attract more super typhoons? Nature/Scientifc Reports 2013,3(1522)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes Xu Xiangde What is the relationship between China summer precipitation and the change of apparent heat source over the Tibetan Plateau? Atmospheric Science Letters 2013,DOI∶ 10. 1002/asl2.444 Yin Jinfang,et al. A comparative study of cloud-precipitation microphysical properties between East Asia and other regions Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 2013,91(4) SCI Yin Jinfang,et al. Observational characteristics of cloud vertical profles over the continent of East Asia from the CloudSat data Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(1) SCIE Zhai Panmao(2nd) Precursor circulation features for persistent extreme precipitation in central-eastern China Weather and Forecasting 2013,29(29) SCI Zhai Panmao(2nd) Synoptic verifcation of medium-extended-range forecasts of the Northwest Pacifc subtropical high and South Asian high based on multi-center TIGGE data Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(5) SCIE Zhai Panmao(2nd) Two types of typical circulation pattern for persistent extreme precipitation in central–eastern China Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 2013,10(10) SCI Zhang Shengjun (2nd) Cause of the rapid weakening of Typhoon Bebinca (0021) Tropical Cyclone Research and Review 2013,2(3) Zhao Linna(3rd) Evaluating the predictive skill of NCEP GFS ensemble precipitation forecasts in China’s Huai River Basin Hydrological Processes 2013,27(1) Chen Junming, et al. Modeling East Asian climate and impacts of atmospheric CO2concentration during the Late Cretaceous (66 Ma) Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 2013,(385) Chen Junming, et al. Simulation and dynamical prediction of the summer Asian–Pacifc oscillation Journal of Climate 2013,26(21) SCI Ding Minghu(2nd) Stable isotopes in surface snow along a traverse route from Zhongshan station to Dome A, East Antarctica Climate Dynamics 2013,41(9-10) SCI Jin Qihua(2nd) Indices of strength and location for the North Pacifc Subtropical and Subpolar Gyres. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 2013,32(5) SCIE Li Jian(2nd) Shortwave cloud radiative forcing on major stratus cloud regions in AMIP-type simulations of CMIP3 and CMIP5 models Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(3) SCI Li Jian(3rd) Changes in the diurnal cycles of precipitation over the eastern China in the past 40 years Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(2) SCI Li Jian(3rd) Dynamic and thermodynamic relations of distinctive stratus clouds on the lee side of the Tibetan Plateau in the cold season Journal of Climate 2013,26(21) SCI Li Jian(3rd) The asymmetry of rainfall process Chinese Science Bulletin 2013,58(16) SCI Li Jian,et al. Duration and seasonality of hourly extreme rainfall in the central eastern China Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(6) SCIE Li Lun(3rd) Tree-ring-inferred glacier mass balance variation in southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its linkage with climate variability Climate of the Past 2013,9(1) SCI Lin Xiang,et al. Decadal change of the East Asian summer monsoon and its related surface temperature in Asia-Pacifc during 1880-2004 Chinese Science Bulletin 2013,58(35) SCI Lü Junmei Re-discussion on East Asian Meiyu rainy season Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 2013,6(5) Qi Yanjun,et al. Comparison of the structure and evolution of intraseasonal oscillations before and after onset of the Asian summer monsoon Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(5) SCIE Rong Xinyao(2nd) Dynamic analogue initialization for ensemble forecasting Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(5) SCI Su Jingzhi,et al. ECHAM5-simulated impacts of two types of El Niño on the winter precipitation anomalies in South China Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters 2013,6(5)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes Wen Min(3rd) The SST gradient between the southwestern Pacifc and the western Pacifc warm pool∶ A new factor controlling the northwestern Pacifc tropical cyclone genesis frequency Journal of Climate 2013,26(7) SCI Wu Bingyi Winter weather patterns over northern Eurasia and Arctic sea ice loss Monthly Weather Review 2013,141(11) SCI Wu Bingyi(2nd) Different relationships between spring SST in the Indian and Pacifc oceans and summer precipitation in China Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(4) SCIE Wu Bingyi(2nd) Interdecadal variations of the East Asian winter surface air temperature and possible causes Chinese Science Bulletin 2013,58(32) SCI Wu Bingyi(2nd) The zonal propagating characteristics of low-frequency oscillation over the Eurasian mid-high latitude in boreal summer Science China Earth Sciences 2013,56(9) SCI Wu Bingyi,et al. On the relationship between winter sea ice and summer atmospheric circulation over Eurasia Journal of Climate 2013,26(8) SCI Xiao Dong,et al. Modeling the climatic implications and indicative senses of the Guliya δ18O-temperature proxy record to the ocean–atmosphere system during the past 130 ka Climate of the Past 2013,9(2) SCI Xin Yufei Simulation and evaluation of 2-m temperature over Antarctica in polar regional climate model Science China Earth Sciences 2013,56(1) SCI Yuan Naiming, et al. Long-term memory in climate variability∶ A new look based on fractional integral techniques Journal of Geophysical Research∶ Atmospheres 2013,118(118) Zhu Congwen (2nd) Two types of El Ni o-related Southern Oscillation and their different impacts on global land precipitation. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(6) SCI Zuo Zhiyan Predictable patterns and predictive skills of monsoon precipitation in Northern Hemisphere summer in NCEP CFSv2 reforecast Climate Dynamics 2013,40(1) SCI Zuo Zhiyan,et al. Long-term variations of broad-scale Asian summer monsoon circulation and possible causes Journal of Climate 2013,26(1) SCI Lü Weitao(2nd) Correlation analysis between the channel current and luminosity of initial continuous and continuing current processes in an artifcially triggered lightning fash Atmospheric Research 2013,129-130(7) SCI Lü Weitao,et al. Lightning attachment process involving connection of the downward negative leader to the lateral surface of the upward connecting leader Geophysical Research Letters 2013,40(10) SCI Yao Wen,et al. A comparison of the characteristics of total and cloud-to-ground lightning activities in hailstorms Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(2) SCIE Zhang Wenjuan, et al. Lightning activity and precipitation characteristics of Typhoon Molave (2009) around its landfall Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(5) SCIE Zhang Yang,et al. Analysis and comparison of initial breakdown pulses for positive cloud-to-ground fashes observed in Beijing and Guangzhou Atmospheric Research 2013,129-130 SCI Zhang Yijun,et al. Experiments on lightning protection for automatic weather stations using artifcially triggered lightning Ieej Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2013,8(4) SCI Zheng Dong(2nd) A statistical method for evaluating detection effciency of lightning location network and its application Atmospheric Research 2013,128(128) SCI Zheng Dong(2nd) Evolution of line charge density of steadily-developing upward positive leaders in triggered lightning Journal of Geophysical Research 2013,118(10) SCI Zheng Dong,et al. Characteristics of return stroke curents of classical and altitude triggered lightning in GCOELD in China Atmospheric Research 2013,129-130 SCI Guo Xueliang Secondary aerosols formation and nucleation in foggy weather events AIP Conference Proceedings 2013,1527(1) EI Guo Xueliang (2nd) TRMM-retrieved cloud structure and evolution of MCSs over the northern South China Sea and impacts of CAPE and vertical wind shear Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(1) SCI

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes Yao Zhanyu(2nd) Heavy air pollution suppresses summer thunderstorms in central China Journal Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Phyics 2013,95-96(1) SCI Yao Zhanyu(3rd) Microphysical responses to catalysis during a stratocumulus aircraft seeding experiment over the Sanjiangyuan region of China Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(6) SCIE Fang Shibo Control of vegetation distribution∶ Climate, geological substrate, and geomorphic factors. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 2013,39(2) SCI Fang Shibo Infrared warming reduced winter wheat yields and some physiological parameters, which were mitigated by irrigation and worsened by delayed sowing PLoS One 2013,8(7) SCI Guo Jianping,et al. Evaluation of agricultural climatic resource utilization during spring corn cultivation in Northeast China under climate change Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(5) SCIE Huo Zhiguo(3rd) Analysis of meteorological conditions of freeze damage to citrus in southern Shaanxi in the winter of 2010 and defensive countermeasures