葛立雯 李永固 姚铭毅 苏淼 赵丰
DOI: 10.19398j.att.202311025
摘 要:橡碗子是中国古代最常用的黑色天然染料之一,也可用于现代生态染色。以硫酸亚铁为媒染剂,K/S值和Integ值作为响应值,采用响应面法(Response surface method, RSM)对橡碗子色素在丝绸上的染色工艺进行优化。先采用Plackett-Berman实验筛选出影响染色工艺的显色因素为染色温度、染料用量和媒染温度;再利用RSM获得橡碗子色素染色丝绸的最优染色工艺条件为染色温度86.5 ℃、染料用量200%(o.w.f)、媒染温度53.5 ℃。实验结果显示,RSM为橡碗子色素在丝绸上的染色工艺提供了一种简单可靠的优化方法,其中以Integ值为响应值的模型表现出了更优异的交互性。该优化工艺可为天然染料橡碗子的现代染色应用研究提供参考,也可为其他单宁类天然染料的染黑工艺研究提供借鉴。
为了探究橡碗子的染色应用,贾艳梅[6]研究了橡碗提取原液对羊毛染色时染色pH、温度对染色性能的影响,探讨了硫酸亚铁、硫酸铝钾等媒染剂对染色织物色度值及K/S值的影响。侯秀良等[7]研究了橡碗子染液的耐酸碱稳定性,以及染色时pH值与媒染剂对其染色工艺的影响,并且探究了其染色动力学。为了更快速高效地研究古代天然染料的染色工艺并进行优化,各种统计优化、机器学习算法被应用到天然染料的研究中。Haji等[8]使用响应面法(Response surface method,RSM)对天然染料小檗叶DC在羊毛上的染色工艺进行了优化。Haji等[9]还评估了人工神经网络(ANN)和自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)预测葡萄叶染色样品颜色强度的可靠性。Ben Ticha等[10]以葡萄糖为还原剂,结合Minitab 15中的数学模型对阳离子改性棉织物进行靛蓝染色工艺优化实验,得到了改性棉织物K/S值最高的染色工艺。Vedaraman等[11]比较了ANN和RSM对超声提取茜草色素的模型预测结果,发现ANN模型的预测结果与RSM的实验数据一致。RSM实验设计方法拟合预测效果好,操作简便,与其他复杂算法相比,能够以最小的资源利用率建立解决方案结果,可应用于处理多因素简单优化问题。
1 实验
1.1 材料及仪器
材料:素绉缎(100 g/m2,杭州丝绸市场),橡碗子采集于河南南阳,一水合柠檬酸、氧化钙、硫酸亚铁(分析纯,上海阿拉丁生化科技股份有限公司)。
仪器:SYG-6数显恒温水浴锅(常州朗越仪器制造有限公司),雷磁pHS-3C(上海仪电科学仪器有限公司),CM-700d分光测色计(柯尼卡美能达(中国)投资有限公司),Datacolor SF1050电子测配色仪(美国德塔Datacolor公司),Design Expert 13(美国Stat-Ease公司)。
1.2 实验方法
1.2.1 染料提取与染色
提取染料:将染料干材放入烧杯中,加入10倍重量的水,煮沸,持续30 min后滤出。重复上述步骤2次,并将3次所滤染液定容至染料干材重量的30倍。
染色:取1 g素绉缎,以硫酸亚铁为媒染剂,按实验设计表进行前媒染,媒染浴比为1∶60。媒染结束后取出,放入橡碗子提取液中按照实验设计表进行染色,染色浴比为1∶60,染色结束后取出染色布样,预媒染同样条件再进行一次后媒染。其中pH值用雷磁pHS-3C测量,并用柠檬酸调节至相应值。
1.2.2 Plackett-Burman实验筛选显著性因素
1.2.3 RSM优化
1.3 测试方法
1.3.1 色度表征与分析
用CM-700d分光测色计测定试样的K/S值,读取染色色样在吸收波长(λ=400 nm)处测得的反射率R,计算K/S值。用Datacolor SF1050电子测配色仪测定试样的Integ值。测定条件为D65光源、10°标准视角,染色试样折叠4层,对试样不同部位测定4次,取平均值。采用Integ值和K/S值两个色深值来表征,比较两者的差异,Integ值和K/S值越大,染色蚕丝织物表观颜色深度越深。K/S值用式(1)计算:
K/S=(1-Rλ)2/2Rλ (1)
1.3.2 染色牢度
染色蚕丝织物的耐皂洗色牢度按照ISO 105-C06—2010/Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Part C06: Colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering测定,耐摩擦色牢度按照ISO 105-X12—2016/Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Part X12: Colour fastness to rubbing测定,耐日晒色牢度按照ISO 105-B02—2014/Textiles-Tests for colour fastness-Part B02: Colour fastness to artificial light: Xenon arc fading lamp test测定。
2 结果和讨论
2.1 Plackett-Burman实验结果与讨论
2.2 RSM实验结果与讨论
根据Plackett-Burman实验结果,在橡碗子RSM所有染色实验中,染色时间、媒染时间、媒染剂含量和pH 4个染色条件分别为45 min、15 min、10%(o.w.f)和3.5,以两个响应值方差分析结果综合选取对色深值影响显著的3个因素,即染色温度(X1)、
媒染温度(X3)、染料用量(X6)3个因素为响应面模型的自变量,进行Central Composite Design实验设计,比较两个响应函数作为响应值的可靠度及优缺点。表5展示了橡碗子色素染色实验设计及响应值,其中以K/S值和Integ值为响应值的拟合统计结果分别见表6和表7。
2.3 响应曲面图分析
响应面图,从图中可观察到在染色温度升高至90 ℃上下前,随着染色温度的增高,K/S值和Integ值均
