2013新项目New Projects in 2013

2013-07-05 16:44
中国气象科学研究院年报 2013年0期

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator大气污染与气象条件对哮喘人群影响的交互作用研究Impacts of the interactions of air pollution and meteorological conditions on asthma NSFC, youth program 2014—2016 李怡Li Yi青年科学基金项目华北区域不同类型站点大气氨特征及其对PM2.5形成的影响研究Study of ambient ammonia and its impacts on PM2.5formation at different sites in North China NSFC, general program 2014—2017 孟昭阳Meng Zhaoyang基金面上项目东北区玉米生产对气候变化的响应与适应Response and adaptation of corn production to climate change in Northeast China NSFC, general program 2014—2017 郭建平Guo Jianping基金面上项目四流累加辐射传输理论研究及其在气候模式中的应用Four-stream adding radiative transfer theory and its application in climate model NSFC, youth program 2014—2016 张峰Zhang Feng青年科学基金项目大气颗粒物表面反应生成含氮有机物的化学机制及对颗粒物吸湿性的影响Formation mechanism and hygroscopic property of nitrogen-containing organic compounds during the surface reaction on atmospheric aerosol NSFC, youth program 2014—2016 刘畅Liu Chang青年科学基金项目基于集合同化方法的中国黑碳气溶胶源反演研究Inverse modeling of China black carbon emission based on ensemble data assimilation NSFC, youth program 2014—2016 汪萍Wang Ping青年科学基金项目气候学与气候系统Climatology and climate system NSFC, youth program 2014—2016 李建Li Jian青年科学基金项目光化学过程对华北区域臭氧和二次气溶胶形成的影响Impacts of photochemical processing on the formation of regional ozone and secondary aerosols over North China NSFC, key program 2014—2018 徐晓斌Xu Xiaobin基金委重点项目全球变化背景下玉米干旱发生发展过程及其致灾临界气象条件研究Drought occurrence and development processes of maize ecosystems and disaster-induced thresholds of meteorological conditions under global change基金委重点项目NSFC, key program 2014—2018周广胜Zhou Guangsheng气候变化背景下青藏高原多年冻土活动层水循环的机理研究Study on the mechanism of water cycle of permafrost layers in the Tibetan Plateau in the context of climate change NSFC, general program 2014—2017 李元寿Li Yuanshou基金面上项目星-地联合的冬小麦区域干旱监测方法研究Research on the method of regional drought monitoring for winter wheat based upon satellite observation and feld data NSFC, general program 2014—2017 王培娟Wang Peijuan基金面上项目基于云雨日变化评估改进数值模式的云雨物理过程Evaluation and improvement of cloud and rainfall parameterizations in climate models based on cloud and rainfall diurnal variations NSFC, general program 2014—2017 陈昊明Chen Haoming基金面上项目闪电VLF/VHF辐射源定位和云内电荷分布反演方法研究The lightning VLF/VHF radiative source location and the retrieval of charge distributions inside clouds NSFC, general program 2014—2017 董万胜Dong Wansheng基金面上项目多种设备联合探测改进雷达雨滴谱反演及降水估测方法研究Method of the improvement of drop size distribution inversion and precipitation estimation by combining a variety of detection instrument NSFC, general program 2014—2017 胡志群Hu Zhiqun基金面上项目我国东南沿海热带气旋极端降水的识别及其成因研究Identifying tropical cyclone extreme rainfall and study on its causes over Southeast China NSFC, general program 2014—2017 任福民Ren Fumin基金面上项目南海热带气旋突然加强的机理及预报方法研究The study on the rapid change in tropical cyclone intensity over South China Sea and its forecasting method NSFC, general program 2014—2017 端义宏Duan Yihong基金面上项目亚洲经、纬向海陆热力差异对东亚冬季风环流的影响Impacts of the zonal and meridinal sea-land thermal difference in Asia on the East Asian winter monsoon circulation NSFC, general program 2014—2017 金啟华Jin Qihua基金面上项目亚洲-太平洋涛动的前兆信号与中国东部夏季旱涝短期气候预测Precursory signals for Asian-Pacific Oscillation and the short-term climate prediction of summer droughts/foods over eastern China NSFC, general program 2014—2017 刘舸Liu Ge基金面上项目