Agricultural Science & Technology 2013,14(3) Tan Kaiyan,et al. Response of leaf dark respiration of winter wheat to changes in CO2concentration and temperature Chinese Science Bulletin 2013,58(15) SCI Wang Peijuan,et al. Estimation of net primary productivity using a process-based model in Gansu Province, Northwest China Environmental Earth Sciences 2013,71(2) SCI Zhao Junfang(2nd) Comparison between SPI and soil moisture retrieved from AMSR-E Applied Mechanics and Materials 2013,395-396 EI Zhao Junfang(2nd) Soil moisture prediction for Huaihe River Basin using hydrological model XXT and TOPMODEL Applied Mechanics and Materials 2013,433-435 EI Zhao Junfang(3rd) A novel integrated rainfall-runoff model based on TOPMODEL and articial neural network Applied Mechanics and Materials 2013,423-426 EI Zhao Junfang(3rd) An innovative method for dynamic update of initial water table in XXT model based on neural network technique Applied Soft Computing 2013,13(10) SCI Zhao Junfang(3rd) Applicability of modifed TOPMODEL in the arid zone and the humid zone Applied Mechianics and Materials 2013,423-426 EI Zhao Junfang(3rd) Construction of drought indices based on passive microwave remote sensing AMSR-E data over Huaihe River Basin Applied Mechanics and Materials 2013,433-435 EI Zhao Junfang(3rd) Research on the variation in soil moisture in arid regions in northern China based on AMSR-E Advanced Materials Research 2013,781-784(1) EI Zhao Junfang,et al. Possible trajectories of agricultural cropping systems in China from 2011 to 2050 American Journal of Climate Change 2013,1(2) Zhao Yanxia,et al. Assimilating remote sensing information with crop model using Ensemble Kalman Filter for improving LAI monitoring and yield estimation Ecological Modelling 2013,270(5) SCI Zhou Guangsheng (2nd) A trial to improve surface heat exchange simulation through sensitivity experiments over a desert steppe site Journal of Hydrometeorology 2013,DOI∶10. 1175/HM-D-13-0113.1 SCI Zhou Guangsheng (2nd) Carbon dynamics of temperate grassland ecosystems in China from 1951 to 2007∶ An analysis with a process-based biogeochemistry model Environmental Earth Sciences 2013,68 SCI Zhou Guangsheng (2nd) Dynamics of decadal changes in the distribution of doublecropping Chinese Science Bulletin 2013,58(16) SCI Zhou Guangsheng (2nd) Interactive effects of warming and increased precipitation on community structure and composition in an annual forb dominated desert steppe PLoS One 2013,8(7) SCI Zhou Guangsheng (2nd) Sensitivity of temperate desert steppe carbon exchange to seasonal droughts and precipitation variations in Inner Mongolia, China PLoS One 2013,8(2) SCI Zhou Guangsheng (3rd) Structure and composition of natural gmelin larch (Larix gmelinii var.gmelinii) forests in response to spatial climatic changes PLoS One 2013,DOI∶10. 1371/journal. pone.0066668 SCI

