☆ 冯胜男
(如东县宾山小学,江苏如东 226400)
《牛津小学英语》6A Unit 1 Public Signs Part A围绕“公共标志”这个话题展开,重点句型为:What does it mean芽 It means … .We must/shouldn’t … . Danger!Keep off the grass.Be quiet选本课利用交互式电子白板的透视镜、拖曳、标注、聚焦、投票器等功能,与生活实际相结合,运用生动的语言和形象的动作寓教于乐,调动学生的多种感官,激发学习兴趣,使其全身心投入到英语学习中来。
播放《Public signs》歌曲,师生同唱。
Activity 1:
T:Look,this is our English book.What can you see in our book芽
T: Yes, you can seemany wordsand some pictures.Anything else芽
(提醒学生们看书中每一部分旁边的标志图)We can see a sign here,too.What does it mean芽
T:It means“Look and say”.Can you find any other signs in our book芽
T:What does it mean芽
Ss:It means“Look and read”/“Work in pairs”/….
【设计意图:利用英语书中的标志图导入新知,并抛出重点句型:What does it mean芽 It means….从学生身边可感知、可触摸的事物开始今天的学习,化抽象为具体,并让学习的过程充满发现的惊喜和乐趣。】
Activity 2:
T:These are the signs in the book,next let's play a game of signs in the public.
A:What does it mean芽
B: It means “Danger选”/“Keep off the grass.”/“Be quiet.”
Activity 1:
(1)在屏幕上出现两个小男孩的剪影,启发学生们问问题,在众多问题中挑出四个留着稍后解决:Who are they芽 Where are they芽 What can they see芽 Who is asking questions芽
(2)Listen to the foreword and answer these questions.
Activity 2:
Watch the cartoon and finish two tasks:
(1)学生们用手中的投票器选出Ben和Jack正在讨论的三个标志——Danger选/Keep off the grass./Be quiet。
(2)将三个标志拖动到正确的地点并说出:“This sign is on the wall/on the grass/on the birds'cage.”
Activity 3:
T: Now we know these signs well.But Jack is only 4 years old, he's too young. He can't understand these meanings. Can you tell him what he should or shouldn't do芽
(1)You must stay away from the building.(操练之后让学生用We must stay away from…说出在生活中应该远离的事物。)
(2)You shouldn't walk on the grass.
(3)You shouldn't make noise here.(操练之后问学生 Where shouldn't we make noise芽)
【设计意图:利用白板的标注功能将本课的重难点You must/should/shouldn't…在屏幕上划出, 并采用与Jack对话的形式将其有效突破。先用图片、声音、动作等解释这几句话的意思,再加以点拨,调动学生的知识储备和生活经验,说出我们应远离什么,在哪里我们不应该发出吵闹声等。新知旧知结合,书本知识与生活实际相联系,既很好地理解了课文内容,又实现了语言的多元输出。】
Activity 4:
Follow the tape and then read in roles.
【设计意图:教师应该尽可能多地让学生接触原汁原味的英语,让学生们模仿、感悟,也可以做出一些具体指导,如:停顿 It means/we shouldn't walk on the grass; 连读Keep off the grass.角色扮演有助于让学生通过角色学习构建,体会不同的角色,形成一种栩栩如生的互动体验。】
(1)示范:将刚刚学的三个标志贴在教室的不同地方并说:“I put this sign here. It means… We must/shouldn't… here.”然后让学生们小组活动,在众多的标志中选择合适的贴在两个新的场景中并说出理由。
【设计意图:学生在白板图文库中选择合适的标志,并将其拖到小河边(场景1)或博物馆内(场景 2),既在情境中再次运用了本课所学的语言知识,又培养了学生的想象力和创造力。】
例:Good morning everyone, welcome to Rudong.My name is… Rudong is a beautiful city.There are many visitors from the other cities.So we should behave well.No _________or_________ in the street;__________________the grass; No________ when you're watching the games; Do not ________the arts (艺 术品) when you're visiting;We should do our best to make the city better选Thank you选
(1)Listen to the tape and read after it.
(2)Find more signs in the public or on the Internet and talk about them.