增大。这是因为染色温度升高利于染料分子的动能增高和蚕丝纤维溶胀,从而使染料分子更好地从染浴向蚕丝纤维扩散;另外,水溶性染料的聚集会影响纺织纤维的上染率,提高染料溶液温度可减少聚集数[15]。然而,在染色温度升至90 ℃上下后,染色样品的K/S值保持不变(见图1(a)),Integ值开始下降(见图1(b))。这是因为Integ值对灰色、棕色等暗色染料的色深变化更灵敏。但根据Integ值和K/S值响应面趋势评估染色样品的上染情况,染色温度增高至90 ℃后对染色样品的色深的增加都无正向作用。
图1(e)—(f)为染料用量和媒染温度的交互响应面图,从图中可观察到随着媒染温度的升高,K/S值无变化,Integ值虽趋势平缓,但在90 ℃左右时出现拐点。等高线的形状也能反映交互作用的大小,若呈椭圆形,说明两因素的交互作用显著。所以两组响应面对比可见以Integ值为响应值的模型交互作用更显著。
2.4 染色最优工艺和验证实验
本研究采用Design Expert软件的优化功能预测了橡碗子色素丝绸染色的最优工艺条件,根据得到的数学模型计算出色深值最高时对应的实验条件,并在RSM实验条件范围内取值。橡碗子两个模型都有足够的可靠性,故采用两个响应值一起预测。预测橡碗子色素染色最高K/S值为14.1,Integ值为27.3,与之对应的染色条件分别为:染色温度86.5 ℃、媒染温度为53.5 ℃,染料用量为200%(o.w.f),染色时间45 min、媒染时间15 min、媒染剂含量10%(o.w.f)和pH 3.5。将计算出的最优工艺条件进行验证实验,测得橡碗子色素染色丝绸的K/S值为14.0、Integ值为27.2,与RSM预测结果接近,这意味着从RSM得出的模型可充分描述橡碗子色素染色条件各影响因素与染色结果之间的关系。
2.5 染色丝绸色牢度
在最优染色工艺染色温度86.5 ℃、媒染温度为53.5 ℃,染料用量200%(o.w.f),其他染色时间45 min、媒染时间15 min、媒染剂含量10%(o.w.f)和pH 3.5的染色条件下染得蚕丝织物及其色牢度等级如表8所示。结果表明,染色丝织物具有良好的耐洗、耐摩擦、耐日晒牢度,均在3级以上。
3 结论
a)橡碗子提取液染色的最优工艺条件为染色温度为86.5 ℃、染料用量为200%(o.w.f)、媒染温度为53.5 ℃。
b)染色结果表明,提高染料用量和染浴温度可增强橡碗子染色丝绸的K/S值和Integ值,但媒染温度不宜超60 ℃。
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Optimization of the silk dyeing process of oak acorn by response surface method
GE Liwen, LI Yonggu, YAO Mingyi, SU Miao, ZHAO Feng
(College of Textile Science and Engineering (International Institute of Silk), Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,
Hangzhou 310018, China)
Before the advent of synthetic dyes, natural dyes had a long history of use and were very widely used in the world. Black is one of the five normative colors in China and it has been a great demand for successive dynasties, so black natural dyes are indispensable in China's dyeing history. Oak acorn, the fruit of Quercus acutissima, is one of the most important sources of brown and black dyes in China. Its main component is tannin. Many ancient books, such as Compendium of Materia Medica, Be Capable of General Affairs, and T'ien-kung k'ai-wu, recorded the dyeing process related to oak acorn. With the advent of synthetic dyes, the use of natural dyes fell silent for a long time. However, natural dyeing has regained popularity in recent years due to contemporary consumer interest in environmentally friendly printing and dyeing, as well as the discovery of the many benefits of using natural dyes derived from plants and animals.