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes An Xingqin(2nd) Assessment of population exposure to PM10in Lanzhou (China) and its health-related economic costs based on GIS BMC Public Health 2013,13(1) SCI Che Huizheng (2nd) Aerosol optical properties over urban and industrial region of Northeast China by using ground-based sun-photometer measurement Atmospheric Environment 2013,75(1) SCI Che Huizheng (2nd) Characteristics of visibility and particulate matter (PM) in an urban area of Northeast China Atmospheric Pollution Research 2013,4(1) SCI Che Huizheng, et al. Variation of aerosol optical properties over Taklimakan Desert of China Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2013,13(1) SCI Fang Shuangxi In-situ measurement of atmospheric CO2at the four WMO/ GAW stations in China Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 2013,13(13) SCI Fang Shuangxi Study of atmospheric CH4mole fractions at three WMO/GAW stations in China Journal of Geophysical Research∶ Atmospheres 2013,118(2169-8996) SCI Guo Jianping,et al. Integration of multi-sensor measurements to monitor dust over North China-A case study Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(4) SCIE Liu Chang,et al. Alumina with various pore structures prepared by spray pyrolysis of inorganic aluminum precursors Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2013,1(52) SCI Liu Chang,et al. Effect of mineral dust on secondary organic aerosol yield and aerosol size in a-pinene/NOx photo-oxidation Atmospheric Environment 2013,1(77) SCI Ma Jianzhong Pollution plumes observed by aircraft over North China during the IPAC-NC feld campaign Chinese Scienc Bulletin 2013,34 SCI Ma Jianzhong Tropospheric NO2vertical column densities over Beijing∶Results of the frst three years of ground-based MAX-DOAS measurements (2008-2011) and satellite validation Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2013,13(3) SCI Ma Jianzhong(3rd) The properties and formation of cirrus clouds over the Tibetan Plateau based on summertime lidar measurements Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 2013,70(3) SCI Niu Tao,et al. Development of a meteorological and hydrological coupling index for drought and food along the Yangtze River Valley of China Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2013,30(6) SCI Sun Junying(3rd) Characteristics of regional new particle formation in urban and regional background environments in the North China Plain Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2013,13(11) SCI Sun Junying(3rd) Observation of carbonaceous aerosols during 2006–2009 in Nyainqêntanglha Mountains and the implications for glaciers Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2013,20(8) SCI Wang Jizhi,et al. Diagnostic identifcation of the impact of meteorological conditions on PM2.5concentrations in Beijing Atmospheric Environment 2013,81 SCI Wang Zhili,et al. Effect of non-spherical dust aerosol on its direct radiative forcing Atmospherical Research 2013,120 SCI Wang Zhili,et al. Radiative forcing and climate response due to the presence of black carbon in cloud droplets Journal of Geophysical Research∶ Atmospheres 2013,118(9) SCI Xu Xiaobin(2nd) Observed levels and trends