
2024-06-20 07:55:06李新娅王宁卢佳浩张鹏夏兆鹏侯耒
现代纺织技术 2024年6期

李新娅 王宁 卢佳浩 张鹏 夏兆鹏 侯耒

DOI: 10.19398j.att.202309018

摘  要:为消除缝合锚钉缝线在使用过程中存在断裂的风险,以8.3 tex超高分子量聚乙烯纤维为原材料,采用编织工艺制备了单层编织缝线和轴向衬纱双层编织缝线。为了研究其力学性能,选择8、16、24、32、40、48 mm隔距对单纤维的断裂强力进行测试,选择50、200 mm隔距对8.3 tex复丝的断裂强力进行测试,选择200 mm隔距对单层编织缝线和轴向衬纱双层编织缝线的断裂强力进行测试。对纤维的直径和缝线中纤维与轴向夹角的角度进行测量。采用两参数Weibull模型和改进Weibull模型对单纤维、8.3 tex复丝和单层编织缝线的断裂强度进行预测。结果表明:单层编织缝线的断裂强力为299.8 N,轴向衬纱双层编织缝线的断裂强力高达393.0 N。对8.3 tex复丝和单层编织缝线的断裂强度进行预测,改进Weibull模型的预测值准确度高。高强骨锚钉缝线的强力比同类型医用缝线更高,改进Weibull模型可对高强缝合锚钉缝线的强力进行精准预测,实现了从单纤维到复丝再到纱线的断裂强度预测,可为医用缝线结构设计和力学性能分析提供理论依据。











本文以8.3 tex超高分子量聚乙烯纤维为原材料,通过编织工艺制备单层编织缝线和轴向衬纱双层编织缝线,并分析其力学性能;对单纤维、复丝和缝线的强力进行测试;对纤维的直径和缝线中纤维与轴向夹角的角度进行测量;采用两参数Weibull模型、改进Weibull模型预测缝合锚钉缝线的断裂强度,以期为医用缝线结构设计和力学性能分析提供理论依据。

1  实验

1.1  材料与仪器

8.3 tex超高分子量聚乙烯纤维(东莞市盛芯特殊绳带有限公司)。编织机(ZLPB-2A型,徐州恒辉编织机机械有限公司);电子单纤维强力仪(YM-06A型,莱州元茂仪器有限公司);


1.2  实验方法

1.2.1  单层编织缝线的制备

采用锭子型编织机制备单层编织缝线。将8.3 tex超高分子量聚乙烯纤维绕成16组锭子之后装上编织机,机器的主要操作部分为一稳定的工作平台(立式),在平台表面设有彼此交错的切线相连的“8”字形凹槽,将锭子装在凹槽中,并分为大小相等的两个部分,彼此均匀交叉并作等速率的反向移动。如此往复,机器织出16股纱线。操作过程如下:

a)将8.3 tex超高分子量聚乙烯纤维绕上16组锭子,再将16组锭子装上机器的工作平台。



1.2.2  轴向衬纱双层编织缝线的制备

将8.3 tex超高分子量聚乙烯纤维绕上16组锭子,装上工作平台。再将一根16股单层纱线放在16组锭子中间进行同步编织,使16组纤维在16股单层纱线表面编织形成编织层,编织出轴向衬纱双层编织纱线。

1.3  测试方法

1.3.1  单纤维强力测试

根据Textile fibres—Determination of breaking force and elongation at break of individual fibres(ISO 5079∶2020),使用电子单纤维强力仪,进行单根纤维的强力测试。分别测定8、16、24、32、40、48 mm隔距单纤维的断裂强力,拉伸速度为20 mm/min。

1.3.2  复丝和缝线强力测试

根据《高强化纤长丝拉伸性能试验方法》(GB/T 19975—2005),使用微机控制拉力试验机在两种不同条件下测试断裂强力。a)在夹持距离为200 mm、拉伸速度250 mm/min条件下,分别测量8.3 tex超高分子量聚乙烯纤维、单层编织缝线和轴向衬纱双层编织缝线的断裂强力。b)在夹持距离为50 mm、拉伸速度250 mm/min条件下,分别测量8.3 tex超高分子量聚乙烯纤维和单层编织缝线的断裂强力。

1.3.3  纤维直径变异测试

用荧光显微镜测量6种长度(8、16、24、32、40、48 mm)样品纤维的直径。因为纤维的形态是完全圆形的,所以采用圆的面积公式计算横截面面积。

具体测试方法为:每种长度的纤维各采集20个数据点,8 mm长度的纤维测试点间距为0.4 mm,16 mm长度的纤维测试点间距为0.8 mm,24 mm长度的纤维测试点间距为1.2 mm,32 mm长度的纤维测试点间距为1.6 mm,40 mm长度的纤维测试点间距为2 mm,48 mm长度的纤维测试点间距为2.4 mm。

