
2012-11-06 01:46彭春艳吕瑛姚仁玲徐肇敏邹晓平
中华胰腺病杂志 2012年4期

彭春艳 吕瑛 姚仁玲 徐肇敏 邹晓平



彭春艳 吕瑛 姚仁玲 徐肇敏 邹晓平


神经内分泌瘤; 癌,小细胞; 胰腺; Meta分析




联机检索中英文数据库,包括Medline/Pubmed(1960.1-2012.4)及OVID(1978.1-2012.4)全文数据库、中国期刊全文数据库(Chinese Journal Full-text Database, 1979.1-2012.4)及维普中文科技期刊数据库(VIP Database for Chinese Technical Periodicals, 1989.1-2012.4),手工检索所获文献的参考文献。关键词:neuroendocrine carcinoma pancreas,small cell cancer pancreas,胰腺小细胞癌,胰腺神经内分泌癌。



结 果





胰腺小细胞癌可发生于胰腺任何部位,本组胰头部26例(55.3%),胰尾部10例(21.3%),胰体部6例(12.8%),全胰弥漫性病变2例(4.1%),胰头体部1例(2.1%),头尾部1例(2.1%),体尾部1例(2.1%);肿瘤长径2~15 cm,平均(5.5±2.7)cm;单发45例(95.7%),多发2例。确诊时30例(63.8%)发生转移,常见转移部位为胰周淋巴结(18/47,38.3%)、肝脏(11/47,23.4%),少见的转移部位有肾上腺、骨髓、脾脏、邻近血管及皮肤等。


18例检测血清CEA和CA19-9,各有2例轻度升高[16-17,19-20]。10例检测血清神经元特异性烯醇化酶(neuron-specific enolase,NSE),5例显著升高[11,16-17, 20]。5例测定血胰岛素、促胃液素及胰高血糖素水平,结果均在正常范围[9, 11, 17-18,20]。3例行血乳酸脱氢酶检查,结果均显著升高[8-9,11]。1例血促肾上腺皮质激素升高[3],1例高钙血症[14],1例血胃泌素释放肽前体升高,1例(术后检查)血泌乳素升高[28],1例检测血肠血管活性多肽及尿5-羟吲哚乙酸,结果正常[17]。


共35例有详细的影像学特征记录。20例患者行上腹部CT平扫+增强[7, 9-14, 18-21, 24,27-29],其中18例平扫时显示为低密度软组织占位,增强扫描示肿块边界清晰,11例[7, 11, 13, 18, 27-29]内部呈不均匀强化,7例呈低密度灶[9-10, 12, 16-17, 21, 24];2例胰腺弥漫性轻度强化[10,19]。8例行腹部B超,其中6例呈低回声占位[7, 16-18, 27-28],2例胰腺弥漫性增大,回声轻度增强[10,19]。5例行内镜超声(EUS),显示肿块轮廓清晰,内部呈低回声,边缘呈高回声[13,18]。4例行上腹部磁共振扫描,仅2例详细描述特征,病灶在T1加权呈低信号,T2加权呈高信号。2例行选择性血管造影,提示病灶血管丰富或肿瘤浓染[17-18]。2例行ERCP,显示肝内外胆管及胆总管扩张[12,17]。2例行正电子发射断层显像-计算机断层扫描(PET)检查,显示高代谢病灶[13,24]。1例采用生长抑素受体闪烁成像检测转移灶[20]。


26例通过手术、9例通过B超及CT或EUS引导下穿刺活检[4, 9, 19,13, 24]、1例通过腹腔镜下胰体和淋巴结活检、2例通过ERCP活检[11-12]、9例通过尸检[3-4, 10, 14]获得组织标本。光镜下见癌细胞体积较小,胞质稀少或呈裸核状,核呈圆形或短梭形,深染,核仁不明显,细胞界限不清,弥漫排列成片或呈巢团状,并可见大片坏死,部分可见菊形团样结构。44例为单一小细胞型(图1a),3例为小细胞癌-腺癌混合型[8,15]。

18例有详细的免疫组化结果[13,15-22,24,28-29],突触融素(synaptophysin, Syn)阳性率100%(8/8,图1b),嗜铬蛋白A (chromogranin A, CgA)阳性率90%(9/10),NSE阳性率77.8%(7/9),角蛋白阳性率100%(5/5),CA19-9阳性率10% (1/10),CEA阳性率20% (2/10),CD20阴性(0/10)。

图1原发性胰腺小细胞癌的病理学改变(a HE×100)及Syn蛋白表达(b 免疫组化×100)




讨 论



原发性胰腺小细胞癌好发于中老年男性,病灶多为单发,可发生于胰腺各个部位,以胰头部多见。临床常表现为腹痛、黄疸及体重下降,而反映神经内分泌功能的临床特征较为少见,且多为无功能性,故早期诊断极为困难。CEA、CA19-9等胰腺肿瘤标记物多为正常,而反映神经内分泌功能的标记物例如NSE表达率较高,可作为疗效观察的指标之一[11, 17]。因此,对临床上CA19-9正常的胰腺占位需考虑该症可能,联合血清NSE检查可协助诊断。




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ObjectiveTo investigate the clinicopathologic features, therapy, and prognosis of primary small cell carcinoma of the pancreas.MethodsDatabases including Chinese Journal Full-text Database, VIP Database for Chinese Technical Periodicals, Medline/Pubmed, and OVID were searched electronically up to April 2012. A systematic review was performed together with one case in our hospital.ResultsTwenty-eight articles fulfilling the criteria consisting of 46 patients with pathologically confirmed diagnosis of primary small cell carcinoma of the pancreas were studied, together with 1 patient in our Drum Tower Hospital, finally 47 patients were included. The results of this systematic review showed: (1)Primary small cell carcinoma of the pancreas was more common in men with a median age of 62. The most common clinical presentations were abdominal pain, jaundice and weight loss. Para-neoplastic syndrome was rarely observed. (2)Most cases were found to have abnormally elevated serum levels of neuron-specific enolase. CT displayed heterogeneous, and marked enhancing masses in most cases. The conclusive diagnosis depended on histological confirmation. (3)63.8% of the cases were found to be associated with metastasis at the time of diagnosis. The overall median survival time was 28 weeks. (4) There was no consensus on the treatment of primary small cell carcinoma of the pancreas. Chemotherapy was currently considered as the treatment of choice among the systematic management for these patients.ConclusionsPrimary small cell carcinoma of the pancreas was a rare and aggressive neuroendocrine tumor with a poor prognosis.

Neuroendorine tumors; Carcinoma, small cell; Pancreas; Meta-analysis


210008 南京,南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院消化科




注重活动引领 凸显数学本质——以“三角形的中位线”为例