of gaseous SO2and HNO3at Mt. Waliguan, China∶ Results from 1997 to 2009 Journal of Environmental Sciences 2013,25(4) SCI Yang Yuanqin, et al. The variability of spring sand and dust storm systems in Northeast Asia from 1980 to 2011 Acta Meteorologica Sinica 2013,27(1) SCIE Zhang Yangmei (3rd) Trace metals in atmospheric fne particles in one industrial urban city∶ Spatial variations, sources, and health implications Journal of Environmental Sciences 2013,26(1) SCI Zhang Yangmei, et al. Seasonal characterization of components and size distributions for submicron aerosols in Beijing Science China Earth Sciences 2013,56(5) SCI

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes陈斌(第2) 水汽螺旋度和热力螺旋度在华北强“桑拿天”过程中的分析及应用地球物理学报 2013,56(7) SCI陈斌(第3) “快流形”湿斜压Ertel-Rossby 不变量的导出及其在台风中的应用中国科学 地球科学 2013,43(11) SCI李英等 Winnie(9711)台风变性加强过程中的降水变化研究 大气科学 2013,37(3)梁钊明 城市下垫面对渤海湾海风锋特征影响的一次数值试验 大气科学 2013,37(5)梁钊明等 渤海湾地区碰撞型海风锋天气过程的资料诊断分析 气候与环境研究 2013,18(5)梁钊明等 渤海湾地区一次碰撞型海风锋天气过程的数值模拟分析 气候与环境研究 2013,18(6)林永辉(第2) 局地分析预报系统在GRAPES模式中的应用 应用气象学报 2013,24(2)刘黎平(第2) “09.11.10”石家庄特大暴雪中尺度风场分析 气象 2013,39(8)刘黎平(第2) 双线偏振多普勒雷达资料质量的定量评估 气象学报 2013,71(4)刘黎平(第2) 双线偏振多普勒雷达资料质量分析 气象学报 2013,71(1)刘黎平(第2) 双线偏振雷达差分反射率因子系统误差订正 高原气象 2013,32(4)彭新东(第2) 守恒型有理函数插值半拉格朗日平流方案及性能分析 气象学报 2013,71(4)彭新东(第2) 阴阳网格上质量守恒计算性能分析 大气科学 2013,37(4)彭新东(第3) PRM标量平流方案在GRAPES_GFS中的应用 大气科学 2013,37(6)任福民(第2) 1961—2005年中国区域性低温事件的观测、再分析与模拟的比较研究气候变化研究进展 2013,9(1)任福民(第2) 一个基于有效降水干旱指数的改进研究 气象 2013,39(5)阮征(第2) 2010年夏季北京零度层亮带特征统计 气象 2013,39(6)阮征(第2) 风廓线雷达反演大气比湿廓线的初步试验 应用气象学报 2013,24(4)王东海(第2) 民航京沪穗数值预报系统在广州的本地化试验 成都信息工程学院学报 2013,28(4)王东海(第2) 一次冷涡发展阶段大暴雨过程的中尺度对流系统研究 高原气象 2013,32(2)王东海等 一次秋季温带气旋的雨雪天气过程分析 气象学报 2013,71(1)王改利(第2) 二维多途径多普勒雷达退速度模糊算法的改进及效果分析 气象 2013,39(5)王改利等 雷达回波外推预报的误差分析 高原气象 2013,32(3)王亚非(第2) 热带季节内振荡与南海热带气旋活动的关系 热带气象学报 2013,29(5)王亚非(第3) 西太平洋副热带高压异常与中国长江中下游夏季降水关系研究综述气象与环境学报 2013,29(1)徐洪雄 双台风生消过程涡旋能量、水汽输送相互影响的三维物理图像气象学报 2013,71(5)尹金方(第3) 长江下游梅汛期中尺度涡旋特征分析 大气科学 2013,37(4)翟盘茂等 我国持续性重大天气异常成因与预报方法研究回顾与未来展望地球科学进展 2013,28(11)赵琳娜 基于贝叶斯原理降水订正的水文概率预报试验 应用气象学报 2013,24(4)赵琳娜 降水集合预报集成方法研究 气象 2013,39(6)赵琳娜 一种由单值预报生成概率预报的方法及初步应用 气象 2013,39(3)庄薇等 青藏高原复杂地形区雷达估测降水方法研究 高原气象 2013,32(5)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes庄薇等 青藏高原零度层亮带的识别订正方法及在雷达估测降水中的应用气象 2013,39(8)丁明虎 南极冰盖物质平衡最新研究进展 地球物理学进展 2013,28(1)韩晋平等 中国北方秋雨与热带中太平洋海表冷却的关系 大气科学 2013,37(5)李建 中国大陆地区小时极端降水阈值的计算与分析 暴雨灾害 2013,32(1)李建(第2) 大理国家气候观象台地面辐射观测数据的质量控制研究 高原气象 2013,32(5)李建(第2) 青藏高原东南缘大理地区近地层微气象特征及能量交换分析高原气象 2013,32(1)李建(第3) 南海秋雨气候特征分析 气候与环境研究 2013,18(6)李建(第3) 降水过程的不对称性 科学通报 2013,58(15)李建(第3) 两步保形平流方案在高分辨率球面经纬网格下的跳点差分试验气象学报 2013,71(6)刘舸等 1990年代中国东部NCEP再分析高空资料的问题探讨 气象科技进展 2013,3(3)刘舸等 关于东亚冬季风指数的一个讨论——东亚中、低纬冬季风的差异大气科学 2013,37(3)刘舸等 亚洲-太平洋涛动与中国南方地区1月降水异常的关系 气象学报 2013,71(3)刘舸等 一个反映中国大陆冬季气温变化的东亚冬季风指数的统计预测方法气象学报 2013,71(2)武炳义(第2) 夏季欧亚中高纬大气低频振荡的纬向传播特征 中国科学:地球科学 2013,43(7) SCI张东启(第2) 喜马拉雅山中段地区气温直减率变化特征 干旱气象 2013,31(2)张人禾等 Argo大洋观测资料的同化及其在短期气候预测和海洋分析中的应用大气科学 2013,37(2)董万胜(第2) 基于干涉仪原理的甚高频雷电单站预警 气象科技 2013,41(3)刘恒毅等 负地闪不规则脉冲簇事件的宽带干涉仪三维观测 高原气象 2013,32(4)吕伟涛(第2) 广州高建筑物上闪电的普通摄像观测和分析 气象科技 2013,41(2)张阳(第2) 人工触发闪电M分量的电流与电磁场特征 应用气象学报 