
2013-07-05 16:44
中国气象科学研究院年报 2013年0期

Ecological Environment and Agrometeorology



1 生态与农业气象理论及应用

1.1 包含光抑制过程的作物生长模式的建立与验证

在近期国内外对光合作用过程中的气孔导度、光合、蒸腾、光抑制、能量平衡等子过程研究的基础上,对描述上述子过程的方程进行联立求解,得到能反映光抑制过程的叶片光合模式,用Gaussian 3点积分法将叶片尺度光合模式升尺度到冠层尺度,在此基础上建立了包含光抑制功能的作物生长模型,并用冬小麦田间生理生态观测和干物质积累动态观测试验资料对模型进行了验证和评价(图1)。(邬定荣)

1.2 东北地区玉米和水稻农田生态系统水分利用效率的控制机制


1.3 基于遥感-作物生长模型的华北夏玉米生长定量评价技术


2 农业气象防灾减灾

2.1 重大农业气象灾害立体监测与动态评估技术研究


2.2 重大农业气象灾害预测预警关键技术研究


2.3 重大农业气象灾害风险评价与管理关键技术研究


2.4 洪涝灾害监测预警、防控与应急关键技术研究与应用

采用南方16个省(市、区)276个站点1961—2010年的逐日降水量、分省洪涝受灾面积和农作物耕地面积资料以及历史洪涝灾情资料,基于逐年逐站小涝、中涝、大涝的发生次数构建洪涝指数,依据分省相对受灾率与平均洪涝指数大小可比性原则,构建了南方分省基于降水量的洪涝灾害等级指标。在此基础上,编制了南方地区平均洪涝发生指数、等级洪涝平均发生次数分布图。揭示了长江中下游地区暴雨洪涝灾害空间分布特征,编制了100、50和10年一遇暴雨、连续降水400和600 mm的影响面积与平均淹没深度分布图。如“百年一遇”暴雨可能导致河流、湖泊、水库和沼泽地的水面平均升高4.0 m,重度和中度影响面积6.5×104km2,平均淹没深度0.5~1.0 m;连续降雨量>600 mm,可能导致水面平均升高11.0 m,重度和中度影响面积9.7×104km2,可能淹没深度1.0~2.0 m。(霍治国)

2.5 农作物病虫害发生气象条件监测、预警和评价技术


2.6 北方冬小麦精细化土壤墒情和灌溉预报技术研究


2.7 淮河流域夏玉米旱涝损失精细化评估技术


3 农业应对气候变化

3.1 气候变化对中国农业生产的影响评价


3.2 气候变化背景下农业气候资源的有效性评估


3.3 全球变化影响下我国主要陆地生态系统的脆弱性与适应性研究

华北平原不同分区冬小麦播种期与不同的界限温度关系密切,即华北平原北部区与≥16 ℃终日、中部区与≥15 ℃终日、南部区与≥14 ℃终日相关性较好;冬小麦停止生长期和返青期分别与≥0 ℃终日与≥2 ℃初日显著相关。在华北平原冬小麦返青前热量条件随时间变化方面,冬小麦停止生长期和返青期表现出相反的趋势,随着时间的推移分别呈现出逐渐推迟和提前的趋势,而冬小麦越冬期长度和越冬期负积温则逐渐缩短和减少;无论是偏冷年型还是偏暖年型,试验区夜间增温2~2.5 ℃并未导致冬小麦的产量下降,而偏冷年较偏暖年的增温可更显著地提高冬小麦产量。偏冷年的增温将促进小麦的分蘖,有效穗数显著增加,籽粒产量大幅度增加; 偏暖年的增温也显著促进冬小麦有效穗数和穗粒数增加,尽管使得千粒重显著降低, 但并未导致产量下降。(王培娟,房世波)

4 农业气象科技成果推广应用


图 1 光抑制模块计算的光合有效辐射(PAR)和冠层光合Fig. 1 PAR and canopy-photosynthesis calculated by photo-inhibition model

图 2 冬小麦叶面指数(LAI)和干物重外推模拟值与实测值的比较Fig. 2 Comparation between real and simulation results of winter wheat LAI and dry weight

图 3 玉米低温冷害动态监测预警系统(DMSE)总体结构Fig. 3 Framework of dynamic monitoring and forecasting system for corn chilling damage