To explore a faster, more efficient and scientific dyeing process of oak acorn, response surface method (RSM) was used to optimize the oak acorn dyeing process, with ferrous sulfate as the mordant, K/S value and Integ value as the response values. In this study, the factors influencing the dyeing process, such as dyeing temperature, dye concentration, mordanting temperature, mordant concentration, dyeing time, mordanting time, and pH, were investigated by using the Plackett-Berman experiment to screen the significant influencing factors on oak acorn dyeing. Factors with P-values higher than 0.05 were considered as insignificant. Based on the P-value, the factor of dyeing temperature was found to be the most influential factor on the color depth of oak acorn dyeing, followed by dye concentration and mordanting temperature. After the significant factors were clarified, the response surface method (RSM) was carried out. Then, the response surface results were obtained and the response surface model was analyzed, based on which the interaction between oak acorn dyeing results and each dyeing factor was analyzed. Finally, the optimal oak acorn dyeing process was obtained. Based on the above, the optimization model of the oak acorn dyeing process was established and the differences of the obtained response surface models of K/S value and Integ value were compared. It is found that the optimal oak acorn dyeing process requires a dyeing temperature of 86.5 ℃, a dye concentration of 200% (o.w.f), and a mordanting temperature of 53.5 ℃. The dyeing results show that increasing the dye concentration and dyeing temperature can improve the K/S and Integ values of acorn-dyed silk, but the mordanting temperature should not exceed 60 ℃. The results of RSM experiments show that the Integ value is more suitable as the response value of natural dye oak acorn dyeing, and can more accurately reflect the change of color depth. The validation results are in line with the predicted values, which indicates that the model is reasonable in design, stable and reliable. In addition, the color fastness results of silk show that the dyed silk fabrics have good resistance to washing, rubbing and sunlight, which are all above grade 3.
The experiments show that RSM provides a simple and reliable method to optimize the oak acorn dyeing process. It also provides reference for the subsequent deconstruction of the dyeing methods recorded in ancient documents. In addition, it is found from the analysis of the dye composition in this study that the up-dyeing components are ellagic acid. Therefore, the experimental design of this study may have important reference significance for the process optimization of tannin-based natural dyes containing ellagic acid.
Keywords: natural dyes; acorn; RSM; K/S; Integ values