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator大气低频振荡影响中国持续性强降水的物理机制Physical mechanisms for the impact of atmospheric low-frequency oscillation on persistent heavy precipitation over China NSFC, general program 2014—2017 吕俊梅Lü Junmei基金面上项目欧亚大陆非均匀加热的成因及其在亚洲季风演变中的作用Plausible causes of spatially uneven heating over Eurasia landmass and its impact on the evolution of Asian monsoon NSFC, general program 2014—2017 左志燕Zuo Zhiyan基金面上项目增温和推迟播种对冬小麦生长和产量的影响的大田试验研究Yield and growth of winter wheat response to temperature increase and sowing delay NSFC, general program 2014—2017 房世波Fang Shibo基金面上项目增温与CO2浓度升高对冬小麦的协同影响效应及作用机制The composite impact of rising temperature and elevated CO2on winter wheat production NSFC, general program 2014—2017 谭凯炎Tan Kaiyan基金面上项目GC-PDHID法观测我国本底大气中H2浓度GC-PDHID method for measuring background atmospheric H2concentration in China NSFC, general program 2014—2017 方双喜Fang Shuangxi基金面上项目基于功效分析的非随机化人工增雨作业效果检验最优实用统计方案研究Research on the optimized practicable statistical scheme for the non-randomized rain enhancement effectiveness evaluation based on statistical power analysis NSFC, general program 2014—2017 姚展予Yao Zhanyu基金面上项目气溶胶光学特性地基遥感过程中的不确定性对直接辐射强迫影响的研究Effect of the uncertainty from groud-based aerosol optical property remote sensing on the direct aerosol radiative forcing NSFC, general program 2014—2017 车慧正Che Huizheng基金面上项目中部型ENSO激发和发展机理研究The initiation and developing mechanism of the central Pacifc ENSO NSFC, general program 2014—2017 苏京志Su Jingzhi基金面上项目青藏高原地-气耦合系统变化及其全球气候效应The change of the coupled system between the land and atmosphere over the Tibetan Plateau and its effects on the global climate NSFC, key program 2014—2017 徐祥德Xu Xiangde基金委重点项目青藏高原对流云和降水宏微观参数反演方法和统计分析Retrieval algorithm development and statistical analysis of macro- and microphysical parameters for convective cloud and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau NSFC, key program 2014—2016 刘黎平Liu Liping基金委重点项目特种观测资料同化及雷电灾害天气系统的监测预警方法研究Study on special data assimilation and monitoring and warning method of severe thunderstorm科技部973课题MOST, national basic research program 2014—2018 张义军Zhang Yijun雷电重大灾害天气系统的动力过程及演变规律研究Dynamical processes and structural evolution of thunderstorms in larger-scale weather systems科技部973课题MOST, national basic research program 2014—2018 张大林Zhang Dalin大气污染物-天气双向耦合模式研制以及相互作用过程机理研究Development of two-way coupling model between air pollution and weather and their interaction process study科技部973课题MOST, national basic research program 2014—2018 王亚强Wang Yaqiang极地雪冰关键过程及其对气候变化的响应研究Study on key process of polar cryosphere and their response to climate change科技部973课题MOST, national basic research program 2013—2017 效存德Xiao Cunde全国人工影响天气地面作业空域申报系统Development of the airspace application system for nationwide weather modifcation ground-based operation国家空管委建设项目State Air Traffc Control Commission∶ construction project 2013—2014 李宏宇Li Hongyu第3次青藏高原科学试验—边界层与对流层观测The third Tibetan Plateau atmospheric scientifc experiment-Boundary layer and troposphere observations中国气象局行业专项重点项目CMA, special fund for meteorological service 2014—2017 赵平Zhao Ping亚洲大范围降水和气温异常成因的动力诊断和数值模拟平台Platform for dynamic diagnostics and numerical simulation on the causes of large-scale precipitation and temperature anomalies over Asia中国气象局行业专项重点项目CMA, special fund for meteorological service 2014—2016 张正秋Zhang Zhengqiu南方大范围云系人工增雨作业潜力与作业技术研究Research on rainfall increasing potential and cloud seeding techniques of largescale cloud system in southern China中国气象局行业专项重点项目CMA, special fund for meteorological service 2014—2016 陈添宇Chen Tianyu

