
2009-01-12 08:42李祖明
科教导刊 2009年17期



关键词强调手段 言语交际 语法手段



在口语中,说话者为了更准确、有效的表达自己的意图,往往会把一个词或词组重读、加重语气、或者拖长以示强调。说话者在应用这一语音手段表示强调时显示出巨大的灵活性和柔韧性,几乎可以做到随心所欲。因此初学者学习起来感觉难度大,甚至有些不可捉摸。试看下面一例:Tom came to school on foot this afternoon. 该句子看似平淡,读起来容易,理解也不难,只需依据它的语法重音将其中的名词、动词重读即可。但在语言的实际应用中说话者可根据交际的需要特意强调某个词,便可以达到强调的目的,使该句子产生更为丰富的意义。

①Tom came to school on foot this afternoon. (强调主语)(下划线部分表示重读)

②Tom came to school on foot this afternoon. (强调谓语)

③Tom came to school on foot this afternoon. (强调地点)

④Tom came to school on foot this afternoon. (强调方式)

⑤Tom came to school on foot this afternoon. (强调时间)

随着重音的改变,被强调的对象也随之变化,所产生的额外意义(extra meaning)各不相同。这种变化全凭说话者当时的感觉和所要表达的意图,听者只好听话听音了。有趣的是,这种看似无规律的强调却在书面语中得到了充分的体现和美妙的对应。上面五个口语强调句子几乎都可以用“It is…” 强调结构表示出来。

① It was Tom who came to school on foot this afternoon. (强调主语)

③ It was school that Tom came to on foot this afternoon. (强调地点)

④ It was on foot that Tom came to school this afternoon. (强调方式)

⑤ It was this afternoon that Tom came to school on foot. (强调时间)

我们也不难看出口语中的强调方式更多、更微妙、弦外之音更多,也更难被初学者掌握。由于说话者的语调、语气变化万千,同时,由于声势语(body language)的巨大辅助表达功能,有时人们很难用书面语去准确描绘说话者是怎样使用这一强调手段的。因此,在书面语中人们会采用较为特殊的方式表示强调,如通过使用黑体: The English are different. The English are even more different than they think they are, though not more different than they feel they are. 作者把这两个动词用黑体标注出来表示这两个动词要特别重读——强调。人们在使用英语的过程中用于表示强调的手段是多种多样的,其中被人们谈论得最多的是语音手段、词汇手段和语法手段。说话者用词汇手段表示强调的例子非常多,似乎无规律可循,使用副词表示强调最为普遍。词汇强调手段也会导致句子结构的变化。尤其是当副词never, lonely, little, where, very, such,scarcely 等前置时,句子结构会发生改变。有时形容词前置时,句子结构也会改变。在本文中作者将重点讨论用于表示强调的若干语法手段。

(1)用 it 引导强调句。

It was this afternoon that Tom came to school on foot.

It was Tom who (that) came to school on foot this afternoon.

It was your sister that Tom met in the zoo yesterday.

It was in the zoo that Tom met your sister yesterday.

It was on foot that Tom came to school this afternoon.

用 it 引导强调句在英语中使用很广泛,该结构几乎可以强调句子各个成分,不足的是它不能强调谓语动词,其结构特征和使用方法也被广泛掌握,在这里就不赘述了。


What she lacks is intelligence.

What hurt me most was her indifference.


Do come in, please!

Do be calm!

She did say so.

We are very pleased that she does intend to come.


Sympathy I dont want!

Beautiful she was!

Down on his head the boy came.

Gone are the days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people!

Only in this way can we learn English well.

(5)用双重否定double negation表示强调。用双重否定表示强调的优点是句子显得铿锵有力。

It must not be thought that I was without love for this girl.

No one has nothing to offer to society.

There is no man but has his fault.


From this nothing will turn us——nothing.

We will never parley. We will never negotiate.

(7)用修辞问句rhetorical sentence表示强调。修辞问句是作者或者演说者问而不答的一种疑问句,这种问句的答案是显而易见的。这种修辞问句主要用于强调,以表达说话者强烈的思想感情。

I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is?

If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?

If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?

(8)使用祈使句imperative sentence表示强调。用祈使句表示强调往往某种人际关系,如上下级,朋友,或是表达强烈情感,如表示客套,愤怒。

Read the text loudly!

Dont be silly!

Never do that again!

Get out!

Do have another cake.

(9)使用缩略句elliptical sentence表示强调。

Sometimes it does rain——and ( it does rain ) hard.

He saw her lying there. Dead.

Good taste. Kent style.

(10)使用掉尾句periodic sentence表示强调。掉尾句有故弄玄虚,制造悬念之优点。

As they were singings and dancing and playing cards, he was snoring.

The man who was wearing an overcoat and talking loudly and at the same time smoking a cigarette was my father.

(11)用感叹句exclamatory sentence表示强调。该句式主要用于表达说话者的主观情感,做到有感而发。

How well he speaks!

What a lovely girl she is!

Oh, what a lie!


And so, my fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.(对比antithesis)

We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship,

support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success ofliberty. (排比 parallelism)

You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars and the constellations of outer space. (夸张 hyperbole)



[1] 张道真.实用英语语法[M].外语教学与研究出版社,1995.

[2] 章振邦.新编英语语法[M].上海:上海译文出版社,1983.

[3] 冯翠华.英语修辞大全[M].外语教学与研究出版社,1996.

[4] 张汉熙.高级英语(第一册),(第二册)[M].外语教学与研究出版社,1995.