1.3.4  缝线纤维与轴向夹角测量


2  Weibull分布统计分析














σ-2=σ-1L2L1-1m (5)









σ-2=σ-1L2L1-γm (9)












3  结果与讨论

3.1  纤维拉伸强力

将超高分子量聚乙烯纤维在8、16、24、32、40、48 mm隔距下进行强力测试,其定速拉伸性能如表1。


3.2  复丝和缝线拉伸强力

将8.3 tex复丝和缝线进行强力测试,其定速拉伸性能如表2和表3所示。从表2可以看出,8.3 tex复丝拉伸性能和单纤维拉伸性能类似,断裂强度均随着测试隔距的增大而随之减小。

表3中的数据来源于文献[20-21]中的测试结果,所有的缝合线均为美国药典标准尺寸(No.2)。从表3中可以看出,本文所设计的单层编织缝线强力为299.8 N,均大于文献[20-21]中所述医用缝线的强力,改进后的轴向衬纱双层编织缝线强力高达393.0 N。

3.3  Weibull分布参数的确定

3.3.1  Weibull断裂概率P


采用Weibull方程进行预测时,被预测隔距距离预测隔距越近,其预测结果越准确[19]。为保证预测准确度,故采用测量隔距中间值24 mm隔距处测得的超高分子量聚乙烯断裂强度进行预测,根据表4中列出的4种a、b值和式(2)可计算得到断裂概率P,故根据不同的断裂概率P可以得到基于24 mm隔距超高分子量聚乙烯纤维的Weibull线性回归图,如图1所示。

4组不同a、b取值计算得到的相关系数平均值均在0.90及以上,所以ln(-ln(1- P))与ln(σ)之间具有良好线性关系。根据图1可知,当a=0、b=1,测试隔距为24 mm时超高分子量聚乙烯纤维Weibull线性回归的R2值最大(R2=0.91),此时ln(-ln(1- P))与ln(σ)线性关系最好。由于研究的是超高分子量聚乙烯的实测值,仅凭R2值的大小仍然无法推断最终断裂强度预测值的准确性。但可以根据误差的高低来判断断裂概率P式预测是否准确[22], 误差的计算公式为:


根据式(2)、式(5)、式(15)以及按照表4中4种a、b取值的顺序,利用24 mm隔距测得的超高分子量聚乙烯断裂强度,计算得到32、40、48 mm隔距纤维断裂强度预测值,如表5所示。


3.3.2  不同测试隔距下的Weibull线性拟合图

选取第3组别(a=0,b=1)计算得到32、40、48 mm隔距超高分子量聚乙烯纤维断裂强度Weibull线性拟合图,如图2所示。


3.3.3  Weibull参数m和σ0


从表6可知,4种隔距的Weibull模量值均不相同,这与随机误差有关。特征强度随着隔距的增大而减小。Xia等 [19]在探究不同隔距下黄麻纤维的特征强度时也得出了类似结论。这是由于测试隔距越大,使纤维发生断裂的弱节出现的概率越大。

3.3.4  Weibull参数γ





variation and test spacing

3.4  8.3 tex复丝断裂强度预测

采用Weibull方程进行预测时,被预测隔距距离预测隔距越近,其预测结果越准确[19]。因此选取48 mm作为预测隔距,预测50、200 mm隔距8.3 tex复丝断裂强度。

根据式(11)、(13)、(15)及式(16)得到的γ值以及基于48 mm测试隔距得到的单纤维断裂强力,可以得到50、200 mm隔距两参数和改进Weibull模型对8.3 tex复丝断裂强度预测值以及误差率,如表7和图4所示。

根据图4所示的误差分析可知,两参数Weibull方程预测50、200 mm隔距下8.3 tex复丝断裂强度与其实测值差距较大,预测准确度很低,且均在实测值95%置信区间外,因此两参数Weibull方程无法对50、200 mm隔距8.3 tex复丝断裂强度进行预测。采用改进Weibull方程对其进行预测可得,在50、200 mm隔距下8.3 tex复丝断裂强度预测值的误差率均低于两参数Weibull方程,预测准确度高,且均在其实

测值95%置信区间内,表明改进Weibull方程可以对50、200 mm隔距下8.3 tex复丝断裂强度进行预测。

3.5  单层编织缝线断裂强度预测

根据48 mm测试隔距得到的单纤维断裂强力和纱线表面纤维之间夹角θ为28.79°,通过式(12)、式(14)—(15),可以得到200 mm隔距两参数和改进Weibull模型对单层编织缝线断裂强度预测值以及误差率,如表8和图5所示。