2013,24(4)张义军(第2) 风力发电机叶片姿态与雷击概率关系的模拟分析 应用气象学报 2013,24(5)张义军等 广州地区地闪放电过程的观测及其特征分析 高电压技术 2013,39(2) EI蔡淼(第3) 一次积层混合云系人工增雨作业的综合观测分析 高原气象 2013,32(5)郭学良 基于雷达资料的云分析在冰雹云短时预报中的应用 气象科技 2013,41(4)郭学良 云降水物理与人工影响天气研究进展(2008—2012年) 大气科学 2013,37(2)郭学良(第2) 钟形地形动力抬升和重力波传播与地形云和降水形成关系研究大气科学 2013,34(4)楼小凤 三维对流云盐粉催化模式的发展和催化模拟试验 高原气象 2013,32(2)谭超等 GRAPES全球模式次网格对流过程对云预报的影响研究 气象学报 2013,71(5)陶玥等 南方不同类型冰冻天气的大气层结和云物理特征研究 高原气象 2013,32(2)陶玥等 一次华北暴雨的云物理特征及霰雹分类对云和降水影响的数值研究高原气象 2013,32(1)姚展予(第2) 飞机增雨作业物理检验方法探究及个例分析 气象 2013,39(10)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes姚展予(第3) 三江源地区秋季一次层积云飞机人工增雨催化试验的微物理响应气象学报 2013,71(5)周毓荃(第2) 一次积层混合云系人工增雨作业的综合观测分析 高原气象 2013,32(5)周毓荃(第3) FY-3A三通道资料反演水云有效粒子半径的研究 气象 2013,39(4)俄有浩 中国北方春小麦生育期变化的区域差异性与气候适应性 生态学报 2013,33(19)郭建平(第2) 东北地区春玉米生长发育和产量对温度变化的响应 中国农业气象 2013,34(3)郭建平(第2) 设施蔬菜越冬期极端低温的分布及重现期特征——以关中、陕北地区为例干旱区资源与环境 2013,27(5)霍治国(第2) 北京地区冬小麦越冬冻害的时空分布与气候风险区划 生态学杂志 2013,32(12)霍治国(第2) 桂林地区稻飞虱发生等级气象预报模型 生态学杂志 2013,32(9)霍治国(第2) 基于经验法则的小麦白粉病气候年型分析 生态学杂志 2013,32(4)霍治国(第2) 基于逐时温湿度的小麦白粉病指标与模型 生态学杂志 2013,32(5)霍治国(第2) 棉花节水灌溉气象等级指标 生态学报 2013,33(22)霍治国(第2) 淹涝胁迫条件对水稻形态的试验研究初报 中国农学通报 2013,29(27)霍治国(第2) 玉米节水灌溉气象等级指标研究 风险分析与危机反应学报 2013,3(2) EI霍治国(第3) 中国农业应对气候变化关键技术研究进展及发展方向 中国农业科学 2013,46(15)刘建栋(第2) 华北平原夏玉米生产潜力数值模拟及其自然正交分析 中国农学通报 2013,29(33)马玉平(第2) 基于约束性分析的数据与作物模型同化方法 应用气象学报 2013,24(3)马玉平(第3) 干旱胁迫下夏玉米各生育时期光响应特征分析 应用气象学报 2013,24(6)毛飞(第3) 墨西哥及邻近地区地壳磁异常场研究 地球物理学进展 2013,28(3)王培娟(第3) 气候变暖对华北冬小麦种植界限及生育期的影响 麦类作物学报 2013,33(2)赵俊芳等 受蚜虫危害与干旱胁迫的冬小麦高光谱判别 国土资源遥感 2013,25(3)赵艳霞(第2) 北方地区日光温室气候适宜性区划方法 应用气象学报 2013,24(3)赵艳霞(第2) 黄淮海地区夏玉米生长季内的旱涝灾害分析 灾害学 2013,28(4)赵艳霞(第2) 基于PyWOFOST作物模型的东北玉米估产及精度评估 中国农业科学 2013,46(14)赵艳霞(第2) 基于WOFOST作物生长模型的冬小麦干旱影响评估技术 生态学报 2013,33(6)周广胜(第2) 1961—2010年桂林气温和地温的变化特征分析 生态学报 2013,33(7)周广胜(第2) CO2浓度和降水协同作用对短花针茅生长的影响 生态学报 2013,33(14)周广胜(第2) 春玉米最大叶面积指数的确定方法及其应用 生态学报 2013,33(8)周广胜(第2) 基于叶面积指数改进的直角双曲线模型在玉米农田生态系统中的应用生态学报 2013,33(7)周广胜(第2) 辽东栎林潜在地理分布及其主导因子 林业科学 2013,49(8)周广胜(第2) 我国双季稻种植分布的年代际动态 科学通报 2013,58(13)周广胜(第2) 玉米叶面积指数动态模拟的最适野外观测资料 应用生态学报 2013,24(6)安兴琴(第3) 结合气象模式与GloBEIS模式研究气象条件对BVOCs排放的影响南京信息工程大学学报:自然科学版 2013,5(3)车慧正(第3) 1980—2010年中国区域地面风速对能见度影响的地理分布特征中国沙漠 2013,33(6)

作者Author (rank)题名Title出版物名/出版社Publication name or Publisher年,卷(期号) Year, Volume (Issue)备注Notes车慧正(第3) 近10年关中盆地MODIS气溶胶的时空分布特征 高原气象 2013,32(1)程艳丽等 中国大气本底站2000—2009年CO2浓度变化模拟:Carbon Tracker 模式应用 科学通报 2013,58(32)郭建平等 BP网络框架下MODIS气溶胶光学厚度产品估算中国东部PM2.5环境科学 2013,34(3)郭建平等 珠穆朗玛峰地区大气垂直特征研究 高原气象 2013,32(6)李怡等 污染气象条件对支气管哮喘发病的影响研究进展 国际呼吸杂志 2013,33(15)刘立新(第2) 改进的大气CO2、CH4、N2O、CO在线观测FTIR系统 环境科学 2013,34(11)牛涛(第3) 地形对2011年9月华西致灾暴雨强迫作用的数值模拟研究 气象 2013,39(8)牛涛(第3) 最近40年中国雾日数和霾日数的气候变化特征 气候与环境研究 2013,18(3)汪萍(第2) 近60年新疆降水趋势与波动机制分析 物理学报 2013,62(12) SCI王继志等 PLAM指数跟踪方法对中国沙尘天气过程及其波动变化特征的研究气象与环境学报 2013,29(5)王郁(第2) 确定大气环境承载力的烟云足迹法 环境科学学报 2013,33(6)姚波(第2) 气相色谱-质谱联用法(GC-MS)和气相色谱-电子捕获检测法(GC-ECD)同时在线观测本底大气中的HCFC-142b 环境科学 2013,34(5)姚波等 大气CO2、CH4、CO高精度观测混合标气配制方法 环境化学 2013,32(2)张小曳等 我国雾-霾成因及其治理的思考 科学通报 2013,58(13)张养梅等 北京亚微米气溶胶化学组分及粒径分布季节变化特征 中国科学 2013,43(4) SCI郑向东(第2) 临安与龙凤山辐射数据质量及初步结果比较 应用气象学报 2013,24(1)

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