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator人工增雨随机化外场试验和效果检验技术研究Research on randomized field experiment of rain enhancement and its effect evaluation techniques中国气象局行业专项重点项目CMA, special fund for meteorological service 2014—2016 李集明Li Jiming人工影响天气地面作业信息实时采集分析系统Development and application of a real-time information acquisition and analysis system for weather modifcation ground-based operation中国气象局关键技术项目CMA, project of key technology 2014—2015 李宏宇Li Hongyu降水现象自动观测系统的集成应用Integration and application of the precipitation observation system中国气象局关键技术项目CMA, project of key technology 2014—2015 马颖Ma Ying北极关键地区气候变化检测分析Detection and analysis of climate change in key areas of Arctic中国气象局气候变化专项CMA, special fund for climate change 2014—2015 张东启Zhang Dongqi近50年我国干旱频发地区的区域性气象干旱事件的检测与变化Detections and changes of regional meteorological drought events within the drought-prone areas of China during the last 50 years中国气象局气候变化专项CMA, special fund for climate change 2014—2015 任福民Ren Fumin强风暴闪电活动及其与灾害性天气关系研究Study on lightning activity in thunderstorms and its relationship with severe weather CAMS, key program 2013—2015 郑栋Zheng Dong气科院重点项目2013年青藏高原第3次科学试验水分循环观测与研究The water cycle observation and study for the third Tibetan Plateau atmospheric scientifc experiment in 2013 CAMS, key program 2013—2013 徐祥德Xu Xiangde气科院重点项目青藏高原平流层-对流层物质相互交换研究Study on substance exchange between stratosphere and troposphere over the Tibetan Plateau CAMS, key program 2013—2015 侯青Hou Qing气科院重点项目华南主要农业气象灾害风险评估Study on the risk evaluation technologies of main agrometeorological disasters in South China CAMS, key program 2013—2015 周莉Zhou Li气科院重点项目气候模式对青藏高原地区云降水过程的模拟评估及改进Evaluation and improvement of the capability of climate model in simulating the cloud and precipitation processes over the Tibetan Plateau CAMS, key program 2013—2015 李建Li Jian气科院重点项目环境气象业务系统研发及其影响分析Environment meteorology operational system development and its impaction analysis CAMS, key program 2013—2015 王亚强Wang Yaqiang气科院重点项目云水粒子微物理特性和气溶胶的飞机观测及其在数值模式中的应用研究Aircraft observational study of cloud and aerosol microphysical properties and their applications in numerical models CAMS, key program 2013—2015 卢广献Lu Guangxian气科院重点项目华南季风降水试验Southern China monsoon rainfall experiment CAMS, key program 2013—2013 罗亚丽Luo Yali气科院重点项目多因子相互作用对东亚季风的影响与预测研究The influence of multi-factor interactions on East Asian monsoon and its associated forecasting CAMS, key program 2013—2015 刘舸Liu Ge气科院重点项目长三角地区雾霾条件下气溶胶数谱分布特征The characteristics of particle number size distribution under haze-fog conditions in Yangtze River Delta CAMS, key program 2013—2015 沈小静Shen Xiaojing气科院重点项目集合卡尔曼滤波反演订正气溶胶源清单研究Aerosol emission inventory inversion and correction using ensemble Kalman flter CAMS, general program 2013—2015 汪萍Wang Ping气科院一般项目利用大涡模式研究边界层积云的结构特征和输送机制Simulation of structural feature and evolvement mechanism of the boundary layer cumulus based on the large eddy model CAMS, general program 2014—2016 谭超Tan Chao气科院一般项目

课题名称Title项目类别Project/Fund执行期间Duration负责人Principal Investigator基于双源模型的冬小麦实际蒸散遥感估算研究Research on estimation of evapotranspiration for winter wheat based on twosource model CAMS, general program 2013—2015 王培娟Wang Peijuan气科院一般项目气溶胶理化特性对CNN活化过程的影响Impact of physical and chemical characteristics of aerosols on CCN activation process CAMS, general program 2013—2015 王飞Wang Fei气科院一般项目海南岛海风锋及其触发强对流天气分析Analysis on the sea-breeze front and its triggering mechanism of severe convective weather in Hainan Island CAMS, general program 2013—2015 梁钊明Liang Zhaoming气科院一般项目宽带闪电干涉仪系统的完善与观测方法研究Study on the improvement of broadband lightning interferometer system and related observation method CAMS, general program 2013—2015 刘恒毅Liu Hengyi气科院一般项目基于数字摄像的降水粒子特征提取方法研究Research on the feature extraction of precipitation particle characteristics based on digital camera technology CAMS, general program 2013—2015 马颖Ma Ying气科院一般项目西北太平洋热带气旋强度和路径突变过程的闪电活动特征Characteristic of lightning activity during rapid change stage of intensity and track in tropical cyclones over Northwest Pacifc CAMS, general program 2013—2015 张文娟Zhang Wenjuan气科院一般项目

The 9thConference on Mesoscale Convective Systems and High-Impact Weather in East Asia27-30 March 2013.Beijing

2013年4月24日,美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)刘玉宝博士应邀到气科院进行学术交流,详细介绍了NCAR实时四维资料同化系统及其未来发展,副院长赵平主持了报告会。On 24 April 2013, Dr. Liu Yubao from US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) was invited to an academic exchange at CAMS. Dr. Liu introduced in detail the realtime 4D-Var data assimilation system of NCAR and its future development. Vice President of CAMS, Dr. Zhao Ping chaired the presentation.