从图5中可以发现,单层编织缝线断裂强度与8.3 tex复丝断裂强度的预测结果相似,两参数Weibull方程的预测值与实测值误差较大,改进Weibull方程的预测值均在其实测值95%置信区间内。表明改进Weibull方程的预测值比两参数Weibull方程的预测值准确度高,改进Weibull方程可以对200 mm隔距单层编织缝线的断裂强度进行预测。

4  结论

本文采用8.3 tex超高分子量聚乙烯纤维为原材料,通过编织工艺完成了高强缝合锚钉缝线的制备,研究其断裂强度;并改进了现有的Weibull模型,提升对其断裂强度预测的准确率。主要研究结论如下:

a)本文制备的单层编织缝线强力为299.8 N,改进后的轴向衬纱双层编织缝线强力高达393.0 N。

b)不论是对8.3 tex复丝断裂强度预测还是对单层编织缝线断裂强度的预测,改进Weibull模型预测值均比两参数Weibull模型预测值准确。




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Prediction of suture strength of high-strength suture anchors based on

modified Weibull model

LI  Xinya1,  WANG  Ning1,  LU  Jiahao2,  ZHANG  Peng3,  XIA  Zhaopeng1,2,  HOU  Lei1

(1.School of Textile Science and Engineering, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China;

2.Qinghai Provincial Institute for Product Quality Inspection and Testing, Xining 810000, China;

3.Department of Sports Medicine, Characteristic Medical Center of Chinese

People's Armed Police Forces, Tianjin 300162, China)


Suture anchors play a pivotal role in securely affixing soft tissue to the skeletal framework, having emerged as indispensable tools in the realm of orthopedic surgery. The genesis of suture anchors, comprised initially of metallic screws and sutures, traces back over three decades. In the pursuit of augmenting the tensile strength of these suture anchors, a plethora of variants have been conceived, encompassing metallic suture anchors, biodegradable suture anchors, bio-stable suture anchors, bio-composite suture anchors, and all-suture anchors. The quintessential suture anchor necessitates the provision of substantial mechanical stability to ensure the resolute fixation of soft tissue upon osseous substrates. Within the realm of suture anchors, it is noteworthy that improvements in the anchoring component have mitigated suture rupture as a primary cause of surgical failure in orthopedics. Thus, augmenting suture tensile strength represents the crux of the contemporary challenge. This investigation delves into the fabrication of high-strength suture anchor sutures and scrutinizes their mechanical properties. Leveraging a braiding methodology, we have manufactured high-tensile suture anchor sutures, further prognosticating the rupture strength of suture anchor sutures via both two-parameter Weibull model and modified Weibull model, thereby mitigating risks associated with the utilization of suture anchors.

In this experimental endeavor, 8.3 tex UHMWPE fibers were adopted as the primary raw material, and a braiding technique was employed to engender single-layer braided sutures as well as axially-reinforced double-layer braided sutures. To scrutinize their mechanical properties, we selected varying intervals of 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, and 48 mm to test the tensile strength of individual fibers, opted for 50 and 200 mm intervals for assessing the tensile strength of 8.3 tex filaments, and relied upon a 200 mm interval for gauging the tensile strength of single-layer braided sutures and axially-reinforced double-layer braided sutures. Concurrently, the diameter of fibers and the angular displacement between fibers within the sutures were subjected to meticulous measurement. Subsequently, both the two-parameter Weibull model and the modified Weibull model were employed to characterize the tensile strength of individual fibers, 8.3 tex filament, and single-layer braided sutures.

The findings unveiled that the fracture strength of single-layer braided sutures stood at 299.8 N, whereas axially-reinforced double-layer braided sutures exhibited an impressive fracture strength soaring to 393.0 N. Regrettably, when utilizing the two-parameter Weibull model to prognosticate the rupture strength of 8.3 tex filament and single-layer braided sutures, substantial disparities from actual values were noted, with all predictions falling outside the 95% confidence interval of the observed values and an accuracy rate of less than 5%. Conversely, the forecasts derived from the modified Weibull model consistently fell within the 95% confidence interval of the actual values, attesting to their superior accuracy.

This study's manufactured high-tensile suture anchor sutures evince superior tensile strength when juxtaposed with analogous medical sutures. The axially-reinforced double-layer braided sutures, in particular, attain a formidable rupture strength of 393.0 N. Whether it pertains to the prediction of the tensile strength of 8.3 tex filament or single-layer braided sutures, the modified Weibull model's prognostications surpass the accuracy of those rendered by the two-parameter Weibull model. Furthermore, by employing the modified Weibull model, it becomes possible to predict the tensile strength from individual fibers to filaments and subsequently to yarns. This achievement establishes a solid theoretical foundation for future research in medical suture structural design and mechanical performance analysis.


suture anchor sutures; UHMWPE; fracture strength; two-parameter Weibull model; modified Weibull model; strength prediction

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