Progress in Ecology and Agrometeorology Research

1 Ecological and agrometeorological theories and application techniques

1.1 Development and testing of a crop growth simulation model with photo-inhibition procedure

For the development of crop growth, simulation model equations were initially established and solved for subprocedures of photosynthesis, including stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, transpiration, photoinhibition, and energy balance, based on the most current research in these areas. A photosynthesis model at the leaf level was established that can simulate the photo-inhibition procedure. Through the Gaussian integral method, the scale of the model was extended from leaf to canopy. Based on the canopy photosynthesis model, a crop growth simulation model could then be developed, validated, and evaluated using the observation data of winter wheat physiology and the dynamics of dry matter accumulation (Fig. 1). (Wu Dingrong)

1.2 Regulation of water use effciency for maize and rice paddy ecosystems in Northeast China

Water use efficiency (WUE), defined as carbon gain per unit of water loss, is a key parameter for analyzing the interactions between the carbon and water cycles at an ecosystem level. Factors affecting WUE can be classifed into three types∶ meteorological factors, soil water availability, and biological factors. Results from a maize site in Jinzhou and a rice paddy site in Panjin both indicate that vapor pressure defcit (VPD) has a negative effect on WUE, whereas relative humidity (RH) has a positive effect. However, relative to VPD, RH explains more variation in WUE as a controlling factor of stomatal conductance; WUE exponentially increases with increasing RH at the rice paddy site, whereas it linearly increases at the maize site. RH is, therefore, the controlling factor of WUE at the rice paddy site, whereas soil water availability is the most important determinant of WUE at the maize site. Diffuse radiation and LAI are observed to have a positive effect on WUE at both sites. (Zhou Li)

1.3 Quantitative evaluation technology for summer maize growth in North China

A remote sensing-crop growth model was established based on assimilation of data and WOFOST, employing a constraint analysis method. The summer maize growth index was frst determined using simulated biomass and its variation to that of the yearly average determined. Maize growth was then dynamically evaluated with a model driven by real-time weather data. The innovation in the study is the definition of parameter constraint in the data and model assimilation process, which reflects the constraint ability of observation data on model parameters or initial variable values. The simulated ability of the model was improved only when the parameter that can be constrained by observed data was optimized. At the same time, a stepwise selection method of the optimized parameters was performed based on constraint analysis. The sensitivity analysis of model parameters was frst conducted using the Price algorithm. The constraint of the sensitive parameter was then analyzed and the optimized parameters were determined through combinatorial optimization analyses of the fnal constraint parameters. Furthermore, the product of the maize growth evaluation in the study not only refects the change with time but also determines the differences in space. (Ma Yuping)

2 Agrometeorological disaster prevention and mitigation

2.1 Study on integrated monitoring and dynamic assessment for major agrometeorological disasters

With regard to agricultural drought in Southwest China, the cool injury to double-cropping rice insouthern China, and dry and hot wind damage to wheat in the Huang-Huai-Hai Region, the following has been achieved. (1) A distribution map of hazardous periods and regions has been detailed and perfected on the basis of systematic analysis of experimental data during the past three years and historical data, with reference to the infuence of these hazards on crops. (2) Monitoring indicators and approaches for agrometeorological hazards, in terms of meteorology, remote sensing, and crop modeling, have been established and preliminarily verifed. Initially, the study simplifed and preliminarily verifed monitoring indicators for the dry and hot wind hazard. We further conducted research on the monitoring of dry and hot wind using a remote sensing approach. With regard to cool injury, for a single-site monitoring, indicators to detect delaying- and disordering-type cool injury were set up throughout the entire growing process, from sowing, germinating, earing, and blossoming to ripening. In regional cool injury monitoring, by combining meteorological monitoring indicators with regional remote sensing data, a type of remote sensing monitoring indicator was established and verifed for the region. Moreover, a simulative monitoring indicator based on the blighted grain rate was established by combining the disordering type meteorological monitoring indicator with the ORYZA2000 crop model. (3) The rice model ORYZA2000 was improved. (4) With regard to the drought in Southwest China, hazard monitoring indicators in terms of meteorology, remote sensing, and crop modeling were synthesized to distribute various weights to different periods and regions. In this way, a comprehensive monitoring indicator was formed and applied in 2013. (Zhao Yanxia)