2013年5月15日,澳大利亚天气和气候研究中心王兴宝博士应邀到气科院进行学术交流,并做了题为“澳大利亚中尺度数据同化与数值天气预报系统介绍”学术报告。灾害天气国家重点实验室王东海研究员主持了报告会。On 15 May 2013, Dr. Wang Xingbao from Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR) visited CAMS and gave the academic presentation titled “Mesoscale Data Assimilation and NWP Forecasting System in Australia”. Dr. Wang Donghai from CAMS State Key Laboratory on Severe Weather (LaSW) chaired the presentation.

2013年6月6日,美国国家天气中心遥感水文气象实验室主任、美国俄克拉何马大学土木环境工程学院洪阳教授应邀到气科院进行学术交流,并做了题为“突发暴雨泥石流集合预报系统的开发及应用”的学术报告。报告会由灾害天气重点实验室常务副主任孙效功主持。On 6 June 2013, Prof. Hong Yang, head of Remote-Sensing Hydrometeorological Laboratory of US National Weather Center, Civil and Environment Engineering College of Oklahoma University, visited CAMS and gave a presentation titled “Ensemble Prediction for National Flash Landslide Framework Development and Operation”. Mr. Sun Xiaogong, Acting Director of LaSW, chaired the presentation.

2013年6月7日,智利农业部及智利国家灌溉委员会(CNR)一行4人到访中国气象局人工影响天气中心,了解我国人工影响天气方面的专业技术与经验。中国气象局人工影响天气中心主任李集明主持了交流会。On 7 June 2013, a delegation of four from Ministry of Agriculture of Chile and National Irrigation Commission (CNR) visited CMA Weather Modifcation Center to understand professional techniques and experience of weather modification in China. Prof. Li Jiming, Director-General of CMA Weather Modifcation Center, chaired the technical exchange.

2013年6月9日,德国马克斯普朗克化学研究所的Jonathan Williams博士来气科院进行学术访问交流,并做了题为“一个森林的大气化学,一个被遗忘的分子和一场足球赛”的学术报告。大气成分研究所徐晓斌研究员主持了报告会。On 9 June 2013, Dr. Jonathan Williams from Max-Planck Institute of Chemistry in Germany visited CAMS and gave a presentation titled “The Atmospheric Chemistry of a Forest, a Forgotten Molecule and a Football Match”. Dr. Xu Xiaobin, researcher from CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition, chaired the presentation.

2013年6月10—14日,由中国气象局承办(中国气象科学研究院具体承办)的世界气象组织第17届二氧化碳等温室气体及相关微量成分测量技术专家会议在北京召开,来自20多个国家近160名代表参加了会议。鉴于中国在温室气体观测方面的快速发展、中国气象局在WMO/GAW活动中的积极参与以及严格规范的质量控制工作,中国成为首个承办此会的发展中国家。The 17th WMO/IAEA Meeting on Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases and Related Measurement Techniques (GGMT-2013) was held in CMA from 10 to 14 June 2013, hosted by Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences. About 160 delegates from more than 20 countries attended the meeting. Considering the rapidly expanding greenhouse gas measurement program in China and the China Meteorological Administration’s contribution to the global activities on greenhouse gases observations and their quality control, the meeting was held in a developing country for the frst time.

2013年6月18日,加拿大环境部李绍萌博士应邀来气科院进行学术交流,并做了题为“轻型汽车等运输工具的碳颗粒排放:实验室和行车研究”的学术报告。大气成分研究所孙俊英所长主持了交流会。On 18 June 2013, Dr. Li Shaomeng from Environment Canada (EC) visited CAMS and gave a presentation titled “Carbonaceous Particle Emissions from Light Duty Vehicle Transportation∶ Laboratory and On-road Studies”. Dr. Sun Junying, Director of CAMS Institute of Atmospheric Composition, chaired the technical exchange.

2013年7月9日,美国马里兰大学谷国庆博士应邀来气科院进行学术交流,并做了题为“在卫星时代,全球降水变率/变化模式(1979—至今)”的学术报告。报告介绍了利用过去30年的卫星资料研究降水变化及其结构分布特征等研究成果。王东海研究员主持了报告会。On 9 July 2013, Dr. Gu Guoqing from US University of Maryland visited CAMS and gave a presentation titled“Global Precipitation Variation/Change Patterns During the Satellite Era (1979-Present)”. The presentation introduced research outcomes applying satellite data over the past 30 years in analyzing precipitation variation and its structural distribution features. Dr. Wang Donghai chaired the presentation.