2.2 Study of forecasting and warning for major agrometeorological disasters

Reliable parameters for the crop drought simulation model were attained from a pool-culture experiment in Shandong Agricultural University, during which ecological parameters of two winter wheat varieties, including agronomic characteristics, growth process, accumulation and allocation of dry matter, photosynthesis, and stomatal conductivity amongst others, were measured systematically. Simultaneously, a combination of the crop growth model and remote sensing information was achieved by comparative analysis of simulation results of coupled and offine models, with the adjusted parameters obtained from the feld experiments. Furthermore, the long- and medium-term agro-drought prediction model was successfully established, which was based on the further improvement of the classifcation index and analysis of the agro-drought principle in the North China Plain (Fig. 2). Anastomosis of the level indicator critical threshold and the critical disaster temperature was verifed on the basis of level indicators for low temperature hazard warning of double rice established in the three provinces of Guangxi, Guangdong, and Hunan. Risk division was conducted for a low temperature disaster of double rice in the south to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of the rice development and establish risk division maps for the occurrence and cumulative days of the low temperature disaster. Both cold dew wind and cold and rainy weather were preliminary selected as disturbance signals in different areas in the south on the basis of research predicting signals of low temperature disaster. The research revealed that severe cold rainy disaster occurred mainly in the transition period when El Niño ended and the La Niña began, or vice versa, with the frequencies of occurrence being 1/2 and 1/3, respectively. Provincial low temperature disaster forecasting and warning models for double rice on a scale of ten days, month, and year were initially built using the technique studies, with the accuracy rate of prediction above 82% (Fig. 2). (Liu Jiandong)

2.3 Study of risk assessment and management for major agrometeorological disasters

The North China Plain is China’s leading district for winter wheat production, and it is also the area that is most severely affected by drought. On the basis of the growth and development characteristics of winter wheat, the whole growing period is divided into three stages∶ the early stage from sowing to standing; the medium stage from jointing to fowering; and the late stage from flling to maturity. In addition to the weather conditions in the three stages, the precipitation in the period before sowing is also considered in the impact analysis of periodical drought on winter wheat in North China. To explore the spatial and temporal distribution of periodical drought hazard, meteorological data from 1961 to 2010 and winter wheat developmental stagedata from 48 agrometeorological observatories are employed to construct the drought index. The degree of damage at each developmental stage is quantifed by applying the yield reduction rate data in typical drought years, with its contribution to the damage as a whole shown in the form of risk weight. The research presents a map for drought hazard to wheat production in North China based on geographical information system (GIS). The results show the following∶ (1) Water defciency exists at each developmental stage of winter wheat in North China, with the medium stage suffering the most. (2) The drought index of winter wheat at early and late stages increases gradually from the southeast to northwest in North China; at the medium stage it increases from the south to north. (3) The risk weight at the early stage increases from the south to north in North China. On the contrary, risk weight at the medium stage decreases from the south to north. In some regions like Beijing, Tianjin, and most parts of Hebei Province, the risk weight at the early stage is higher than that at the medium stage. According to the weights of different stages, defensive measures can be considered to mitigate yield reduction for particular regions. (Wang Chunyi, Liu Ling)

2.4 Key technologies of observing, early warning, and preventing fooding and waterlog hazards

Based on the flood index from the times of slight, medium, and heavy floods in every station and on the comparable principle between a province’s disaster rate and average values of flood index, the daily precipitation from 276 meteorological stations in 16 provinces of southern China, the food areas and cultivated crop areas in the province as a unit, and the historical food disaster data were used to establish the provincial food disaster grade index. On this basis, the average food occurrence index in regions of southern China was formatted and the distribution maps of average food times for different grades were constructed. Furthermore, we investigated the spatial characteristics of food disasters caused by heavy rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and delineated the affected area and the potential average submerged depth according to the frequency of 100-year, 50-year, and 10-year heavy rainfall events and continuous rainfalls with a total precipitation more than 400 and 600 mm. The results show that the 100-year heavy rainfall event may on average raise water levels of rivers, lakes or low-level bogs by 4.0 m. The severe and medium affected areas may reach 6.5 × 104km2and the average submerged depth 0.5 to 1.0 m. Additionally, the heavy rainfall of continuous total precipitation of more than 600 mm was predicted to elevate water levels by 11.0 m, with severe and medium affected areas reaching 9.7 × 104km2and an average submerged depth of 1.0 to 2.0 m. (Huo Zhiguo)

2.5 Meteorological condition monitoring, early warning, and assessment technology of crop diseases and pests

An early warning and forecasting model of the weekly levels of wheat powdery mildew in southwest of Henan, wheat powdery mildew in Hebei (by pentad), and rice planthoppers in Guilin (by pentad), was built using wheat powdery mildew disease index in field, the number of rice planthoppers per hundred clumps, and the occurrence degree standard constructed by the plant protection department. The puffng method was chosen for selected meteorological factors, with the models established on the basis of Bayes’ rules, the Fuzzy model and a general regression neural network based on the Fuzzy model. The predicted accuracy of the three models was greater than 80%. An intelligent automatic identification system software for wheat powdery mildew spores has been developed, which can realize continuous dynamic monitoring of the pathogen spores. Furthermore, the system software was implemented in the field to conduct real-time capture of the fungus spores and automatic identifcation and counting, which was compared with expert artifcial recognition; the automatic recognition rate with an average error of ±1 spore was 85.6% . (Huo Zhiguo)

2.6 Research on soil moisture and irrigation forecasting technology of winter wheat in North China

The causes behind differences in manual and automatic soil moisture observations were analyzed by contrast test. The results showed that the soil moisture values by both methods had good uniformity for most parts with differences in a few soil layers, and most of which can be controlled by establishing a calibration curve. On this basis, the technologies for refning the initial feld soil moisture prediction were explored usinga neural network, method optimization, and so on. Through analyzing observation data of the winter wheat root distribution in three test stations, the crop coeffcients in different soil layers of each growth stage were established. Test data obtained from two test stations provided support for establishing a winter wheat water stress index and the key parameters of the model, and were used to build the winter wheat fne daily multilayer soil moisture and irrigation forecast model. The simplifed model of water balance and the daily multilayer soil moisture and irrigation forecast for winter wheat was established on the basis of feld observation experiments. (Mao Fei)

2.7 Fine assessment techniques for maize loss from droughts and waterlogging in the Huaihe River Basin

The quantitative impacts of soil moisture on the summer maize development process, photosynthesis, dry matter partitioning, and leaf expansion were revealed using the feld trial data in the Huaihe River basin. A submodel for maize growth and development affected by soil moisture was established to improve the crop growth model. The periods of summer maize growth sensitive to drought and waterlogging were determined on the basis of the crop growth models. The drought and waterlogging index system for maize was established and maize growth status was quantitatively assessed on a yearly basis. The result showed that the drought was gradually reduced; however, the waterlogging increased for summer maize in the Huaihe River basin. In the study, fne assessment of loss from droughts and waterlogging for maize in the Huaihe River basin was achieved on the basis of high spatial resolution, the daily time dynamic evaluation, and varied indicators in different developmental stages. Furthermore, using these innovative methods the sensitive periods and strength of crop growth to drought and waterlogging were determined by combining the results simulated by crop growth model and feld trial data. (Ma Yuping)

3 Response of agriculture to climate change

3.1 Evaluating the effects of climate change on agricultural production in China

This research consists of two parts∶ the development of an evaluation method for the climate suitability of grain crop cultivation distribution and the evaluation of agroclimatic resources in main grain crop producing areas and their effects on crop yield. The evaluation method to determine the climate suitability of grain crop cultivation distribution differed from the traditional method in both the selection of climate factors affecting grain crop cultivation distribution and determination of the grain crop cultivation boundary. A combination of climatic similarity and MaxEnt model was used. The main climatic factors affecting grain crop cultivation distribution in China were determined on national and yearly scales based on this method, and the divisions of climatic suitability for grain crop cultivation distribution were given. Moreover, the temporal and spatial dynamics of grain crop cultivation distribution in China and their driving factors were discussed.