2013年7月17日,美国强风暴实验室张芃菲博士应邀到气科院进行学术交流,分别做了题为“双线偏振雷达定量估算降水”及“多雷达和多遥感系统”的学术报告。刘黎平研究员主持了报告会。On 17 July 2013, Dr. Zhang Pengfei from US National Severe Storms Laboratory visited CAMS and gave two presentations titled “Dual Polarimetric Radar Observations to Quantitatively Estimate Rainfall Amount” and “The Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) System”. Dr. Liu Liping chaired the presentation.

2013年7月,日本东京大学大气和海洋研究所高桥正明(Masaaki Takahashi)教授应邀来气科院访问,并做了题为“平流层准两年周期振荡研究进展”的学术报告。王亚非研究员主持了报告会。In July 2013, Prof. Masaaki Takahashi from the Institute of Atmospheric and Oceanic Research of Tokyo University, Japan, visited CAMS and gave a presentation titled “Advances in the Studies for Stratospheric QBO”. Dr. Wang Yafei chaired the presentation.

2013年8月29—30日,以色列希伯来大学Rosenfeld教授应邀到气科院参加为期2天的学术交流会。Rosenfeld教授做了题为“污染气溶胶对云和降水影响特征的卫星反演研究”的学术报告。副院长李集明主持了交流会。On 29-30 August 2013, Prof. Rosenfeld from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem was invited to CAMS’ academic meeting and he gave a presentation titled “Improved High Resolution Microphysical Retrievals”. Li Jiming, Vice President of CAMS, chaired the technical exchange.

2013年10月9日,德国海洋和极地研究所Klaus Dethloff教授与AnetteRinke博士来气科院进行学术交流。Dethloff教授做了题为“从大气角度看北极气候系统模式”的报告。报告介绍了其研究小组研发的极地区域气候模式(HIRHAM)及其应用概况。气候所所长武炳义主持了交流会。On 9 October 2013, Prof. Klaus Dethloff and Dr. AnetteRinke from Ocean and Polar Research Institute of Germany were invited to CAMS. Prof. Dethloff gave a presentation titled “Arctic Climate System Modeling from an Atmospheric Perspective”, which introduced Polar Regional Climate Model (HIRHAM) developed by his research team as well as its application. Dr. Wu Binyi, Director of CAMS Institute of Climate System, chaired the technical exchange.

2013年11月25日,芬兰气象局KatjaLoven和Ari Karppinen两位专家来气科院进行访问交流,并介绍了芬兰空气质量专家服务组的工作、观测手段以及空气质量预报模式建立和应用等情况。大气成分研究所副所长王亚强主持了研讨会。On 25 November 2013, Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) experts KatjaLoven and Ari Karppinen visited CAMS and introduced the work of Finnish Air-quality Expert Team, its observation methods and air-quality forecast modeling and application. Deputy Director of CAMS Atmospheric Composition Research Institute, Dr. Wang Yaqiang, chaired the discussion.

2013年12月4日,韩国气象代表团一行8人在中国气象局沈晓农副局长陪同下访问气科院,并参观了大气化学重点开放实验室。气科院副院长赵平接待了来宾。On 4 December 2013, a delegation of eight from Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA) visited CAMS in the accompany of CMA Deputy Administrator, Mr. Shen Xiaonong. The KMA delegation visited CAMS Key Open Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry and CAMS Vice President, Dr. Zhao Ping, hosted the visit.

2013年12月10日,美国气象代表团一行5人在中国气象局副局长沈晓农陪同下访问气科院。端义宏院长向来宾介绍了气科院科研现状,孙俊英研究员介绍了大气成分观测及研究情况。近年来气科院在温室气体观测标定技术、气溶胶辐射特性研究等方面与美国NOAA进行了一系列卓有成效的合作。On 10 December 2013, a delegation of five from US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) visited CAMS in the accompany of CMA Deputy Administrator, Mr. Shen Xiaonong. President of CAMS, Dr. Duan Yihong introduced CAMS’ scientifc research and Dr. Sun Junying, CAMS researcher, introduced atmospheric composition observation and research. In the recent years, CAMS has developed fruitful cooperation with NOAA in terms of greenhouse gases observation calibration techniques, aerosol radioactive feature research, etc.