The agroclimatic resources in main grain crop producing areas in China and their effects on crop yield were evaluated during 1961–2010. Most winter wheat and maize cultivation areas showed a warming and drying climate, except in the northwest wheat and maize cultivation areas with warming and wetter climate. The northeast and southwest parts of a single-cropping paddy rice producing area exhibited warming and drying climate, whereas the others exhibited warming and wetter climate. In the double-cropping paddy rice producing areas, climate was warming and the precipitation showed great spatial variation. During 1961–2010, mean grain yield per unit area in China decreased by approximately 5.8% for winter wheat, 3.4% for maize, 1.9% for double-cropping paddy rice, and increased by 11.0% for single-cropping paddy rice because of the rising temperature during the growing season. The change in mean precipitation resulted in an increase of approximately 1.6% for winter wheat and 6.2% for single-cropping paddy rice. However, its effects on the grain yield per unit area of maize and double-cropping paddy rice were not signifcant. (Zhou Guangsheng)

3.2 Evaluation of agricultural climatic resource utilization under climate change

In this study, the demands on agricultural climatic resources in Northeast China imposed by the cultivation of spring maize were combined and agricultural climatic suitability theory was applied. The average resource suitability index (Isr), average efficacy suitability index (Ise), and average resource utilization index (K) are indicators to evaluate the effects of climate change on climatic resource utilization for spring maize production. The results showed that signifcant temporal and spatial changes occurred in Isr, Ise, and K in Northeast China under climate change. Isr, Ise, and K all exhibited decreasing trends in Liaoning Province, particularly for K. In Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces, Isrincreased slightly; however, Isedid not noticeably change, whereas K decreased slightly. The spatial distributions of the highest values of the three indices shifted toward the northeast with global warming. Warming of the climate in Northeast China is expected to have a negative impact on spring maize production, particularly in Liaoning Province. Spring maize cultivation is likely to shift northward and expand eastward to effciently utilize future agricultural climatic resources. It is important to adjust the layout and apply the new resilience varieties for improving the agricultural climatic resource utilization of maize. (Guo Jianping)

3.3 Study on the vulnerability and adaptation of main land ecosystems under global change

The following close relationships were observed between sowing date of winter wheat in different regions and various critical temperatures, with the end date air temperature of ≥16 °C, ≥15 °C, and ≥14 °C stably in the northern, middle, and southern North China Plain, respectively. Meanwhile, the statistics are signifcant between winter dormancy date and an end date with a stable air temperature of ≥0 °C, and between the green-up date and the frst date with a stable air temperature of ≥2 °C. Temporally, it becomes later for winter dormancy date over the past 50 years; on the contrary, it is earlier for green-up date with climate warming. The days and negative accumulated temperature during winter dormancy have decreased slowly over the past fve decades. Compared with the CK treatment, winter wheat yield did not decline in the higher night temperature (HNT) treatment, which increased by 2.0–2.5 °C in both the warmer year and colder year. Furthermore, winter wheat yield in colder year increased signifcantly in the HNT treatment. HNT treatment in colder year signifcantly promoted tillering and increased the effective panicles, which subsequently increased grain yield signifcantly compared with CK. The HNT treatment in warmer year contributed to a signifcant increase in the effective panicles and kernels. Although it made a signifcant reduction in 1000-grain weight, it did not lead to a yield decline. (Wang Peijuan, Fang Shibo)

4 Promotion and application of agrometeorology technological achievements

Based on the findings related to cold damage, from the “Eleventh Five-Year” National Science and Technology Support Program, Northeast China was further subdivided into 11 regions for monitoring and forecasting. Monthly dynamic prediction models of heat index were established in each area using the stepwise regression model, GM (1,1) model, and fuzzy function. The results showed that the accuracies of established models in replacing and forecasting were between 72% and 99%, and the average accuracies were more than 90%. Four dynamic monitoring and forecasting operation systems for maize cold damage were subsequently developed at regional and provincial scales. The systems had clear hierarchies and were easy to operate, achieving dynamic monitoring and forecasting, and product service function of maize cold damage. Furthermore, the test systems were passed by experts, and the software copyrights were registered. Additionally, the research achievements were promoted, and applied in monitoring and early warning of businesses for maize cold damage in the National Meteorological Center and Northeast China. The trained business staff totaled to more than 50. In the last two years, the released service products were more than 30 issues, achieving good social and economic benefts (Fig. 3). (Guo Jianping)
